A Playbook for Ministry and Discipleship

Annotated Bibliography

Foss, M.W., 2010. From Members to Disciples: Leadership Lessons from the Book of Acts. Abingdon Press.

Michael W. Foss wanted to explain how the book of Acts serves as a playbook for ministry as it prepares people for the active presence of God. This book also seeks to explain how members of the public who were together with Peter during the day of Pentecost became disciples. It guides the church on how to trust in God and as well inspires believers to change from being mare members to bold disciples. The author also suggests that when members become disciples of faith, there is an unstoppable power of disciplined growth which they experience. the author explains; the power of waiting as per Acts 1, the power of passion as per Acts 2, the power of disciplined growth as per Acts 6, the power of unstoppable power as in Acts 16, as well as the power of purpose. Thorough Throughout the book, the author demonstrates how waiting is a spiritual exercise of expectations.


Stenschke, C., 2010. Mission in the Book of Acts: Mission of the church. Scriptura: International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa, 103(1), pp.66-78.

This article discusses the concept of mission of the church. Christoph Stenschke examines how the early Christian mission is portrayed in the Book of Acts. From the study, some critical people in the book like Paul and Peter as well as their ministries dominates the whole book of Acts. There is also tangible proof that several individuals other than the apostles took part in preaching the Gospel at various times as well as circumstances. It is based on findings from a research project conducted by Stenschke on the New Testament at the University of South Africa. The study starts by explaining the mission of the church in the book of Acts, the mission of the church in Jerusalem and mission by the Hellenists of Jerusalem. Finally, the article explores mission of the church in Antioch. Moreover, there is evidence that most mission activities of prominent people were based on various church missions. Finally, the scholar challenges contemporary evangelism and mission notions.

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United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2018. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. Retrieved 23 October 2019; from: https://www.usccb.org/bible/acts/0

The post is scriptural teaching from the book of acts by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is a council of the Virgin Islands and the United States who together perform some pastoral activities of the Christian faithful of the US. The site starts by mentioning the acts of apostles’ author who is Luke, describes the salvation which was initially a promise to Israel and which was accomplished by Christ and under the Holy Spirit guidance been extended to the Gentiles. Moreover, the text describes the church development in Jerusalem from Jewish Christian origin. Finally, the author stresses the continuity between Judaism and Christianity

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