A Self-Reflection on Assignment Progress

Analysis of Feedback Worksheet Example

Feedback Worksheet Example Feedback Worksheet Example Feedback Worksheet Example


Reflection regarding any work helps in reviewing the effectiveness and determine the improvement in skills to be made. The use of Kolb’s reflective cycle is to be used for reflecting on analysis of feedback received in the assignment. This is because it is the easiest and systematic model present to reflect on reviewing own progress (McLeod, 2017).

The four stages of Kolb’s reflective cycle are as follows:

Concrete Experience

I was responsible in identifying and analysing key issues faced by me in completing my assignments in the year for which related planned actions are derived to understand the way they can be resolved. I initially thought I would be able to complete the task as I was able to determine which key issues are hindering my performance and required to be resolved.


Reflective Observation

In executing task, I think the thing that went well was that I was able to determine two key common issues usually faced by me while writing assignment that are required to be resolved for better progress. However, I feel the thing which did not go well is my inability to create effective notes on completion for each of the chosen issue. The other thing that did worked well is I wass able to determine what further actions are to be taken to manage the identified issue.

Abstract Conceptualisation

The ability to identify the issues went well because I think I have effective analysis capability to evaluate from the feedback provided by teachers which are priority problems to be focused and received in most assignments. This is evident as effective analysis assist individuals to organise and interpret data and structure them to derive key facts from the information (Changwong et al., 2018). The thing regarding inability to make completion notes for each issue was not effectively achieved because of my confusion regarding the exact information to be presented under the heading. Moreover, I also failed to compile my thoughts within the mentioned word count which was quite limited. Thus, the outcome was that I mentioned notes of completion that may be vague. The task of identifying future actions went well because I have clear concept of the actions I wish to perform in long-term improvement of the issues due to which I think the three key identified issues are going to bother me less in executing my academics.

Active Experimentation

In future, I would try to improve my attention to understand what notes are appropriate to be mentioned when any issues are been effectively tackled. I also intend to enhance my thinking so that better outlook for the future actions to be performed in tackling identified issues in academics can be determined.

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The above reflection indicated I require to enhance my future outlook and ability to determine prior to completion of any skill what notes could be mentioned for better closure of the issue.

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Changwong, K., Sukkamart, A. and Sisan, B., 2018. Critical thinking skill development: Analysis of a new learning management model for Thai high schools. Journal of International Studies, 11(2).pp.1-45.

McLeod, S., 2017. Kolb's learning styles and experiential learning cycle. Simply psychology.

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