Alternative education setting

1. The role of alternative education settings and how do they meet learners needs?

The definition of Alternative education can be described as an educational programme designed to adjust and accommodate the educational, behavioural and medical needs for those students that aren’t competent in following the traditional mainstream educational system. Every child has a unique learning style and different varieties of mental aptitudes. Throughout the years of primary education, the responsibilities on supervising the progression of each child and ensuring that they are suitable for following the mainstream educational system (Bradbury, 2019). Intervening in the early stages of development is vital in preventing the child from staying in a system that equates them in very little progression and benefits. Hence why the importance of alternative education settings comes in, they aid in the development of a child’s academic, social and language skill. Despite it being more time efficient than the average programmes, it is well thought out and systematised to develop to the child’s needs. For students needing specialised support, education dissertation help is crucial in navigating alternative educational pathways effectively.

If the child is of special educational needs tend to have challenges and issues within factors such as emotional, biological or psychological, they again need to be carefully evaluated to conclude the challenges they may face and which sort of programme they have the best fit in. For those children that experience difficulties within the communication aspect, specialists in speech and language will be addressed, to aid the child in individual support. The support would be through an assortment of exercises and activities to boost the communication. However, the disadvantage to this is he/she would not be permitted to join the social activities with the other children, which could impact him /hers social skills. The purpose of the alternative education is to provide the opportunities to each student, who is not succeeding in the academic and traditional educational system (Mills and McGregor, 2017). Special guidelines and the support towards those children would be beneficial for them to obtain academic credit, explore more alternatives improve their thinking process, extend the teacher support and maximise vocational work experience. In this regard, the alternative educational system is hereby beneficial for the students in the nursery schools, who try to interact with others and improve their mental and physical conditions for better growth. It gives the chance to the students to improve their mind set, where the teachers create suitable environment for the student’s according to their needs and personal preferences, hereby it is effective to fulfil the needs of the students in the nursery education (Matte‐Gagné et al., 2018).


2. What is the role of your AES (or type of AES, eg. early years, Forest School, SEN)?

The educational system such as SEN, early years of education and forest school are effective alternative educational system which are important to guide the children and support them with education infrastructure, continuous development and communication. These are effective ways to teach the students about many aspects of life before admitting in the nursery school. The early year education is hereby beneficial of the children who will be going to the nursery schools in near future (Apouey and Geoffard, 2016). In the school setting, the early year’s education is also beneficial where the teaching professionals and social workers are working with the children and develop full time and inclusive educational system, for developing the mental and physical condition of the students. In the early year’s education, the peers are concerned about child education system where they are trying to improve communication skill of the children, teach them how to react with others and how to interact in the society with friend and family members (Mills and McGregor, 2017). These are the major components of the early eyras of education, where the students try to interact with others and improve their communication skill. Under the alternative education, the teachers design the curriculum activities based on the child’s needs and preferences for developing their skill and abilities in long run.

The mainstream education system is an integrated system where all the students are included even them need special education system. There are no such personal facilities and different education activities to teach the students who need personal teaching facilities. However, in the inclusive education system, the early years of education is the strategy through which the peers can teach the children before going to nursery schools. Through the early years of educational system, the children can improve their learning activities and abilities in the personal and private educational settings, where each student get special care and support to improve their personal skill (Boylan, Barblett and Knaus, 2018). Hereby, the early years of education is different from the mainstream education system and it plays an important role in improving the capabilities and mental health of the children before their primary education or nursery school education. the alternative education system such as early years or SEN education are mandatory for supporting the children with social facilities and engaging them, in the educational system individually so that their learning activities in the nursery schools can be improved well in near future.

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3. Introduce your chosen key concept

The early year education system is one of the alternative educations in the nursery or the primary school settings, where the teaching professionals are trying to engage the children with them and improve their mental and physical growth further in the school. The age of the children for the early year’s education is between 2 to 5 years, where the parents are concerned about developing their child’s mental and physical health. This method of schooling is provided mainly at the preschool, kindergarten and primary school. Threes are the schools, where the children start attending the places for early years of education and these are advantageous for the children to grow their mental and physical wellbeing (Lees and Noddings, 2016). Through the early years of education, the children start improving their mental capabilities and learn new things which would be beneficial for the nursery schools of the children where they would be able to perform better and learn more through interacting learning and physical activities.

Early year’s education

In such early years of education, the children start exploring new activities and things around them and the teachers try to increase their interest through several plying and learning activities which also develops the mind set and thinking capabilities of the children before the nursery education. The children also starts increasing their emotional skill, where they try to engage with the teachers, friends and family members and this further helps them to develop their behaviour and emotional skill (Ihmeideh and Alkhawaldeh, 2017). The teachers are hereby efficient to improve the communication and emotional intelligence skill among the children and teach them how to talk and interact with others. Through the early years of education, the teachers also teach the children what should eat, how to play with others, how to explore many more activities in daily lives etc. which are mandatory before going to nursery schools. Communication skill and interaction are also improved among the children where they start loving others and developing bonding in the society (Chaput et al., 2017). Mental health and physical activities of the students are also improving over the period of time by attending the activities during early years and these are beneficial for them to get admission in the nursery education and improve their performance during their higher education.

4. Make links between chosen concept and practice in AES

The early years of education are necessary for the children to grow their mental and physical capabilities in future before going to nursery schools. For getting admission in the nursery schools and performing better in the educational activities depend on the child developmental activities during the age between 2 to 5 years where the children can get proper environment to improve their skill and abilities. The early years of education are among them where the teachers designs curriculum for the students to improve their abilities to think and explore many activities in their lives (Share and Hennessy, 2019). As per the literature of Maslow’s hierarchy, it is mandatory for child development where the child set their needs and preferences and improve their skill as well. Through the physical need management, the child start setting their personal needs and improving understanding their biological and physical functions. As per social needs of child development, the children start interacting with others at home or in the society, and they can understand their responsibility as a member of the family or the community (Lakhani and Nadeem, 2017). The chid in this regard start relate and to work with others. Emotional intelligence and bonding can also be developed through the early years of education, where the child can emotionally connect and develop self confidence. The child also starts sharing their feeling with others and expressing their thoughts as well. Moreover, the language and cognitive skill are also developed as per the theory during the early years of education, where the children can understand the activities; improve their creativity, imagination and memory through the educational activities.

 Maslow’s theory

For example, in the early years of education, the students are taught to write and read the alphabets and words for language development. Their speaking skill is also developed through interaction and communication with the teaching professionals, where the teachers try to connect and engage them in the learning activities and improve their speech successfully. Additionally, for example, during the early years of education, the child memory and imagination are improved, where the children ask to repeat the same activities and imagine different activities as well throughout the education. They start thinking the image and words again and again for improving their memory (Lees and Noddings, 2016). The teachers also try to improve their drawing skill and develop writing skill as well during the period of time, where the child’s interest towards drawing and writing will be developed. Moreover, the children are asked to participate in the “go as u like” program as well as perform a poetry in the school program, which are also effective to improve their perform ace and develop their skill (Boylan, Barblett and Knaus, 2018). Additionally, there are physical activities, such as exercises as well as indoor and outdoor play which also develop child activities and improve their physical and mental health successfully.

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5. Reflect on your learning and performance on placement – identify ways to adapt your practice

The early years of alternative education system is good and effective where the teachers can design the curriculum and engage the children as well in the educational activities and it is beneficial for getting admission in the nursery schools. For getting placement in the nursery school, it is also advantageous for me to attend the early years of educational activities where I can manage the children and cooperate with them for developing their skill and abilities. I try to improve my knowledge and understanding on the early years of education, through the coursework, where I design different activities for the children who are engaged in the educational system. I try to interact with them and help them to improve their language. I also try to engage with the children with special educational needs and improve their physical and mental health as well. Through designing different educational activities such as drawing program, performing poetry or reading books, as well as the recitation program and “go as u like”, I try to engage each child, where they improve their self confidence and increase their skill to participate in front of others. I also try to cooperate and communicate with them and empower them to explore many more new educational activities, pictures and images to learn more. This further helps the children during the early years of education to improve their imagination and mental health for personal skill development. For getting placement in the nursery, there are major challenges such as lack of relationship with the children, poor infrastructure, lack of friendly atmosphere in the school, as well as lack of communication among the children. I would like to improve my communication skill to interact with each child individually n support them, to improve their physical and mental health capabilities.

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Reference List

  • Apouey, B.H. and Geoffard, P.Y., 2016. Parents’ education and child body weight in France: The trajectory of the gradient in the early years. Economics & Human Biology, 20, pp.70-89.
  • Boylan, F., Barblett, L. and Knaus, M., 2018. Early childhood teachers’ perspectives of growth mindset: Developing agency in children. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), pp.16-24.
  • Bradbury, A., 2019. Making little neo-liberals: The production of ideal child/learner subjectivities in primary school through choice, self-improvement and ‘growth mindsets’. Power and Education, 11(3), pp.309-326.
  • Chaput, J.P., Gray, C.E., Poitras, V.J., Carson, V., Gruber, R., Birken, C.S., MacLean, J.E., Aubert, S., Sampson, M. and Tremblay, M.S., 2017. Systematic review of the relationships between sleep duration and health indicators in the early years (0–4 years). BMC Public Health, 17(5), p.855.
  • Ihmeideh, F. and Alkhawaldeh, M., 2017. Teachers' and parents' perceptions of the role of technology and digital media in developing child culture in the early years. Children and Youth Services Review, 77, pp.139-146.
  • Lakhani, S. and Nadeem, S., 2017. Effects of Father’s Absence on Child Growth and Development During Early Years. Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education, 1.
  • Lees, H.E. and Noddings, N., 2016. The Palgrave international handbook of alternative education. Berlin: Springer.
  • Matte‐Gagné, C., Bernier, A., Sirois, M.S., Lalonde, G. and Hertz, S., 2018. Attachment security and developmental patterns of growth in executive functioning during early elementary school. Child development, 89(3), pp.e167-e182.
  • Mills, M. and McGregor, G., 2017. Alternative education. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
  • Share, M. and Hennessy, M., 2019. Food, connection and care: perspectives of service providers in alternative education and training settings. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies.

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