Behavioral Analysis and Strategies for Addressing Withdrawal in a Preschooler


In a case scenario, Rufus, who is a three-year-old child, has started to become withdrawn. He appears isolated and rarely plays with other children. Besides, he is reluctant to join group activities and is reluctant to join the discussion. However, upon discussion with his family, they suggest that they have not observed any change with Rufus.

Therefore, this paper will analyze the case study by identifying behaviors, effective strategies, and interventions, creating a physical and social learning environment, identifying family, cultural and ethical considerations, and relevant support agencies supporting children. Lastly, the study will consider behavioral learning theories that guide approaches to behavior management. This analysis will provide valuable education dissertation help by offering insights into tailored approaches for addressing similar issues in educational settings.


1. What behaviors can you identify in the case study, and why do you think they are happening? What evidence can you use to support this interpretation?

The behavior in the case study is social withdrawal. This behavior refers to avoiding individuals and activities that they previously enjoyed. Some individuals, this behavior progress to the point of social isolation and individual always need to avoid contact with close friends. The withdrawn behavior relates to several outcomes in developmental psychopathology like depression and anxiety.

I believe the withdrawal behavior is happening due to low self-esteem. According to Porter (2020), self-esteem is concerned with individual competence on judgment. The study reveals that children with low self-esteem often doubt their worth and competence. Moreover, the study reveals that most children with low self-low self-worth try to disguise their self-doubts with displays of conceit, criticism, intolerance, and lack of empathy. Most of these strategies are commonly aversive to their colleagues. Porter (2020) also reveals that low self-esteem children are often considered selfish since they often appear to exaggerate their importance.

From the case study, Rufus has been exhibiting withdrawal symptoms. He is isolated and rarely plays with other kids nor join group activities. Besides, in most cases, he is often quiet and does not contribute to the discussion. However, the family reported no change in behavior at home. According to Egeberg et al. (2021), social withdrawal prevents usually enjoyed people and activities. This can lead certain individuals to the point of social isolation from family and close friends. In this case, individuals need to be alone since they feel that being with another person is fatiguing or upsetting. Therefore, being withdrawn from activities that Rufus used to enjoy is a clear indication of withdrawal behavior and low self-esteem.

2. What strategies and interventions could you use to support the learner(s) in the case study to make decisions and guide their behavior?

The first measure is to ban harsh criticism among the class and schoolmates. According to Fox et al. (2021), criticism affects individual self-esteem negatively. Negative criticism can lower self-esteem by making an individual doubt oneself. Moreover, individuals who criticize themselves have low self-esteem, thus explaining the need to ban criticism. Fox et al. (2021) state that children's information concerning themselves from others easily translates into how they feel. Therefore, banning criticism from any student is a preventive measure that helps prevent criticism, thus making children have withdrawal and isolation behavior.

Another strategy is to promote Self-Advocacy. According to Owens and Lo (2021), promoting strong self-advocacy skills leads to greater self-confidence. The study also reveals that most students struggle with the ability to express themselves. Therefore, boosting student ability to communicate with teachers and other individual help them express their needs. The child is often isolated from the case study, which means that he does not need to talk to anyone about his issues. Therefore, promoting the ability to communicate and express themselves can help students communicate their needs and challenges.

Another strategy is to teach children to trust themselves. Low self-esteem is associated with limited self-worth. Therefore, positive self-esteem should be natured among the children to avoid negative personal connotations. Among these strategies which promote self-esteem includes creating a sense of security, identity, belonging, purpose, and personal competence. Teaching children to trust themselves helps them build self-confidence and can successfully articulate their needs and wants. Promoting trust help make a difference in a student’s choice.

3. How would you prepare the physical and social environment to contribute to the child's relationship with others and learning?

The first step to prepare a positive environment is to create motivation through a sticker reward chart. According to Constantin et al. (2017), reward charts effectively alter children's behavior. The chart works by giving a child a sticker when they behave positively. The rewarding system is critical in reinforcing the behavior needed.

Another way to prepare social and physical environment is to create a play space to promote the free play. Among such playscape includes a playground and play areas. Constantin et al. (2017) state that play is essential among children since it promotes cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being. Moreover, it is critical in developing children's social skills. According to Faas et al. (2017), lack of play creates a lack of communication and problem-solving skills. Similarly, creating a dramatic play area for primary students can help them be motivated to play together. For instance, a play involving running a veterinary office, grocery store, and a hospital can be critical in promoting interaction and communication among children. Another play includes using a deck of cards to build a house.

4. What are the family, cultural and ethical considerations related to the case study?

One of the ethical considerations is voluntary participation. Children have the right to choose to participate in an event or not. Voluntary participation means that individuals take part in the activity without force. Participants are free to withdraw their participation at any time. From the case study, Rufus tells his all about the things he has been doing. This means that the family encourages voluntary participation. Therefore, the teacher should consider the voluntary dilemma in the family. However, encouraging voluntary participation can be very critical in this issue.

Moreover, diversity is undertaken differently in various communities. Therefore, social diversity and the nature of interaction among the activities involved in the case study play with the other children is an ethical dilemma. Students have different social and ethnic backgrounds, and teachers have to deal with racial inequality and ethnic differences. Therefore, there is a need to address diversity and help kids get familiar with each other's cultural variations.

5. How can you effectively use policy frameworks and external support organizations in your response to the case study?

One of the most critical policies in school is the school bullying policy. Learners in the world are affected by bullying every day. Schools make bullying prevention and bullying education to prevent harm to other students. Therefore, this policy is critical in banning negative criticism, which leads to negative and low self-esteem, promoting withdrawal.

Another policy is the school respect policy which I will use to promote self-confidence and expression. Based on the policy, teachers should respect students, and students should respect teachers. Implementing this policy is critical in respecting children's ability to express themselves and their needs, thus developing courage. Similarly, the promotion of respect is highlighted by EYLF policies which promote respectful, secure, and reciprocal relationships.

EYLF policies also promote children to have a strong sense of identity. Therefore this policy will help the children learn, feel significant and respected, and grow confidence to explore and learn.

6. What behavior framework, strategy, and model would you apply in response to your chosen case study?

One of the strategies to deal with the case study is to identify and challenge negative beliefs. From the case study, Rufus has a sudden change of behavior which means that he might have trouble interacting with other students. Besides, he is challenged to participate in the discussion, which indicates that his self-worth is impacted. Therefore, identifying and challenging these negative believes and criticism might be critical. Nevill and Benson (2018) state that individuals must notice themselves and eliminate negative criticism in their minds. Besides, this framework is critical in helping individuals minimize stress and cope with challenges and complicated issues in life.

Another strategy is creating Positive relationships and avoiding negative ones. Some relationships make an individual feel better than others. Therefore, when there are individual who makes one feel bad, it is critical to avoid them. This is achieved by creating relationships with people who make you feel good. From the case study, the child might be impacted by his relationship with colleagues at school. According to Schonert-Reichl (2017), a positive relationship promotes student engagement in learning. Likewise, it help student feel that other people support them.

7. What theories have you used to guide your approaches to behavior management in your case study response?

The approaches are guided by cognitive behavior therapy theory. CBT theory suggests that our emotions, thoughts, and behavior are linked and affect how we feel. As a type of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients identify and change dysfunctional thinking patterns (David et al., 2018). The focus is on changing the negative thoughts that hurt one's health and cause anxiety and depression. Likewise, the model help in the identification of the problem and the substitution of unrealistic and subjective thoughts for more realistic and objective ones (David et al., 2018). The CBT positively impacts a person's feelings and provides them with coping strategies to help them deal with difficulties.

Another theory that guides the planning of the case study is self-determination theory. According to Self-Determination Theory (SDT), humans are born with a natural desire to learn about and master their surroundings. True self-esteem is only experienced when the basic psychological needs are met (Ntoumanis et al., 2021). Personal development, vitality, and well-being are enhanced when social conditions allow people to meet these basic needs.

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Rufus has been showing rapid behavior change in school. However, positive interventions like banning criticism, promoting self-advocacy and self-trust can help in improving self-esteem. Besides, this can be guided by policies like respect, anti-bullying policies, and other strategies. Moreover, challenging negative thoughts and the individual view is critical to developing the strategy; CBT is critical.


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  • David, D., Cristea, I. and Hofmann, S.G., 2018. Why cognitive behavioral therapy is the current gold standard of psychotherapy. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9, p.4.
  • Egeberg, H., McConney, A. and Price, A., 2021. Teachers’ views on effective classroom management: A mixed-methods investigation in Western Australian high schools. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20(2), pp.107-124.
  • Faas, S., Wu, S.C. and Geiger, S., 2017. The importance of play in early childhood education: A critical perspective on current policies and practices in Germany and Hong Kong. Global Education Review, 4(2).
  • Fox, J., Vendemia, M.A., Smith, M.A. and Brehm, N.R., 2021. Effects of taking selfies on women’s self-objectification, mood, self-esteem, and social aggression toward female peers. Body image, 36, pp.193-200.
  • Nevill, R.E. and Benson, B.A., 2018. Risk factors for challenging behaviour and psychopathology in adults with down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62(11), pp.941-951.
  • Ntoumanis, N., Ng, J.Y., Prestwich, A., Quested, E., Hancox, J.E., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Deci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., Lonsdale, C. and Williams, G.C., 2021. A meta-analysis of self-determination theory-informed intervention studies in the health domain: effects on motivation, health behavior, physical, and psychological health. Health psychology review, 15(2), pp.214-244.
  • Owens, T.L. and Lo, Y.Y., 2021. Function-Based Self-Advocacy Training for Students With or at Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in General Education Settings. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, p.10634266211039760.
  • Porter, L., 2020. Young children’s behaviour: Guidance approaches for early childhood educators. Routledge.
  • Schonert-Reichl, K.A., 2017. Social and emotional learning and teachers. The future of children, pp.137-155.

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