Beyond Purpose And Reflection


The thematic construct had been slated to be an in-depth and comprehensive narrative concerning the efforts of mine to accumulation of financial assistance for the children at Africa. Apart from this, it also involved the offering my services at Arusha and undertake the scaling and conquering the Mt. Kilimanjaro (which extends to the altitude of 5,895 m / 19,341 ft above sea level) within the duration of 6 days through the utilisation of the Machame Route, providing essential UK dissertation help in the process. I came to the conclusion of the necessity to formulate a completely distinctive message as I consistently comprehended the previous occurrences. This message had to be replete with greater measure of personal insight despite the fact that it had to be more incisive.

Apart from this, the observation had to be directly related to the emotional fountain emanating from my heart and had to be inclusive of an entire range of aspects of life which could be of particular relevance. Thus, the derived experiences from the months associated with the aforementioned travel along with the time spent in accumulation of the funds could be considered to be one of the most effective reservoirs of substance for the formulation of a book. The material available could not be accommodated within the precincts of any article of limited scope. I thus request your patience and your attention as well. It is my conviction that I would be able to enthral you with the subsequent narration. It is also my request that I be granted the enquiry of the readers and expect their proactive involvement in the reading of the subsequent material. It would be to the greatest joy of mine to provide greater perspective in the following conversation. However, the current situation is of the necessity to provide the greater measure of concentration on the process of providing extensive information on the topic under consideration.


The question remains whether the experience which had been gathered by me could be termed as effective to change my life. However, it is my perception that this is not the case. It is my observation that I have been residing devoid of my comforts for a duration which comprises of five different years. The venture under consideration has been another of my many ventures which have so far furnished me with the capability of concentrating my commitments to my plan. This involved undertaking proper study in the considerate realm so that no barrier could be proven to be too much to halt the progress of anyone. This is my conviction that it is firmly possible for any single person to influence the environments with extensive impact of the actions which that person undertakes. One could experience magical success when pro-activity and proper control could be exercised within lives of people. It is necessary that reactionary habits should be abjured completely and one has to think outside the box concerning breaking the shackles of the mundane habitual existence. It is my firm belief that I am in the process of implementation of the beliefs stated so far within my living conditions and this formulates the definition of mine regarding the statement of my personal mission.

To this effect, it is my conviction that it is of the greatest significance to properly comprehend the significance of the trivialities of life and progress towards the goals of one with limited measures. This is also perceptible from the perspective that the transforming the paradigms as well as the striving towards the development of the ethical characteristics are inherently complicated. However, despite the complications, these efforts are primarily rewarding as well when these could be worked upon for the long term mindset development. In this course, it had been my perception that I could encounter considerable difficulties regarding making people convinced concerning the support which had been necessitated for the raising of the funds. This realisation had dawned upon me not only for the reason that it had been the supposition that people would be unwilling to assist in this fund collection process. On the contrary, this had been a presumption on part of me for the solitary reason that people are more often than not extensively engrossed in their daily chores and thus could not muster the moment to pause themselves and evaluate the occurrences of changes which could be taking place at the surrounding. This could sound insignificant, however, the simplicity of life is evident and it is the choices of human beings which introduces complications in it. Thus, it could be beneficial to reflect upon the direction of the efforts which are invested by the human beings in their lives as well as the course of things. This could be further explained from the perspective that more often than not the daily lives of human beings constitute the circular progression of reactions and thus, it becomes of greater significance to contemplate whether any conscious pathway of actions does exist within the human lives.

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I have to acknowledge the fact that I considerably anticipated to encounter extensive measures of pecuniary conditions while undertaking the travels at Africa. However, the situation became much more grim and untenable and the poverty conditions far exceeded my expectations. My perception of approach to the place under consideration had been born out of mostly positive outlook regarding the worth of the responsibility which I was about to shoulder. However, I became are of the extent and depth of the situation and also realised the magnitude of the necessities and came to the realisation that the issues pertaining the problem under consideration are almost endless in number. My enthusiasm had been dampened for the initial few days due to such realisations. However, the underlying motivation recovered itself within some days with greater surge of enthusiasm. I realised the fact that despite the scale of effect which my assistance could achieve, the efforts of mine in this direction could be always considered to be full of worth and I could experience the satisfaction of contributing into any form of development or change. Such limited contributions and efforts could be considered to be the harbinger of change in the long term. It had been my intention to scale the pinnacle of Mt. Kilimanjaro through the strength of my willpower even my physical strength could be sapped away. It had been a specific prospect since the most severe snowfall had occurred at Mt Kilimanjaro in comparison to the previous 5 years. Another aspect which complicated my task had been my paucity of capability of mountain climbing and inexperience. I was completely oblivious to the fact of how my body could react regarding the higher altitudes and during the advent of altitude sickness.

However, it is always necessary to perform the homework and preparation which could be of particular necessity and to be on alert psychologically to experience severe difficulties which could necessitate the utilisation of every unit of mental strength. This could provide better prospects for the survival of any person. Thus, I made my mind up for striving forward until my health could give away and I could have to forgo my self-control. We struggled forward despite the difficulties of serious health conditions occurring to my companions such as vomiting, bleeding noses, frost blisters and pulmonary complications. This way, we could finally reach to the Uhuru Peak, on the date of 21st of June at around 7 am.. This peak could be translated from Swahili to English as Freedom. The feeling which we encountered could be termed as priceless since we had effectively managed to rise above the clouds. We had preserved our existence within the comforts and safety of the modern society.

This had been reason that experiencing discomfort and having to brave dangers and vagaries of the Nature could provide the necessary catalyst of change of outlook towards life of anyone. Such experiences are vital to drive home the value of proper living in the modern world. However, these experiences have not been completely unexpected for me and thus I did not encounter any serious impetus to change myself with any considerable measure. Despite this fact, this firsthand experience had enriched my perspective of life and the memories which I accumulated in the course of such journeys are slated to be with me forever. These experiences are the foundation stones on which the edifice of the perspective of life and the world in which I intend to continue my existence could be constituted. This realisation also includes my intention to make possible contributions in spite of the possible miniscule nature of the effect of such contributions in the current world perspectives.

It is necessary to commence with the immediacy of operations. This could entail utilisation of whatever means could be made available. The primary constraints have been multiple in extent and number. Some of these could be understood to be a full time employment, the responsibility of attending an MBA course on the weekends, the lineage of a simple and caring family belonging from the Warsaw outskirts, the ability to afford only meagre resources and luggage such as singular suitcases and finally the obligation to remit an immense amount of student loan. However, the paucity of time and finances is only one of the impediments to the underlined processes. The primary problem in this regard is associated with the dual responsibilities of managing the time constraints and determination of the prioritisation of the personal lives and aligning them to the objectives of undertaken efforts. Despite these constrictions, I had made the solemn promise that this narrative would be completely replete with honesty.

Thus, it is my conviction that while voicing the experiences which changed my life, it is my obligation to share the lesson that influenced me the most since this experience had a led to a positive culmination. I require to be completely direct and simple in my narration. This experience involves the moment of peril when one of my family member had contracted cancer and this had caused a tremendous psychological strain and devastation in my life. I was moulded by the years of struggle against the debilitating psychological effects of cancer and the experience had completely transformed everything which had been associated with my life. The experience also had introduced new definitions of being a person for me and brought me to the current state of psychological constitution.

This experience could be as well presumed to be responsible for the curtailment of the significance and relevance of most of my previous experiences completely. The mistakes and errors which I had incurred also are necessary to find specific mention in this regard since I derived specific lessons from my mistakes and was also taught a few things by these mistakes. I have been strengthened to a great extent by these experiences. At last, it has been possible for me to undertake the proper narration of the venture under consideration of voicing all of my experiences which I gathered while having to reside at oversees places which had been far removed from my zones of comfort. These have been potent experiences of life for me. The simplicity of things and simple but full of conviction initiatives are necessary for me. However, these necessities are the most difficult for me to overcome. The concerns related to the loved ones, the health conditions and the associated struggle are all to be appreciated considerably. These should be considered to be akin to journeys of life and one has to derive the appropriate conclusions for the purpose of bringing in the necessary change and the difference of value and meaning which could make one into a more resilient and better person. Pure happiness and growth are necessary to be introduced in this regard and these could require sufficient defining capabilities as well.

The developments of growth and happiness are necessary to be introduced at both the private lives as well as the professional lives as these two are inseparable. Things are necessary to be made full of worth rather than only undertaking the signing of invoices. It is always necessary to formulate everlasting impacts in this regard. Providing assistance and improvement of the surrounding are the key elements in this regard. These contributions could influence the lives of many in more ways than one and which could be completely unexpected. It is known to me that I could never achieve perfection from any perspective and the previously stated suggestions are nothing but personal perceptions and approaches which are best suitable for me regarding the perspective of my life. The credit and support emanating from trust have been provided to me by the loved ones associated with me including the colleagues of mine as well as various other sources of inspiration of my life in general. On an apparent perception, it is difficult to find any other person who could have been better engaged in the process of finding methods through which the repayment of the loan of gratitude than that of me. My most favourable process choice in this regard is to better myself as a human being through simply working harder. It is my perception further, that millennial populaces to which we belong to, have been inherently difficult to work with. This could be considered from the predominating perception that millennial populaces are mostly associated with the values of life only on the basis of requirement and not on the basis of conscious priority.

Be that as it may, I just returned from Tanzania, where I went through three memorable weeks with three folks, whom I had become acquainted with London Heathrow airport terminal just prior to traveling to Africa. All of these strangers and co-travellers invested their time, cash and vitality for the objective of the benefits of children at Tanzania. The interpretation of such acts could be multiple in natures such as carelessness towards the self-perceptions. The questions remain whether these are finds which are rate in nature. However, it is not my conviction that these could be rare attributes. The current generation considers the world to be an unrestricted space without any hindrance of communication or overreach.

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It is necessary to bestow prominent confidence in adolescents, to provide them with the trust value which they require, undertake the necessary preparation and grooming of them to be professional experts in their fields and only after that proper judgement could be formulated and this could not be performed in a retrospective manner. Provisioning of necessary tools and devices to develop and succeed could be effective and the rest is dependent upon the personnel themselves. If the human resource belonging to the current times could be constricted to only the enclosure of life and are loaded with guidelines and directions then the entire concept of proper development of personality would be in shambles since the first breath of freedom and liberation would be enough to divert the attention of the involved personnel completely.

Having this stated, I could feel to a great degree gladness to be related integrally with our HPE Family and offer my work experiences with such a large number of stunning individuals. The regularised assistance and trust in the process of experiential learning is genuinely significant. From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU ALL. Last but not least to all of you who supported me in this venture - WE MADE A DIFFERENCE in almost 1300 kids from primary school in Arusha feel blessed to have so many fantastic people in my life and THANK YOU ALL for your endless support! WE did it and I'm confident that the best is yet to come.

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Tip of the day: Go ahead and make someone smile / grow today. Life is so much bigger than we allow ourselves to think. Have courage! Job done. Onto the next one. One love to all.

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