Collaboration in Childcare Settings

1.1 -Explain the policies, procedures and current guidance of the setting relating to partnership working

Partnership working is paramount n setting each milestone of childhood development. The policies and procedures are:

Based on the guidelines of Early Years Foundation Stage and Childcare (2017), childcare safety and security is important to be maintained through partnership working (Hardy et al. 2018).

Based on the Childcare Act 2006, in partnership working, parents and educators will focus on child learning, sharing of information and health safety of children.

Carers, parents and educators should be aware of guidelines of EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) to support children while working with them

Section 46 of the Childcare Act 2006 focuses on responsibilities of the practitioners to assist parent in terms of improving their socio-economic, social and environmental status. This process will offer hygienic environment, better education and nutritious foods to children thereby improving the living standard, health and wellbeing (Whalley, 2017).

Childcare (Exemptions from Registration) Order (2008) focuses on responsibility of practitioners in involving parents to improve the language, interactive skill and decision-making process of children.

Moreover, The Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations 2012, emphasize on responsibilities of practitioners in order to develop public concern about children developmental needs, children abuse, discrimination and bullying. Under this act, practitioner would work with parents, school staffs and local; authority to provide healthy as well as optimistic environment to children (Walker et al. 2018).

Based on the National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) guidelines, practitioners needs to involve coaches along with parents, to provide proper guidance and training to each child so that the child would be able to deal with the any sudden difficulties in his or her personal as well as professional life. Dig deeper into The Neurobiology of Pain with our selection of articles.

1.2 Evaluate how integrated working practices deliver better outcomes for children and families:

According to Whalley (2017), through integrated working process, parents and educator can understand the need, demand and developmental requirements of children. They can keep the children safe from abuse, depression, discrimination and psychological disturbances. Through partnership, working carers can share regular information to parents about their children's developmental and psychological as well as physical progress. Carers and parents can provide support to children in line with their requirement, capabilities and interest. Through partnership working, educator can inform [parents about the activities and process undertaken for child learning and development so that, parent can support their child learning inappropriate manner at home. Through this process, parents can enhance the mental stability, psychological strength and wellbeing of their children. Moreover through this partnership working process, educator and p[aren't can make positive transformation of children behaviour which not only develop their cognitive strength but also enhance their decision making ability and problem solving skill. Integrated working not only benefit the children in to get proper environment, educational and training, but also influence the behaviour and attitude of families, school and local authority towards children development (Gonzalez et al. 2017). Collaborative working of parent with practitioners, coaches and childcare activists, assists them to understand the better way to implement innovative learning and education into the curriculum. Moreover, Integrative working assists parent about using proper communicative process in regular manner for discussing different aspect with children. Through working with parents, schoolteachers, coaches and the local childcare authorities, practitioners can make useful changes in the children’s curriculum. That would provide children with better learning and educational framework./ Moreover integrated working allows parents and practitioners to take collaborative decision in ordrer to provide the best developmental and ;earning facilities to children.

Looking for further insights on Literacy Development in Early Years Settings? Click here.

1.3 Analyze the responsibilities of early year’s professionals to work in partnership:

Early year professionals are responsible for implementing the working partnership with parents and families in terms of valuing the roles of families and parents in the children lives. They ensure that parents, children and practitioners work together in unison. By forming loving and secure relationship with children, they assist children to become strong and independent (Smith and May, 2018). Practitioners also develop the awareness about wide varieties of parenting model and family structure, which can shape parent’s viewpoint regarding the way they will bring up their children. Practitioner should have aware about using proper methods of communication while communicating with children and the parents. Professional would also involve parents within setting by encouraging them to observe their children carefully. Through this process, professional can assist parent to understand the actual developmental needs of their children. Practitioners would emphasize on individual developmental, learning and educational needs of children in order to develop their understanding, perception and decisions. Moreover, practitioners would make right changes in curriculum to make the framework moiré enjoyable as well as encouraging to children (Gribble et al. 2016). Based on the statutory guidelines of Section 39(1) of Childcare Act 2006, practitioners would motivate parents and families to involve them in children’s learning and development. Through allowing parent to share their decision, perception and understanding regarding children’s preference and aspiration, practitioners can motivate parent to involve into educational, learning and professional development of children (MacDonald, 2015). Practitioners Ned to discuss the statutory policies and procedures of children development with parent to let them know about the rules and regulation about dealing with children needs. Based on the guidelines of Early Years Foundation Stage (Learning and Development Requirements) Order 2007, practitioners would provide Parent Guide and Booklets to make the parent aware of EYFS rules and codes of conduct. Through providing online materials to parent practitioner can improve the parent’s involvement into their children development and learning process.

1.4 Explain the roles and responsibilities of colleagues in early year’s settings:

Along with practitioners, there are different people who are associated with early year’s settings such as learning support assistant, inclusion coordinator, head teacher, setting leader or manager, language therapist, therapist and educational psychologist (Smith and May 2018). Learning support assistant (LSA) will deals with communication, language and speech need of children. They will provide such material that are relevant to these needs and will support children in order to develop their cognitive, psychological and emotional stability. On the other hand, inclusion coordination will coordinate the provision for children with special educational and learning needs. They will have wide focus on the developmental, psychological and learning needs of children. Head teacher and setting leaders are accountable to the government body, local authority and management community. They ensure that all childcare staffs perform their roles in line with the EYFS guidelines to ensure fulfilling the developmental and learning needs of the children. Therapist will train the children regarding implementing the sign and symbol support system for communicating with parent or people surrounding children. Statutory guidelines set by EYFS emphasize on the responsibilities of childcare staffs other than practitioners (Gribble et al. 2016). Based on these guidelines, practitioners and their colleagues would work on the children learning and developmental process in synergistic manner. Through collaboration and cooperation, they will share the information regarding children needs and preference among them to make integrated decision in order to provide the best educational and learning framework to children. It is important for the childcare staffs to maintain good relationship with other in terms of transferring valuable information about children’s development needs to each level of staffs ion the childcare center. Moreover they needs to maintain strong cooperation among them for introducing innovative process and changes into the curriculum that will assist parents as well as staffs to met the children’s needs.

1.5 -Explain why partnership working may be difficult in a multidisciplinary team

In most of the times, working in partnership with the multidisciplinary team leads to development of conflicts and opinion mismatch. As the different staffs such as Learning Support Assistant, inclusion coordinator, setting leader and child psychologist as well as therapist, have different roles in childcare and development, there occurs distraction and as well as competition among one another. Moreover, language therapist and childcare psychiatrist can develop misunderstanding and severe competition between them that affect the overall goal in this childcare framework. Moreover, multidisciplinary teams lead to development of lack of focus, interdependence, self-centered approach of staffs, disagreement and seeking individual recognition. Many times partnership working leads to development of barriers into the childcare process, which is as follows: Childcare members can fight with one other for assessing the services, rights and responsibilities, which create the misunderstanding as well as conflict among them. Sometimes, childcare staff or parent is excluded from the expected roles or designation during the childcare process, which leads to dissatisfaction within the staffs. In most of the cases, childcare homes are unable to have proper crisis management techniques, which make it difficult for the children care staffs to mitigate the misunderstanding and conflict among the staffs (Gribble et al. 2016). Other important barriers are limited resources, limited access to children’s needs, training and education, time constraints, negative approach of the higher officials, which damages the trustworthy relationship among the childcare staffs. Therefore, working in partnership with multidisciplinary team can leads staffs towards different focus rather than assisting them to work synergistic manner for achieving the common goal.

1.6 -Analyze the impact of parental rights on partnership work

Based on the Early Years Foundation Stage and Childcare (2017) guidelines, parent should be involved in the partnership working, as their partnership s paramount for children to get the better education and reach the expected level of their development. However, parent rights have both the positive and negative impact on the process of early year childhood development. Parents have rights to be informed about the activities undertaken for children. Practitioner need to take consents from parent before implementing any childcare setting. In this aspect, sometimes, parent does not give their consent to allow their children for taking part in challenging activities. Sometimes parents interfere with the decisions and planning of the educationist, which develops conflicts among them. Moreover, parents sometime do not trust practitioners and childcare professionals in order to handover the care educational and developmental responsibilities of their child. In this aspect, parent interrogates the children regarding approaches and behavior of childcare practitioners towards them. As a result, it discourages the professionals to take additional charge of children development (Cook, et al. 2016). On the contrary, some positive effects are associated with the parental rights. In this aspect, obligation of practitioner to take consent from parent regarding childcare process is important for involving parents into the decisions and activities set for children development and education. Moreover, parent has rights to get all possible information regarding the developmental and learning of their children. Through sharing information regarding childcare process, practitioners can improve the awareness of parent regarding their children’s needs, preference, learning process a development. Therefore, parent should be aware about their rights and apply these rights in favors of implementing proper childcare setting. They should coordinate with educations and other childcare staffs for assisting their children for achieving the expected level of development.


1.7 Analyze the impact of parental views and experiences on partnership work

Parental viewpoint and experience is important asset for childcare staffs that they can utilize in term of assessing the child psychology, their demands and preference. Through sharing their viewpoints and experience, parent can aware childcare staffs and early year professionals about the physical, psychological, emotional and social status of children. By analyzing this information, professional ns and educator can plan relevant childcare setting that will not only meet the development needs of children but also educate them in positive manner. According to Cronin and Argent (2017), parental experience is important aspect in childcare process, in which practitioners can use the experience to assess the attitude, behaviour and preference of children. Moreover, involving parent into representing their viewpoint regarding the children’s development and education, practitioners can improve the ways of dealing with children’s needs. Through evaluating parent’s viewpoint and experience, practitioners can understand the behaviour activities, interest and strength of children. In addition to that, practitioner needs to be prepared about the changing perception and preference of children with their age. In this aspect, parent’s experience and perception can assist professionals to deal with the changing needs of children and their ever-changing interest.

2.1 Work in partnership with colleagues and other professionals in early years settings

Early year practitioners would focus on partnership working with colleagues and professionals such as health visitors, speech therapist, child psychiatrist, Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT), setting manager and specialist teacher. Working with colleagues is the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2014, in which each child will be allocated a key staffs for the childcare and development. Through maintaining the synergistic work with the aforementioned staffs, early year professional can develop relevant childcare setting that can meet the support needs of children. They will have wide focus on the developmental, psychological and learning needs of children. Head teacher and setting leaders are accountable to the government body, local authority and management community. Learning support assistant (LSA) will deals with communication, language and speech need of children. They ensure that all childcare staffs perform their roles in line with the EYFS guidelines to ensure fulfilling the developmental and learning needs of the children. They will provide such material that are relevant to these needs and will support children in order to develop their cognitive, psychological and emotional stability. On the other hand, inclusion coordination will coordinate the provision for children with special educational and learning needs. Therapist will train the children regarding implementing the sign and symbol support system for communicating with parent or people surrounding children. SENCO or Inclusion Coordinator will coordinates the provision for children with special educational needs. Each key staffs will be responsible for sharing information among the other staffs to make them aware about the entire activities undertaken by different care staffs for children. Setting leader or manager will supervise the activities of all care staffs and assure proper coordination between their performances.

2.2 Follow legislation and codes of practice relating to confidentiality when working in partnership

Based on the guidelines of Health and Social Care Act 2012, confidential information needs to be volunteered by the all childcare staffs, regulators, law enforcement agencies and professional bodies. Codes of practice relating to confidentiality is associated with proper information handling process in which entire personal and professional information of children, their parents and practitioners are stored in safe as well as secure manner (Bundy et al. 2018). NHS (National Health Service) Codes of practice focuses on following the guidelines of Data Protection Act (1998), in which only the authorised person will access all database regarding the children health, development, psychological condition and professional status. Care Quality Commission (CQC) standard also makes its obligatory for educators, childcare professionals and therapist to take legal consent from parent before transfer children’s database to any local or governmental authority. Under the guidelines of Data Protection Act (1998), early years practitioners need to ensure that they have taken consent from the parent rearguing application of ay childcare setting or activities into the childcare process (Betancourt et al. 2015). Moreover, professionals needs to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of children’s health related information, learning informational and educational information under Childcare Act 2006, for protecting these information from unauthorised access. Under Section 39(1) of Childcare Act 2006, early year professionals would take consent from the parent and family members to share the children’s personal and educational information with their collegiums and childcare staffs in order to maintain the partnership working. moreover Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations 2012 focuses on obligations of eerily years professions to improve the secure risk management process by using high memory password in order to protect childcare information in well-organised manner.

3.4 -Review own performance in giving advice to parents and/or carers

Being an early year professional, I have experienced the way in which practitioners need to communicate with parent and children for developing the [roper care planning. Through providing proper advice to the parent, I always allow parent to understand the actual needs and preference of their children. I discuss the developmental needs of children with parent. Moreover, I always provide the regular update regarding the process and activities that are taken for the children in order to educate them in proper manner. Being senior childcare professional, I always conduct regular online meeting with parents to inform them about their responsibilities in developing their child’s cognitive, physical and emotional strength. I also provide advice to parent regarding their activities and learning that would be undertaken at home for encouraging children to take challenges for developing their decision-making ability and eth problem, solving ability. Moreover, I also provide the Parent Guide and Booklets to parents, which will assist them to know about EYFS guidelines, childcare legislations and risk management processes. Through conducting professional training for the parent in my workplace, I always focus on improving parent’s ability to set proper activities and guidance for their children. In addition to that, I believe in involving parent each childcare setting or decisions that are undertaken for children’s welfare. This process assists me to make strong as well as positive relationship with parents. As a result, parents share their experience and viewpoint regarding their children’s development and education thereby making me understand their actual needs or interests.

3.5 -Develop an action plan for improvement in giving advice to parents and/or carers

The inclusion coordinator of childcare home would conduct official meeting with parent so that practitioners can provide regular advice to the parent regarding their children development and learning. Online communication through web conference and mail would be done to train parent about activities and performance that the parent would do for encouraging their children for developing their mental strength as well as knowledge. Moreover, different childcare staffs such as language therapist, psychiatrist, health coordinator, SENCO and practitioners will share their understanding through face-to-face meeting with parent at weekend. In this meeting, they will advise the parent about their rights, responsibilities and limitation regarding childcare education and learning process. Hardcopy of parent rights, their obligations and childcare guideline will be provided to parent in form of leaflets or documents, which will assist the parent to clearly understand about their duties regarding their children development. Childcare manager would conduct the meeting in which all the childcare staffs such as coordinator, healthcare staffs, professionals, practitioners and educationists will be present. In this meeting, the higher official discuss about the childcare policies, EYFS legislation, implementation of these guidelines into eth childcare process and improvement of childcare framework. As stead by Elgar et al. (2015), children should de offers weekly therapies and counselling from reendowed psychotherapist in the care homes. Physical and psychologies therapies are important for practitioners to understand and evaluate the actual devilment needs of children.

Understand how to work in partnership in early years settings

1.1 -Explain the policies, procedures and current guidance of the setting relating to partnership working

Practitioners need to maintain proper policies and procedures in order to work in partnership with children, parents and colleagues. Based on the Children Act 1989, practitioners need to provide proper safety to all children from any kind of abuse and discrimination. Educators, practitioners, coordinator, therapist and child psychologist will coordinate each other for making positive childcare environment, which protect children from any kind of bullying, abuse and negligence. Section 46 of the Childcare Act 2006 focuses on responsibilities of the practitioners to assist parent in terms of improving their socio-economic, social and environmental status. This process will offer hygienic environment, better education and nutritious foods to children thereby improving the living standard, health and wellbeing (Whalley, 2017). Moreover, The Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations 2012, emphasize on responsibilities of practitioners in order to develop public concern about children developmental needs, children abuse, discrimination and bullying. Under this act, practitioner would work with parents, school staffs and local; authority to provide healthy as well as optimistic environment to children (Walker et al. 2018). Current guidelines of the EYFS in partnership working follow the Equality Act 2010, which makes it obligatory for all childcare staffs to provide equal care and support to all children. Current policies and procedures of EYFS focus on different childcare aspects such as children rights and entitlements. Childcare (Exemptions from Registration) Order (2008) focuses on responsibility of practitioners in involving parents to improve the language, interactive skill and decision-making process of children. Based on the National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) guidelines, practitioners needs to involve coaches along with parents, to provide proper guidance and training to each child so that the child would be able to deal with the any sudden difficulties in his or her personal as well as professional life The policy statement is based on providing positive environment to children for encouraging them in developing their positive behavior and image. Children’s Centre Safeguarding Children Policy focuses on providing safe and secure childhood as well as future life to each child by protecting them from any humiliation, bullying, discrimination, physical and emotional abuse and disability. Childcare coordinator and manager will assure that children are provided with appropriate staffing resources that are important for meeting their physical as well as emotional needs. Partnership working is associated with the policy statement that ensures equal opportunity to all children as well as their family. Policy and procedures in partnership working is also associated with care setting that respect the culture, language and emotional of each child. Based on the Childcare Act 2006, all information regarding children learning and education will be shared with the foster carers in terms of assisting them to understand the emotional, physical and psychological needs of the children.

1.2 -Evaluate how integrated working practices deliver better outcomes for children and families

Integrated working is the working framework in which all staffs work together in synergistic manner to meet a common goal. Integrated working in childcare setting is important for not only understanding and meeting the children needs but also develop their emotional, physical and psychological stability. Integrated working is important process, which allow children, practitioners and parent work together and share crucial information regarding the children development and learning. Through multiagency setting, practitioners can represent collaboration and coordination in all level of working which encourage children in terms of developing their decision-making ability and the problem-solving skill. Collaborative working of parent with practitioners, coaches and childcare activists, assists them to understand the better way to implement innovative learning and education into the curriculum. Through integrated working childcare staffs and parents can get easier access to help and advice. It is simplest process of the decision-making and the assessment n terms of evaluating the children needs and their preference. Integrated working not only benefit the children in to get proper environment, educational and training, but also influence the behaviour and attitude of families, school and local authority towards children development (Gonzalez et al. 2017). Through integrated working with parent, childcare staffs can understand the emotional, physical and psychological status of the children, which will assist them to evaluate the actual needs of children. . That would provide children with better learning and educational framework. Moreover, integrated working allows parents and practitioners to take collaborative decision in order to provide the best developmental and; earning facilities to children. Moreover, Integrative working assists parent about using proper communicative process in regular manner for discussing different aspect with children. Through working with parents, schoolteachers, coaches and the local childcare authorities, practitioners can make useful changes in the children’s curriculum

1.3 -Analyze the responsibilities of early years professionals to work in partnership

Early years professionals need to follow the guideline of Early Years Foundation Stage and Childcare (2017), for offering effective as well as fruitful childhood development and learning platform. Professionals would focuses on the rights and entitlements of children. Practitioners would emphasize on individual developmental, learning and educational needs of children in order to develop their understanding, perception and decisions. Moreover, practitioners would make right changes in curriculum to make the framework moiré enjoyable as well as encouraging to children (Gribble et al. 2016). Practitioners Ned to discuss the statutory policies and procedures of children development with parent to let them know about the rules and regulation about dealing with children needs. They need to develop the sense of independence and autonomy in the care home to allow children and their parent to share information regarding children’s behaviour, their emotion, medical status, current psychology and preference. Early years professionals are responsible to assist children in establishing as well as sustaining the satisfying relationship with peers, parents and educators. Professionals are obliged to safeguard children from the any kind abuse, discrimination, bullying, emotional as well as physical damages and negligence. Professionals will provide advice to parents and children regarding their administration, education, learning process, healthcare and first. Through allowing parent to share their decision, perception and understanding regarding children’s preference and aspiration, practitioners can motivate parent to involve into educational, learning and professional development of children (MacDonald, 2015). Based on the statutory guidelines of Section 39(1) of Childcare Act 2006, practitioners would motivate parents and families to involve them in children’s learning and development. Based on the guidelines of Early Years Foundation Stage (Learning and Development Requirements) Order 2007, practitioners would provide Parent Guide and Booklets to make the parent aware of EYFS rules and codes of conduct. Through providing online materials to parent practitioner can improve the parent’s involvement into their children development and learning process.

1.4 -Explain the roles and responsibilities of colleagues in early years settings

There are different childcare staffs having their individual functions regarding providing the better care and support to each child. The provider or SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) has legal responsibilities in maintaining eth administration, control and supervision of the childcare center in association with the local authority and government bodies. Manager of the childcare home is responsible to carry out day-to-day management of childcare settings. Manager ensures that colleagues maintain proper coordination among them to implement the childcare provision in their settings. SENCO works with manager, practitioners and parents in the childcare setting for managing perfect rhythm in eth day-to-day operation of SEN policies. Through collaboration and cooperation, they will share the information regarding children needs and preference among them to make integrated decision in order to provide the best educational and learning framework to children. It is important for the childcare staffs to maintain good relationship with other in terms of transferring valuable information about children’s development needs to each level of staffs in the childcare center. Moreover they needs to maintain strong cooperation among them for introducing innovative process and changes into the curriculum that will assist parents as well as staffs to met the children’s needs. Statutory guidelines set by EYFS emphasize on the responsibilities of childcare staffs other than practitioners (Gribble et al. 2016). Based on these guidelines, practitioners and their colleagues would work on the children learning and developmental process in synergistic manner. They coordinate the EYFS and SEN provision across the setting for assessing as well as meeting the educational, learning and developmental needs of the children. In addition to the setting manager and SEN coordinator, the practitioners act as child's key person who assess, evaluate and analyze the child's needs. Coeds of Practice envisages that practitioner are responsible to work with the children in daily basis for allowing them for sharing children's viewpoints and decision regarding any particular matter.

1.5 -Explain why partnership working may be difficult in a multidisciplinary team

Working with the multidisciplinary team will develop the high level of conflict and disagreements that not only damage the synergistic work process but also provoke childcare staffs to compete with each other for ether individual recognition. Many times partnership working leads to development of barriers into the childcare process, which is as follows:

Childcare members can fight with one other for assessing the services, rights and responsibilities, which create the misunderstanding as well as conflict among them. Sometimes, childcare staff or parent is excluded from the expected roles or designation during the childcare process, which leads to dissatisfaction within the staffs. Many times partnership working leads to development of barriers into the childcare process, which is as follows: In most of the cases, childcare homes are unable to have proper crisis management techniques, which make it difficult for the children care staffs to mitigate the misunderstanding and conflict among the staffs (Gribble et al. 2016). Other important barriers are limited resources, limited access to children’s needs, training and education, time constraints, negative approach of the higher officials, which damages the trustworthy relationship among the childcare staffs.

Practitioners and colleagues are of different designation, which have distinct responsibilities to deal with. In these aspect, opinion mismatch, misunderstanding and disagreement is a common issue that occurs during the partnership working. Sometimes multidisciplinary team fails to hold their coordination and collaboration while working with children and their parents. Lack of focus, interdependence, different preference and high level of competition distract the staffs towards the common goal. Different childcare staffs develop their different childcare setting which can develop the own preferences, severe competition and disagreements. Sometimes team members of a multidisciplinary team fail to share information reading the children, which leads to incorrect assessment of child’s psychology, emotional and development needs.

1.6 -Analyze the impact of parental rights on partnership work

Based on the Early Years Foundation Stage and Childcare (2017) guidelines, parent should be involved in the partnership working, as their partnership s paramount for children to get the better education and reach the expected level of their development. Moreover, parent has rights to get all possible information regarding the developmental and learning of their children. Through sharing information regarding childcare process, practitioners can improve the awareness of parent regarding their children’s needs, preference, learning process a development. As a result, it discourages the professionals to take additional charge of children development (Cook, et al. 2016). On the contrary, some positive effects are associated with the parental rights. In this aspect, obligation of practitioner to take consent from parent regarding childcare process is important for involving parents into the decisions and activities set for children development and education. Parents sometime do not trust practitioners and childcare professionals in order to handover the care educational and developmental responsibilities of their child. In this aspect, parent interrogates the children regarding approaches and behavior of childcare practitioners towards them However, parent rights have both the positive and negative impact on the process of early year childhood development. Parents have rights to be informed about the activities undertaken for children. Practitioner need to take consents from parent before implementing any childcare setting. In this aspect, sometimes, parent does not give their consent to allow their children for taking part in challenging activities. Sometimes parents interfere with the decisions and planning of the educationist, which develops conflicts among them. Therefore, parent should be aware about their rights and apply these rights in favour of implementing proper childcare setting. They should coordinate with educations and other childcare staffs for assisting their children for achieving the expected level of development.

1.7 -Analyse the impact of parental views and experiences on partnership work

Parental viewpoint and experience is important asset for childcare staffs that they can utilize in term of assessing the child psychology, their demands and preference. According to Cronin and Argent (2017), parental experience is important aspect in childcare process, in which practitioners can use the experience to assess the attitude, behaviour and preference of children. In addition to that, practitioner needs to be prepared about the changing perception and preference of children with their age. In this aspect, parent’s experience and perception can assist professionals to deal with the changing needs of children and their ever-changing interest. Only parents can know their children well, as they spend most of the time with children. Through sharing their viewpoints and experience, parent can aware childcare staffs and early year professionals about the physical, psychological, emotional and social status of children. Moreover, involving parent into representing their viewpoint regarding the children’s development and education, practitioners can improve the ways of dealing with children’s needs. Through evaluating parent’s viewpoint and experience, practitioners can understand the behaviour activities, interest and strength of children. By analyzing this information, professional ns and educator can plan relevant childcare setting that will not only meet the development needs of children but also educate them in positive manner.

3.4 -Review own performance in giving advice to parents and/or carers

Being an early year professional, I have experienced the way in which practitioners need to communicate with parent and children for developing the [roper care planning. Through providing proper advice to the parent, I always allow parent to understand the actual needs and preference of their children. I discuss the developmental needs of children with parent. Moreover, I also provide the Parent Guide and Booklets to parents, which will assist them to know about EYFS guidelines, childcare legislations and risk management processes. Through conducting professional training for the parent in my workplace, I always focus on improving parent’s ability to set proper activities and guidance for their children. Moreover, I always provide the regular update regarding the process and activities that are taken for the children in order to educate them in proper manner. Being senior childcare professional, I always conduct regular online meeting with parents to inform them about their responsibilities in developing their child’s cognitive, physical and emotional strength. I also provide advice to parent regarding their activities and learning that would be undertaken at home for encouraging children to take challenges for developing their decision-making ability and eth problem, solving ability. In addition to that, I believe in involving parent each childcare setting or decisions that are undertaken for children’s welfare. This process assists me to make strong as well as positive relationship with parents. As a result, parents share their experience and viewpoint regarding their children’s development and education thereby making me understand their actual needs or interests

3.5 -Develop an action plan for improvement in giving advice to parents and/or carers

The inclusion coordinator of childcare home would conduct official meeting with parent so that practitioners can provide regular advice to the parent regarding their children development and learning. Online communication through web conference and mail would be done to train parent about activities and performance that the parent would do for encouraging their children for developing their mental strength as well as knowledge. Childcare manager would conduct the meeting in which all the childcare staffs such as coordinator, healthcare staffs, professionals, practitioners and educationists will be present. In this meeting, the higher official discuss about the childcare policies, EYFS legislation, implementation of these guidelines into childcare process and improvement of childcare framework. Moreover, different childcare staffs such as language therapist, psychiatrist, health coordinator, SENCO and practitioners will share their understanding through face-to-face meeting with parent at weekend. Children should de offers weekly therapies and counselling from reendowed psychotherapist in the care homes. Physical and psychologies therapies are important for practitioners to understand and evaluate the actual devilment needs of children (Elgar et al. 2015). In this meeting, they will advise the parent about their rights, responsibilities and limitation regarding childcare education and learning process. Hardcopy of parent rights, their obligations and childcare guideline will be provided to parent in form of leaflets or documents, which will assist the parent to clearly understand about their duties regarding their children development.

Understand how children from birth to five years learn through play

1.1 Analyze the theoretical perspectives taken to learning and development through play

Different theoretical perspectives are there in terms of learning and development through play. Pieget Theory of Learning through Play, focuses on the fact that play is crucial aspect in children development, which develop their sensory functions, and physical development. Based on the Vygotsky’s perspective, voluntary involvement of children in play not only develop their physical strength but also develop their mental stability. Froebel’s viewpoint states that learning through play is important process of activating the decision-making skill and problem-solving ability of children. Based on the Pieget Theory of Learning, practitioners need to focus on physical exercise of children, through which children can develop both their emotional and physical strength. Moreover, practitioner can use this theory in order to set childcare activities that will focus on developing the muscular strength, arm strength, body movements and physical exercise. Through this process, the practitioners can easily improve the physical, psychological and emotional health of children. On the contrary, Hassan et al. (2016) argued that, practitioners would include learning into play rather than focusing on only physical exercise. Based on this aspect, practitioners would focus on play-based learning that will allow children to solve different equation in playful manner. In this process, children can develop their decision-making ability, problem solving skill and positive behavior

1.2 -Explain how children are competent learners from birth to five years:

As children grow up, they develop their physical, mental, spiritual, cognitive and emotional strength. Just after birth, children are included into learning and development process. From birth to one year, children learn to move their head, limb and body in response to the external stimuli. In this process, they are involved in catching the voice and recognizing the touch of their surrounding people. From 1 year to two years, children gain the ability to recognize eth voice of their parent and can differentiate between their parent and surrounding people by listening them. In this stage, children learn to differentiate among voices, which assist them to respond in proper manner to their surrounding the stimulus. After two years, children can easily differentiate between different objects by touching them or taking their smell. Through seeing the color and texture of different object, they can recognize the importance of each object in their surrounding environment. Through the physical and mental development of c children, they enhance their compatibility to learn new things around them. They have ability to move their body to respond to the external stimuli. After three years, children learn to develop their understating, judgmental approach and cognitive ability to evaluate the cause and effect of different aspect. In this stage, children learn to create their own decision and analyzing skill, which make them able to deal with any difficult situation in their personal and professional life. They are highly compatible in identifying things by touching, feeling and seeing the objects.

2.2 -Explain the effect that a lack of play can have on learning:

Lack of play will affect the brain development of children. It will also retard the physical, mental and emotional development of children. Learning without play will leads to development of poor understanding, perception and decision making ability. Moreover, play does important role in developing positive behavior and correct attitude among children. Lack of play will leads children to depression, anxiety and poor self-confidence. Lack of play retards the formation of brain cells and decision in proper manner which nit only affect the psychological wellbeing of children but also affect the normal body growth. Children with less play are more likely prevalent to infections, disease, virus attack as compared to the children who play every day. Play based learning process acts as therapeutic process for children in whom they can share their thoughts, ideas and values with their parents, peers and practitioners. Through sharing of ideas during the play based learning process, children can form their own decision and judgments, which are important, set their aim and objectives. Moreover, lack of play reduces the physical strength in children. For example, recent studies have shown hat, children who are not actively involved in play, are highly prevalent to different disease and physical disorder such as cardio vascular disease, lung disorder, poor muscular strength, and poor immune system and damaged bone joints.

2.3 -Explain why children require a personalised approach to their play and learning needs

Personalized approach is the settings and approaches that are taken for the meeting the individual need of children. Personalized approach for play is important in order to analyze the actual need of each child. Through playing with children, practitioners and parent can understand the developmental, emotional and physical requirements of each child. By choosing relevant play for each child, practitioners can understand the differences of individual need. Therefore, personalized play is important for providing the better learning and developmental framework to each child. Personalized approach is important for children’s development, in which practitioners can analyze the actual requirement of children regarding their development, educational and learning. Moreover, this approach assist practitioners to access the individual behavior of each child by evaluating the activities, approaches and perception. Through personalized approach, practitioners can discuss with each parent about their child’s behavior, activities and needs. Through this approach, practitioners can understand that what type of child are setting they will take in terms of meeting the children’s needs.

2.4 -Analyse the key features of an effective play-based learning environment

Play-based learning is considered as the child educational and developmental approach that instigates the socio-emotional, cognitive, psychological and physical development of their children. as stead by Network (2017), through playful learning, educator can promote children’s exploration by involving them in challenging task. Dramatic play, dress-up, blocks, loose part arrangement, toys, books and books will encourage children to develop their own decisions and ideas for solving different puzzles. Play-based classroom provides opportunities for children in learning about words, writing, math and surrounding world. Symbolic play will assist the children to comprehend different aspects and get literacy knowledge. Play-based learning also develops the creativity and eth problem solving skill in children, which assist them to deal with any subjects or mathematical calculation. According to Robinson et al. (2015), play-based learning affects the overall activity of the children towards evaluating different aspect surrounding them. Play based learning, assist children to learn about solving different equation, mathematics and geometry. For example, different intellectual play such as numbers, numeric games, audiovisual games and dance will assist children to develop their decision-making approach, analyzing skill and problem solving ability. Through incorporating different games into curriculum, practitioners can hold children’s interest into learning new things and exploring the new world surrounding them. Moreover, play full activities throughout he learning session will allow children to learn about sharing, communicating and interacting with their peers.

2.5 -Explain why both adult initiated and child initiated play and learning activities are important for children from birth to five years

Just after the birth, babies are involved in learning. Throughout the learning process, they attain physical, mental, emotional and socio-psychological development. From birth to five years, babies and toddlers learn through playful activities. They learn many things through play-based process:

Children learn to identify things based on their color, shape and structure They learn to recognize the voice of surrounding people and respond properly They interact with parent and educator by asking different questions that develop their communication skill and speech ability They learn to experiment with different object surrounding them such as water, toys, foods and dirt With play, based learning children develop their stock of words and their proper use for making meaningful sentences Adult and child initiated play assist children to develop their physical and psychological wellbeing (Hassan et al. 2016). Practitioners can encourage children through implementing different play based learning process, which would develop the decision making power and problem solving ability of children (Elgar et al. 2015). Child based and adult based learning process is two important aspects on play-based learning. The former process is based on meeting the children needs. On the other hand, later process assists practitioners to focus on needs of adult children. Through this process, practitioners can evaluate the needs, interest and perception of children as well as young adult. Therefore, these process asssit practitioners to provide better care and support to each child to allow them having better educational, developmental and learning framework.

3.1 -Identify the main barriers to play based learning within early years provision

Although play-based learning is useful and effective process for children in order to develop their physical, emotional and psychological growth, but there are some barriers associated with this type of learning process, which are as follows:

Parent sometimes do not allow their children to play outside because of health and safety Sometimes family members are not agreed to allow their children to go out for vacation or tournaments due to their safety Sometimes educators are not well-trained to make proper learning as well as developmental setting for children Most of the childcare centre and school cannot afford the extra staffs and equipment needed to provide a play-based environment to children Sometimes educator find it difficult or cannot understand how they can implement these play-based learning into the curriculum Materials used for play-based learning are not adequate or relevant to the huge number of children Sometimes educators who work for years in the childcare homes or schools, are not able to adjust with the new play based curriculum In most of the time, practitioners are unable to understand what types of games need to be included into learning process. Irrelevant games or wrongly selected plays pose adverse effect on the mental as well as physical health of the children. Many times, play based learning divert the mind and concentration of children from learning process to the games. As a result, they are only involved in plays but are not interested in learning new things. On the contrary, () argued that play based learning not only involve children into different games, but also improve their decisions as well as problem solving skill to deal with different aspects.

3.2 -Analyse how barriers to play can be overcome

For overcoming the aforementioned barriers in case of play-based learning, following actions can be taken:

Training to the educators, childcare staffs and parent by Health and Safety Executives (HSE) HSE will let the parents and educators aware about the positive effect of play in maintaining health and wellbeing of the children. HSE can inform parent about the important of play based learning and train them how to implement the play based learning process in term soft developing the physical and mental growth of children. The Council for Learning outside the Classroom (CLOtC), need to conduct outdoor learning and play for children. Through outdoor learning process , practitioners can improve knowledge and skill of the children by showing practical example in their surrounding environment. CLOtC staffs will meet with parent to provide advice and support for the learning beyond the classroom by introducing children to outside world. Through this process, children can meet with their surrounding environment and learn to different various objects in their outside environment based on their colour, shape, texture, odour and touch. HSE will work with Play Safe Forum for producing the High-Level Statement that aims to assist parents, educators and childcare staffs to keep balance between the learning and children safety. Educators and childcare staffs would be provided with high-quality training to maintain proper safety and health care for children for outdoor play and learning process

3.3 -Explain ways in which children with additional needs can participate fully in play and learning activities

For supporting children with additional needs following strategies can be applied:

Educators will encourage children with additional needs to involve in all functions, play and learning program in school as well as in their community. As stated by Betancourt et al. (2015), children with additional needs are highly prevalent to discrimination, abuse, lack of proper health, educational, facilities. Therefore, practitioners need to provide proper attention on activities and behavior. Practitioners need to set proper play based learning process for these children to encourage their active involvement onto these games. Individualized strategies need to be formed for these children to meet their individual requirements (Christian et al. 2015). Through these strategies, practitioners can discuss needs of each special child to set relevant activities as well as setting for them. Educator will work with children along with their parent to understand the preferences, psychology, emotional attachments and behavior. Moreover, educator needs to include different intellectual learning process into the curriculum to assist the children with special needs to apply their intelligence as well as problem solving skill in order to deal with different aspects. Offer the caring, cooperative and helpful behavior towards children with special needs (Elgar et al. 2015) Educator would respect the culture, ethnicity, race and additional needs of different children and learn them the same to do Provide equal opportunities to children with and without additional needs in playing together Encourage children with additional needs to identify their own strength by developing their decisions as well as ideas to deal with any task by their own

4.1 -Explain how to plan a play-based approach to learning for early years children

The effective and useful plan of play-based learning will have different games such as verbal games, intellectual games and funny games (Bundy et al. 2018). Play based learning process acts as therapeutic process for children in whom they can share their thoughts, ideas and values with their parents, peers and practitioners. Through sharing of ideas during the play based learning process, children can form their own decision and judgments, which are important, set their aim and objectives. Moreover, lack of play reduces the physical strength in children. For example, recent studies have shown hat, children who are not actively involved in play, are highly prevalent to different disease and physical disorder such as cardio vascular disease, lung disorder, poor muscular strength, and poor immune system and damaged bone joints. Play-based learning will be conducted outside the classroom where children can enjoy every moment of their learning process. Different funny instruments or equipment such as boxes, toys, numbers, books, mathematical puzzles and music system will be there during the play-based learning process. Educator will work with children along with their parent during the plat based learning process so that they get proper information about the children.

4.2 -Explain how to support a play-based approach to learning for early years children

For supporting play-based learning, Health and Safety Executives can have parent and educator to promote different play based learning program that will develop children's physical and mental ability. The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC), need to conduct outdoor learning and play for children. Educators will encourage children and parent to participate in the play based learning process by informing them about the positive effect of this process. Moreover, childcare committee and local authority can conduct awareness program in local school on supporting the play based learning. Lack of play will affect the brain development of children. It will also retard the physical, mental and emotional development of children (Ang et al. 2017). Learning without play will leads to development of poor understanding, perception and decision making ability. Moreover, play does important role in developing positive behavior and correct attitude among children. Lack of play will leads children to depression, anxiety and poor self-confidence. Personalized approach for play is important in order to analyze the actual need of each child. Through playing with children, practitioners and parent can understand the developmental, emotional and physical requirements of each child. By choosing relevant play for each child, practitioners can understand the differences of individual need

4.3 -Evaluate different materials and equipment to support play-based learning opportunities for children in their early years

Different materials and equipment that are needed to support play-based learning are as follows:

Mathematical puzzle games, calculating device and toys Soft toy animals Different slopes, structures and numbers Different books, magazines and voice recorder Music system Dress up clothes: jacket, shirts, shoes, hats, boots and slippers Small interlocking blocks and accessories for fantasy constructions such as superhero, castle and pirate chip

4.4 -Explain the role of the adult in supporting children's play based learning

Adult would extend the support towards child by engaging in their activities or playing. Children can learn new things from adults by copying them. Children involve in intellectual games and funny play while they watch that voluntary participation of adults. Adults can encourage children to take innovative decision and ideas to deal with any game. By watching the dedication, polite behaviour and effort, children try to explore their inner strength and problem-solving skill that assists them to develop their cognitive, socio-emotional and decision making skill. According to Robinson et al. (2015), play-based learning affects the overall activity of the children towards evaluating different aspect surrounding them. Play based learning, assist children to learn about solving different equation, mathematics and geometry. For example, different intellectual play such as numbers, numeric games, audiovisual games and dance will assist children to develop their decision-making approach, analyzing skill and problem solving ability. As stead by Network (2017), through playful learning, educator can promote children’s exploration by involving them in challenging task. Dramatic play, dress-up, blocks, loose part arrangement, toys, books and books will encourage children to develop their own decisions and ideas for solving different puzzles. Play-based classroom provides opportunities for children in learning about words, writing, math and surrounding world.

Understand the principles of managing risk in early year’s settings

5.1 -Explain why children need to be able to take risks in play

Play-based learning is important for children's knowledge, physical, emotional, psychological and cognitive development (Cronin and Argent, 2017). Therefore, during play-based learning, children need to be prepared for taking small risk, as it is important for their growth, brain development and emotional stability. For developing, the decision making skill and self-confidence children need to deal with the critical as well as risky games. Some of the games that are risky for both the intellectual and physical aspects of children will strengthen their immune system, problem solving skill and brain functions. During running, exercising and jumping during play-based learning process; children have huge chances of being hurt or injured. It children get hurt during play, it not only improve the antibody formation but also make the bone as well as ligaments of limb strong. Moreover, if children fail to solve any puzzle, they try it more time until the game is solved (Hassan et al. 2016). This process develops their emotional strength, self-confidence and cognitive ability.

5.2 -Analyze the role of play in enabling children to learn to manage risk for themselves and others

Play is crucial aspect in assisting children to manage risk in every aspects of life. Intellectual games such as puzzle, mathematical games, number arrangement and block building can develop their new ideas, tricks, decisions, thinking ability and judgmental approach in children. For example during running first time, children can fall and get hurt. After this experience, they run carefully to avoid falling or get hurt. By dealing with critical task children, learn how to play or operate these games (Knettel et al. 2017). Therefore, next time they use the previous concept and experience to solve puzzles. Children use their previous ideas and thoughts while meeting with risk. Moreover, through playing children can understand the associated risk in their surrounding such as risk associated with water, fire, pointed instruments and stones. Children thus learn to avoid the harmful use of these risky things to avoid injuries and health disorders.

5.3 -Identify risks and hazards in an early years setting

Different risk and hazards are associated with the early year setting which are as follows:

Health and safety risk for children during the learning process

Children are highly prevalent to disease and infections. Therefore, play-based learning can leads to fever, infections, allergies and skin disease in children (Christian et al. 2015) Children are also have high risk of electrocution hazards, in which they can get electric shock from open wire or broken as well as uncovered plug Poor trained educator or carers cannot provide proper protection to children. therefore children can fall from anywhere or they get hurt from different instrument (Betancourt et al. 2015) Small parts of the toys can be one of the important risks that the children can put into their mouth or eyes Children can out soil;, sand and water into their mouth during the absence of parents and educators which can cause severe infection, liver problem and digestive disorder

5.4 -Explain the principles of risk and benefit assessment pro forma for an early years setting

Principles of the risk and benefit assessment in the early year setting:

One risk assessment committee needs to be conducted by the local authority Proper parameter needs to be used for measuring the risk associated with children develop in the early year setting (Bundy et al. 2018) Educator should be able to differentiate between eth risky situation and the usefulness of that situation in children development Formation of proper strategies to assist children in dealing with these risk Taking a balanced approach for managing risk Use proforma to record all information regarding the risk and benefits associated with children learning, education and development. Educator and the care staffs would use the standard way to analyze as well as deal with every risk

5.5 -Explain the legal framework and current national guidelines for safety in early years settings

Legal or statutory framework and national guidelines are associated with protecting children from violation, health disorder, bullying, neglect abuse and exploitation. Current guidelines of Children Act 1989, emphasize on providing positive, bias-free and encouraging environment to children in their home as well as outside (Elgar et al. 2015). Moreover, the Codes of Conduct set rules for developing effective childcare setting in schools as well as in home to develop children’s self-confidence and decision-making ability. Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Relevant Agency (England) Regulations (2018), emphasizes the rights and entitlements of children (Hassan et al. 2016). Children Act 1933 makes it obligatory for the childcare committees and childcare staffs to assure that all children are free from abuse, exploitation and bullying. It also highlights the equal opportunity and discrimination-free childcare framework that is crucial for developing skill and knowledge of children.

Know the principles of healthy eating for children

1.1 -Outline the nutritional requirements of a healthy diet for children

Protein: sea food, lean meat, beans, poultry eggs, peas, soy products, seeds and unsalted nuts Vegetables: variety of fresh vegetables such as dark green vegetables, peas, potatoes, beans Dairy: milk, yoghurt and cheese Fruits: fresh, canned and boiled fruits, such as apples, banana, pineapple, orange and guava

Daily guidelines for nutritional requirement for children: ( 1-3 years)


Daily guidelines for nutritional requirement for children: ( 3-5 years)


1.2 -Describe examples of healthy meals and snacks for children


Protein: sea food, lean meat, beans, poultry eggs, peas, soy products, seeds and unsalted nuts Vegetables: variety of fresh vegetables such as dark green vegetables, peas, potatoes, beans (Network, 2017) Dairy: milk, yogurt and cheese Fruits: fresh, canned and boiled fruits, such as apples, banana, pineapple, orange and guava


Mixed nuts Red Bell Pepper with Guacamole Yogurt with mixed berries Apple slices and peanut butter Cottage cheese with cinnamon and flaxseeds

1.3 -Describe how culture, religion and health conditions influence food choices

Culture religion and health condition affect the food choices of children as well as of adults. There is huge diversity in food preference, dietary habits and food processing in people with different religion, race and ethnicity (Gonzalez et al. 2017). Some kinds of foods are restricted in major religions that affect the nutritional requirements and growth of infants. People from different culture and religion have particular food habits that can affect the nutritional need of children. Moreover, people who prefer the vegetable in their diet can have lack of calcium, amino acids and fatty acids in their dietary chart. Therefore, religion and ethnicity not only affects the health condition but also affect food choice. In some religion, people do not eat animal meat and foods, which can lead to lack of protein and fat in children's diet (Whalley, 2017)

Now the benefits of healthy eating for children

2.1 -Describe the benefits of healthy eating for children

Healthy eating is important for

Developing brain cell, neurons and sensory nerves in infants Maintaining proper growth of bones muscles, ligaments and nerves Meet daily nutritional requirement which assists the children in dealing with everyday activities (Network, 2017) Improve the sensory function of children that assist them to respond properly in any stimuli Develop decision-making ability, cognitive skill and problem-solving ability Develop immune system in children

2.2 -Describe the possible consequences of an unhealthy diet

Poor and unhealthy diet contributes to poor immune system, improper growth and development of children. Children become unable to perform everyday activities and get exhausted easily. Tooth decay, high blood pressure, obesity, heavyweight gain and improper brain functions are associated with unhealthy diet in children (Whalley, 2017). Unhealthy diet fails to meet the nutritional demands of children, which affect the normal physical, emotional and psychological development. Poor diet also leads to ill health, depression, anxiety and tiredness..

2.3 -Identify sources of information and advice on dietary concerns

Important sources for the dietary advice and information in National Health Service (NHS), Websites, Healthcare Committees, renewed nutritionist and Health and Safety Executives.

Know how to recognize and respond to allergenic reactions to food

3.1 -Describe how to recognize allergenic reactions to food

Symptoms that are used to recognize the allergic reaction are:

Dry and slight cough Stomach pain and add taste in mouth Loss of consciousness Chest pain Turning blue Sneezing Shortness of breath and wheezing Reddish, itchy areas and swollen on skin Nausea and vomiting Sneezing Nasal congestion

3.2 -Describe how to deal with allergenic reactions to food

Educator and childcare staffs would prepare proper childcare setting for assisting parent to avoid chances of further allergic reaction. Moreover, parent and educator will also assure positive and hygienic environment for children to assist them get rid of allergic reaction (Gonzalez et al. 2017). Practitioners would discuss with doctors regarding the allergic reaction the child experience. They would follow the doctor’s guidelines to deal with allergic reaction. Moreover, childcare staffs and parent will assure that children are placed to hygienic environment to prevent any further infection or injuries to the allergic areas. Parent would also discuss with childcare staff to deal with allergic reactions. Parents would assure that children would not eat the food again which is the main cause of allergic reaction.

Be able to encourage children to make healthier food choices

4.1 -Review the effectiveness of the food policy of own setting in encouraging children to make healthier food choices

Food Standard and Policy emphasize on representing the daily nutritional needs of children. This provides the advice and information regarding the age-based nutritional demand for children, general food safety, contaminants. . Food policies do not support sharing or swapping of different food among children for avoiding the chances of food allergies. Children should be informed as well as trained about using water and take their food without wasting. Codes of conduct regarding the children food provide clear information to practitioners and parent about storing, preparing and serving food (Gribble et al. 2016). Food policies also represent the healthy food choices by comprehending the benefits of each food items for assisting children as well as parent to choose a healthy diet.

5.2 -Plan strategies for encouraging children's personal hygiene at meal and snack times

Practitioners and parent can offer healthy as well as tasty foods and snacks to children based on their preference. Snacks and meals according to the child's preference will encourage the child to have tasty foods. Moreover, practitioner and parent can tell interesting stories about food values and benefits during food time, which will encourage children to have healthy foods. Moreover, current food policies and Codes of conduct set rules for maintaining hygiene before having lunch and snack (Smith and May 2018). Children should wash their hands before joining to the table for lunch. Parent can play with children during food time, as it will offer more fun to children during their lunch and dinner.

6.1 -Describe the setting's code of conduct and policies for meal and snack times

Current food policies and Codes of conduct set rules for maintaining hygiene before having lunch and snack. Children should wash their hands before joining to the table for lunch. Food policies do not support sharing or swapping of different food among children for avoiding the chances of food allergies (Cook, et al. 2016). Children should be informed as well as trained about using water and take their food without wasting. Meal for children should be healthy, and hygienic that will not only meet the nutritional demand of children but also develop their physical, mental and emotional health of children. Codes of practice and policies are set to mention the food standard, nutritional need, food choice and food quality in the case of children. Codes of conduct regarding the children food provide clear information to practitioners and parent about storing, preparing and serving food.

Be able to provide respectful physical care for babies and young children

1.2 -Plan strategies to ensure the preferences of carers are taken into account in the provision of physical care:

Carers are involved while setting strategies for physical care of children. Parent will make their children learn to make friendly relation with carers. Practitioners will ensure that carers are involved in meeting every need of children. Parent and carers will work together to respect each other decision and ideas that are going to be implemented for children physical care (Cronin and Argent, 2017). Cares would be invited to attend the meeting and training process in which manager or senior coordinator of childcare centre will discuss the physical needs of children

2.1 -Plan daily and weekly routines for babies and young children to meet individual needs

Playing and knowledge sharing are also going to be included in this plan, through which practitioner and parent can interact as well as communicate with children for assessing their needs and preference. Exercise needs to be included in the plan, which is important for the physical and mental development of children (Betancourt et al. 2015. Children have different nutritional requirement for different time. Therefore, while planning for the daily routine, the practitioner would choose such amount of foods that will meet the daily nutritional requirement of each child.

Be able to provide opportunities for exercise and physical activity

3.1 -Plan how to support babies or young children's exercise and physical activity

Parent can encourage children by participate in exercise with them on regular basis. Practitioner can conduct funny competition among groups of children for exercise that can encourage children to do more physical activity and exercise. Practitioner along with parent can play music system of conduct funny play during exercise which will motivate children to run, jump and move from one place to another (Betancourt et al. 2015).

4.1 -Identify policies and procedures that cover health, safety and protection of babies and young children

Based on the guidelines of Children and Social Work Act (2017), children would be protected from physical, mental, emotional and social abuse. Moreover, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) upholds the equal opportunity and discrimination-free educational as well as learning facilities to all children. Based on the NHS guidelines for Children with Special Needs (CSN) are provided with high quality care and protection. The policies and procedure regarding children health and safety emphasizes obligation of parents and practitioners to provide safe and secure environment to children. Children with mental disorder are highly prevalent to disease, abuse and bullying. Children Mental Health Act (2003) gives legal obligation on practitioners to eliminate all type of discrimination and biases with disabled children. Children's Mental Health System in England. 9. Section 1, emphasizes on responsibility of carers and practitioner in providing hygienic food, environment to children. As per the guidelines of Children Act (1989), children must be placed in hygienic, healthy and cultural environment whether they can develop new ideas, thoughts and creativity.

4.2 -Evaluate the safety features within the environment for babies and young children

Children would be provided with an environment in which they can develop their creativity and innovative ideas. The environment will be free from bullying, discrimination, and abuse. Practitioners will take care of children to protect them of being injured from broken parts of the toys and stones. Based on the guidelines of the Children Protection Act (1993), children will reside in such an environment where they can make perfect communication and coordination with their society. Practitioner will assure that the children have the positive and motivating environment, which not only free from injuries, disease or infections but also from any type of social, emotional and psychological dilemmas. Parents and practitioner need to train children for maintaining hygiene in their surrounding environment. The practitioner will assure that space, where the children are playing and residing, are free of chemicals, electrical things, medicines, pointed instruments and broken parts of eth objects. Such as children are trained to put all garbage into dustbin. Children would also be provided with cultural and positive environment, which will encourage their wellbeing and optimistic behaviour. Practitioner will train children in such as way that will assist the children in order to become natural explorer as well as risk taker.. 4.5 -Identify current advice on minimizing sudden infant death syndrome in everyday routines for babies Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is also referred to as crib death, which is the sudden death of babies less than 1 year in age. There are NHS guidelines and strategies that the educator and parent need to follow for reducing eth risk of SIDS:

Place the baby on their back during sleep in the cot up to six month Babies will not let be alone and one person always be there with baby to avoid the SIDS risk Parent will share the same bed with baby if they are smokers or drunk Never let the baby sleep on sofa or armchair Keep baby’s head uncovered and the blanket need to be tucked only up to shoulder Always place the baby ‘feet to foot’ position with their feet at end of cot or blank

Be able to provide for the nutritional needs of babies less than 18 months

5.1 -Identify current government guidance the nutritional needs of babies until they are fully weaned

It is acknowledged that, not the all babies develop during eth same age as well as same pace. Most of babies are ready to eat the solid foods at around the six month. Department of Health set guidelines that are recommended for meeting the nutritional needs of babies.

Babies need to be provided with breast milk that will continue for 6 months Babies can be provided with soya milk and casein milk

Food Standard Agency suggests four stages of nutritional process before the child attain full weaning:

First stage: pureed, small spoonful serving for the children up to six-month age Second stage: Increase the number of solid foods gradually based on the recommended guidelines Third Stage: Introduce the lumpier and finger foods and quantity of milk will remain the same Fourth Stage: Then move to the chopped foods and increase the size of the meals. Fruits, vegetables and healthy snacks are added to the menu

5.2 -Plan a programme of weaning

Weaning is referred to as the process of shifting baby's diet from only milk to the solid foods. There are NHS guidelines regarding the planning of the weaning process, which follows the setting of the Department of Health, UK. The plan of successful weaning program is:

Step 1: the parent will start the weaning process with single vegetables. Parent can start with the savoury flavour and need to avoid the sweeter veggies. They can provide babies with carrots, cauliflower, peas and broccoli. Step 2: now the baby is already habituated with the taste of single veggies, so parent can move towards the second step. In this step, they will offer new vegetables, fruits to children and let them introduce to the different taste as well as texture. Step 3: in this step, children will have repeated meal with meat, fish and curbs. Fruits and vegetable are also given along with this meal. This process with let the children taste both the vegetables and animal food Step 4: now parent will offer the timely meal with proper quantity. Babies will be served their favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner with standard level of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Step 5: now children will have three meals a day with proper among vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and yogurt. Parent will offer at least 500-600 ml milk in a day.

5.4 -Evaluate the benefits of different types of formula that are commonly available

Different formulas and strategies need to be undertaken for meeting the nutritional needs of the children. NHS guidelines and standard set by the Department of Health regarding the meal and choice of food for children are important to assist educator as well as parent to choose the best food relevant to children's development. These are beneficial in terms of developing the physical and psychological strength of the children. The weaning process and planning for assessing the nutritional needs of babies are important in understanding the actual nutritional requirement of children.

6.2 -Identify food allergies and intolerances that a young child may experience

Young child and toddlers are more prevalent to food allergies as they have explorative approach. They can face asthma, food allergy, fever, skin infection and eczema due to eating different food such as peanut, milk, yogurt, parent and educator can understand and identify whether the child has an allergic reaction on food by checking Childs’ skin, temperature, tongue, throat and eyes. The symptoms for allergies are as follows:

Vomiting and diarrhoea Cough Itchy throat as well as tongue Swollen throat and lips Blocked nose Red, sore and itchy eyes

6.3 -Review plans to ensure parent and/or carer's instructions on the needs of their child are accounted for

Setting of perfect plan is important for ensuring the parent and educator’s instruction as well as advice is implemented into the childcare framework. Educator and parent can supervise their children’s activity to ensure that children take their parent advice in positive manner. Moreover, educator can review the activities and behaviour of children on daily basis. This will assist parent and educator to judge that whether their instructions are implemented in the children development and learning process. The policy statement is based on providing positive environment to children for encouraging them in developing their positive behavior and image. Children’s Centre Safeguarding Children Policy focuses on providing safe and secure childhood as well as future life to each child by protecting them from any humiliation, bullying, discrimination, physical and emotional abuse and disability. Childcare coordinator and manager will assure that children are provided with appropriate staffing resources that are important for meeting their physical as well as emotional needs.

Understand health and safety legislation and regulations

1.1 -Explain how health and safety legislation and regulations are implemented in own work setting

Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 emphasize on the fact that childcare staffs, social workers and their colleagues will maintain healthy, hygienic and positive environment within the workplace. Based on workplace and heath setting of aforementioned acts, practitioners, educators, coordinator, manager and children in the childcare homes will maintain abuse free, bias-free and healthy environment that will motivate them to cooperate with each other in perfect manner. There are several legislation regarding health and safety in own work setting. Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, emphasize the safest as well as secure working process of individual in order to avoid risk of injuries, accidents and infections. Moreover, Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Act 2015, focuses on maintaining safe, healthy and discrimination-free environment for children as well as for adults, in which each individual is treated with equal opportunities.

1.2 -Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments

Sources of current health and safety guidelines are NHS websites, Department of Heath, UK websites, online government article regarding health and safety and healthcare magazines, local health committees and Health and Safety Executives (HSE). Based on the Children Act 1989, practitioners need to provide proper safety to all children from any kind of abuse and discrimination. Educators, practitioners, coordinator, therapist and child psychologist will coordinate each other for making positive childcare environment, which protect children from any kind of bullying, abuse and negligence. Moreover, The Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations 2012, emphasize on responsibilities of practitioners in order to develop public concern about children developmental needs, children abuse, discrimination and bullying. Under this act, practitioner would work with parents, school staffs and local; authority to provide healthy as well as optimistic environment to children (Walker et al. 2018).

2.1 -Identify the physical care routines which may be carried out

Physical care routing is one of the most important aspects in childcare framework, in which practitioners and parent do change, cleaning, feeding and dressing of children, as they are unable to do it by themselves. Parent and practitioner will assist children in doing freehand exercise such as running, jumping, moving and dancing. At home, parent will check and physical activities of children such as their performance in moving object from one place to another or playing with intellectual games (Gribble et al. 2016). Practitioners also check the arrival and leaving times of children, their mealtime, bath time and sleep or rest time.

2.2 -Describe how to plan and carry out physical care routines suitable to the age, stage and needs of the child

Practitioners and parent need to make relevant physical care plan routine based on the age, stage and need of the children. Physical care routine for babies with different age group is different. For children of 1-3 years, practitioners would do nappy changing, bath, shower, skin, toilet training, and teeth brush skin caring and hygienic practice. On the other hand, for children with 3-5 years practitioner need focus mainly on daily exercise, three-time meal, maintaining hygiene, proper clothing and cleaning (Cook, et al. 2016). Some factors need to keep in mind while planning the physical acre routine such as the age of children, their diet chart, mealtime, bath time, chosen foods, exercise time and arrest time..

2.3 -Explain potential dilemmas between the rights and choices of children and health and safety requirements

While children do new activities for improving their developmental process, it can lead to the occurrence of conflict or dilemmas between the children's rights and duty of care. The balanced approach needs to be maintained while allowing children to deal with the challenging and risky task. The practitioner needs to assure that children are not over protected, as it can interfere with their freedom and rights. Sometimes practitioner and parent face severe dilemmas in terms of meeting eth health and safety requirement of children, in which they make limitation and restriction on children’s activities. This can leads to depression, sadness, anxiety and reduction of self-confidence among children. Therefore, the practitioner needs to assure that, activity of children is age appropriate, which will allow them to explore new things with developing innovative ideas and thoughts (Cronin and Argent, 2017). Parent, educator and practitioner need to make perfect balance between children’s rights and their health and safety requirement by protecting them from injuries, infections and disease and allowing them to deal with challenging activities.

Understand why health and well-being is important for babies and children

3.1 -Analyse the importance of health and well-being for babies and children

Health and wellbeing are important for the babies and children in order to maintain their healthy lifestyles for making them mentally, physically, socially, psychologically and emotionally healthy. Health and well-being result in developing advanced knowledge, skill, positive approach and all areas of learning for children. Moreover, maintenance of health and wellbeing in babies and young children will develop their physical, emotional and cognitive skill throughout life. Through managing children's health and wellbeing, practitioner can not only promotes their physical development but also leads to developing their problem-solving skill, mental strength, decisions, ideas and judgemental approach. Health and wellbeing are paramount to connect children socially and emotionally with educators, practitioners and neighbours, which develop their understanding about eth surrounding world. Through this process, children are transformed into resilient, resourceful optimistic individual who contributes to the community welfare and environmental sustainability (Elgar et al. 2015). Health and wellbeing of children will assist them to connect with the community by contributing to environmental sustainability, proper utilisation of resources and maintaining helpful approach with society people.

3.2 -Describe ways of promoting healthy lifestyles for babies and children

Practitioners and parent will assure that children are involved in different activities such as running, playing, moving, play-based learning and dancing o regular basis. In this way, children can develop their muscle strength, immune power, digestive ability and breathing strength. Practitioners and parent will assure that children’s place is clean, hygienic and free from any harmful chemical or broken objects. Children are trained to wash their hand before taking meal. They are also provided with toilet training to maintain hygiene while using the toilet. Children will be provided with water as their main drink instead of fat milk. Water hydrates the body and does not have added sugar found in soft drinks, and fruit juice (Hassan et al. 2016). Practitioners would offer children more fruits and veggies n their meals for meeting the nutritional requirement protein and carbohydrates.

Understand how to keep children safe and secure in early years settings

4.1 -Analyse the role of practitioners in keeping children safe and secure

Practitioner would also ensure that children are communicated in polite, friendly and positive manner to instigate child sensory nerve for responding to the interaction. It is paramount to all practitioners to keep the child safe and healthy in every aspect of life. Practitioners are responsible to assure that children are well protected from any infection, disease, abuse neglects an unhygienic condition. It is their duty to take consent from parent before implementing any childcare setting for the benefits of children. They need to be well-trained in cleaning, nappy changing, providing toilet training and supporting children. Practitioner will also assure that children are always under the supervision of one person to avoid falling from anywhere or sudden injuries

4.2 -Identify own responsibilities in relation to health and safety

In my workplace, I always assure that children are treated in polite, positive and lovable manner rather for avoiding the risk of abuse, neglect and discrimination. For providing healthy meal, I try to offer delicious tasty and healthy fruits, veggies and meat to children that can met their nutritional requirements. Being a practitioner, I always follow the child-centred approach in meeting their safety needs. I always emphasize on assisting children in doing their voluntary performance during the playtime. By performing with them during their movement, I try to motivate them to develop their physical strength. Before allowing children to seat or play in any place I always assure that the area is free from pointed objects, broken parts, harmful chemicals, sands, dust and water. Being a practitioner, I always try to avoid disease contamination by training children to wash their hand before and after eating. Moreover, I always discourage the sharing of foods among children as it can cause infections or disease.

4.3 -Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained

For monitoring and maintaining health and safety, practitioners need to review and supervise the activities of children. They will check whether children maintain hygienic condition or they are involved in active physical movements throughout the day. Children would be communicated properly to understand their demands, safety needs and medical status. Safety equipment and protective clothing are used to maintain the healthy and hygienic condition for children. Risk assessment needs to be undertaken for assuring children safety and wellbeing. Practitioner needs to be well-trained in order to comply with the risk or hazards. By evaluating the risk, practitioners would protect children from any kind of hazards. They also record and store the finding of risk evaluation, which they can implement in the future.

4.4 -Describe how people in own work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely

By conducting awareness program in the workplace, staff of the workplace can be informed about the hazards and risk associated with working. Staffs need to provide with proper training in manual handling and safe working so that they can avoid the injuries, infection and disease. They can be involved in training and official meeting in which manager can inform them about the possible hazards and risk that they can face during their working.

Understand how to respond to accidents and emergencies

5.1 -Identify accidents and emergency situations which may occur in early years setting

In early year setting, investigation of the accidents needs to be done proper step. Accidents need to be reported, evaluated and investigated by the professional staffs. Childcare staffs and the practitioner will be efficient in accident reporting in which they will keep the entire information of minor or major accidents for further evaluation of the cause and outcomes. Recording format needs to be maintained in proper manner by mentioning the date and time of accidents, name of the victim, occupation, condition or injury and place as well as cause of injury. Based on the guidelines of Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), staffs should use active information system through online or offline process to inform the accident to higher officials (Robinson et al. 2015). In case of early year setting, any type of injuries, sudden fall or accidents will be reported to practitioners, coordinator, manager of childcare home and parent. Legal requirement under the Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) will be met by providing proper medication, immediate first aids and proper care.

5.2 -Explain how to respond to accidents and emergency situations

For responding to emergency or accidents, practitioners will have proper medication system that assists them to provide the immediate treatment to the child or staffs. Through this process, practitioners can assess the cause as well as reason of the accidents s that they can assure that the accident will never happen again. Practitioners first need to provide the medical treatment to the child for avoiding the chances of further infection or injuries, then practitioners need to record the detail of injuries of emergencies such as child's name, the cause of eth injuries, the outcome of accidents and type of treatment that is provided (Elgar et al. 2015).

5.3 -Explain how to avoid injuries in early years settings

For avoiding injuries in early year setting, practitioners would assure that children are placed into such an area, which is free from harmful objects, chemical, pointed objects, broken parts of toys and electrical objects. Practitioners will supervise that children do not play with water, broken toys, mud, sand and medicines it is the responsibility of practitioners to assist children during running, walking, moving and jumping for protecting them from falling down or getting hurt. Moreover, practitioners and parent will also assure that children are under the supervision of one person throughout the day to avoid the activities that can let them hurt.

5.4 -Describe the procedures for recording and reporting accidents and other emergencies in own setting

Based on the guidelines of Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), staffs should use active information system through online or offline process to inform the accident to higher officials (Clerke et al. 2017). In case of early year setting, any type of injuries, sudden fall or accidents will be reported to practitioner’s coordinator, manager of childcare home and parent. Childcare staffs and practitioners will be efficient in accident reporting in which they will keep the entire information of minor or major accidents for further evaluation of the cause and outcomes. In case of accidents or sudden injuries, practitioners will report the accident immediately after it is discovered. Minor accidents will be treated with first aid treatment and routine health and safety system. Major accident will be tested with proper medical care and hospitalisation.

Understand prevention and control of infection in early year’s settings

6.1 -Explain how to prevent the spread of infection in early years settings

Practitioners will train the children to maintain the basic personal hygiene before after meal, serving foods. Moreover, Practitioners and parent will also maintain hygiene while providing medicines, foods and clothes to children. For avoiding the spread of infection, practitioner and parent will clean their hand and face after touching any contaminated objects (Underwood et al. 2016). Based on EYFS guidelines, practitioners, as well as parent, need to emphasise on assessing as well as controlling of the risk in order to protect children any kind of critical disease. National Care Standards for Early Education and Childcare, focuses on the practitioner's responsibilities in order to control and asses the infection and safety risk. Practitioners need to focus on training children to maintain proper hygiene before eating and sharing foods. The wound would be covered properly to avoid the touch of any insect, harmful chemical, pointed objects or electrical wire that can develop further infection. Children's wound is cleaned in proper medical procedure to avoid the fungal infection, fever and contamination Practitioner will also assure that children maintain proper hygiene while using toilet. In this process, practitioner will train the children about using water during toilet. During using toilet in each time, practitioners will assure that children wash their hands, legs and mouth in proper manner to avoid the entry of germs into their respiratory track (Christian et al. 2015).

6.2 -Identify childhood infections

Children are highly prevalent to infections. Practitioners and parent can identify infection in children by checking their skin, body temperature, ear, eyes, any swollen are on the skin, behaviour and activities. One of most comments technique in checking the child is having any infection is checking his or her body temperature. For ensuring the child free from infection, parent needs to make monthly medical check-up of children. Practitioners need to make regular checking of the skin, body temperature, eyes, throat, face and blood pressure to determine whether the child has an infection. Practitioners will discuss the health related information of children with their parents to gain clear information regarding children’s mental health, physical health and any kind of infection, allergies or any disease (Hassan et al. 2016). By providing proper diagnosis and regular health check up, practitioners can understand that whether children are dealing with any physical disorders, infections of disease.

6.3 -Describe how infection may be spread in early years settings

Through the different process, infection can spread which are as follows:

Respiratory spread: If the children are in contact with secretion or cough of other infected people, it can cause further infection in children who are already with infection. In this aspect, practitioners need to ensure that, children are trained in proper manner to learn safe practices that will protect them from any type of infection and disease (Underwood et al. 2016) Direct contact with infected people such as sharing of foods or drinks can cause spread of infection among children. In this aspect, practitioners would teach children regarding hygienic way of eating and drinking by discouraging the sharing of foods and liquids with other children (Bentley and Cazaly, 2015). If children are hurt by pointed objects or broken toys in the infected area, then the infection develops in faster rate with swollen areas

6.4 -Describe legislation, regulations and guidance that apply to infection prevention and control in early years settings

Health and Social Care Act 2008 emphasize the proper treatment to avoid infection and disease in the community. Based on the Act children are provided with proper care, hygiene, clean environment and medication to prevent infection as well as to avoid the occurrence of infection. The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013, focuses on infection control and monitoring process that will protect individual from being further infected by harmful disease (Gribble et al. 2016). Children Act (1989) also represent practitioner’s responsibility to provide better protection from infection and disease for maintaining children health and safety. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations also make it obligatory that children need to be provided with proper hygiene and clean area, which will prevent their infection and offer them a healthy life (Chan and Ritchie, 2016). Based on The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations (2013), professionals need to check the skin of hand, mouth, tongue and limbs (Hardy et al. 2018).

6.5 -Explain the immunisation programme for children and its role in infection control

Immunization program focuses on the preventing disease in scientific way to improve the health and well-being of individual. In this process, different vaccines are used for children to protect them from infection and lethal disease. Children are provided with the vaccination process in which their immune system is stimulated through injecting proper antibody for protecting them from infection and disease. Moreover, regular check up is important for children with special needs, in which practitioners can understand the actual developmental, psychological and physical needs of children. Moreover, children would be provided with proper sanitation, hygiene, housing and clean rooms for protecting them from any king of infections (Walker et al. 2018). Children are provided with vaccines against hepatitis B, Hepatitis A and Rotavirus to avoid these diseases. Practitioners also provide influenza vaccines and Vaccine against Measles-Mumps-Rubella to protect them from infection.

Understand how to assess health and safety risks in early year’s settings:

7.1 -Explain the risk assessment process

Hazard or risk is defined as the anything that has ability to cause harm. Risk can be any equipment, substance or pointed objects that can cause injuries, infection, and disease. Risk assessment process is referred as the method in which risk are identified, executed and analysed in proper way to take proper action for eliminating the risk. For protecting children from any kind of hazard practitioners, need to pass through the following five processes:

Identification of the risk:

Based on the guidelines of NMC (Nurses and Midwifery Council), practitioners need to conduct proper risk assessment framework which will protect children from any kind of injuries, infection and disease (Smith and May 2018). Based on the NHS guidelines and NMC Code of clinical standard, this is the first step in the risk assessment process in which practitioner will identify the hazard. Moreover practitioner can also identify the hazard by different other ways such as walking around the place in which children are playing or working, communicating with childcare staffs and educators, communication with parents and following the behavioural, physical and psychological changes of the children. As stated by Gonzalez et al. (2017), based on the EYFS childcare setting, practitioners need to supervise the children’s activities in order to determine the types of hazards surrounding them.

Assessing the likelihood of the hazard:

In this step, practitioners need to determine the frequency or severity of hazards in occurring harm to children. In this step, practitioners will also determine as well as evaluate the possible outcomes of identified hazards on the physical and psychological health of the children. Moreover, practitioner can determine who might be harmed through these hazards, for example, dementia and physically disabled children are more likely to prevalent to different hazards. Therefore practitioner can take proper protection of these children for providing them proper safety measures from ten hazards. Through this process, the practitioner would ensure that, whether children are provided with proper protective measures clean floor, no broken or pointed objects on the room where children are playing (MacDonald, 2015). Practitioner will identify the possible outcomes of identified hazards and try to find out the proper ways to eliminate the hazard. In this step, practitioner will measure the extent of damage, number of children present there at the time of occurrence of risk, number overtime they present over there.

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Eliminating the severity of the consequences:

For eliminating eth risk, practitioners need to ensure that children are provided with clean, hygienic and safe place in which there are no pointed objects, broken toys, electrical objects and uncovered wire or plug. This step also includes the disposal of the redundant items of eth equipment containing the pointed parts. Practitioner will also train staffs to provide the continuous protection to children by staying with them all time to avoid the chances of risk occurrence (Brown and Rogers, 2015). It is important for the practitioner to also ensure that all children are free from any type of harmful chemicals, water, sand and soil.

Recording of the findings:

In this step, practitioners document the entire database that they get through analysis and evaluation of the hazards. Proper checklist is used in process to make clear database of different aspects regarding hazard identification, its analysis, findings and its effect on the children’s health. Practitioners coordinated with their colleagues to make online record of all the information, regarding hazards, the nature and type of hazards, its outcomes and effect on physical and mental health the children.

Review assessment and update when it is necessary:

After the documentation of the database regarding hazards is completed, practitioners need to review the process to ensure that hazards will not appear further. This process will assist the practitioners in analysing the strength and weakness in assessing any risk. If they find out flaunt or error in their undertaken process, they make immediate restructuring of on it for ensuring that the risks will never happen again (Barnes et al. 2016). Through this process, practitioners analyse the effectiveness of the techniques, process, efforts that are undertaken for dealing with the risk

7.2 -Describe how to carry out a risk assessment and risk management in line with policies and procedures

Governmental policies, procedures and statutory standard are associated with risk assessment and management process. Based on the EYFS guidelines, practitioners need to follow Children Protection Act (1993), in order to protect them not only from discrimination, abuse but also from different types of the hazards and risk surrounding them. Risk management process includes different steps such as identification, assessment, control and documentation of risk (Ang et al. 2017). Statutory setting and legislative guidelines are associated with all level of risk assessment process. During the determination of frequency, the extent of the hazards, practitioners need to follows the guidelines of Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 revised 1998 and updated in 2004 (MHOR). Practitioners need to follow the guidelines of the Children and Social Work Act (2017), practitioners would follow the activities and performance of children in order to identify different types of hazards that are surrounding the children. Based on these guidelines, the practitioner will maintain proper safety while checking whether there are any harmful chemicals, pointed objects, broken parts, water, dust and sand over the place in which children are present (Network, 2017). Based on eth guidelines of Children and Social Work Act (2017, practitioners will communicate with the parent and the other healthcare staffs to understand that whether children are supervised and protected all time by any staffs or family members. The practitioners need to be well trained in measuring the severity as well as harmful effect of the hazards. EYFS guidelines in assessing the risk surrounding the children make it obligatory for the practitioners to conduct proper risk assessment framework in order to deal with any type of risk. The practitioner needs to implement the guidelines of Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Act 2015, during risk assessment process, in which they will coordinate with each other maintain proper safety and protection not only for eth children but also forget all childcare staffs present in that place (Gonzalez et al. 2017). Moreover, the guidelines of EYFS in assessing and managing the risk associated with child makes it obligatory for the practitioners to provide the proper care and support to all children in order to protect them from injuries, sudden attack, infections and diseases.

7.3 -Explain how to assess infection and safety risks

In early years, transmission of infection and disease is common incident that poses significant risk on the physical health of children. Following are the process that practitioners, as well as parent, can implement in their childcare setting for assessing the infections and safety risks

Based on EYFS guidelines, practitioners, as well as parent, need to emphasise on assessing as well as controlling of the risk in order to protect children any kind of critical disease. National Care Standards for Early Education and Childcare, focuses on the practitioner's responsibilities in order to control and asses the infection and safety risk. Practitioners need to focus on training children to maintain proper hygiene before eating and sharing foods. Practitioner will also assure that children maintain proper hygiene while using toilet. In this process, practitioner will train the children about using water during toilet. During using toilet in each time, practitioners will assure that children wash their hands, legs and mouth in proper manner to avoid the entry of germs into their respiratory track (Christian et al. 2015). Practitioners will assure that children wash their hand in a proper manner before and after the meal. Parent and practitioner make perfect collaboration between them to share their knowledge regarding children’s health safety for taking proper activities in order to protect children from any infection or hazards. Practitioners need to make regular checking of the skin, body temperature, eyes, throat, face and blood pressure to determine whether the child has an infection. Practitioners will discuss the health related information of children with their parents to gain clear information regarding children’s mental health, physical health and any kind of infection, allergies or any disease (Hassan et al. 2016). By providing proper diagnosis and regular health check up, practitioners can understand that whether children are dealing with any physical disorders, infections of disease. For assessing safety risk, practitioners will monitor the activities; performance and playing are of children to ensure that they are free from hazards, infection or other risk. Practitioners will also train children to make healthy habit while having their foods, playing with peers or performing in class as well as at home.

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Understand how to maintain records and reports

8.1 -Explain the importance of maintaining accurate and coherent records and reports

Department of Health and Childcare makes it obligatory for childcare homes in having proper method of documenting and keeping records of childcare process. Through marinating proper record keeping, practitioners can provide the licensing officer any file that he or she wants (Hardy et al. 2018). It is important for practitioners, coordinator and educators of childcare homes to be obliged to maintain all details regarding children and their care so they can provide relevant information to the local as well as national statutory authority regarding the childcare. Maintaining records is also important for managing parent satisfaction. Practitioners cab shoes the document to let the parent know about the care settings, education, risk management and therapeutic process that are undertaken for their children. By analysing the children’s behaviour practisers can understand actual developmental needs of the children. Moreover, the detailed description of the childcare setting will assist the parent to understand the effectiveness of setting. Through keeping the records of children’s behaviour every day, practitioner can analyse the behavioural transformation, psychological and emotional changes in children. Through maintaining report, practitioners, local health care authority and parent can track the behavioural changes, which can assist them to determine whether children face any neglect or abuse in their care homes. During the separation of parent, children’s custody is judged based on the care process that is taken by eth both parents. At this time, the files are important source in providing the proper information regarding childcare process (Cook et al. 2016). Proper documentation of records proves the compatibility and effort of practitioners in providing the best childcare setting. Files on children and their care process are important source in any custody battle between the parents.

8.2 -Explain how to maintain records and reports

For keeping the records, practitioners need to conduct the following process: first, practitioners will collect and gather all database regarding children and the care setting taken for them. In this step, practitioners will communicate with colleagues, children and parent regarding collecting eth additional information such as children’s medical status, their preference, any event or issue that hurt or strengthen them. In this aspect, practitioners need to maintain the confidentiality of children’s education, learning and healthcare information to assure that there are no unauthorised access of the childcare information (Brown and Rogers, 2015). Majority of the practitioners use electronic sheet for forming the record of database collected during the childcare process. Based on the guidelines of EYFS, practitioners need to use two sheets in which they can document separate information regarding the childcare. In records, practitioners would maintain children’s health related information. Through these records, practitioners will store children’s educational, learning information. Through maintaining the electronic form of records regarding the personal and professional information, practitioners can maintain proper inventory in order to store the proper information in well-organised manner. In the first sheet, practitioners will document personal and professional details of parent, children such as parent’s occupation, children names, address, neighbours, and medical status of children as well as of parent and contact number of parent. After documenting the information in electronic format, practitioners will store by using proper official password and assure that any unauthorised person does not assess information. . In the second sheet, practitioners would document the events and issues if child faces their psychological, emotional and behavioural status, their experience, medical history, genetic disorders (if any) and background setting.

8.3 -Explain the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of records

Practitioners would comply with the Data Protection Act (1998) in developing proper protective measure for maintaining the confidentiality of database. It is important for the practitioners to have perfect coordination with eth childcare staffs in order to develop proper information system, which would assist share the database regarding childcare setting in secure manner. Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines, practitioners need to protect the database regarding children, their care process and parent from any type of hacking. Parent need to be requested in providing compete and genuine information about their children’s physical and psychological details. Parent would be advisable for do not disclose the information about their children in front of any unauthorised person. In maintaining confidentiality, proper protective software and hardware device are installed which will assist technical staffs of childcare home to store each information by using proper password. Confidentiality is important in documenting, storing and maintaining the records of childcare setting. Practitioners need to follow the Data Protection Act (1998) guidelines in order to protect the database that they collect during eth childcare process from any unauthorised access, hacking and unofficial use. Practitioners and manager will ensure that the details of each child are maintained in separate file and this information is not shared with other parent or children.

Reference list:

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