Comparing and contrasting the Greek Parthenon to the Roman Temple Portunus

  • 03 Pages
  • Published On: 29-11-2023
Comparing and contrasting the Greek Parthenon to the Roman Temple Portunus

The Greek Parthenon derives from one the Athena many epithets: Athena Parthenon, meaning Virgin. The meaning of the temple is the house of Parthenon. The name has been given in the 5th century BCE to the chamber inside the temple. On the other hand, The Temple of Portunus or Temple of Fortuna Virgin is a Roman temple situated in Rome, Italy. It is the best place to preserve the roman temples (Yegül and Favro, 2019). The Romans preferred the Corinthian order and they focus on increasing decorations and elaborate the design as compared to the Greek architecture (Pedersen, 2019). The Romanians have been experiencing innovative concrete, arches and vaulting that propelled them into their own right as architectural engineers. The interior spaces are also designed creatively to develop the building successfully with latest design and innovative structure. The columns of Greek temple are also attractive with latest design and decorations (Jones, 2019). On the other hand, the Romanian architecture also focuses on developing columns as well as the architects focus on attractive decoration to make the place beautiful. Hereby, there are similarities in developing the architecture of the temples, in Greek and Rome (Sear, 2020). Whatsapp The major similarities between the Greek and Roman architectures are the use of Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders. The structure of the temples, in both the countries is almost same and the architecture is also similar to each other. Though Greek developed the Corinthian order, and Romans also agreed the structure and architecture of the temples. The roman architecture is mainly borrowed from the Greeks (Jones, 2019). However, Roman has been famous for its architectural structure in the world. The temples are innovatively deigned with arches and vaulted ceiling. The designs are also unique in different temples, where the Romanians are successful in developing their temples creatively (Yegül and Favro, 2019). Both the Greek and roman architecture influence the modern architects to improve their innovation for designing the temples. Both the temples are designed efficiently with latest technique of architecture and mainly Limestone and marble are utilized to develop the building (Fuchs, 2020). The monuments are developed innovatively and the modern architects are efficient to design the monuments with latest design, decorations for creative temple deign. On the other hand, the interior decorations are also attractive for both the temples, in Greek and Rome. Hence, there are large similarities among the temples, in Greek and Rome, where the Romanians agree with the Doric, developed by Greek (Yegül and Favro, 2019). There are some differences between the Greek and Roman architecture, where the Romanians are known for their arches and on the other hand, the Greeks are known for their columns in the building. Both the countries are efficient to design the temples innovatively and support numerous buildings and monuments (Fuchs, 2020). Additionally, in Rome, the Arches were also employed in the construction of the Column and it is also helpful to supply water in the city. Roman arches lead to domed ceiling which are mainly utilized for both public building and private dwelling (Sear, 2020). On the other hand, the Greek architectural style is known as the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. The Doric order is efficient to manage the column and design the top and the length of the column. Ionic refers to the decorative design for creating the temple efficiently with latest design and architecture (Sear, 2020). The Corinthian order is the most decorative and elaborates the Greek styles of temple development. Limestone and marble are mainly utilized to develop the temple and make it innovative with latest design and structure. Hence, there are various simulates between the Greek and Roman architecture structure in designing the temples (Yegül and Favro, 2019). Order Now In addition to this, Parthenon has been dedicated to a Goddess while the Temple of Portunus was dedicated to a God. The purpose of the buildings is “the virgin's place” in Greek. The temples are designed with innovative architecture and the design of Greek and Roman temples are also similar (Yegül and Favro, 2019). However, both arches design and decorations are designed efficiently in romans, where the Romanian architectures are proficient to develop aches and attractive decorations (Sear, 2020). On the other hand, the temples of Greek are mostly designed with different columns and in this regard the architects focus on top of the temple, develop the design the different columns side by side and developing monuments (Jones, 2019). These are quite different from the arches and attractive structure of the temples situated in Rome (Yegül and Favro, 2019).

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Reference List

  • Fuchs, W., 2020. Confronting Vitruvius: a geometric framework and design methodology for Roman rectangular temples. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 33, pp.93-112.
  • Jones, M.W., 2019. Approaches to Architectural Proportion and the ‘Poor old Parthenon’. In Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture. A Critical Reconsideration (pp. 199-232). Leiden University Press.
  • Pedersen, P., 2019. On the Origins of the Circle-based theatre in Greek Architecture. THEAOMAI. Teatro e società in età ellenistica. Atti delle XI giornate gregoriane (Agrigento, 2-3 dicembre 2017), p.95.
  • Sear, F., 2020. Roman architecture. London: Routledge.
  • Yegül, F. and Favro, D., 2019. Roman architecture and urbanism: from the origins to Late Antiquity. London: Cambridge University Press.
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