Comprehensive Analysis of Learning Factors and Their Influence on Teaching Skills

TASK A: Research Report

1.0 Introduction

If a student has domestic problems on health issues, then it could negatively affect the learning process. In addition to this, good physical and mental health is helpful to focus on studies and improve learning abilities. For getting proper knowledge in schools or universities, it is essential to have the needed financial support and family support. In addition to this, people need to maintain their healthy lifestyle to stay fit both mentally or physically (Bentley-Williams et al. 2017). A healthy person can focus on learning and is able to gain enough knowledge from the teachers. and for those pursuing higher education, seeking education dissertation help can be a crucial step towards academic success.


2.0 Findings and Analysis

2.1 Impact of personal factors on learning

If a student has domestic problems on health issues, then it could negatively affect the learning process. In addition to this, good physical and mental health is helpful to focus on studies and improve learning abilities. For getting proper knowledge in schools or universities, it is essential to have the needed financial support and family support. In addition to this, people need to maintain their healthy lifestyle to stay fit both mentally or physically (Bentley-Williams et al. 2017). A healthy person can focus on learning and is able to gain enough knowledge from the teachers.

2.2 Impact of social factors on learning

Demographic factors in learning help you understand the learning capabilities of a student by their gender, age and economic condition. It is useful for gathering details about how socio-economic conditions can influence a student to gain knowledge. In addition to this, religion also helps to study minute details about a population, and it is useful for you to understand how religion can affect the learning process (Coughlan et al. 2019). Race acts as a social factor which influences the learning process of different students belonging from multiple economic backgrounds.

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2.3 Impact of cultural factors on learning

The travellers know about different cultures and historical background of different regions which is helpful for gaining knowledge about Humanities subjects. On the other hand, differences in teaching institutes can be a major problem which can affect the learning process in a negative manner. The proper approach needs to be taken by the teacher for a positive impact on cultural factors and gender-related factors on the well-being of a student. Gender equality needs to be maintained within the organisation for teaching them effectively. It is essential for a teacher to maintain ethics, and as per the teaching ethics, it is essential to treat all the students equally (Farias et al. 2017). Diversity in teaching institutes and schools needs to be maintained and respected by the teachers.

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2.4 Effect of different cognitive on learning

Cognitive learning motivates the student to enjoy their learning process, and it also helps them to build their skills in problem-solving (Knauf, 2016). In addition to this, cognitive learning skills can be applied in many subjects, and it helps to provide long-term learning. Students who have autism or dyslexia can learn and gain knowledge properly by getting cognitive learning from their teachers. Cognitive learning helps to promote different kinds of ideas and previous knowledge of the students.

2.5 Physical abilities in learning

Physical abilities help to get proper and easy learning from the teachers. On the other hand, physically disabled students can also gain knowledge by using different kinds of tools. The wheelchair user who has loss of limbs needs proper attention from the teacher. It is essential to maintain equality in normal children and physically disabled children (Lawrie et al. 2017). The teacher needs to pay attention and properly look after physically disabled children while teaching them. The teacher needs to give a wheelchair to the student who has lost their legs. School authority needs to provide sufficient equipment for physically disabled children.

2.6 Sensory abilities in learning

Sensory abilities are essential to gain proper knowledge by using auditory, kinesthetic and visual sense. Students who don't have sensory abilities must use special support from the teaching institution for learning procedure. Hearing equipment is needed to be given to all the students who have hearing issues (Navarro et al. 2016). On the other hand, people who have colour blindness can use glasses which filters different kinds of colours. It should be given to all the people who need them by the teaching authority.

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3.0 Legislation related to learning

3.1 Equality and diversity acts

“Equality Act 2010”helps to protect students from any kind of discrimination in school. A teacher needs to provide equal learning facilities to all the students for maintaining this law.

3.2 Health and Safety Acts

“Health and Safety at Work Act 1974”is essential to maintain two regulations and the health condition of all people of the organisation. Teachers need to take care of the health of the students by checking their meals. Safety regulations can be maintained by properly observing the activities in the classroom.


3.3 Safeguarding Acts

The care act 2014"helps to protect the people from any kind of negligence or abuse. Therefore, a teacher needs to properly check that any student must not bully others.

3.4 Data Protection Act

Data protection act 2018" states that the data of the organisation needs to be protected properly and the information about the students must not be leaked to an outsider.

4.0 Relation between legislation and organisational policies

Legalisation helps to improve the facilities of an organisation. In addition to this, it also helps to maintain equality within organisation. Proper justice can be provided by following all rules and regulations of the judicial system. As per "The care act 2014" rights of individual people can be given to them by following proper legalisation (Sydoriv, 2020). Organisational policies can be properly maintained if all the members of the organisation strictly follow every rules and regulation of the country's legal system. “Equality Act 2010” states that anonymity and ethics can be properly maintained by the following legalisation. All of the above-mentioned acts and policies help to smoothly run the functions of the organisation

5.0 Relation between teaching practices and legalisation

Teaching practices can be improved by following proper law and order of this. It is the duty of a teacher to have proper knowledge about the legalisation, and the teacher needs to maintain all the instructions of legalisation. Proper health and safety duties need to be maintained as per “Health and Safety at Work Act 1974” by the teachers of any organisation for maintaining the ethics of the teaching profession (Thomasson, 2018). As per "Data protection act 2018" the teacher needs to properly secure all the data in the computer of the school and lock that by a password.

6.0 Conclusion

This report provides enough information about the teaching profession and the duties of a teacher. Different factors which can impact on learning are clearly elaborated here. Moreover, it can be concluded that the teacher needs to gain proper knowledge about teaching skills for improving the existing method of teaching and make learning enjoyable for all the students of the school.

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Reference List

Bentley-Williams, R., Grima-Farrell, C., Long, J. and Laws, C., 2017. Collaborative partnership: Developing pre-service teachers as inclusive practitioners to support students with disabilities. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 64(3), pp.270-282.

Coughlan, T., Lister, K., Seale, J., Scanlon, E. and Weller, M., 2019. Accessible Inclusive Learning: Futures. EDUCATIONAL VISIONS, p.75.

Farias, C., Hastie, P.A. and Mesquita, I., 2017. Towards a more equitable and inclusive learning environment in sport education: Results of an action research-based intervention. Sport, Education and Society, 22(4), pp.460-476.

Knauf, H., 2016. Reading, listening and feeling: audio feedback as a component of an inclusive learning culture at universities. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(3), pp.442-449.

Lawrie, G., Marquis, E., Fuller, E., Newman, T., Qiu, M., Nomikoudis, M., Roelofs, F. and Van Dam, L., 2017. Moving towards inclusive learning and teaching: A synthesis of recent literature. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 5(1), pp.1-13.

Navarro, S.B., Zervas, P., Gesa, R.F. and Sampson, D.G., 2016. Developing teachers' competences for designing inclusive learning experiences. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(1), pp.17-27.

Sydoriv, S., 2020. Organizing and Sustaining Inclusive Learning Environment: International Practices. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 7(1), pp.122-128.Thomasson, C.E., 2018. Characteristics of Inclusive Learning Environments for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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TASK B: Personal Account

Roles and responsibilities

It is the duty of a teacher to help the students in learning. Effective lessons need to be prepared by the teacher, and some classroom materials need to be given to all the children. The teacher needs to elaborate on different subjects and make them understand different kinds of topics. Proper collaboration is essential, and support needs to be given. A teacher acts as a helping hand to the learner who also mentors them and guides them properly. A teacher needs to be active and polite with the students and make learning enjoyable for them. A proper description of different subjects needs to be provided in the classroom, and the teacher needs to solve any kind of issues of the students related to studies on any other thing.

Adoption of COVID-19

In this current situation, the teachers are unable to teach the students because of COVID-19 outbreak. At this critical time, online classes could be beneficial to teach the students properly. Online tests need to be taken for understanding whether the students are getting clear with the topic or not. Online learning materials such as e-books and PDF can be shared to all the students for learning.

Relation with other professionals

The role of the teacher is to guide all the students in their learning which is similar to the role of a leader. The leader of any organisation needs to guide their employees for effective work. Similarly, the teachers also motivate all their students and make learning enjoyable to them. So it can be stated that the duties of a leader in any organisation is similar to the duties of a teacher.


Financial support is essential for fulfilling the needs of a student. If a student is unable to buy the books or copies for studying, then financial support could be given to the student, which will be helpful for the learner. In addition to this if a student is unable to submit the fees of the school, then scholarship must be given to the learner. Scholarship programs are helpful to meet the financial names of a student who has a poor financial condition. Moreover, I think that financial support is an essential thing which is required to be fulfilled by an educational organisation. I refer that financial support must be given to the needy person for effective learning.


Inclusive learning includes diversity and equality between all the students in the educational organisation. Inclusive teaching helps to stop discriminating against the students with respect to their gender, age, religion, sexual orientation and so on. It removes different kinds of barriers which can prevent any student from effective learning. Inclusive teaching also helps to fulfil the potentiality of the student. According to the principles of inclusive teaching, it can be stated that respect needs to be given to all the students and diversity also needs to be respected by the teachers. It enables participation and removes different types of barriers within the organisation. So, students from different kinds of backgrounds can gain equal knowledge through an inclusive teaching process.


According to the above discussion, it can be stated that inclusive learning helps to encourage all the students equally. It is so beneficial for all the students belonging from different kinds of socio-economic backgrounds in their learning process. Moreover, it can be stated that influencing learning helps to maintain diversity in educational institutes, and it supports all the students in an equal manner. Equal facilities are given to all the students, and they are not judged by their religion, gender or age. Inclusive learning helps to share proper knowledge to all the students of a particular organisation. Teachers can maintain all the legal policies efficiently by following inclusive teaching processes. By inclusive learning, all the students of The organisation head equal respect from their teachers and other classmates. It helps them to be comfortable in the organisation, which is essential for getting proper knowledge by following an enjoyable process.

Effective ways

It is essential to repair models of inclusive languages and establish some rules for proper interaction. In addition to this, the teacher needs to be fair with all the children of the educational institution. Diverse and multiple examples need to be settled for creating an inclusive climate within the organisation. Assumption needs to be examined properly, and the teacher needs to learn about the cultures of the students. Cultural respect needs to be given by the teachers, which will be helpful for the students to interact with the teachers in a proper way.

TASK C: Reflective account and Plan

Personal review

I properly maintained the ethics of teaching and took care of all the learners equally. I got proper knowledge about different cultures which helped me to communicate with the children properly. I learned some native languages of the children for understanding their issues. I also properly support them whenever they need my support. It is essential to express the interest in relation to the ethnic background of the students. I will redirect my role within the classroom for enhancing my teaching abilities. I will not act as an instructor, but I will support all the students and play the role of a facilitator. In addition to this, I will also strictly maintain the sensitivity related to the different kinds of language concern. I will help the students to connect with each other with the help of culture. Cultural awareness must be sprayed within the school, which will help to improve the relationship between the children. I will improve the learning environment by applying different strategies. The names of the physically disabled children required to be fulfilled by the school authority. I will report to my hierarchy about different kinds of issues faced by vulnerable children. In addition to this, I can arrange a meeting with the other teachers where we can discuss different kinds of issues of vulnerable children. In this meeting toppers solutions can we find out by us. Moreover, reviewing different lessons about culture will be helpful to embrace the cultural awareness between all the students of the school.

SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Equal obligations and rights
  • Full freedom for proceeding modifications
  • Enhances self-respect
  • Skilful implementation of learning
  • Developed communication and extra curriculums help to improve learning
  • Not all the students accept special needs
  • Objections of parents
  • Lack of government support
Opportunities Threats
  • Proud to the community
  • The attraction for the communities
  • Increasing demand for inclusive schools
  • Proper bonding with school authority and the children
  • Disharmonized conditions may appear
  • Difficult to understand the needs of special children
  • Fail to provide quality services with respect to educational purpose
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According to the above table, it can be stated that inclusive learning includes many features which help to maintain equal rights and obligations within the organisation. It enhances the self-respect of a teacher and gives full freedom to implement any kind of strategies within the organisation. So the teacher can freely try different techniques for developing the teaching procedure and make learning enjoyable for the students. The main issue with enclosing learning is the lack of government support. The government of many countries to build inclusive schools. In addition to this, the government also does not allow the schools to accept all the inclusive children if proper infrastructure is not provided. In addition to this if the school fails to provide proper education to the inclusive children when the government does not allow the schools for inclusive teaching. Moreover, it is essential to follow the government guidelines for building and inclusive schools for special children.

Promotion of diversity and equality

I will respect the differences between the children of my school. Native attitudes need to be challenged properly by me for enhancing equality in schools. I will set some clear guidelines for teaching, which will be helpful for me to treat the children equally. Diversity in the working area needs to be respected for developing the process of learning. Individual children need to be guided to maintain equality in schools. I will apply different kinds of assessment methods which will be helpful for the students to understand different kinds of subjects. I will also ensure that all the processes and the policies are maintained by the staff members and the other respective authority of the school. Any kind of discrimination within the school must not be acceptable. I will give respect to all the children and the staff members equally, which will be helpful for maintaining diversity within the school. In addition to that, I will ensure that all the students must have equal rights and opportunities. Apart from this, I will help the students to participate in different kinds of learning programs which will help them to understand the importance of diversity and different kinds of cultures. Multiculturalism will be supported by me, and I will try to promote this within lessons. In addition to this, I will create an inclusive culture within the students in the staff members of my school. However, I will treat all the staff members and students equally. I will try to give fair opportunities to all the staff members and students of the organisation.

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