Developing, using and organising resources in a specialist

Understanding the purpose and use of resources in the student’s own specialist area

Explaining the purpose of resources in learning and teaching

Resources are very useful for the teaching and learning activities by giving the students the flexibility to access the files and materials without the supervision of an instructor in a more final way such that browsing the organisations virtual learning environment is possible. Hence, the major purpose of developing suitable resources in learning and teaching is to provide support to the students to access the files and documents for improving their learning activities and support them, with flexible learning environment. Enhancing communication and cooperation among the teachers and students is also possible through developing the resources in the teaching and learning activities (Stachová et al., 2019). The resources such as written sources, audio visual aids, e-learning and technology based learning programs, objects and events are beneficial for the organisation to support the students and help them to improve their knowledge and skill set in their specialised are. Another purpose of resources in learning and teaching, especially when considering education dissertation help, is to develop inclusive learning in the organisation and it further provides a scope to the teachers to engage the student in the teaching and learning activities and ensure quality learning. The teachers and authority of the educational institution focus on providing high quality educational program to the students and with this purpose, they try to create good resource base for supporting the student efficiently.

The major three resources are,

Organisational classroom infrastructure with the technology for presentation of the teaching and learning activities

Experienced staff in the department

Financial resource to manage the students


All the resources are beneficial to lead the students towards achieving the academic degree and improving their knowledge and skill set. The limitations are such as lack of resource management, presence of unskilled teaching staff and non-technical teachers that may hamper the inclusive learning process in the classroom.

1.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of specific resources

Organisational classroom infrastructure with the technology for presentation of the teaching and learning activities

It is effective for the teaching professionals to develop resources in the organisation for supporting the students with several course materials and skill developmental programs. The benefit of the learning resources in the institution are enhancing communication between the peers and students, increasing cooperation, skill developmental activities and improving understanding of the students in a formal manner. It is easier to learn and improve skill set through utilising the learning resources and it is advantageous to include the students and motivate them to perform better through developing their skill set and knowledge. The major limitations to develop good inclusive classroom are lack of capital, poor infrastructure and lack of facilities of student learning.

Experienced staff in the department

The teaching professionals also can create inclusive learning by utilising the learning resources in the organisation (Keay, Carse and Jess, 2019). Promoting critical and creative thinking, student engagement and empowerment in the educational institution, supporting personal and professionals skill enhancement and continuous encouragement of the students are the other effectiveness of developing learning resources in the educational institution, where it is possible for the teaching professionals to support the students and lead them towards achieving success in near future. The major limitations associated with this are presence of unskilled staff, poor engagement with the students and lack of communication. It would be beneficial to hire experienced staff to guide the students by utilising the learning resources.

Financial resource to manage the students

Financial resources are beneficial to develop good classroom infrastructure and enhance latest innovation for student learning facilities. The major limitations are poor funding, lack of investment, poor infrastructural design and inefficacy of the teaching staff for utilising the financial resources.

The interest to the lessons can be developed among the students through creating interactive learning resources as well as there would be communication in learning activities, developing independent learning activities, offering creative learning program and facilitating differences among the students. Hence, developing teaching and learning resources are beneficial for both the teachers and students to interact with each other and enhance the quality of education where the teachers can create inclusive learning and support the students to develop their knowledge and professionals skill set for further career achievements.

Developing and using inclusive resources in the student’s own specialist area

Analysing principles of resource design

It is essential for the resource design and teaching professionals in the educational institution to develop the resources by maintaining the principles. The major principle is valued for money, which is crucial to design the resource and make the money valuable as per the resource design and activities. Durability and readability is also mandatory to be maintained, so that the students can read and access the resources in the institution for developing their teaching and learning. The ease of use is necessary where each student can access the learning resources equally and hence equality and diversity are mandatory to be managed well for providing equal opportunities to all the students efficiently (Zenkina et al., 2019). The resource must be effective to meet the individual needs and preferences where the student can get relevant data and valid information which are helpful to improve their knowledge and skill set. Another principle is to maintain sufficient quality and quantity where the students can access the quality learning resources for better learning activities. Test readability and transparency in managing the resources are important to develop good resource base and support the students for better management. Relevance to the curriculum, accountability and integrity in managing the resources as well as integrity and freedom are also crucial principles to maintain the organisational resource base to enhance the students learning activities. It is crucial for the teachers to provide high quality educational program as well as maintain the quantity of resources so that the students can review diverse range of resources including text, online program, presentation and others for ensuring quality learning and developing skill set to achieve future goal that ensures value for money in the education and maintaining reliability. Hence, the principles are effective for the teachers to develop and maintain quality resources in the educational institution for supporting student learning and it further helps to meet the individual’s needs and maintain durability of the teaching and learning activities to support the individuals.

Evaluating sources that inform resource development in your own specialist area

It is essential to identify the sources of developing resources for supporting the students in the organisation. It is the responsibility of the teachers and educational authority to access the sources for developing the quality resources in the institution for enhancing the teaching and learning activities. Website is one of the major sources of developing resources in the educational institution, where the teachers and subject matter experts try to review and gather a vast range of data and information through accessing diverse website. Internet is playing a crucial role in the recent years for collecting data and information and this contributes efficiently for developing resources in the educational institutions. In addition to this, journal sites are important to gather information and create good resource base in supporting teaching and learning and in this regard, the teachers have secure access of journal sites from where they try to gather data and information and develop institutional resources to support the students efficiently (Zenkina et al., 2019). Textbooks and research projects are also effective for better management. The teachers try to review the text books and online articles and online books which are important for developing organisational resources for the students. There are commercial suppliers of books, which are also important to create good resource base in the educational institution. In this regard, online journals and website are advantageous for the teachers to access vast range of knowledge and create good resource base for the students (Keay, Carse and Jess, 2019). The access to secured journal sites and online books are also important but it becomes sometimes difficult to get authentic access of the journals which leads to mismanagement of the sources and lack of authenticity of the data and information in maintaining the quality of the resource base management (Zenkina et al., 2019).

Analysing how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design

Inclusive learning is the process where the students with special needs and preferences can manage their learning activities through engaging the students in the learning process and supporting them, continuously for skill enhancement. Inclusive process of learning is concerned with access of resources and getting suitable circumstances for better learning and activities. There are 7 pillars through which it is possible to develop inclusive learning principles in the education which are attitude, access, choice, partnership, communication, policy and opportunity (Keay, Carse and Jess, 2019). These are important principles, through which it is possible to develop good inclusive learning, where there are good communication, good policy framework and getting opportunity to involve the students for better educational learning activities. The model of SEAT framework is effective to develop inclusive learning and as per the framework, SEAT stands for students, environment, activities and tools (Zenkina et al., 2019). The students are important where the teachers try to provide academic and mental support to the students with special needs and there are immediate assistance and operation of the interactive learning activities for better management of the students (Zenkina et al., 2019). Environment is also another important factor for inclusive learning where there is friendly atmosphere in the classroom and the students get continuous support through communication and cooperation in order to develop inclusive learning. On the other hand, activities are important to be managed well and the activities are developed to support the children physically, mentally, socially and emotionally (Keay, Carse and Jess, 2019). Tool is the last factor as per the SEAT framework where educational medias such as Braille kits/printed material and media, audio books for the blind, and a range of services that support education of disable persons of each types, including other types of assistances such as therapeutic activities and physical therapy, and speech therapy are utilised efficiently for developing inclusive learning activities in supporting the student with special needs.

2.4 Analysing ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach

There are several ways to manage the resources and utilise it to support the students with special needs by ensuring inclusive learning activities. For developing inclusive learning, it is essential to utilise the resources in different ways for supporting the students with special needs so that they can be empowered and supported with adequate resources for better learning and skill development (Zenkina et al., 2019). Braille kits/printed material and media is utilised to support the students with social needs, where the computer based program and Braille system are utilised to develop inclusive learning. Worksheet are adopted to assist the learners with impaired sight by using larger print and a clearer font as well as the audio books are also utilised for the students, who are blind. There are a diverse range of services that support education of disable persons of each type. There are also other types of assistances such as therapeutic activities and physical therapy, and speech therapy which are also useful to utilise the resources and support the students with inclusive learning (Uteubayev, Petrova and Lyubenova, 2018). Hence, the new technological database system and resources are important for supporting the student with difficulties in learning and skill enhancement. Hence, the resources such as organisational classroom infrastructure, teaching and learning activities, presence of experienced staff are utilised efficiently by the teachers to continuously support the students with learning difficulties and create good database management system, for enhancing quality learning activities. This further helps the teachers to develop quality learning activities and lead the students towards achieving heir career goal. The students are also getting quality learning with resources and digital technological system, which support them for better learning and skill enhancement activities.

2.5 Designing resources, including those which involve new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners

The latest emerging technologies are effective to support the students with special needs and technological engagement further make the learning activities more creative and innovative to engage the students and motivate them for better performance and learning activities. In this regard, the interactive whiteboard is beneficial for the students to be empowered and engaged in the learning activities and improve their knowledge and skill set with better learning activities and communication. On the other hand, through tablets, the teachers try to interact with the students and conduct online educational programs, create audio video programs, to support the students efficiently (Uteubayev, Petrova and Lyubenova, 2018). Hence, technological advancement further helps the teachers to involve the students and provide them good resources and learning support for better skill enhancement and knowledge improvement. The questions are provided through tablets where the students can perform and provide their answers successfully. This further improves the quality of learning activities through emerging technology where the teaching professionals are proficient to utilise the latest technological devices to support the students with learning activities.

Designing resources

Employing resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in your own specialist area

Employing resources to engage Employing resources to engage

This is the whiteboard interactive platform; where the students can answer the questions and also seek help front the teachers to learn more. The teachers try to utilise the interactive whiteboard, through which it is possible for the teachers to involve the students and interact with them for answering the questions in whiteboard. The online whiteboard interactive session is hereby beneficial for the students to learn more and the above whitebeard is effective to identity the names of the animals from the jumble words as well as colour the rainbow as per the instruction.

Employing resources to engage

This above mentioned interactive whiteboard is also effective to support the students with inclusive learning where the numbering process and addition as well as making the objects coloured can be conducted by the students. The interactive whiteboard is hereby beneficial for the students with special needs and this inclusive learning process further provides a scope to involve the students and motivate them to perform successfully. Hence, interactive whiteboard and tablets are effective emerging technologies for enhancing the learning and educational activities.

. Understanding how to organise and enable access to resources

Explaining ways in which resources can be classified and stored

Resource management in the educational institutions is important and in this regard, the organisational authority and teaching professionals try to manage the resources and store them efficiently for maintaining its authenticity and validity. The major ways to store the resources in the teaching and learning institution are paper based work, library maintenance and electronic based system to store the resources successfully. Maintaining the stock of the books is important to store the resources as well as the teachers also access the journal sites and print them for successful storing the important journal articles (Stepanova et al., 2018). The teaching professionals are also efficient to manage library in the educational institution, where it is possible to store the books and articles for supporting learning activities of the students. On the other hand, in the recent era of digitalisation, electronics base is playing a crucial role for storing the resources in the educational institution. In this regard, there are password protected computerised system to store the online books and articles (Golitsyna, 2017). Additionally, there is cloud based drive in the computer to store the files and documents related to the course structure and curriculum. Hence, both the online strong process of educational resources as well as library and paper based information system handling are beneficial for the educational institutions to manage their activities and support the students to develop their personal and professional skill.

Reviewing ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals

Sharing the resources with other teaching professionals as well as other institutions is important for enhancing the learning activities. In this regard, the teaching professionals have the access of the online journal sites and the organisational computers (Pavlenko and Pavlenko, 2021). The password protected computers are managed by the teachers and they share files and documents with each other for better learning activities. In addition to this, there are commercial book suppliers and learning professionals who try to share the books and journals with the students and other institutions for better management of learning activities and it is considered as advantageous factor to support the students. In order to maximise the quality of education and learning, it is mandatory to share the online websites and online library with others so that the learners as well as other educational institutions can access the database with useful books and relevant journals related to the curriculum planning and coursework. The major drawback of sharing resources with other learning professionals are data breach and hacking as well as copying in developing curriculum activities at the schools which deteriorate the quality of education.

Understanding legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

Reviewing legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

For developing the resources in the educational institutions, it is mandatory for the authority of the institution and teaching professionals to follow the legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources in the specialised area, so that there would be no such ethical issues in handling and strong the resources as well as maintaining its authenticity. The authority must ensure authenticity and validity of the resources so that nobody can manipulate the data and information stored in the institution (Nechypurenko et al., 2020). In addition to this, Equality Act 2010 is mandatory to be implemented so that the students and other learners can access the resources equally and there would equal chance to articulate. On the other hand, equality and diversity management and non-discrimination policy framework must be adopted to maintain the quality of the resources and provide access to utilise it for better learning activities. Health and Safety at Workable Act 1974 is also important to manage the safety and security of the participants. In order to avoid the plagiarism issues, the authority and the teaching professionals must utilise authentic reference of the authors to use there are for learning and further research activities (Schmalz, Ludwig and Webster, 2018). This is helpful to avoid the main issue of plagiarism in teaching and learning as well as provides a scope to maintain the validity and reliability of the resources. It is hereby the responsibilities of the teaching professionals and the educational institutional authority to protect the resources and provide secure access to the participants so that the issue of data breach can be avoided. It is important to manage the database of the institutions with password protected computerised program as well as manage the validity and reliability of the data and information to meet the quality of the resources.

Analysing implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources

It is also important to manage the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright in maintaining the educational resources in the institution where the teachers and other educational staff try to manage validity and reliability of the data sources to avoid the issue of data breach and plagiarism. In this context, intellectual property rights refer to the legal rights given to the inventor or the creator to protect the invention or creation for a certain period of time. In the United Kingdom, the legislation which addresses these intellectual property rights is the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988. The organisations try to manage intellectual property rights and Copyright under Design and Patents Act, 1988. Apart from that Data Protection Act 1998 is also implemented in the organisation for better managerial practice so that the data and information can be protected with security. The validity of the information and reliability are also maintain through intellectual property rights and Copyright to avoid plagiarism, where the books and journals are utilised with effective references and citation where the author name and time are printed (Sharipov, 2020). On the other hand, data protection act is also implemented to protect the resources with password protected computers, secured journal websites and online book portals with limited access. Hence, the intellectual property rights and Copyright are necessary to be maintained well for managing data safety and handling the authenticity of the organisational resources. For developing the resources and using the resources in the institution, the teaching professionals utilise the intellectual property rights and Copyright and provide secured access sot the students for enhancing the quality of learning activities.

Evaluating own practice in relation to the development and using of resources in your own specialist area

Evaluating effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners

It is important to design and sue the resources for engaging and meeting the needs and preferences of each student in the educational institution, where the specialist are and subject matter of interest can be improved with creativity and technological innovation. For providing good understanding about the coursework of inclusive learning, it always tries to be creative and develop different learning process and programs to support the participants. For designing the learning programs, I use diagrams and develop conceptual framework of the study, so that through the diagrams, the students can improve their understanding and develop knowledge on the subject matter. I utilise interactive whiteboard where I can draw the diagrams and involve the students for better learning activities. This further help me to develop good learning environment with equality and diversity and I always try to engage the students and motivate them to perform better. Hence, through designing good curriculum planning, utilising the resources of books and journals for creating diagrams and providing short notes through flow chart, are helpful for me to guide the students creatively and improve their knowledge and capability to perform better in near future. I also try to utilise the online library resources for promoting quality learning process where inclusive learning can be developed for the benefits of the students through creating short notes and developing simple content for the students. These strategies of developing the resources for the students are effective to support the participants and engage them in learning and skill developmental activities. It is also possible to encourage their creativity and enhance their innovation to explore new information. The study guide and resources are also helpful for the students to become interested and participate actively by gathering vast knowledge and information so that they would be able to achieve future success.

Identifying own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to the development and use of resources

As per the discussion in designing and utilising the resources for fulfil the needs and references of the students in the classroom, the major strength is creativity, where I try my best to develop short notes with simple content and diagrams so that it would be possible to attract the students and motivate them to learn innovatively. This is the major strength through which I try to represent the information in a simple way and improve their personal and professional skill and knowledge for achieving career objectives. Other strengths are good written skill with simple content and punctuation, where I utilise my grammatical skill set and represent the information in a simple way. The representation skill is also another strength through which I try to represent the information creatively. Apart from creativity and critical analytical skill, the problem solving skill and decision making skill are also strong where I try to identify he issues and develop good resources which can support quality learning activities in the educational institutions. There are some weaknesses that must be improved to achieve my objective of developing educational resources to support individuals needs and preferences in own specialist area. I try to support all the students with diverse needs by developing different resources including audio and video clips as well as interactive whiteboard content and online learning activities. The major weaknesses are lack of communication skill, poor cooperative skill as well as lack of technical skill. I sometime face issues in developing good power point presentation and PDF file for ensuring good quality resources. Due to lack of technical skill, I fail to improve the quality of resources and hence, it is essential for me to improve my technical skill and adopt the latest innovative technology for better resource development.

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Planning opportunities to improve own skills in the development and use of resources

Planning opportunities to improve own skills Planning opportunities to improve own skills

Reference List

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Nechypurenko, P.P., Stoliarenko, V.G., Starova, T.V., Selivanova, T.V., Markova, O.M., Modlo, Y.O. and Shmeltser, E.O., 2020. Development and implementation of educational resources in chemistry with elements of augmented reality.

Pavlenko, M. and Pavlenko, L., 2021, March. Formation of communication and teamwork skills of future IT-specialists using project technology. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1840, No. 1, p. 012031). IOP Publishing.

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Uteubayev, T., Petrova, M. and Lyubenova, I., 2018, September. Training Of Qualified Specialists In The Process Of Their Education In University: The Role Of The Public-Private Partnership. In CBU international conference proceedings (Vol. 6, pp. 491-495).

Zenkina, S., Suvorova, T., Pankratova, O. and Filimanyuk, L., 2019. The method of design of electronic advanced training courses for the development of information competence of the teacher. Proceedings of SLET.

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