Effective Collaboration for Child Learning

EYAP1 -1.1 critically evaluate partnership working in own setting

Partnership working practice provides a scope to the child learning and development to work with a team where the parents, family members and the practitioners are working together to maximise the goal of delivering quality service to the children. In this context, working in partnership is effective to acknowledge the needs of the parents and recognise the preferences of the children as well as through partnership working practice provides an opportunity to respect the value for the parents and the families as a whole. As practitioner, I have to build my relationship with the parent and the child to exchange and share information about child’s teaching daily with carer a day to day basis this information in the setting help me to build up expertise for providing learning development for the young child. The parents are involved in this learning and development practice where they try to cooperate, communicate, set priorities and make effective decision for their children’s learning and development with proper cooperation with the practitioners. As a practitioner I have use my observations to understand child’s interests, to their achievements and actions and also, I need to provide observations to my manager about any concerning issues about the child behaviour and development so that it is possible to mitigate the existing internal issues and develop effective planning for child’s development through arranging proficient learning and development activities. As practitioner I am involved in giving children the care, education and attention that they need to learn and develop. in this context, working with the parents is effective for developing daily routine for the young child and create values and develop responsibilities to ensure that the child is important, and it is essential for both the parents and the practitioners for creating development milestone such as sitting, walking, becoming toilet-trained, talking, cutting, doing up buttons, cycling, reading, and others. As Charity begins at home and children spend time with their parents at home, it would be beneficial to work with the parents in a partnership basis in order to support their learning and development. In order to encourage the children of developing self-esteem and be responsible, it is necessary to improve their skill and abilities through a daily routine where practitioners can work with parents to support their children learning and development in such daily routine where they can share information about the curriculum with parents. The strategic planning for developing effective practice of partnership working are such as,

Use a notice-board to let parents know what activities children do on a particular day. Pictures Might be useful in sharing this information with parents who have little English or Irish. Send home photographs of the children with captions which describe what they have been doing and learning. Let parents know about topics that interest their children. Find out what their interests are at home and build on these. Invite parents to share information about their culture and traditions that might be useful in Supporting their children’s learning and development. Organise information sessions for parents. Some of these might be especially important before And/or after children join the setting. A session might focus on Aistear’s four themes and what you Do to support children’s learning and development in these. In the case of children in junior and Senior infants, the information session might focus on the Primary School Curriculum and Aistear Another session might highlight the importance of play and how children can learn through it.


It is necessary to cooperate with the family members mainly the parents about the English and Irish language which the basic languages for their children and also home works need to be done with the help of parents where the parents become engaged with child’ s development and learning. Sharing the information about the cultural factors, traditions like Irish cultural values and beliefs as well as enhancing interactive practice are also beneficial for the development of learning of their young child.

EYAP1-1.2 Evaluate own role in relation to leadership, coaching and mentoring responsibilities for an enabling learning environment.

As a Nursery manager, it is my responsibility to provide high quality and flexible service to the young children so that it is possible to ensure efficient learning development among the children where it is easy to create values for the social communities as a whole by improving the literacy rate in the society. I try to utilise organisational resources and capabilities for the development of the learning among the child where the major resources are efficient teachers, staff members at the schools, playing ground for the children, playing objects, suitable classrooms, calm environment, coordinator, blackboards, books and other staff members are proficient in serving the best care ad service to the children and arrange learning development training for the young child. As a manager, it is also my duty to maximise the welfare of the children by providing them suitable atmosphere to play and learn which in turn helps in developing mental and physical health of the children. The Nursery Manager will oversee the operation of the day nursery to the highest standards, ensuring that the best possible environment and care are provided for young children by providing calm atmosphere, playing grounds, proper monitoring, cooperation between staff and the child, providing proficient teaching practitioners and caring the child for through meeting their needs and preferences at the school. The Nursery manager expected to provide a high standard flexible care environment for the children and their family in the local community by providing proper timing of the school as per the parent’s requirements, safe environment, managing security of the child and empowering the parents in the classroom so that it is possible to develop partnership working. The Nursery managers also have responsibility to ensure the environment of the setting well secure with highest standards quality care daily basis. The major responsibilities of mine as a Nursery manager are such as,

To be responsible for and to oversee the day to day management, staffing, organising and smooth running of the Nursery To develop the ethos for Under Fives and to create a welcoming and family friendly environment To be a member of the management team and to contribute to the strategic planning, monitoring, evaluation and development of the Nursery To be responsible at all times for high standards of care and education of children between 0 to five years in accordance with statutory requirements To ensure the EYFS is promoted and delivered within the setting and the principles adhered to To ensure effective communication between the Day Care staff and with all partner organisations. To order and maintain equipment and resources in the Nursery To be accountable and responsible for day to day financial systems directly relating to the Day Nursery provision. To be responsible for admissions in line with the admissions policy agreed by the management team at Head Office To keep a register and up to date records of all children using the Day Care provision and to give regular feedback to parents about their child’s development and progress To be responsible for organising training and monitoring students in the Day Care provision

The Nursery manager should encourage her staff for working in partnership with parents and other staff and agencies to ensure children learning and development skills and abilities and interest where the staff should respect and listen each other about any comments in the setting which improves the quality of the staff and satisfied the parents and the children’s by respecting each other, empowerment in the decision making practice and maintaining transparency and accountability at the schools. Proper monitoring practice ad registering all the records as well as implementation CCTV in the school is effective to provide safe and secured place for the children. It is the responsibility of mine as a Nursery manager to manage the teaching staff and parents and empower both of them for developing proper strategic planning with proper utilisation of the organisational resources and capabilities.

EYAP1-2.1 Engage with the statutory framework for the early years

The statutory framework is mandatory for all early year’s providers such as England early years child-minder agencies that are also under a duty to have regard to the EYFS in the exercise of their functions. The learning and development requirements in sections 1 and 2 of these frameworks, and the safeguarding and welfare requirements in section 3 of this framework, are indicated by the use of the word “must”. Additionally, early years providers must "have regard" to other provisions in these sections. These provisions are indicated by the use of the word “should”. "Having regard" to these provisions means that early years providers must take them into account when providing early years provision and should not depart from them unless there is good reason for doing so. This statutory framework is for:

School leaders School staff Childcare providers Child-minders

It relates to:

Local authority-maintained schools Non-maintained schools (schools not maintained by a local authority) Independent schools Academies and free schools Nurseries Private nursery schools Pre-schools/playgroups Child-minding

The Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) supports the approach and care that gives the professionals of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare to all children. The EYFS framework gives confidence to the parents regardless of where they choose for their child’s early education, where they can be assured the same statutory commitments and principles that will underpin their child’s learning and development experience. There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early year’s settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas, the prime areas, are:

Communication and language Physical development Personal, social and emotional development

It is the responsibility of the Nursery manager to focus on the above three areas which are communication and language, physical development of the young child and the personal, social and emotional development. In order to develop proper learning and development for the child, it is necessary to follow the statutory framework which can help the nursery manager to improve communication practice, develop language of the children, improve their physical health as well as develop social and environmental factors beside the young children. the school leaders, practitioners and child care providers are effective in developing learning abilities and skill of the child through proper cooperation between the staff members as well as communication with the parents so that it is possible to encourage the child and empower the family members in developing proper care plan for this child.

EYAP1-2.2 Discuss how babies and children are safeguarded in own setting

Safeguarding the children is an important phenomenon in the recent years where the healthand social care professionals as well as practitioners try to safeguard the children for improving their wellbeing as well as protect them from harm.Trustees of charities with vulnerable groups, who work with children should have the interests to ensure all reasonable steps to protect children from any hams or abuse which related to children development in their life to enhance their protection as practitioner for the purposes of maximising child wellbeing and to ensure that they are protected and safe both indoor and outdoor.

Conversation for protecting children from harm in 2013 is such as,

Protect children from abuse Protecting children from maltreatment Preventing impairment of children’s health and development Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

As manager, it is my responsibility to maintain administrative work at the nursery through adhering the policies and practices so that I can ensure the compliances with children Act and Health and safety legislation, all within the requirements and guidelines laid by Ofsted and the National Standards. I am a in charge of day care centre where I provide child care service through preparing, caring, maintaining cleanliness ad nursery playground, kitchen and equipment at the care home according to the policies and practices so that it is possible for me to provide better care and support to the children. Keeping and monitoring accident, incident and risk assessment records would also include recruiting and supporting new staff, ensuring I check their preferences. I try to handle the supervision, proper monitoring, day to day activities at the care home as well as managing budget of the home so that it is easy to develop proper infrastructure at the home and provide suitable care and services to the children for their mental and physical development. For example, if I need to arrange an outdoor plan for children and plan to go to the Park, I need to monitor the environment of the Park and find any hazards so that I is possible to conduct risk assessment and maintain safety and security of the children. There are other factors such as availability of the first aid representative at the park, proper monitoring of the children, registration of the children, presence of staff members at the playground, emergency contact of the guardian of the child and food packets for the children which I need to consider as a manager of nursery care home so that the parents feel safe for the children. Additionally, if a child is suffering from health issue like Chicken pox, it is my responsibility to be concerned about the infection and side effects that may affect the other children as well as I try to inform the parents through letters about daily health checkup of the child so that the child can recover from the issue. Hereby, as a nursery manager, it is my responsibility to protect the children and invest more for their future development. Protecting them from maltreatment through proper doctor’s consult and medication as well as preventing the health issues for successful mental and physical development of the child need to be ensured so that the parents can feel safe and secured to enroll their child. Safeguarding the children is hereby an important factor for protecting the children and maximise their health and wellbeing so that they can live their lives safely. I try to maintain high standard of cleanliness and hygiene that will help me to protect the other children and prevent the spread of any infectious diseases and allergies.

EYAP1-3.3 Plan an enabling environment for children aged 3-5 years of age. Analyse how enabling environments can be influenced by pedagogical approaches. Implement recommendations for improved practice and include a written evaluative piece of writing

It is necessary for the Nursery manager to plan for developing environment and circumstances where it is possible to protect the child and give them suitable atmosphere for mental and physical development. To create the environment, it is not only important to create physical environment indoor and outdoor, but it is essential to develop the emotional environment by recognising the significance of the parents and practitioners for providing safe and secured place to the child. It is also necessary to develop strong relationship between the parents and the practitioners for protecting the child with proper care and support. It is hereby, effective for supporting child’s learning and development by acknowledging their individual needs and preferences to play and their preferences so that it is easy to deliver the best care and support for learning and development of the child. Transparency and accountability as well as working in a partnership practice through enhancing communication and cooperation are helpful to create emotional intelligence as well as develop trust and loyalty among the parents and the children at the care home. As a Nursery manager, it is my responsibility to build strong relationship with the parents and ensure that their children are safe and secured at the care home and they get better circumstances and environment to learn, play and develop their mental health. Guidance for best practice, health and safety at the care home and safeguarding legislations are useful in this regard to develop best possible environment where the child can develop their mental and physical health as well as learn and play well at the care home. As a Nursey manger, it is important to bring the best in caring a supportive environment which respond to their individual needs, allowing them to play and explore and in this regard, there are some factors through which I can develop suitable environment for child development such as,

Creative ideas

Guidance for best practice and regulation

Child development

Imaginative play

Cook ’N’ Learn

Telling Stories

Messy Play

The practitioner and the managers at the care home focus on developing effective environment through team building activities where all the child can express their thoughts in front of others and this help them to communicate with others and interact positively that in turn enhance the communicative practice of the children at the care home. The children are empowered well at the care home, where I try to ask for creative ideas to draw and tell stories so that they can develop their brain, thinking power and creativity and innovation. through storytelling, it is also effective to provide positive environment where listening power of the children can be important, and the child can imagine in their brain what actually they listen as a story. This is also effective for mental development and child learning. Imaginative playing and indoor game such as building blocks ad numbering through physical objects are also beneficial for developing suitable environment to learn through playing which raise the interest to learn among the children. Guidance for best practice maintaining legislation and managing hygienic factor at the care home are also effective to provide safe environment to the children for their physical and mental development. In addition to these, the outdoor games, playground and the playing objects are also effective for physical development of the child and it also helps them to cooperate with others and play well. Proper classroom and playing objects are hereby beneficial for the children to get better environment to develop their learning activities, mental and physical health. In this context as Nursery manager the planning needs to be improved for child development between 2 to 3 years,

Try out texture

Try measuring up

Sing vocabulary words

Pin up pictures

Seeing the objects and communicating with others

I try to provide high standard of service and maintain high quality of environment through different activities such as,

Be clean, tidy and uncluttered

Be used flexibly by practitioners throughout the day in response to children’s moods and interests

Include cosy, quiet spaces where children can play quietly, look at books, rest, or sleep

Contain only the furniture that is absolutely essential, leaving plenty of free floor space for children’s plan

Be resourced with interesting open-ended toys and resources to look at, touch and explore.

Make good use of mirrors to create interesting environments to explore

For providing best environment to the children aged between 3 to 5 years, it is necessary to teach those disciplines where the child must understand the communicating way, interactive manners, disciplines in the class room, maintaining cleanliness. The practitioners in this regard try to understand the moods and perception of the child and monitor the child while they are reading the books, looking at the objects or playing. Enhancing playing opportunities and creating interesting activities in the class such as playing, learning through objects, storytelling and expressing through poetry and plays are also helpful for successful development of the child aged between 3 to 5 years. The recommendations of child development for the child aged between 3 to 5 years are such as,

Providing playing equipment to the child such as balls and plastic bats for fun at pre-school

Maintaining healthy bodies through developing habits of healthy eating

Teaching the child how to be safe around strangers

Be clear and consistent while disciplining the child

Learn the child to control ager and be polite

Letting them to choose as per their preferences for improving their decision-making skill

EYAP1-4.1 Provide an analysis of the contribution of self and others to an enabling environment for babies and young children

It is very important to have a good relationship with parents and practitioner to achieve a high standard support and work for wellbeing of the children and babies to feel emotionally safe and secure. It is important to develop their learning effectively with a positive relationship that support children to feel safe and secure to explore a good development in their childhood. The main principle is to enable and provide a good environment for the children and development in setting which contain playing as a role to support children individual needs in learning and development. It is an emotional environment which needs to be developed for warmth and acknowledgement to each child as unique. Creating a suitable environment in this regard is important for child development and learning where the child can get better circumstances to feel better and learn effectively by keeping themselves safe and secured. The contribution of self and others in developing enabling environment is such as,

Be healthy through developing good practice disciplines and personal hygiene practice

Achieving economic wellbeing through developing skill for supporting later learning and development

Developing wide range of playing activities at the hoe and also at the schools for encouraging the child’s participation

Making positive relationship between the practitioners and the parents as this is effective to create calm environment where the childfeels safe

Enhancing communication with the child

developing child behaviour through letting them understand how to interact, how to behave with others

These are the main contributing factors of self or others through which it is possible to nurse child development.

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4.2 Analyse the use of assessment in own practice

An assessment is examining the child learning and development through or during the observation of the child activities in the day setting for a period of time to know the weakness and the strength that support us to plan our support for her ability and interest in their development to encourage their confidence in different area needs support. There are two assessments such as formative and summative. In formative assessment, the manager develops everyday planning on the basis of observation. On the other hand, through summative planning, the manager summarises the formative planning through a period of time and the end of the period he or she takes the decision for planning. In this context, as a manager of Nursery Day Care Home, it I necessary for me to develop proper planning for improving the day care centre through proper monitoring and observing the child development activities. Through formative assessment, I came to understand that there need more activities to develop relationship with the parents and in this regard, I try to develop strategic planning of enhancing communication through guardian meeting and open discussion so that it is possible to interact with the parents and build strong relationship with them. During my council of practice I use to make the proper assessment of the children learning and development. Through assessment process it is possible to evaluate the strength as well as weakness of the children learning and development process. During my practice, I try to maintain the proper communication with the children in terms of understanding their decision and the ideas. Moreover during the assessment process, I use to make the small debates in the classroom, which assist the children to make arguments on any topic, which not only develop their understating regarding the topic but also improve their interactive ability. During the assessment process, I also conduct the verbal and written exam on different subject, which asses the knowledge and perception of the children, which assist the teachers to understand their strength and weakness. Summative assessment process is one of th important process that assist me to determine the actual understanding strength and perception of the children and summarise all these abilities. This process is useful to assts the teachers and educator to determine the actual drawbacks as well as the strength of the children. Formative assessment process is the important process in the learning and childcare framework, through which I am able to measure the progress of the children. By using the formative assessment tool, during the instructional period, I become able to assess the individual needs of the children and to determine their actual progress. During the assessment process I focus on improving the following ability of the children:

Self advocacy

Speech and interactive ability

Classroom performance

Phonologic awareness

Auditory skill

Social skill and pragmatic language

I also try to contact the parents through sending e-mail about the development activities pf the child so that the parents can also understand the contribution of mine and whole day care centre in developing their child mental and physical health. Through observation, I also try to acknowledge that their needs more teaching staff and practitioners for handling the child at the centres and in this regard, I try to recruit efficient staff who can contribute in child development through learning and playing. During my course of practice, I always emphasise on conducting strong interaction with the children and their parent. Being a practitioner I always believe that, parent’s needs to be involved in proper manner in the learning and development framework. In this aspect, I always inform the parent about their children’s progress and learning process. Through Email, web chatting and whatsapp, I contact with parent, and provide them the possible information about their children’s strength, education, weakness, needs and academic growth. Moreover, for making the proper assessment of the children use to conducts the official meeting with the partner, in which parent are allowed to inform the teachers abut their children needs and history. During this meeting, I maintain clear communication with the parent in term of gathering the information about children, their ability, perception, medical history, understating and developmental l requirements. This information assists the educators and trenchers to evaluate the physical and psychological health status of the children, which is important to determine the actual learning and developmental needs of the children. The principle based on which I conduct the entire assessment process are as follows:

Focusing on the benefits of children in term of meeting their developmental as well as educational needs

Assessment is tailored to the specific purposes which is reliable as well as relevant to the needs of the children

Content and the method of to data collection in case of the assessment process should be age appropriate

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Parents need to be considered as the important source of the assessment in which the teachers and educators would inform them about the single tool as well as settings that are designed for the children

During my own practice, I strictly follow all the above-mentioned principles in terms of conducting the proper assessment of the children. Through the assessment process, I focus on the fact the parent s are well informed regarding the needs and requirement of the children. Through this process, I am able to gather the relevant as well as valid information about the children which assist me to evaluate the learning and developmental progress of the children Summative assessment is also effective in this context where I try to analyse the formative assessment and at the end of the year I make decision to improve interaction through empowering the teaching staff and the parents in the decision-making practice where it is ensured that the child are developed well through learning, playing, improving communication, learning languages, improving their behaviour and learning disciplines. During my own practice, I use to conduct the test, exam, screening pre-test and diagnostic KWL inventories, which assists me to evaluate the learning and developmental level of the children. For conducting the summative assessment, I always focus on project performance, tests, quizzes, writing assignment and asking questions. Moreover, through conducting the chapter and unit tests, semester tests, end-of-course evaluation, standardised tests and admission test, I become able to evaluate the strength and weakness of the children’s. Through attempting this test, children can also determine their own drawback, on which they have to focus more. Through these unit tests and admission test, I always ensure that the learning and development framework is based on the individual needs of the children which are important for making proper assessment of the children’s ability. Through the summative assessment process, I become able to evaluate the learning skill, academic achievements and skill acquisition of the children. Through evaluating the grade of different tests, which as admission tests, unit tests and pre-screening test, I am able to analyse that whether the children are able to gather proper academic knowledge. Moreover, through this summative assessment process, I can also understand that whether the children need any special settings and design which would assist them to learn new things more easily. Semester, program, course and the unit test are the important aspects in the summative assessment process, which I use to follow in term of determining the children’s ability if the children such as their decision making ability and problem solving skill. During my course of practice, I also maintain the formative assessment process, which assists me to focus on learning and development process of the children. Through the assessment tool, I am able to monitor the student’s learning process, through conducting the ongoing feedback procedure. Unlike the summative assessment process, formative assessment process assist me as well as other practitioners to improve their teaching process s thereby making the teaching more suitable and relevant to the children’s needs. During this assessment process, I am able to check children‘s progress during the ongoing learning process.

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