Effective Communication in Teaching


Listening is the human ability which helps an individual to receive a message through his or her ear, decode the message in his or her brain and understand the message conveyed through the process of communication. It is an important as well as an effective part while communicating, the absence which can lead to the messages not being understood or misunderstood. As the quote suggests, listening first before speaking therefore listening is the most important part in a communication. The below essay will evaluate five listening challenges and five strategies that can be used by teachers to solve the listening problems.

Five Listening Challenges

Listening is the human ability which helps an individual to receive a message through his or her ear, decode the message in his or her brain and understand the message conveyed through the process of communication. It is an important as well as an effective part while communicating, the absence which can lead to the messages not being understood or misunderstood. As the quote suggests, listening first before speaking therefore listening is the most important part in a communication (Cui and Harshman, 2020). There are organisations around the globe that provide training so that employees can have a sound command on this skill and pull off any kinds of business meetings successfully. This skill, listening is equally for students as it is for people working firms or companies or for any other person, as this plays a very key role in shaping the future and career of the students. The more students have strong hearing skills the better is their ability to perform well in studies in school. This skill also helps in nurturing ideas and provide a creative outlook be it in arts or studies. And schools should as well focus on developing and enriching this skill more so that students can use their true potential in creating a good career for themselves as well as develop a confident personality for themselves. Though being an important skill in communication there are some barriers or challenges in or while listening that pertains to making communication tough or instructions and orders not understandable or misunderstood. Barriers can be of various types, some of them being, environmental barriers or physical barriers or personal barriers, etc. Interaction influences have different effects on perceptions independent of the whereabouts of fluid. Phrases which follow because after a mistaken beginning have bigger syllable detection latencies than the adjacent missing letters (Brewer and Movahedazarhouligh, 2018). Effortless mistakes which occur at such a time's warmth or following punctuation marks seem to also have a circulation impact lowering. It is thought that incorrectly beginning the rehabilitation program within those circumstances is extremely onerous. Also on the opposite side, those phrases with structure will not be larger than the signs lacking repetitions for word sequencing. Sentence processing latencies for sounds spontaneously produced over different experiments is larger. Other several research shows indicate probably some apparent benefits of recurrent will be most likely attributable to delayed monitoring after a suspension of both the hearing period. Keep repeating information if these were not done in a certain way that kept all auditory phrases without any advantage and disadvantage. These investigations provide an initial insight into how speech fluctuations affect understanding together with information regarding frames for sports with rationale that might help language fluctuations. Unnecessary words have their disadvantages. They not only take too much of the time but at times also make it uncomfortable and the message not understandable. These are barriers as the listener might not get to the point and also might face trouble in encoding the actual message that is being conveyed. Misinterpretations of the message might result in a particular work wrongly done. Simple words are easily understandable and easily encoded (Cannon, 2019). Usage of high technical or fancy words which might not be understandable to persons might end up having a wrong interpretation or wrong meaning of the word hence the message conveyed might be blurry to the listener to whom the message is conveyed or might have a totally different meaning altogether. It is advisable to avoid usage of such words and hence keep the message short and simple and to the point. People who are not well versed with the concept of abbreviation might face difficulty in understanding a particular concept or a message and hence might not be able to carry out any task or anything that might have been stated in the message that was being conveyed.

Five strategies that teachers can use to help students improve their listening skills

It is important that students know the importance of listening and therefore should focus on developing this skill and focus on it more and more so that it can help them in the long run and also for developing a successful career for themselves as this not only affects their studies in a positive way but also their overall personality.

Before teaching the students on the basics of this skill, listening, a teacher must understand his or her students properly. The teacher must have an idea about the behaviours that the students show and the intelligence level that each and every kid poses (Al-Busaidi et al. 2021). Students respond better to those who know them inside out because it will be with them that the students will not be judged even if they do something wrong. And a sense of comfortableness might result in the students doing better with their abilities and pushing themselves harder to do better.

It is also important that the students learn more from not just talking but by listening and a teachers main aim should not be on the talking rather his or her main aim should be on how to enhance the skill by making the student talk less and listen more. Also it should be kept in mind that if the teacher continues to lecture then he or she will not be able to understand or figure out if the student has learnt anything or not. The teaching would be of no use if it is not put to test. Therefore the teacher should focus on figuring out and examining as well along with teaching how better the student/ students are performing based on the knowledge that they have gathered so far. Lectures and meetings should be kept plain and simple and specific, that is to the point. So that students can focus on enhancing their skill and not just waste their time listening to lectures all day long as this would just be a time waste for them.

Teachers themselves should talk less and give the opportunity to the students. So that it gives a clear idea on where they stand and much improvement they need based on their talking, giving a perspective to the teachers on what kind of methods does he or she needs to apply to uplift the students onto the next stage based on their individual stats. Teachers themselves need to be qualified enough, that is they themselves need to be good listeners to teach others on how to make this skill better (Younis, 2020). They should be well versed and well knowledgeable and must have a clear idea about the characteristics that make a person a good leader. They should not only have a solid viewpoint of their own but also make sure that they understand and see things through the viewpoints of their students to understand things better and make sure they sort any problems the students are facing based on this viewpoint.

The teachers should make sure to let the students know why they should work on this ability. The teachers should make sure that they give the students enough good and solid reasons to make sure that they work on this ability of theirs on a motivation coming from within and are not forced to do something like this because this will not help them in learning the skill truly and half knowledge can be dangerous. They should be given proper reasons that are viable and are actually true and make sense. It is the duty of teachers to provide them a comprehensive overview of how listening could be a good career building skill and should not be told on how vast or useless it can be as it can snatch the willingness to learn the skill from the students (Suleman, 2018). Proper activities must be organised so that the students can use this skill practically and also know the level where each and every student stands, giving the teachers an idea on how well they should work on each and every student.

The teachers must let the students know that they are genuinely interested and therefore should help them fill up the gaps by placing appropriate words giving them a sense that he or she is actually listening to the part where students or any students are conveying a message. This gives a feeling of relief to the students knowing that if the teachers are listening that means that if the students commit any mistake then it would be taken care of or corrected by the teacher and not just be left hanging (Kenayathulla et al. 2019). The students should know that they could be asked any moment while in a lecture about anything therefore they must be ready with answers if they are asked anytime in the middle of a lecture.


From the above essay it has been concluded that, listening is the most important part in a communication (Cui and Harshman, 2020). There are organisations around the globe that provide training so that employees can have a sound command on this skill and pull off any kinds of business meetings successfully. This skill, listening is equally for students as it is for people working firms or companies or for any other person, as this plays a very key role in shaping the future and career of the students. The more students have strong hearing skills the better is their ability to perform well in studies in school. This skill also helps in nurturing ideas and provide a creative outlook be it in arts or studies. And schools should as well focus on developing and enriching this skill more so that students can use their true potential in creating a good career for themselves as well as develop a confident personality for themselves.

Assessment 2


A key skill is being able to think for oneself. This is something which gives a clear knowledge about self-direction and self-discipline. The time when the career concept and the workplace is changing. This is the time when one needs to think in a meaningful and realistic way. This generation has to go beyond taking notes for important exams or interviews. In this generation education should make them think for themselves and by doing that they can solve real time problem. The following essay evalutes five skills that a student must require to be successful at university and why are they important at workplace. The essay also includes five recommendations to enhance the content of a student's CV.

Five skills that students require to be successful at university and why are they important at workplace

5 skills student require to be successful at University and workplace are as follows:

Critical thinking: A key skill is being able to think for yourself. This is something which gives a clear knowledge about self-direction and self-discipline. The time when the career concept and the workplace is changing. This is the time when one needs to think in a meaningful and realistic way. This generation has to go beyond taking notes for important exams or interviews. In this generation education should make them think for themselves and by doing that they can solve real time problems (Teng et al. 2019). When the students start developing this kind of ability in themselves it will turn into a great benefit for them in university as well as in their workplace. As then they can solve hard problems with no fear.

Adaptability: Nowadays the technology is getting better day by day. But one needs to use those technologies especially students and professionals in their daily lives. As these technologies make life much easier and smoother. Nowadays every university and company uses several kinds of modern technologies just to further their global presence. By doing this they get benefits. The technologies also result in some top companies as the company encourages their employees so that they can take the full advantage and also utilise this digital age. One of the main adjustments is attending University College or working in a company and that person lives in a different time zone (Ornellas et al. 2019). This kind of adjustment the upcoming generation will experience in their work culture. This upcoming generation will have to adapt to this kind of situation and if not will be left behind.

Excellent communication skills: One having good communication skills is a very important thing both in person as well as online. The upcoming generation should have a good knowledge in communication as they need to have conversations with different kinds of people every now and then. One having a good communication skill can also handle several problems just by conversing. A good speaker has an ability to calm one down with their words and also has an ability to convince the other person. This is a very important skill one should have as a student or as an employee (McGunagle and Zizka, 2020). Nowadays reading, communicating, writing skills has now become a very crucial skill for modern students as well as employees.

Cultural understanding: If one needs a positive interaction it can only be possible when one is having a deep cultural understanding. Not only will it help in a positive interaction but also in better collaboration and diverse conversations. The Z generation is one of the most diverse generations as stated very often. In the upcoming generation it will have wider variety and perspective in college as well as the workplace. The key part in most cultures is cultural understanding (Rowe and Zegwaard, 2017). This is a skill one should have by which they can make the other person feel about the positivity one is having.

Initiative and drive: Achieving success is a normal part of life, nowadays competing on the global stage is more as compared to the previous generation . This generation is more connected with the global stage as now the students will have to compete with the students of their own country as well as the students in the whole country (Cui and Harshman, 2020). One should always have an initiative and drive to complete their own important element so that their career and education opportunity is at no risk.

Five recommendations that could help students improve the content of their CVs

A professional document which outlines the work education and experience that to in detail is known as a CV. The CV includes courses one took in college and specific projects or research papers. As we all know Cvs are used for job interviews. The CV of a particular person lets others know about his or her skills, habits and abilities .

Problem Solving: There is a problem in every job one does, and one needs to overcome an issue. There can be any kind of problem like the client is not happy with the service or the project is not submitted within the deadline or two colleagues are not willing to work together. By solving this kind of problem one can achieve a good name in the company. So one should have this skill of problem solving and also should write this on his or her CV so that they can improve the quality of their CV as nowadays companies want their employees to have little knowledge on everything. So this is a good point to enhance one's CV. To solve a problem one must have a good critical thinking knowledge so this also becomes a point that one can add in his or her way just to let others know about the qualities they are having in them. Ensuring that the CV has two or more pages in it: In normal CVs we get to see that the CV is of two pages. CV is the main thing in a job interview as it encourages the professionals to know more about the person about his experience and qualifications. If one is having multiple jobs certification or has done more volunteering this can be used in a CV so that the length of the CV increases and the CV is more than two pages. The CVs length becomes one advantage as if the CV is more than two pages the company gets more interested in that person as they have a curiosity about that individual that he or she is having much knowledge about everything and has a lot of experience. So doing this can enhance your CV. Adding summary of each experience: When one adds each and every experience about their learning the company starts showing more interest in them just to know their knowledge on every field of their experience. Also adding every detail about one's past experience will increase the length of the CV too. Also one can share his or her every skill, lesson and habits they have learned from their educational and professional experience. Also with their skills they can add keywords which will enhance their CV more. When the company gets to know about the skills and habits one has learnt from their past experience the company will know that this person is interested in working and has that motto to learn things and adapt to new things. Also by knowing one's experience the company will give that person more priority as he or she is much knowledgeable. So by applying this in the CV one will be at a great benefit. The references should be cleared in order to make space for experience. References from the past job experience should be removed to enhance the CV. The removed references can be added to a document and given to an employer , along with the CV. This will give more opportunity to expand the educational experience and work. Also the reference section should be written in a very simplified manner so that at a glance the main points about the CV are understood.

The reference section can be simplified by including only the name, contact details , relationship. The main references are needed in the CV to make it look more clear and attractive. As you add more to it, it becomes haphazard. The clear view of the CV is not achieved, instead unnecessary information pops up. The paragraphs should be short and precise to enhance readability and use of some specific Keywords which relate to specific jobs enhance the CV. Nowadays, employers do not have much time to go through every detail that is described in one's CV. The importance of a short paragraph is that the employer will get a quick review about the CV at a glance. The paragraphs should be short in length that is between three or four sentences. The short paragraphs look much more attractive as they provide only vital information. By doing this it makes it easier for the employers to go through one's qualification and also is more pleasing to the eye of an employer. Shortened paragraphs can also be transformed to bulleted format where it will be appropriate.

Keywords are like one of the best formats and a great way to enhance the CV. This also improves the opportunity and chance that the employer chooses the resume from the set of other applicants files. The resume keywords are phrases that describe one's specific job requirements. Keywords are important because it attracts and grabs the attention of the hiring managers as it matches well with the job description. This makes the CV unique against all the other candidates, as the recruiting team just scans the CV for the relevant ordeal. Nowadays everyone is upgraded, so applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software that is used for filtering applications. As per the job requirement , the recruiting team lists a number of keywords in the ATS system. The ATS system scans the application with the specific keywords that the recruiting team has plugged in. The CV never reaches the recruiter if it does not have the right keywords that were plugged in by the hiring team. By this kind of process the company recruits the best person for the required job position. Nobody has enough time to go through the CV line by line but the specific keywords enhance the CV and seek attention. That's why short paragraphs and precise keywords related to the job, highlight the CV. There are higher chances of selection of the resume if one follows the above rules and enhances the CV for the good.


From the above essay it has been concluded that If one needs a positive interaction it can only be possible when one is having a deep cultural understanding. Not only will it help in a positive interaction but also in better collaboration and diverse conversations. The Z generation is one of the most diverse generations as stated very often. In the upcoming generation it will have wider variety and perspective in college as well as the workplace. The key part in most cultures is cultural understanding. This is a skill one should have by which they can make the other person feel about the positivity one is having.

Dig deeper into Educational system and the role of local nursery school in society with our selection of articles.


  • Al-Busaidi, S., Yusuf, T. and Reinders, H., 2021. A model for implementing problem-based language learning: Experiences from a seven-year journey. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20(1), pp.1-21.
  • Brewer, R. and Movahedazarhouligh, S., 2018. Successful stories and conflicts: A literature review on the effectiveness of flipped learning in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(4), pp.409-416.
  • Cannon, A., 2019. Essential Skills and Collaboration. Technology and the Curriculum: Summer 2019.
  • Cui, Q. and Harshman, J., 2020. Qualitative Investigation to identify the knowledge and skills that US-trained doctoral chemists require in typical chemistry positions. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(5), pp.1247-1255.
  • Kenayathulla, H.B., Ahmad, N.A. and Idris, A.R., 2019. Gaps between competence and importance of employability skills: evidence from Malaysia. Higher Education Evaluation and Development.
  • McGunagle, D. and Zizka, L., 2020. Employability skills for 21st-century STEM students: the employers' perspective. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.
  • Ornellas, A., Falkner, K. and Stålbrandt, E.E., 2019. Enhancing graduates’ employability skills through authentic learning approaches. Higher education, skills and work-based learning.
  • Rowe, A.D. and Zegwaard, K.E., 2017. Developing graduate employability skills and attributes: Curriculum enhancement through work-integrated learning.
  • Suleman, F., 2018. The employability skills of higher education graduates: insights into conceptual frameworks and methodological options. Higher Education, 76(2), pp.263-278.
  • Teng, W., Ma, C., Pahlevansharif, S. and Turner, J.J., 2019. Graduate readiness for the employment market of the 4th industrial revolution: The development of soft employability skills. Education+ Training.
  • Younis, Z., 2020. Multiple Tools for Innovative Interdependent Learning Techniques in Higher Education to Foster Employability Skills. In Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility—Volume 2 (pp. 133-141). Springer, Cham.

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