Effective Management at Fraser Food Company

Organization goals objectives and policies

Organization goals are the main driving force behind an organizations operations and endeavors. According to Davis (2020) business objectives and policies are often derived from the set company goals which are also reliant on the company’s mission and vision. Based on the company’s mission, achievable goals are set as a plan and pathway towards achievement of success. These goals are then broken down to specific objectives which make up essential business operations carried out by the organizations personnel. However give the rules and regulations governing such business practices, the policies provide the mode and manner with which to reach the objectives and ultimately achieve the business objectives and goals. This relationship has led to effective management of the Fraser Food Company whose end goal is not only success but also the people working for the company and the quality of product produced. By placing significant importance on the welfare of its employees the company has adequate policies in place to protect the people while at the same time producing quality products to ensure maximum profits.


Open systems theory

The open systems theory premises that any system is made up of a combination of many other parts that share resources including data and information both internally and externally. According to Leonard (2019) open systems theory assert how an organization culture affects the flow of information and interaction internally and with the external environment. This is relevant for Fraser Foods which operates an open system. In addition to the company’s internal system structure flowing from the Managing Director to the managers and down to the employees, the company also has a relationship with the external environment of the business with its suppliers, customers, the environment as well as the set regulations and legislations. All these internal and external systems are taken into account when running the organization to ensure effective and successful management.

Key Stakeholders

Among the Key stakeholders in the Fraser Foods company include the owners who are the Fraser family, the companies’ employees as well as their suppliers in Perkins Supermarket. The owners’ major interest is to expand the business and ensure its continuous success and development despite the dynamic and changing food market and environment. They are also the sole owners of the Private Limited Company and as such have significant influence in the company’s day to day operations and management. The employees are the next major stakeholders who ensure the continuous growth and development of the company. Their major interest is to maintain their jobs as their major sources of income and livelihood and they have significant influence in the product development. The suppliers in Perkins supermarket are the other stakeholders who are majorly interested in a continuous supply of fresh and high quality food products from Fraser Foods in order to continue satisfying their customers. They are Fraser Foods major supplier and as such hold a significant influence on the direction, growth and development of the company.


Fraser Foods operates through a structured formal organization in the management team. The Managing Director is the head of the company with a group of directors underneath him and relying on his direction to effectively manage the company towards the achievement of its goals. The managers are then responsible for the employees and the different departments they are in charge of including Human resource, Production, Sales and Marketing. However, within these departments the managers and employees operate within both formal and informal organization structures (Slack, and Brandon-Jones, 2021). For instance in the Human Resource department, while Kathryn Hannah professionally manages all of the companies 120 staff members adequately and according to set procedures and policies which entail formal organization, She also has an informal relationship with the local college from where she effectively sources adequate candidates for work placement. She also engages the candidates in more in-house training which is significantly informal to ensure staff continues to have the skills needed within the businesses.

Control Strategy

Given the need for the business to expand and develop into producing more products and securing multiple other suppliers for the overall continuity and sustainability of the business, the most effective control strategy to adopt would be the implementation Control strategy. According to DuBois (2018) using implementation control while engaging in the realization of a well formulated and set plan ensures no unnecessary adjustments are needed to the plan and therefore no additional costs. Implementation control strategy can be adopted in two major ways: through monitoring strategic thrusts and carrying out milestone reviews. Monitoring strategic thrusts ensures the plan is implemented in the most effective way with the use of available resources while milestone reviews assures the management team that the plan is being implemented as required and that the expected outcome will be achieved. The implementation control strategy will adequately help the business in its expansion plans.


Davis, S., 2020. Relationship of Policies to Business Objectives. [online] Small Business - Chron.com. Available at: [Accessed 6 November 2021].

DuBois, J., 2018. What Is the Importance of the Strategic Audit?. [online] Your Business. Available at: [Accessed 6 November 2021].

Leonard, K., 2019. Open System Organizational Structure. [online] Small Business - Chron.com. Available at: [Accessed 6 November 2021].

Slack, N. and Brandon-Jones, A., 2021. Operations management. Pearson Education, Inc.

Motivation theories

One major content motivation theory which is applicable to most businesses and indeed life in general include the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. According to McLeod (2020) The Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a motivation theory which dictates five levels of needs that ultimately dictate individual behavior. These five needs are categories within a pyramid in ascending order from the most basic of needs in Psychological needs including Food, Water and Shelter at the bottom followed by Safety needs, Love and belonging needs, Self esteem needs and ultimately self actualization at the top. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can explain the actions of the employees who stay loyal and satisfied with Fraser Foods given that they are afforded competitive remuneration and bonuses that enable them achieve all the psychological needs they may require.

An example of a Process based theory according to Gordon (2021) is the Goal setting theory. The theory premises that individuals are significantly motivated by the existence of SMART goals and ones that they are allowed to effectively participate in. This theory also explains the behavior of the employees especially when it comes to their relationship with Hazim Khan at the product development stage. Hazim not only sets SMART goals for adequate product development, he also engages the employees and gives them the opportunity to air their problems and adopt their talents in the solution of such problems for the development of high quality products.

Methods to Improve Job performance

Mangers at Fraser Foods generally employ adequate motivation techniques as well as adequate training and investment in employee welfare to improve job performance within the company. The employees are adequately motivated by the remuneration strategies at the company which guarantees them competitive pay plans which is above the minimum wage along with additional bonuses for extra shifts. The company is also adequately aware of the employees welfare needs and in fact puts the welfare of its employees at the top of its mission objectives. it recognizes that the employees are the most valuable assets within the company and treats them with that respect which subsequently translates to improved and effective job performance.

The company also engages in adequate and extensive training and development of its employees. The company’s Human Resource Manger Kathryn Hannah not only has a connection with the local college to ensure the sourcing of talented and effective candidates for employment, He also ensures adequate additional in-house training to ensure the employees are well conversant with the needs of the business and are able to deliver effectively on their duties leading to improved performance. Both the remuneration and training strategies adopted are quite sustainable and will serve the company effectively even following the implementation of the expansion strategy.


Teamwork within workplaces is crucial for adequate process outcomes. According to YTI Career Institute (2015), Team working comes with a wide range of benefits and importance including inspiring adequate problem solving, inspiring creativity and innovation, building employee morale and encouraging employee support for one another. Within Fraser Foods, Teamwork is a key part of the employee’s endeavors and through teamwork they are able to effectively carry out their duties to perfection for the continued productivity and success of the company. While shop floor teams have set targets, they are also allowed the freedom to organize themselves and take maximum advantage of team working in achieving their tasks. Team members move around to carry out different tasks which help break up the routine nature and boredom of some of the jobs. This not only enhances increased morale for all the employees it also inspires staff flexibility and the development of a real sense of teamwork.

Factors affecting Teamwork

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Three major factors that influence team cohesiveness and performance include similarities in employee values and attitudes, interdependency as well as previous successes and shared goals (Sinha, 2019). Individuals who hold similar attitudes and values are more likely to relate with each other and understand one another effectively. This especially if they have previously worked together and achieved significant success in some shared goals. In addition the quality of being able to depend on one another also impacts cohesiveness within a team bringing them together not only for the achievement of a set task, but also as friends and a unit which can effectively engage in any activity successfully. The teams within Fraser Foods have similar attitudes and values inspired by the company’s organization culture which puts their welfare first ahead of product and profit. These teams have also worked together successfully on numerous previous occasions and are well conversant with each other’s duties and responsibilities. As such any individual within a team can take up any responsibility indicating a significant interdependence among the team members which makes them even more effective at achieving their set targets adequately and with minimal resources possible.

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Gordon, J., 2021. Process-Based Theories of Motivation - Explained. [online] The Business Professor, LLC. Available at: [Accessed 6 November 2021].

McLeod, S., 2020. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. [online] Simplypsychology.org. Available at: [Accessed 6 November 2021].

Sinha, K., 2018. Top 12 Factors Influencing Group Cohesiveness. [online] Your Article Library. Available at: [Accessed 6 November 2021].

YTI Career Institute, 2015. Reasons teamwork is important in the workplace | YTI Career Institute. [online] YTI Career Institute. Available at: [Accessed 6 November 2021].

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