Embracing Educational Technology


The aspect of technology in education is gaining momentum; the dynamic nature of knowledge can be one of the most significant entity. The dynamic quality of learning helps in embracing technology at a fast pace while ensuring better academic outcomes. The current section thus works on providing a brief overview of education-related technology and the influence of the same about the learning theory. The contemporary literature works on giving a brief overview of GeoGebra and the ways it can work on improving the present scenario of modern education, influencing existing learning capabilities. The literature additionally works on understanding the impact of technology in regards to school and the ways that can be further implemented for ensuring that the educational outcomes are rightly met with a proper set of procedures. For those seeking engineering dissertation help, understanding these aspects of technology integration can be crucial in shaping effective educational strategies.


A brief review of education technology about learning theory

Major educational theories, such as constructivism and cognitivism, are widely implemented (Wassie and Zergaw, 2019). The cognitive approach is concerned with the mental process that is not through human beings' problem solving and learning strategies. The cognitive theory works on believing that human beings possess several modes of receiving and processing information at different cognitive stages of development. Constructivist approach is in favour of the learner, stating their viewpoint to the global environment (Weinhandl et al. 2020). The perspective related to learning and knowledge structures that technology provides to the students can discover and solve their problems in several means using the real-world technology relying on anchor instruction theory concentrating on learning based on technology.

Students take the technology as a carrier using the reality of the real world as original content for discovering problem giving rise to question and ultimately fixing those problems (Bhagat, Chang, and Huang, 2017). The theory of cognitive flexibility believes that the process of learning cannot take place in a complex domain. Knowledge needs to have a different environment and support of information from various fields. Simulation-based education, through the use of technology, is termed as one of the most significant ways of learning. Cognition theory is similar to social constructivism, it works on a collection of knowledge not dependent on the effect of an individual but other people and external learning tools and environment hence it can be clearly stated that technology can work on enhancing the experience associated with learning and thus provide a higher level of knowledge retention (Jacinto and Carreira, 2017)

Literature review on GeoGebra

GeoGebra background

The chosen application is an interactive statistical calculus, algebra and geometry learning application. The prime aim is to teach mathematics and science, starting from the level of primary school to university. The app is easily accessible on multiple platforms such as Linux Macintosh, an Android coupled with web application of HTML5 technology (Salinas-Hernández, Sacristán and Trouche, 2018). The project was started in the year 2001 by the creator Markus Hohenwarter as a part of his master's thesis (Tomaschko and Hohenwarter, 2019). The application is now available for both commercial and nonprofit entities working together in Austria for expanding the software and cloud-based services available to the users.

GeoGebra user-friendly nature and interface

GeoGebra is simple to use, for the student to perceive what they are doing in the mathematical task. For instance, a job that involves simultaneous equation; it is quick and easy to craft both the equation so that the students can visualize the expected solution in regards to the equation (Zengin, 2018). GeoGebra is used to give the student the scope to establish the relationship of them with mathematics. The robot's nature of the chosen application makes it easier for the teacher and the students to perceive the change in one quantity effect for the other quantities. Similarly, by learning about standard deviation or coefficient related to correlation, students can change one item in the data and see what effect it can bring about in other quantities (Tomaschko and Hohenwarter, 2019).

Research-based studies suggest that there exists a series of good open-source programs, but none of them seems to have direct application to math classrooms as the way GeoGebra does. GeoGebra is a software package for manipulating and creating a series of geometric objects (Breda and Santos, 2016). The application additionally allows graphing a function and manipulating the function in a series of interesting ways. It operates on Java-based Framework, which means if the user has to install Java on the computer that can run the mentioned software application, which relates to the fact that any Java enables the operating system can operate the chosen software. In case any teacher plans to use the program with a student, it is nice to know that they can install the program for free, and it is very likely to work on the computer (Kim, 2019). Hence, the mentioned software application is user friendly and has an interactive interface. The only gap is that the teacher needs to make sure both the teacher and the student, who plan to use the software need to install the right version of Java to avoid potential problems that can be an issue in the future. GeoGebra has all the standard geometry software-related functions, which makes the addition of geometry shapes such a circle ellipse lines a lot easier. The user can work on making one object dependent on another object, meaning that changes in the original object propagate to a dependent object (Bulut et al. 2016). In other words, the user is trying to draw a line depending on the location of point A and point B changing either one of the points can modify the line segment. Firstly the mathematics teacher can export their working files as a worksheet on the webpage that makes it easier for the user to access it anywhere anytime. The second feature is the ability to export the current file in a picture format (Belgheis and Kamalludee, 2018). These two formats help the users to create the graph for including in online post something for the students and can be done using GeoGebra all the time. The mentioned software has an additional input text feel that means at every command using the interface can be typed in. The use of GeoGebra within the classroom setting is highly affordable as it brings on high-quality geometry software at an extremely affordable price

Main objectives in developing GeoGebra

The chosen geometrical software application aims to explore the use of GeoGebra in mathematics and for the mathematic classes while exploring the tools in the classic form of the software through the use of problems involving graph (Khali and Khalil, 2019). The objectives of the software are to explore nonlinear and linear graph and extension on 3D graph via modelling exercise based on the exam questions

However, there exists a wider implication relating to the use of GeoGebra in mathematics teaching, which is as follows (Bozkurt and Ruthven, 2017):

Developing a positive attitude for learning mathematics

Performing mathematical equation operation and manipulation with right kind of speed accuracy and confidence

Implement a precise thinking couple with a critical perspective and logical outlook at any given situation

Development of investigative skills in mathematics

Identify a symbolizing while using mathematical relationship in daily life

Collecting the needed data organizing and representing it to evaluate and make a general assumption for solving mathematically related questions

Applying the knowledge of mathematics to both familiar and unfamiliar situation and while developing a willingness to work collaboratively

Gather the needed skills and knowledge for further training and education while communicating the gained mathematical ideas

However, regarding the current research literature, the prime objectives of the study are as follows:

To understand the ways how the application of technology used in classroom settings

To evaluate the efficacy of the chosen software and in current educational settings

To underpin the challenges and opportunities faced by the learners and teachers in the implementation of technology within the classroom

Effectiveness of GeoGebra in student’s conceptualization

The implementation of technology associated with the chosen software can have a huge impact on the world of education. As influenced by Utami et al. (2019), technology leads to effective learning and teaching environment by providing a medium for the student to observe the knowledge and teachers to provide the education irrespective of the levels. Integration of GeoGebra into the process of learning and teaching mathematics can bring new and innovative ideas (Ismail and Abd Rahman, 2017). However, the teacher needs to have the proper training to improve their skills to an optimum level that can support the use of technological software to enhance the educational results. In addition to that, the teachers need to have guidance for involving the students in the application of the latest technology and solving various types of mathematical problems (Luigini and Bolondi, 2018). Educators need to ensure that lessons in mathematics and interesting for the students to focus on the important concept rather than making use of traditional technology that may not appeal to the students, educators need to be ready to accept the current change and integrate the same within the classroom (Zampieri and Javaron, 2018).

One of the main aspects of technology-based learning is the ability to provide support services to students from various levels by sharing the idea of reference to a focused topic. The use of GeoGebra is the process of learning, and teaching mathematics perceived as one of the methods used to create a meaningful learning environment (Korenova, 2017). The software received favourable ratings within the activities involving mathematical concepts. GeoGebra makes use of illustrations, symbols, and graphics assisting in the process of learning through conceptual knowledge.

As influenced by Rohaeti and Bernard (2018), conceptual learning is a chain of knowledge that serves as the basis of order in mathematics inclusive of mathematical ideas, eventually leading to understanding and meaning of complex mathematical processes. The conceptual knowledge possessed by the student on their reasoning ability requiring a definition of the concept or relationship or both in regards to mathematics solving capability. Finding by Khalil et al. (2018) suggest that the use of GeoGebra in the process of learning mathematics affect the conceptual and procedural knowledge of the student. Hence, GeoGebra is an alternative for an educational institution to run their mathematics classes for teaching in math through the use of interactive learning. The teachers can implement GeoGebra for providing scope to learn different teaching methods and techniques (Khalil et al. 2018). Nevertheless, it is essential to give the teachers the advantages associated with GeoGebra and the associated operational skills. Additionally, the school administration should encourage the teachers in eliminating the associated negative paradigm inducts to the use of technology in the process of learning and teaching (Sari, Hadiyan and Antari, 2018)

Implementation of GeoGebra at school and colleges

There is an increasing awareness among the mathematic educator that technology is emerging as an integral part of mathematics learning, forming a dynamic representation and way of communication (Nisiyatussani et al. 2018). Indeed new mathematic learning technology can work on providing several linking mechanism and representation of sources supporting exploration of the student in complex mathematical ideas the structures in a robust manner (Zulnaidi, Oktavika and Hidayat, 2020). Furthermore, through the use of thought revealing activities, the interconnected representation can work on enhancing the mathematical experience of the students while fostering a deep understanding related to the mathematical concept. The study can work on highlighting the importance of needed professional development for supporting the teachers in designing a lesson recommended by technology (Dockendorff and Solar, 2018). In general, there exists an argument among mathematic educators and the dominant cognitive role of the robust multiple representations. However, a large number of the teacher providing technology is not sufficient for the proper integration of the dynamic tools into the processes of teaching (Alkhateeb and Al-Duwairi, 2019). It is right to state that, sufficient training coupled with college support can boost the willingness of the teacher for integrating technology into the process of teaching and developing a successful technology-supported teaching practice (Redo et al. 2019). In addition to that, mathematic teachers play an important role in curriculum planning implementation and assessment (Kepceoglu, 2016).

Evaluation of the software

The experience underlining the studies suggests that continuous search in the field with a focus on improving the circumstance of learning and determining the use of technology can make the use of GeoGebra easy. The challenge needs viewing technology not as a solution in between isolation, but as a primary component that helps the schools to address the code challenges in education (Belgheis and Kamalludee, 2018). Building a proper evaluation of education technology may have a stronger implication for long-term success. Including the type of evaluation in implementation of the project offers three advantages foresee any technology can provide intervention to complete system like school is going to encounter challenges for uncovering the unexpected scope (Wassie and Zergaw, 2019). An evaluation can help in identifying and understanding the possibilities and the evaluator can work on providing guidance

Secondly, the evaluation can decline to have a scope of discussing the design related to the operation. Thirdly the model of revaluation can be attenuated to a larger education context align the exploration of suitable intervention acting as a catalyst for change within the larger system (Weinhandl et al. 2020). The model of evaluation is developing through the work to overcome the challenges in analyzing the complex technology intervention and identifying the suitable level of analysis (Weinhandl et al. 2020)

To fully understand the technology-related intervention, the related absence and presence of the dimension need to be taken into account while designing the technology-based educational evaluation (Tomaschko and Hohenwarter, 2019). Evaluation can work on identifying the important developments along one dimension. For example, the one to one computer initiative at urban high school in the UK clear that the student's directors of the school and the teachers have a different understanding in regards to the goal and vision of a particular project (Zengin, 2018). It is for the same reason the students have limited or no idea about the responsibilities and does where feeling to meet them. For the valuation to be critical, it needs to be developed around and expected outcome with from conception of what the outcome would perceive as coupled with the set of indicator for success (Utami et al. 2019)

The stage of evolution works on changing the general objectives and goals into the observable and measurable incident. The choice related to outcome is closely related to the level of analysis. The evolution design the schools are full of complicated socio-political dynamics (Korenova, 2017). For instance, it is unrealistic to perceive a project to transform the teaching practice of an individual if the design is not including professional development for engaging the teachers within the classroom. The complexity of school means there are sources of evidence and information about the process of education provides. Thus, the chosen software application can work on providing the right kind of atmosphere, facilitating education among the students (Khalil et al. 2018)


There is no doubt that the chosen educational software application is highly user-friendly. The difficulty with commands in the input by especially for the teachers and students with no previous programming related experience is one of the limitations of using GeoGebra (Sari, Hadiyan and Antari, 2018). Due to the proven fact that the chosen software is a method of medical application access through the internet or downloaded on a personal computer, technological challenges may arise. The current study was not immune to possible challenges. Internet platforms in a certain educational institute such as schools design to block websites on students' laptops that were deemed appropriate for the students to gain access (Nisiyatussani et al. 2018). GeoGebra is a software application that uses a user bulk update; however, the data provided by certain platforms in schools and colleges are not enough to make access slow. The teachers usually face the challenges mentioned above. However, students are making use of GeoGebra additionally subjected to a series of challenges. The lack of interest is one of the barriers in the implementation of technology in the traditional classroom (Kepceoglu, 2016). The amount of time taken by the students to prepare the class incorporating GeoGebra was exceptionally high. The time is taken to complete the whole setup and login into the GeoGebra platform waste a considerable amount; that could have implemented for other recreational for learning activities. Additionally, the teacher needs to monitor the computer usage of the students; the access of the internet to the students may motivate them to look for unrelated content not relating to the field of the studies (Ismail and Abd Rahman, 2017).

As a teacher, it becomes increasingly important to experience technology in the classroom while operating GeoGebra experience tends to be not so expressive in most of the cases. Thus, the teacher needs to be put through the preparatory phase and learn to navigate and operate different applications of GeoGebra. This challenge can technically lead to the second challenge within the teacher of having sufficient time to prepare for the lessons taught within the class (Rohaeti and Bernard, 2018). Developing the lesson plans can be time-consuming, utilizing an unfamiliar piece of technology that can make matters worse during the initial stages. For each lesson taught using GeoGebra, the teacher needs to recognize the underlying concept that needs to be targeted and discovered by the students through an inquiry-based approach. Inquiry-based approaches writer setup GeoGebra needs to be implemented for helping the process and forming the lesson plan (Rohaeti and Bernard, 2018). However, it should be additionally noted that lack of knowledge while using software is one of the major barriers that make learning a bit difficult for the students who already left the needed interest. Hence exposure to the right kind of training with the use of mathematical technology or a technology that is similar to GeoGebra can help the students to gain the needed space and adequately prepare them for future classes (Khalil et al. 2018).

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Hence it can be concluded that technology is directed in the right way can work on enhancing the educational quality among the students. The hi user-friendly nature of the chosen software GeoGebra couple with easy access can be termed as a huge motivation boosting factor, making learning fun and an easy approach to be undertaken. The use of technology amalgamated in the domain of education through the use of GeoGebra can work on enhancing the conceptual knowledge and implementing theoretical mathematics into practical life setting.

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Reference list

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Belgheis, S. and Kamalludeen, R., 2018. The Intention to Use GeoGebra in the Teaching of Mathematics among Malaysian Teachers. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(1), pp.109-115.

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Zulnaidi, H., Oktavika, E. and Hidayat, R., 2020. Effect of use of GeoGebra on achievement of high school mathematics students. Education and Information Technologies, 25(1), pp.51-72.

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