Disability research in the field of development of learning and teaching opportunities becomes important as it bears the potential to enhance the knowledge regarding the most basic aspects of the human condition. With the upgrade in learning and teaching facilities, diversity of minds and bodies could be included (Soorenian, 2018). This diversification results in unification and impacts the demographic elements of the society. The understanding of the historical background of a society along with the geographical features, the ethnicity, sexuality, religion, the scientific approaches and so forth profoundly depends on the mode of education perceived. Despite the need there has been a constant lack in expansion of the opportunities to people with special needs. Research could not only influence in raising the awareness through addressing the problems regarding the gaps in development but also raise the learning and teaching standards through incorporation of innovative means which could be easier to adopt by the disabled group of people (UNICEF, 2020). This would also result in building up opportunities in both the learning as well as teaching platforms for the youths and adults who need special attention.
According to the Pavlov theory the learning procedure involves the occurrence of a stimulus with a conditioned reflex. As stated by Zhang et al. (2019) the classical conditioning preceding conditions alter behavioral reactions. Teachers could thus apply this for preventive antecedent control strategies in the classroom for the disabled students. The teachers could manipulate the modes of instruction and the surrounding environment to enhance positive outcomes and reduce maladaptive behaviors among especially abled learners. Lee Vygotsky postulated that social interaction through culture specific tools to be the fundamental way for cognitive development. Therefore, the disabled learners could include various cultural aspects that can act as the mediator for developing special abilities like memory and attention, learning and problem solving and so forth which would otherwise become a bit difficult for them to cope up with.
Society often builds negative and pessimistic attitudes towards disabled people based on either prejudices or stereotypes which often causes down gradation of their confidences and deprivation of equal opportunities to them. The social model of disability states that the disability occurs due to social structure and organization than the actual impairments and ailments of the disabled person. It enables in removing these barriers that have been caused by the society for smoother and easier life conduction. The impact of social models of disability has been witnessed through ‘Everyday Equality Strategy’ that developed based on this model. It enabled to change the outlook of the disabled people by making them more competent and confident to overcome their barriers created by the society through viewing the world with their outlook than what the society perceives (Woods, 2017). This model also helps in identifying these barriers that makes their lives more complicated and thus teaches ways in removing these obstacles enabling them to become more independent regarding their choices and lifestyle attitudes.
Social, cultural and beliefs manipulate the abilities possessed by the disabled people both in optimistic and pessimistic ways. For example social suppression can be witnessed in the reluctance to marriages with disable persons and unwillingness in exhibiting them due to public embarrassment that could damage the reputation (Carroll et al. 2018). This inhibits their confidence and thereby learning outcomes. On the other hand, opportunities in recruitments and employment help them gain confidence and perform various activities without dependence. Culturally often males keep hiding their disabilities despite the needs due to the patriarchal society where male dominated cultures have been in light. On the contrary motivation in learning comes from inclusion of disabled learners in various culturally organized events and participating in sports specially designed for them through enhancing their emotional and sensory responses. Faith and beliefs surrounding the disabled people have been mostly repressive. As opined by Degener, (2017) organizing prayer camps where mostly they have been ill-treated and stigmatized by their families in the misconception of bad deeds have been witnessed causing reduced self-reliance among the learners. Also, progressive growths have been noticed when these people have been warmly welcomed in prayer meetings and religious gatherings stimulating their learning capabilities higher than normal through interactive communication.
Inclusive learning includes consideration of diverse needs along with varied backgrounds of the students involved to make them feel valued and incorporation of unbiased and nonjudgmental means of equal access to learning. Inclusive learning involves interactive and participative elements in the education system by enabling better understanding of the surroundings through collaborations and coordination among the students. With understanding the student requirement inclusive learning prioritizes the diversity of the learning process by removing barriers and incorporating learning needs and preferences. This system enables the students to engage fully with the curriculum by developing a purpose so that it becomes easier for them to achieve their full potential. In congruence with Stepanova et al. (2018) it includes supportive relationships with the teachers through development of reciprocal bonds where teachers decrease unproductive conflicts and encourages unity among the students. Inclusive education offers multiple ways through which students can demonstrate their knowledge. And thereby enhances opportunities for all learners.
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Inclusive learning being complementary than competitive becomes a necessity for children with special needs. Deviation from the normal physical and mental conditions requires a special learning medium through which it becomes easier for them to absorb the contents easily. The importance of inclusive learning lies in the “team approach” that develops during the educational phase. According to Imperial.ac.uk, (2020) some of the key roles played by teachers, parents, classmates or the children with special needs helps in preparing them for participation and collaboration in their community lives afterwards. An inclusive setting with special infrastructures enables them to play and interact with others despite undergoing therapeutic sessions. Children with motor disabilities may find it difficult to participate in interactive sessions. Therefore, occupation therapists have been scheduled to be incorporated in the inclusive educational activities to assess and implement strategies necessary to raise students’ needs and requirements. Through inclusive learning, the disabled children become optimistic and develop a positive attitude towards their lives despite undergoing hurdles and obstructions. This also helps not only the children but expands awareness and professional skills among the teachers as well as the parents for better understanding of the concerned children.
The teachers including the other workers in the institution face unnumbered hurdles while developing the intellectual and vocational skill of the students with special requirements. As influenced by Indrarathne (2019), the teaching faculties are exposed to various critical circumstances because their job role cannot be completely described by the authority of the organization as an accident, even resulting in the death of the student. The capability of teaching, comforting, developing the students derives comparatively less earnings, resulting in lack of teaching stuff than the regular and conventional teaching. The diverse set of infrastructure for different students can initiate complications for the teaching faculty based on inadequate financial support. Moreover, the teachers can be insensitive and harsh while organizing therapeutic sessions for the students.
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder need to be handled with a significant amount of caring and attention. Their problem is named as a spectrum-based disorder as it can occur anywhere. This is specifically a gene oriented disturbance that leads the person to avoid problematic direct eye contact and interact with strangers. The interaction with an autistic person has been slowly conducted by our institution with persistence as he needs time to access the information, derived from any discussion. As influenced by Sutton et al. (2019), it can be opined, the conversation with an autistic student has introduced the procedure to avoid being combative when the student is furious with a resistant yet understanding behavioral aspect of the teacher. Moreover, the students have been interacting through physical movement like running in the outside ground while attributing self-confidence in the students instead of fulfilling unnecessary urge to get attention.
Children and young individuals within the age group of 0-25, who are in need of special education and care, are supported by the mainstream education system in the UK. Provision of special educational needs (SEN) falls under a strict legal framework and is applied in both special education and mainstream education settings (Qureshi, 2017). SEN settings in schools and other educational organizations replaced the ‘School Action’ in 2014. Some regulations regarding SEN provision are discussed here. As mentioned in Children and Family Act 2014, section 20, the compulsory school age for a child is 5 to 16, whereas it is 16 to 25 in case of young adults. As stated by Palikara et al. (2019) any individual within this age group having learning related difficulties and also unable to utilize mainstream education facilities is likely to apply to avail some special services. Under the regulations of special educational need and disability code, the people with complex requirements are provided with Education, Health and Care plans (EHC) that aim at offering a unified way to all such individuals (Legislation.gov.UK. 2020). According to this act schools must have special coordinators, SENCO who is likely to ensure the smooth running of the SEN framework. Another regulatory act namely the Equality Act 2010 has also been there, and allows the inclusion of special and disabled children in various school curriculums. Again in the Education Act 2202, it has been mentioned that in national curriculums, arrangements needed to be either modified or cancelled for children under the EHC plan.
Risk Assessments mainly concern individual’s safety and ensure health safeguarding. In other words this is an effective tool used to understand the risk profile of an individual and plan strategies accordingly for that individual. The day-to-day events conducted at schools and various educational organizations include risks and these risks are needed to be identified, and then communicated for better assessment (NEU. 2020). In such institutions risks can be associated with some unavoidable functions like the staff, maintenance, infrastructures and so on. Risks that are related to classroom activities are often found to challenge the specially abled individuals to achieve a goal. Such risks should be taken into account. The risks associated with educational curriculums often change the whole school environment for such special children. So for their safety the faculties are likely to fulfil their responsibilities including risk assessment and planning. Safety and wellbeing risks are considered by the faculties during practical sessions, physical education and cooking classes. Concerning their physical and mental health care all risks related to educational excursions are needed to be assessed. Moreover, such individuals require special attention if included in events like concerts, annual meets, science fairs, college fetes and so on. This in turn obligates the faculties to assess the related risks to reach event objectives. Outdoors activities are also essentially taken under consideration to ensure their safety.
The Equality Act 2010 aims to protect individuals from discrimination at a certain place and also in the society. The Act eventually replaced all anti-discrimination regulations and came in force with a number of provisions concerning disability. The laws under this particular act extend the protection against disability related discriminations (Equalityhumanrights.com. 2020). This even offered a purpose model to safeguard the victims and extensive protection against any harassment to these protected learners with special characteristics. Furthermore, the regulations obligated adjustments at different levels for such individuals.
Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 includes the provisions regarding the children and young individuals with special needs or some disabilities. There are provisions that mandate the educational organizations to prepare EHC plans for specially abled individuals (Legislation.gov.UK. 2020). The guidelines focus on the offering of special education and healthcare to such learners. Maintenance, transfer, finalizing the EHC plans are some responsibilities of school or college authorities. This act solely aims at encouraging vulnerable children in association with their parents.
This Act includes some of the essential provisions designed for social and healthcare practices. This aims at safeguarding the decision making processes within legal guidelines. Moreover, the act also promotes the care and support to individuals who are not able to make decisions on their own. According to the law their power needs to be fully restored. Within an educational framework the learners are needed to be empowered so that they can assess their own capabilities and are supported by the faculties in decision making in the best way possible. Moreover, any decision taken on behalf and for such an individual must serve his or her interests.
The National Autistic Society is known to support autistic individuals along with their families in the UK. They run several community hubs, social groups and also employment support offerings for young adults. For the children the society runs autism centres in several schools, supporting education in specialist institutions (Autism.org.UK. 2020). They provide autistic people and their families with a number of services like membership options in local branches, helpline services, parent training programmes and also online community services that help to get information and obtain various advice.
This British charity is dedicated to serve the individuals with Down’s Syndrome, across the UK. They help such people to live life to the fullest and also tend to improve their knowledge. One of their centres is especially dedicated to people with learning disabilities and this centre includes Langdon Down Museum and the Normansfield Theatre, exclusively dealing with the treatment of such people.
This is also a unique society in the UK, concerned with charity. They provide legal advice for the disabled individuals that are free of cost. Persons with disabilities are able to enjoy legal rights and stand against discrimination with the help of the law services offered by them.
Families and friends of especially abled children experience excess stressors as they are always concerned for their children. As opined by McNeilly et al. (2017) In order to maintain a productive relationship with such parents and also impact them positively, some special and high-quality approaches are required. Parents are needed to be empowered with knowledge and information, their feelings should be empathized and this in turn would prove to be a strong collaboration. In schools such parents can be provided with Individualized Education Services, support from care centers. The family should be essentially involved in a child’s evaluation process (Bertills et al. 2018). There must be health professionals and reliable teachers to guide the parents. Moreover, regular communication through questioning the parents can be effective to understand the child better.
To work with professionals for the betterment of individuals with learning disabilities some skills are mandatory and they are as follows:
· Flexible communication both verbal and written in order to understand perspective of the professional as well as the learner.
· Care and empathy toward the learner.
· Patience and resilience to work in a team.
· Ability to handle stressful situations regarding discrimination and other sensitive issues.
The learning skill of a psychologically or physically disfigured human being is considerably influenced by the hypothetical conjecture, proposed by Abraham Maslow and Carl Roger on self-realization and judgment of one’s identity by oneself, in our institution as well. The teaching faculty along with the correlating personnel has been trying to provide the sufficient amount of care and guidance to the disabled children and grown-ups as well by following the actual motive to make them efficiently functioning with their own intellectual features by comprehensive training procedure. Abraham Maslow and Carl Roger have intended the aforementioned psychoanalytical study based on the human mind and behavior. According to Maslow, the theory of self recognition of a person is highly required for the complete accomplishment while avoiding the artificially intellectual development of conventional education systems. Following the ideology of Maslow, Roger has said that a person should know what he generally conceptualizes himself before acquiring awareness of other materials.
While providing both edification and character building support structure for the physically and psychologically handicapped learners, irrespective of their age groups have shifted the main focus on promoting their self acceptance and ability through our sessions. As influenced by Hagen et al. (2020), it can be opined that through the supposition of self acknowledgement and acceptance of Maslow and Roger, we have cautiously prevented the adverse practice of comparison, pressure to fulfill any target criteria, and discussing the requirement for mainstream accomplishments. However, it has been well informed about the fact of increasing self inferiority complex, growing in the juveniles and adults as well for not being able to approve their existence and reality as the social, parental, and other surroundings related criticisms have been thrown towards them for several times (Hofmann, 2017). We try to recollect their every plausible interest and capability to drag their attention towards the positive aspects of living a consistent life. We have arranged various functioning attributes, complementing the skills of the students by many programs. The sense of acceptance from other persons enhances the sustainable reliance of the students on themselves. They have a continuous urge to feel connected with a group of people to grow as an individual person while getting the environment with the sense of security.
One of the prior stages of Maslow’s theory deals with the financial and existential need of hierarchy for any person. We as a supportive and teaching establishment have organized the skill strengthening training for our students, specifically who require a job immediately (Alexander, 2018). These training have included the basic instructions about alphabetization, overcoming the limitation to comprehend along with technological, professional and specialized courses like woodworking, dressmaking, fabricating, ironwork, and cobbling along with other comparatively developed training of medicine, technician, and computer based guidance to acquire a suitable employment for accomplishing the primary requirement of food and habitation. Furthermore, the appropriate communicative reciprocation with the family, society, and workplace has been obtained in our programs as well with a great affectionate concern by our teaching assistance.
Individual introduction of each disenabled students have persisted a great impression of the reliability of the students on their teachers. Any person, especially children are extremely sensitive and aware of their inabilities which force them to confine their fundamental difficulties from the teacher or any unknown person. Hence, we have always been immensely attentive about each student’s privacy to gather their dependency on us and our given instruction to improve their skill and learning abilities (Alderson, 2018). This is the prior policy applied for all students with different problematic issues while following the legitimized approaches of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 against any vehemence or harassment (Legislation.gov.au, 2020).
The learners with color blindness generally deal with great difficulty as their eyesight do not support many angular and equipment based visions. Therefore we have arranged a customized font of study material with such designing and colors that can be registered by their visual aspects without any problem. We use a few instruments like a blackboard and white chalk to avoid any color related inaccuracy in the students along with teaching them about the everyday colored attributes like green grass, blue sky, yellow banana and many other aspects to develop their intellect with the efficient amount of various strategic procedures.
The proper measurements have been taken by our institution while teaching the student with hearing-related challenges. We have applied several methods such as lip-reading, speech reading in front of the students, visual and audio-video prospects with the help of PowerPoint slides or other applications (Jamali and Izadpanah, 2017). The visual or audio documentaries have been composed of visible subtitles for their help as well. Moreover, the demonstrative resilience of the schooling provisions has been based on the anti-discerning value, applied for each student equally, in our organization.
As Cerebral Palsy is a visceral and speech-related learning difficulty, we have considered to act regarding their counteract of commanding over their muscles. A person with this impairment has an individual learning plan according to the refined motor expertise (Ashraf and Nisar, 2019). Moreover, we have gathered a first aid for sudden seizures and falls as well.
Alderson, P., 2018. How the rights of all school students and teachers are affected by special educational needs or disability (SEND) services: Teaching, psychology, policy. London Review of Education, 16(2), pp.175-190.
Alexander, J., Ford, J., Raghavendra, P. and Clark, J., 2018. Nature and extent of on-the-job training for employees with an intellectual disability: a pilot study. Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 5(2), pp.138-148.
Ashraf, S. and Nisar, F., 2019. Development of Fine Motor Skills to Enhance the Functional Abilities of Children With Cerebral Palsy. Responsible Education, Learning and Teaching in Emerging Economies, 1(1), pp.31-36.
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Dahlström, Ö. and Augustine, L., 2018. Relationships between physical education (PE) teaching and student self-efficacy, aptitude to participate in PE and functional skills: with a special focus on students with disabilities. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 23(4), pp.387-401.
Carroll, P., Witten, K., Calder-Dawe, O., Smith, M., Kearns, R., Asiasiga, L., Lin, J., Kayes, N. and Mavoa, S., 2018. Enabling participation for disabled young people: study protocol. BMC public health, 18(1), pp.1-11.
Hofmann, B., 2017. ‘You are inferior!’Revisiting the expressivist argument. Bioethics, 31(7), pp.505-514.
Indrarathne, B., 2019. Accommodating learners with dyslexia in English language teaching in Sri Lanka: Teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and challenges. Tesol Quarterly, 53(3), pp.630-654.
Jamali, S. and Izadpanah, S., 2017. Effects of PowerPoint Presentations on Reading Comprehension of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Iranian Exceptional High Schools. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7(12), pp.1320-1326.
McNeilly, P., Macdonald, G. and Kelly, B., 2017. The participation of parents of disabled children and young people in health and social care decisions. Child: care, health and development, 43(6), pp.839-846.
Palikara, O., Castro, S., Gaona, C. and Eirinaki, V., 2019. Professionals’ views on the new policy for special educational needs in England: ideology versus implementation. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 34(1), pp.83-97.
Stepanova, G.A., Tashcheva, A.I., Stepanova, O.P., Menshikov, P.V., Kassymova, G.К., Arpentieva, M.R. and Tokar, O.V., 2018. The problem of management and implementation of innovative models of network interaction in inclusive education of persons with disabilities. International journal of education and information technologies. ISSN, pp.2074-1316.
Sutton, B.M., Webster, A.A. and Westerveld, M.F., 2019. A systematic review of school-based interventions targeting social communication behaviors for students with autism. Autism, 23(2), pp.274-286.
Zhang, L., Lu, X., Bi, Y. and Hu, L., 2019. Pavlov’s pain: the effect of classical conditioning on pain perception and its clinical implications. Current pain and headache reports, 23(3), p.19.
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