Learning, teaching and assessment planning are important for the learner to identify the actual learning process and approach to improve own understanding and knowledge (Benseman, 2013). The study is helpful to develop specification of learning and session where I try to develop my skill and knowledge through undertaking appropriate approach so that I can improve my understanding and achieve future success. Here, I delivered to a group of GCSE mathematics learners in a college. The learners are undertaking vocational courses but underperformed when they were at school and are expected to increase their grades. In this situation, I start working by considering the profile of the learners involved with some background information about their college and studying facilities and learning courses. In particular, I note that, the group are mostly female with a significant number of non-native speakers. In this study, the theories and the approached will be discussed well and evaluated for delivering and designing the lesion for the benefits of the learner, where they can get proper place to learn and improve their skill and knowledge in near future. The structure of the study involves, proper introduction of the learning session, creating the scene, exploring the learning theories and approaches and evaluating the theories in terms of real life examples, and it would be ended up with proper suggestions to develop effective ways for developing collaborative learning sessions for improve own knowledge and capabilities by taking active apart in the learning sessions. For those seeking additional assistance, Mathematics Dissertation Help can provide further guidance in refining these approaches and strategies.
I try to improve my understanding through reviewing the learning theories and approach so that it would be possible for me to develop and structure effective way to enhance the learning activities for the learners. Hereby, the approach I take to develop planning for the lesson described which is based upon collaborative learning as described by Swan (2005). Collaborative learning practice is good for the learners to develop effective way for discussing the thoughts and knowledge of each of the learners and it s also possible for the learners to share their experience and discuss over the particular topic. This involves a focus on small group discussion on mathematical ideas which are well known problems to the learners. There are theoretical issues with the Swan approach which draws upon both Piaget and Vygotsky which will be discussed (Biesta, 2006). Following the delivery of the session, I note some practical issues that occurred. In particular, the group members need to be involved in the group discussion regarding the mathematics class, but there were some learners who did not contribute much to such discussions. I propose that, this was most likely due to being unfamiliar with each other at the group discussion session, although there are some language issues. In this study, I would be able to provide some suggestions for future practice with some ideas for identifying the best way to introduce the learners to small group discussion.
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I have started my placement at Leyton Sixth Form College since the end of December 2019. The college is efficient place for the student to learn and improve their understanding successfully. The student aged between 16 to 18 years can be enrolled in the college, where the college provides different subjects including business teaching department, health and social care teaching department and ICT teaching department and there is strong reputation of the college which further helps the authority of the institution to retain the students and give them quality learning process. The colleges offer different courses which are such as, media, business, law and art to enable the students for enrolling themselves according to their subject natter and interest. I have spent several weeks on observing the learning activities in the college to gather experience and improve my understanding in the college. The classes taken place in the college is beneficial for me to understand the perspective of the students, and build my skill and enhance efficiency. Teaching skill of mine has also been improved, where I aim to create teaching environment, so that the students can learn different studies as per their interest and subject matter. I attend differ classes with the help of the teachers and tae active part in the learning session so that the students can be cooperative and they can get proper earning programs for improving their skill and abilities. The teaching style and approaches of learning must be improved properly so that the teachers can develop strong relationship with the students in the class room and group discussion can be improved for sharing the knowledge and understanding.
I have decided to focus on the BTEC where there are 17 students and all the students are male excluding one female member in the group. This is one of the interesting groups, of which I try to discover the ways and approaches to improve learning activities for them, where they are participative and take active part in the learning sessions. This further boosts up the learning environment, where the students are calmly participative and they try to cooperate with others for better performance at the class room. I am interested to support them and improve their knowledge and capabilities in future through developing appropriate learning sessions. In these sessions, I have coved the second topic which was internal and external hardware components with adequate background information and in depth analysis on that particular topic. I try to implement different learning theories and approach in the class so that the students can get appropriate learning environment and receive proper class materials for improving their knowledge and capabilities. Hereby, I aim to develop the ways to provide learning activities to teach he student with appropriate learning materials. I also will try to review the existing learning theories and practice as well as identify the approaches to design and develop a tactic to provide suitable learning environment with adequate resource materials for the improvement of the student’s capabilities.
In order to develop proper planning to deliver quality learning activities at the class room of the college, I prefer to consider all the teaching elements which are effective for me to improve my understanding about the ways to provide learning session to the students in the class room. In this regard, there are different planning elements which must be considered to develop learning assessment which are the class environment, the background information o the study, study materials and teacher student relationship, which are effective for the students to get approrpyat5e learning sessions and support from their peer (Biesta, 2012). In this regard, I try to develop understanding about the students, their perception and their internal strength and weaknesses, so that I can develop simple way to teach them. Considering their right to get the study materials is one of the major elements which must be considered in the classroom where I try to provide all the necessary materials which would be helpful for them to improve their understanding and get in-depth insight about the subject matter. In this regard, the study material including the hardware components are effective for the students to experience different component at the class room and improve their experience successfully. On the other hand considering the session entertainment and getting positive learning environment is also necessary element for developing the learning session (Derrick et al., 2011). In this context, I am willing to share the experience of handling one student who is suffering from dyslexia, where I get extra support and attention to the student and it would be beneficial for the student to cope up with the learning activities and cooperate with me for improving his learning activity at the class room.
Furthermore, I also try to consider the element of preparing good background knowledge, I must be questioned about the background of the course work at the class room and for this I already developed my knowledge and gather background information to provide proper answer so that the students can get clear ideas about the coursework at the class room. Hereby, lesion planning activities are helpful for me to develop clear and concise planning to provide proper learning assessment and activities. I manage to deliver main aim and objectives of the lesson to the entire student so that they can have clear idea about the coursework. Additionally, layout and proper structure and important study material are also provided to the students, which are also helpful for me to develop effective planning to the learning coursework so that the students can understand the purpose of the course and it is possible to improve their interest to participate in the coursework successfully (Cunningham, 2008). On the other hand, there is lack of flexibility in lesion plan, and proper time is required where it is a lengthy process for me to develop the lesson plan. However, because the lesson was about different external and internal hardware components, I have brought variety of different external and internal hardware components, which are such as, motherboard, cooler, graphic cards and flash memory and this is also considered to be effective planning elements for developing learning strategy for the students.
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The teaching theories and approaches are effective to develop educational environment, and it is also helpful to develop quality lesions to aid the students for concentrating more in the lesson. This is also effective for the teacher to deliver quality lesson and motivate the students to participate efficiently and gather more in depth knowledge and understanding during the coursework (Curzon, 2004). Hereby, the teaching theories and approaches are effective for the learners to get effective for gathering more knowledge and improving their capabilities in long run. The learning theories and approaches are effective to enable students to try different learning strategies, which enable students to figure out how they can learn effectively (Gray, Griffin and Nasta, 2005; Hodkinson and Vickerman, 2009). It enables teachers to try different teaching strategies, which further helps the teachers to figure out the best approach to use for each particular class. Practicing prior learning, some of the teaching theories is required practicing to learn rather than learn to practice, such as, the constructivism teaching theory. Constructivism teaching theory is based on the observation and scientific studies that help the people to learn and improve their capabilities in long run (Guo and Jamal, 2006). It constructs the mindset of the people and improve the understanding and knowledge of the people and it is also effective for the student to maximise their experience and reflects upon own knowledge and experience for better assessment and developing further planning to gather more in depth knowledge and understanding (Harris and Rampton, 2003). As per the theory, knowledge is constructed and not transmitted, prior to knowledge the learning process and it is helpful to build useful knowledge structures that require effortful and purposeful activity. Under constructivism learning process, the student learns through individual experience and constructs knowledge efficiently where the learner can review his or her experience and develop the way of learning from experience (Hodgson and Spours, 2008; Hodgson, Spours and Waring, 2012). This is effective to improve the skill and capabilities where the learner can gather more knowledge and improve experience from real life experiences (Hallam, 2005).
On the other hand, the cognitive learning theory is a psychology which focuses on mental process where the students perceive learning, information, think and solve the existing problems efficiently. The main principle of the cognitive learning theory is to support the student with proper stimulus which further helps the students to focus on the particular topic and learn the subject matter more effectively through reading information and listening the lectures (Huddlestone and Unwin, 2007). The learning process is different from other theoretical approach of learning and assessment and in this case, it is an internal process of gathering knowledge and information which involves memory, thinking and reflection as well as abstraction and motivation (Illeris, 2009). It can be stated that, the cognitive theoretical approach of learning is effective where the leader is able to develop the learning process and utilise own experience and knowledge successfully. The process involves perceiving information, interpreting the information based on the experience and recognising the information into new insight or understanding (Jang, Reeve and Deci, 2010). On the other hand, the connectivism learning theory is another learning theory which explains the internet technologies that have created new opportunities for the people to learn and share information across the World Wide Web (Jephcote and Salisbury, 2008). It is continuous processes of acquiring skill and knowledge, where the learner can improve own experience and knowledge by sharing the knowledge and expertise over internet and network system (Hillier, 2005; Petty, 2009).
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In addition to this, the cognitive learning theory is also another effective process for perceiving information, learn, think and solve problems. The main principle of the cognitivism learning theory is to support the student and direct them to one stimulus to another (Martin, 2012; Mallows, 2012). Acquisition of knowledge and information, listening in the classroom and gathering study materials are effective for the students to improve their knowledge and understanding. It is a broad theory of explaining the mental process and it is influenced by the internal and external factors. In this regard, the cognitive factors are such as knowledge, expectations and attitude where the teachers are trying to develop and create proper environment so that the student can require the knowledge and skill for the improvement of their knowledge and capabilities (McQueen and Webber, 2012). In this regard, the behavioural factors are also necessary to be considered which are such as the skills, organisational practice ad self-efficiency which are also effective for the students to acquire new knowledge and skill (Mallows, 2012). These learning theories are effective for the teachers to develop appropriate way to teach the student and provide efficient environment, where the students can improve their skill by acquiring new skill and knowledge (Mirza and Meetoo, 2012). It is important for the teachers to develop cognitive behaviour and constructive learning process in the class so that the students can improve their understanding and gather more in depth knowledge from their experience and analysis (Schunk, Pintrich and Meece, 2008). This further helps the students to improve their skill and experience and develop problem solving skill in near future which are effective for the students to achieving future success (Schwab and Hughes, 2010).
The teaching theories and approaches of learning are effective for the teachers to develop appropriate way to provide quality learning activities to all the students at the class room. In this regard, I choose a particular theory of learning which constructivism learning theory is where I can discover new ways to provide effective learning session to all the students. I was also required to adopt a teaching approach within the constructivism teaching theory to correctly implement the constructivism teaching theory. I have used specific teaching approach within this teaching theory, which is teacher- centred teaching approach to help me accomplish the constructivism teaching theory successfully. There are other learning approaches which are student centred, creating suitable environment for learning activities and teaching centred approach and in this regard it would be effective for me to develop constructivism learning activities (Gillborn, 2008). Through the constructivism teaching theory, it would be possible for me to develop proper approach to teach the students and it is also possible for me to deliver quality learning activities in the class room (Giroux, 2011). It is one of the simplest methods to encourage the students and improve their performance through learning, and acquiring new skill and efficiencies. Acquiring new knowledge and technical skill from gathering experience and constructing new ideas from own experience are possible under this learning theory and thus it would be helpful for me to teach the students and give them high quality learning program.
During my teaching classes, I have observed some situation, where the students do not prefer the monotonous teaching class and literature for acquiring new knowledge and although they do not prefer to be silent listener at the class room. This situation further influence me to choose the constructivism learning theory and develop the teaching centred learning approach at the class room so that it is easy for me to create values for the students and motivate them in the class room while acquiring new knowledge and understanding. The constructivism teaching theory and the teacher- centred teaching approach in this regard would be beneficial for me to overcome the problems and interact with the students at the class room and this further provides a scope to develop strong bonding and create teacher student relationship in the class room (Shavinina, 2017). It is effective for me and the student to develop suitable class room environment, where they can interact with me and ask questions to resolve their queries. Interrogative assessment and sharing own feeling sand perception further provides an opportunity to improve learning activities and maximise more productive learning process. Additionally, adopting the constructivism teaching theory is effective for me to adopt differ ways of teaching practices, such as, asking questions and engaging in conversations to share knowledge between students and teachers. This further enables me to construct their knowledge and understanding and improve their efficiency and expertise in near future where the individual experience will be maximised in long run. Furthermore, Constructivism teaching theory enabled the students to be more proactive and learn about the hardware and software components at the class room (Towler, Woolner and Wall, 2011; Cameron, 2011). Constructing their knowledge and understanding as well as upgrading their skill are also possible under the constructivism learning practice, where I try to cooperate with all the students and help them to learn efficiently for improving their capabilities in near future. The teacher centred approach is also helpful for me in this context, where I try to boost the teaching style and cooperate with all the students by interacting with them and asking frequent question and this further provides a scope to share the knowledge and expertise of the teacher and student in the classroom. This approach and the constructivism learning theory are helpful for me to improve my experience and develop proper planning to deliver quality learning process to the students so that it is possible for them to learn more and improve their understanding about the hardware components. Hence, the students have discussed and looked at all internal and external hardware components, where I have given them a worksheet to complete, which enabled me to assess student’s knowledge and capabilities and help them to boost their understanding and improve their experience and technical skill successfully.
Through critical review, it is possible to analyse and evaluate own learning activities and evacuate the ideas of the lesion, information and other data and also the theory and approaches that have been utilised including its advantages and disadvantage (Owen, 2019). I have focused on developing the practice, where I can provide all the necessary information to the student and the student can improve his or her learning and mitigate the confusion successfully. I have divided the lesson into several mini-sessions, for instance, where I tried to arrange meeting and personal conversation with the student during the registration and it further help me to discuss about the coursework and this further provides a scope to the student to get proper information and settle down for preparing to learn in the class. I also changed the sitting plan of the students and enhance the participation of all the students in the class through cooperation and communication and in this context, it gives me the chance to greet the students and complete the registration procedure of the students and maintain attendance sheet to mitigate the issue of lateness and absentness. Additionally, I also tried to spend approximately fifteen minutes for preparing the presentation for the students, where the aims and objectives of the lesion will be discussed properly at the class demonstration session. The students can get proper aims and planning to learn more about a particular topic. Moreover, the presentation has assisted me to introduce the main components of external and internal hardware and thus the students can gather more ideas and knowledge about the purpose and planning of learning lesion at the classroom.
during the presentation, I try to provide all the necessary information to all the students and I also have chosen the teacher centred teaching approach which in turn provides me a scope to identify the students who are paying attention at the class room and ask direct question to them for better communication and sharing knowledge and experience to each other. This teaching approach is beneficial for me to progress the student’s knowledge and capabilities in long run and it is also effective for me to inspect the student’s participation at the classroom where they focus on presentation and they should concentrate for constructing new ideas and kludge. Interactive sessions and asking the questions at the class frequently are appropriate ways of developing teacher centred approach where I can provide proper support to the students and motivate them for paying attention productively so that they become enable of applying the information and knowledge in real life and gather more in depth understanding though the presentation. Hereby, teacher centred approach is beneficial for me where it helps me to interact with all the students and lead me to pay attention to all the students present in the classroom. The whole presentation which I made is effective to attract the students and improve their attention at the class room. It also helped me to observe the student’s body language, their attitude, reactions and behaviour and this is effective for me to interact with all the students and understand their perception further, whether the students are accepting the learning sessions or not. There are other issues of developing teaching centred approach, where I may face difficulties in attracting the students as the students may not willing to pay attention as the presentation is too long and additionally, presentations can lead to technical troubles if the presentation slides get deleted from the flash drive which may disconnect the binding between teacher and student.
Thirdly, I have decided to allocate 10 minutes to enable the students to check the hardware components including the external and internal physically. I try to give the chance to the students to experience the hardware components physically and understand the equipment parts successfully in near future. This is effective for me to provide quality learning activities to the students, where I give them the chance to experience the components and gain experience out of that so that they can improve their perception and construct knowledge after gathering personal experience. There are certain advantages of this planning, where I enabled students to discover different hardware component physically, which further develops their knowledge about the subject matter. Additionally, the lesson is entertaining, as the students liked experiencing different hardware components. Emphasising students’ knowledge and improving their skill and capabilities are possible through this approach, as the students have physically checked the internal and external hardware components. However, there are certain disadvantages of this approach such as lack of professionalism, as the students are moving around and talking to each other for exploring the hardware components more efficiently and lack of organised activity (Zepke, 2011).
In addition to this, for more evaluation and assessment, I decided to allocate more 20 minutes, to give a worksheet for the students to assess their learning process. 10 minutes is allocated where the students can fulfils the worksheet and another 10 minutes is for answering the questions where I can develop one to one conversation with each of the students. Hence, this method is good for me to analyse the student’s knowledge and their capabilities to learn more and gather in depth knowledge and skill regarding the study materials. It helped me constructing students’ knowledge and the process is also beneficial to enable me as a teacher for assessing students’ progress. I try to develop conversation and enhance open communication so that the students can feel free to discuss their progress and understanding about the lesson. This further helps me to develop proper planning to enhance the kill an efficiencies of the students in long run. Finally, I allocate 15 minutes, where the students can utilise their skill and knowledge to develop the assignment and this enables me to boost up their potential to develop appropriate assignment. Constructivism teaching theory and the teacher centred approach are hereby beneficial for me to develop proper planning to deliver quality learning process to all the students.
in this regard, there are certain advantages of adopting constructivism learning theory which promotes diversity and enhance diverse viewpoints at the class room, it help to motivate the students and increase student’s attention , it is a quicker process where the presentation is beneficial to teach the students about the lesson by physical practicing technique. On the other hand, the constructivism learning process is a complex phenomenon which needs log time to design and implement, because the pan has various activities. The students are ensured to get quality education and study materials to enhance their capabilities and in depth knowledge through the constructivism learning practice. On the other hand, the teacher centred learning approach is also helpful for me as it provides me a scope to enhance learning process, enable the student to receive variety of teaching activities and improve their knowledge and capabilities in long run. Hereby, it is effective for me to design effective planning for the students, where the students can get appropriate learning activities for developing their knowledge and develop interactive sessions for sharing the knowledge and expertise of each other (Weyers, 2006).
The students are willing to develop their skill and knowledge to enable them to make proper analysis and evaluation and in this regard reflection is effective for me to avoid mistakes and improve efficiency to develop proper planning to teach the students with various productive learning activities (Duncan, 2012). The lesion is great experience, where I try to utilise my skill and efficiency to provide quality learning activities to the entire student at the class room. I successfully planned the coursework and deliver quality outcome to the students where the lesion activities are beneficial for the students to gain in depth understanding about the subject matter. the lesion period is about one hour an ten minutes, which is not extreme long lesson and it further influence eth students to gather roe knowledge and understanding about the hardware components. There are other teaching elements which need to be discovered where I would be able to develop more productive planning for the benefits of the students. Considering my strengths and weaknesses, I have the skill to develop questions for the students and develop informative presentation. This further helps me to interact with the students and improve their interest about the session and gather more in depth knowledge regarding the topic. I am efficient in designing good physical activity and the ability of representing complex thoughts in a simple way would also be beneficial for me to design successful learning session for the students. In addition to this, good communication skill, confidence and interactive way as well as good presentation skill further help me to develop the planning to deliver quality learning process to all the students. On the other hand, there are certain weakness which is lack of ability to solve conflicts, emotional intelligence, losing management over the class, lack of planning to restructure huge information and easily getting frustrated and losing patience. I should concentrate on my weakness and develop proper planning to utilise by strengths and mitigate the weakness in future.
The learning assessment and evaluation of the practice are necessary to discuss the learning activities and the ways to teach the students. As per my experience, I try to develop productive planning to provide quality learning activities to all the students. I hereby choose constructivism learning theory and teacher centred learning approach so that it would be possible for me to provide proper learning activities to the students. I try to provide a scope to the students to improve physical experience regarding the external and internal hardware as well as I also try to provide them a chance to fulfil the activity worksheet to improve self assessment. I also try to enhance communication and cooperation at the class room and in this regard, I developed proper questions to create interactive sessions at the class so that it is possible to interact and develop one to one communication with the students. I try to acknowledge the students perception and own capabilities so that it would be possible for me to understand them and interact to hare experience and knowledge. Both the constructivism theory and the teacher centred approach are beneficial in this regard to provide quality learning activities to all the students, where the students can develop their underrating and knowledge in long run.
Gathering physical experience, sharing each other’s experiences and skill as well as constructing owns ideas are effective under the constructivism learning theory. On the other hand, the teacher centred approach helps me to develop proper presentation for the students, from where the students can gather information and important data. Proper presentation style, and communication and emotional intelligence skill would be beneficial for the teacher to provide quality learning activities to the students. It is necessary for the teachers to develop proper planning with appropriate study material, developing interactive sessions, building string bonding between the teachers and the students and sharing each other’s experience which further helps the teaching professionals to deliver quality learning activities and give appropriate lesson to all the students. Through the learning approaches and theories, I aim to develop interactive sessions in the classroom, where I can interact with the students and enhance diverse viewpoint so that the students can share their perception and it is possible for me to understand their potential and capabilities to learn and construct new ideas.
Take a deeper dive into Enhancing Educational Support for English as an Additional Language Learners with our additional resources.
Biesta, G., 2006. Beyond Learning: democratic education for a human future. London: Paradigm.
Biesta, G., 2012. Making Sense of Education: Fifteen contemporary educational theorists in their own words. London: Springer.
Curzon, L. B., 2004. Teaching in Further Education. 6th ed. London: Continuum.
Derrick, J, Howard, U., Field, J., Lavender, P., Meyer, S., Nuissl von Rein, E., and Schuller, T., 2011. Remaking Adult Learning: Essays on Adult Education in Honour of Alan Tuckett. Leicester: NIACE.
Duncan, S., 2012. Reading Circles, Novels and Adult Reading Development. London: Continuum (See chapters 2 and 3).
Gillborn, D., 2008. Racism and Education: Coincidence or Conspiracy? London: Routledge.
Giroux, H., 2011. On Critical Pedagogy. London: Continuum.
Gray, D., Griffin, C. and Nasta, T., 2005. Training to Teach in Further and Adult Education.2nd ed. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. (See e.g. Chapter 5)
Hallam, S., 2005. Enhancing Motivation and Learning through the Lifespan. London: Institute of Education.
Harris, R. and Rampton, B., 2003. The Language, Ethnicity and Race Reader. London: Routledge.
Hillier, Y., 2005. Reflective Teaching in Further and Adult Education.2nd ed. London: Continuum.
Hodgson, A, Spours, K. and Waring, M., 2012. Post-Compulsory Education and Lifelong Learning across the United Kingdom. London: Institute of Education.
Hodgson, A. andSpours, K., 2008. Education and Training 14-19: Curriculum, Qualifications and Organisation. London: Sage.
Hodkinson, A. and Vickerman, P., 2009. Key Issues in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion. London: Sage.
Huddlestone, P. and Unwin, L., 2007. Teaching and Learning in Further Education: Diversity and Change. London: Routledge.
Illeris, K., 2009. Contemporary Theories of Learning:Learning theorists in their own words. London: Routledge (See e.g. Chapter 1).
Jang, H., Reeve, J. and Deci, E.L., 2010. Engaging Students in Learning Activities: It Is Not Autonomy Support or Structure but Autonomy Support and Structure. Journal of Educational Psychology,102(3),pp. 588 – 600.
Mallows, D., 2012. Innovations in English Language Teaching to Migrants and Refugees. London: British Council.
Martin, G., 2012. Motivation for lifelong learning: a biographical account of efficacy and control.International Journal of Lifelong Education, 31(6), pp. 669-685
McQueen, H. and Webber, J., 2012. What is an effective learner? A comparison of further education students’ views with a theoretical construction. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37(5): pp. 1-21.
Mirza, H. S. andMeetoo, V., 2012. Respecting Difference: Race, faith and culture for teacher educators. London: Institute of Education.
Petty, G., 2009. Teaching Today. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. (See e.g. chapter 5, from p. 44, Motivation). This is available electronically through the IOE library catalogue.
Schunk, D. H., Pintrich, P. R., andMeece, J. L., 2008. Motivation in Education: Theory, research, and applications. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.
Schwab, I. and Hughes, N., 2010. Teaching Adult Literacy: Principles and Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Shavinina, L.V., 2017. The Routledge International Handbook of Innovation Education. London: Routledge.
Towler, C. Woolner, P. and Wall, K., 2011. Exploring teachers’ and students’ conceptions of learning in two further education colleges. Journal of Further and Higher Education,35(4), pp. 501-520.
Weyers, M., 2006. Teaching the FE Curriculum. London: Continuum.
Zepke, N., 2011. Understanding teaching, motivation and external influences in student engagement: how can complexity thinking help? Research in Post Compulsory Education, 16 (1), pp. 1-13.
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