Enhancing Reading Enjoyment in Primary Schools


Education is essential for living in modern society, and people need to gain knowledge to get proper awareness. The main aim of this study is to find out different contexts for making reading enjoyable to all the students of primary school. Moreover, this study is essential to find out learning programs for disadvantaged and vulnerable children. There are many cultural and socioeconomic factors which can be impactful on the reading capability and enjoyment of EAL and SEND students. According to the studies there are many differences in gender have an impact on the reading interest and reading enjoyment of students between girls and boys. There is a huge effect of micro and macro system on reading pleasure of disadvantaged and vulnerable children. This study is helpful to identify some strategies can be implemented by a teacher to make the teaching more effective for the disadvantaged and vulnerable children of the primary school. There is a huge impact of ethics, legalisation, practices and policies in relation to DfE and other associated bodies in educational settings for reading pleasure, especially in primary schools. All these details will be identified in this research (cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk, 2017).


Youngsters' initial language abilities are the establishments of which perusing admirably at elementary schools is based. Numerous schools in the UK have accomplished noteworthy outcomes for their understudies in each difficult condition. This is essential to show that while destitution frequently makes it harder for a kid to learn and accomplish, it ought not to be a reason for low desire (researchgate.net, 2015).


To analyse the setting of research like microsystem and macrosystem and find out the effect of it on the learning process

To find out some effective strategies which can be beneficial for making the learning process enjoyable among the vulnerable and disadvantaged children who are reading the English language as an additional subject

To understand how the learning process can be effective to solve poverty issues and enhance social inclusion

To find out some essential information which could be beneficial to develop the future of educational system and provide valuable information for upcoming studies related to this topic

Ethical Statement

There are different kinds of ethical issues with respect to the cultural diversity and socio-economic condition of children which needs to be identified by conducting this study. It will be helpful to analyse the necessity of learning the English language as an additional language. In addition to this, the description of learning interest with respect to gender differences will be provided in this study. This is essential to understand a few facts which can encourage any child to enjoy their study (assets.publishing.service.gov.uk, 2012). Apart from this description about "special education needs and disabilities" will be addressed here in detail. This study is helpful to gain knowledge about different teaching processes which is essential to make the learning process purely easy and enjoyable for the vulnerable students. So the teachers of developing and rural areas can gain information related to how they can improve the current system of teaching. Information about sustaining reading to get pleasure in studies will be investigated in this study thoroughly (oro.open.ac.uk, 2016). Moreover, the researcher will maintain every ethics while conducting the study. Confidentiality of the research data will be maintained by the researcher.

The Context

Vulnerable means the disadvantages of children, such as socio-economic factors or poverty. There is some cultural diversity which differentiates the children. Moreover, EAL and SEND related issues will be discussed in this research which will be helpful to understand the correct method of teaching. There is a requirement to discuss the differences in gender with respect to reading choices between girls and boys. This research is essential to motivate children for reading with enjoyment. So, the “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities” will be elaborated in this study. Reading capability of a student is encouraged and acquired by nurturing. It needs to be done properly in the initial years, which helps the students to learn with enjoyment for their lifetime. Moreover, there is a range of micro and macro systems which can impact on the learning procedure of vulnerable students in a negative manner like in some schools of the UK (readingagency.org.uk, 2015). The socio-economic factors must not be considered by the teacher while teaching the students. They should be taught by following an improved process by which the learners starts to enjoy reading. In addition to that, the conclusion could be arrived if any person overlooked all the pupils who are having different kinds of disadvantages or with EAL and SEND. If the students are not learning pleasurably or accessibly, then the teachers need to find different ways of overcoming these difficulties. So, the school policies and DfE's policies need to be followed by the teachers for supporting the vulnerable students. Learning abilities of the children are analysed by many researchers which is essential to improve the teaching procedure of primary schools (cls.ucl.ac.uk, 2015).

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According to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)” youngsters who have not been pursued before they enter school might not have encountered tuning in to musicality and sounds. Children's home settings have additionally been found to assume a basic job in kids' advancement of language and education abilities (gov.uk, 2020).

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to ESOL: Bridging Cultures through Language .


The research is important because it will help to find out different ways of effective learning process. In addition to this, it will make a difference within the process of teaching followed by a lot of primary schools. Apart from this, the study will be helpful to make learning enjoyable for the students who are vulnerable. Current process of teaching and learning can be changed by conducting this study. Hence, future researches will also get a lot of important information from the data of this study. It is important to fill the gaps of the learning process applied by the primary schools. However, education system can be changed and new methods could be finding out by conducting research on this topic. The poor process of learning can be changed by getting help from this study (unesco.org, 2020). This study will be helpful to gain proper knowledge about the issues of vulnerable children. In addition to this, the impact of the enjoyable learning process in the education system will be discussed in detail. Ethics related to teaching presidio and policies will be elaborated in the study. So this study will be helpful together with enough details about different teaching procedures which are essential to enhance the education system. They will get proper information about the importance of learning the English language.

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