ESOL: Bridging Cultures through Language

Chapter1: Introduction


ESOL or English for Speakers of Other Language is important as it supports their learners by influencing them to communicate in a more effective way with people of different cultures and also make them confident regarding their own abilities of daily lives (Cooke & Peutrell, 2019). This research will discuss the way learning English has affected the lives of the ESOL learners and also the perception of them regarding learning the English language. This study will also evaluate the aim and the objective which will also help the researcher in establishing the literature review in order to analyse the effect of learning English on the lives of non-speaking people in the UK. The study provides a scope to analyse the ways of earning English as well as identifying the effects of the ESOL on the living style of the people.

Research background

Attending the ESOL course is beneficial for people as it will provide them with the essential language skills that are required for becoming capable of communicating in English (Bird, 2018). More than 3.3% of non-native in the UK is able to speak English very well, but 0.3% is not able to do so (Statista, 2018). This data shows that, it is important for the people to learn English for the purpose of staying in this country, continuing studying, job or business. It has also been reported that inability to speak the language of the host country creates a division in the society and the government of the UK has introduced the requirement that to stay in this country people must know English (Telegraph, 2011). In this study, it will be explained that way attending the ESOL courses assist people in continuing their living in an English speaking country like the UK. This study will focus on the barriers of not knowing English and the way learning English will create an opportunity for them in a host country. Along with that, this research will also focus on the perception of ESOL learners regarding the way learning English will help them in their daily lives. In the recent era of globalisation, ESOL is playing a crucial role on managing the people and helps them to express their thoughts successfully and thus the research will be conducted for better understanding about the ways ESOL helps the people to improve their daily activities.

Research rationale

This study is focused on the perception among the people related to attending ESOL courses and the way it is beneficial in their lives. The rationale for conducting this study is to identify the research gap of previous research as they have only focused on the importance of ESOL courses. But this study will focus on the barriers people face in the UK because of not able to speak or write English. Along with that, this research will also focus on the way attending ESOL courses create an opportunity for the people in the host country. Taking ESOL course assist in interacting with people in their everyday life and also creating several opportunities for them such as employment, higher studies etc. This study is justified as, and the research will discuss elaborately the factor which influences people to learn English, barriers they faced in the UK for not being able to speak English. Along with that, this study will also analyse the future opportunity and the way learning English affect the lives of people.

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Research question

The question of this study has been analysed from the topic, and the question is:

What is the perception of ESOL learners as to how learning English impacts/Benefits in their lives?

Research aim

The aim of this study is:

To evaluate the perception of ESOL learners and the way learning English impacts on the living condition of them.

Research objective

The objective of this study has been evaluating from the analysis of the aim and the objectives are as follows:

To identify the issues faced by the non-English speaking population in the UK

To evaluate the way in which learning English impacting the lives of ESOL learner

To recommend some suitable suggestions for improving the ESOL activities to contribute positively in the people’s life

Research questions:

What are the issues faced by the non-English speaking population in the UK?

What is the perception of ESOL learners?

What are the effects of learning English on the lives of ESOL learner?

What are the suggested recommendations for improving the ESOL activities to contribute positively in the people’s life?


Chapter2: Literature review


ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a program that is carried out to enhance the proficiency of the individuals in academic and social language to teach English grammar, colloquial terms, and vocabulary and phrases (Fong, et al., 2016 ). For conducting the secondary research to identify the perception of ESOL learners and the impacts of learning English on their lives, literature review has been conducted to access the view critically. In this literature review section conceptual framework, perception of ESOL learners and the opportunity they gain to write, speak and communicate with English have been discussed. In order to learn a new language is more complex learning because it has different values, identity and cultures from another language which one has to remember and identify. ESOL learners face different kind of challenges which have been analysed with other impacts on their lives.

Conceptual framework

Conceptual Framework

The above conceptual framework shows the relation between the variables of the research topic which are the perception of ESOL learners, benefits of learning English and the effect of attending ESOL courses on the lives of the people. Attending ESOL programs helps in increasing the understanding of the English language and also creates an understanding of British culture. It creates an opportunity for the learner to establish the business, increase employment scope and also enable social communication.

Concept of ESOL:

Theguardian, (2020) shows, the immigrants and the refugees with other asylum seekers face challenges to be settled in the UK as their diverse race, ethnicity, religion, and different linguistic background make them less communicative. To resolve the communication issues for that person who is living in an English speaking country ESOL plays a great role. This ESOL term is mainly used in the UK, New Zealand and Ireland. Based on the view of Courtney, (2017), the ESOL program helps a learner to identify English phrases, grammar and enhance vocabulary by making the learners efficient in writing and reading the language. ESOL has four different levels including reading, writing, listening and speaking and who completes all the levels they get full mode certificate for the course (Parliament, 2020). ESOL helps the learner to get the opportunities for the employment, education, housing, social or health interactions making them efficient to communicate with their second language efficiently. On the other hand, the immigrants or the asylum seeker if do not pursue ESOL they face obstacles to accommodate other British citizens and exclude them from social and cultural assimilation. From the report of the UK parliament, it is found that the number of people having ESOL courses was 114000 to communicate with the British citizens and to lead their lives there with expanding their carrier (Parliament, 2020). Cooke, (2006), says ESOL lessons are given to the individuals not for economic agenda but also many other reasons like educational access, health access, and social interaction to develop English speaking skills.

Perception of ESOL learner:

According to Theguardian, (2020), the immigrants who have shifted to the UK and started their life believed that learning the English language helps them to reside in other countries which are much different from their own country. As the learners identify themselves socially included within the English community they get chances to share their views and strengthen their bond. Sidaway, (2018) said that, ESOL learners have a definite perception about the learning programs as they think integration can be enhanced with the help of nurturing collective sense. Through their speaking in the English language, British citizens understand learners’ perspective and their culture, values because British citizens and the learners both believe they belong to the same community. Based on the view of Courtney (2017), learning the language is not always spontaneous, as they have fear that they will be secluded from the rest of the society until they become able to communicate with each other. On the contrary, based on Weforum, (2020), the learners have negative perceptions too in case of learning English as they think complexity to learn a different language and remembering the vocabularies, phrases, grammar will lead to the ineffective learning procedure. It restricts them to speak as fluently as their 1st language which can draw negative aspects like insulting by British Citizens. In ESOL courses the teachers use native English language that pronunciation creates a problem for the learners. As native English is pronounced differently with a good speed the students who are learning the language faces difficulty to follow and learn quickly which creates another negative perception.

Influencing factors for learning English in the UK

The number of migrant in the UK is gradually increasing who are non-English speaking or have limited knowledge about the language. In 2019 more than 612 thousand people immigrated in the UK which is steadily increasing annually (Statista, 2019). According to Chichon, (2019), people are facing issues to communicate with other people in the host country because of not being able to speak English properly. This creates challenges for them to stay for a longer period of time in this country as they will not be able to communicate with the native people which are mandatory for their daily livings. People need an interpreter for communicating in the country where most of the people are speaking English but they are not always available which creates difficulties for them to accomplish the work of their daily lives such as connecting with a social group, shopping, and job opportunity. It has been reported, that language barriers contribute to health inequalities as it is risky, stressful and time-consuming for the medical staff of the UK to provide proper care to a large number of people with limited English knowledge (BBC, 2010). This influence people in getting attracted to learn English in the UK as it will motivate them to establish effective communication with the medical staff regarding their health condition. It also helps the medical staff of the UK to understand the health condition and enable proper treatment towards that. On the other hand, Taylor & Ali, (2017), explained that, not knowing the English language properly create an issue in getting the opportunity for higher studies, employment, and establishing a business. It is important to have knowledge in English for people who help them to communicate with a British citizen, also motivates them to work in a cross-culture team. Language barriers encourage unemployment chances among the people but people with better English skills are satisfied with the education, job and they also have a better understanding of the British culture in the UK (The Guardian, 2018). Getting an opportunity for employment, higher studies influence the people in attending the ESOL courses and improving they're skilled in the English language.

Challenges faced by ESOL learners to learn English:

Court, (2017), stated that, the main challenges faced by the ESOL learners are more use of native language in the class by the trainers and the students. Using native language in the class by the trainers for translating or for teaching purpose create issues for the learners in getting accustomed to the English language. Along with this, more use of native language also creates issues in the accent of the people which creates difficulties for them in their future employment opportunity. To mitigate the issues, the availability of learning materials like English learning books, audio tools, and e-classroom is important as it motivates the people in learning English with the proper accent. But Fareed, et al., (2016) contradict the statement and explained that, culture shock is another challenge faced by the people who have the ability to impend their educational progress of learning the English language. Cultural shock can be described by several factors such as social isolation, language barrier, changes in the food and also in the living condition. These factors can create challenges for ESOL learners in attending the course.

The opportunity of ESOL learners in their lives:

According to MacDonald, (2015), English for Speakers of Other Languages creates an opportunity for individuals whose mother tongue is different from English. English is the vital language to be taught if the individuals are first or second-generation migration and they are unable to fully participate with the society (Parliament, 2020). McGee, et al., (2015) beliefs, the people who born outside the UK, or do not learn English in their school need to acquire adequate knowledge which creates the opportunity to cope up with British Citizens. Based on the view of Pinter, (2017), the people who had little or no schooling or the people who have come to the UK as refugees, immigrants or asylum seekers seek to carry out ESOL. Besides, the Indigenous population of the UK also suffers isolation as they face issues in communicating with other British citizens. MacDonald, (2015) said, ESOL courses for the individuals who are willing to learn English as a full-term course give them the opportunity to be efficient in reading, listening, writing and communicating. The UK government has supported ESOL learners by funding the courses, for which ESOL learners especially those who are job seekers have an opportunity to improve their education level, get health and social access. Ouellette-Schramm, (2016) says, as the cost of the course is bearded by the Government contributing 50% the unemployed learners have got the opportunity to enrich themselves. On the other hand, The UK government has taken the initiative to develop Integrated Communities Strategy so that every people living in England can speak and understand English. Calabrich, (2017) beliefs, through integrated communication strategy local partnerships get chances to be strengthened which supports the learners to tackle the communication issue and built pathways to make better progress. J.Phillimore, (2011) stated the opportunity of the ESOL learners as immigrants are achievable who invested their time to learn the language. It has given the learners the opportunity to interact with British Society and to gain a skill that has made them empowered to have future potential. ESOL learning also enhances the self-esteem of the individuals by making the learners competitive and confident to adopt the new culture through interaction that leads to assimilation.

Impact of learning English on the lives of ESOL learner:

According toRedmond, (2018) attending ESOL course helps the people by providing proficiency in reading, writing and speaking in English through developing a better understanding of the language. Learning English is mandatory for the people, who are living in an English-speaking country, otherwise it will limit their areas during the search of employment opportunities, effective communication with other people etc as the maximum number of people speak in English. Salvo & de C Williams, (2017), agreed with that and explained attending the ESOL course to improve the communication with the native people. This will assist the people in getting connected with the social group of the host country and share their views. This will help the people in getting accustomed to the new culture easily and it will also affect the daily lives of them. Aiello, (2017) argued and explained that, attending ESOL programs by the non-English speaking people creates career opportunity for them as they will be able to fit easily into a workplace and it also allows them for a higher-skilled job. The author also mentioned that, learning English also empowers people by boosting their self-esteemed. They also get confident to adopt a new culture which also influences them to work in a cross-cultural work environment. Along with that, having proficiency in the English language also inspires people to conduct business in a country where most people speak English. As people will be able to share views regarding their business in the native language, it eventually helps in attracting more people and gather authentic data and information related to ESOL learning activities.

Research gap:

This study is based on evaluating the perception of the people regarding ESOL courses and the way learning English impact on the lives of them. The gap of this study is that, the researcher was not able to provide practical information only secondary data has been analysed in this study. To eliminate the gap, the researcher needs to conduct primary research. Along with that, the study has not focused on a specific country or region whose mother tongues in not English. This also creates a research gap as they need to collect a huge amount of information for conducting this research which is difficult for the researcher.


From the above secondary research analysis of it has been found that, learning English by attending the ESOL courses help people several ways such as by creating opportunity in employment, establishing business etc. ESOL course provides knowledge to the people regarding the appropriate way of reading, writing and speaking the English language. Attending this course supports them to get included in the social group of the host country and get the opportunity to share their values with them.

Chapter3: Research methodology:


The following research is based on the perception of ESOL Learners on how learning English benefit to their lives. It is crucial to adopt certain methodologies in order to accomplish any research systematically and effectively. The methods of the research are comprised of Research purpose, philosophy, approach, design, data collection method and analysis. Moreover, this also includes sampling technique along with reliability and validity. The foremost segment of the chapter of the study highlights the purpose of the study. In this chapter, appropriate philosophy, approach, design, data collection method and analysis of this study will be elaborated by giving proper justification of choosing those. While in the course of the study, the researcher can face issues that can hinder the completion of the study in an organised manner. Thus, lastly, the chapter will also include accessibility issues and ethical considerations which have been maintained during the course of the study.

Research purpose:

The purpose of the research is to evaluate the perception of ESOL learners and the impact of their English learning to sustain lives. Research purpose lies to meet all the objectives and carry out the study efficiently to get the result from the research question. The researcher has sought to identify the issues that the non-English speaking population of the UK is facing and have carried out the research to analyse the perception of the learners who are having an ESOL course. Research has been carried out to evaluate the overall way of learning in which ESOL learners get impacted to lead a better lifestyle and maximise their wellbeing.

Research Philosophy:

The philosophy of the research reflects the views of the researcher for collecting data based on a particular topic. To put in other words, this deals with the source of data and its nature along with its development which will be gathered for accomplishing the study. The assumptions of the study reflect based on the philosophy, which also helps in identifying the proper research strategy for the study. In accordance with research onion, there are four kinds of philosophy such as positivism, realism, interpretivism and pragmatism. Interpretivism philosophy has been selected for accomplishing the study effectively. This philosophy associates with the interpretation of the elements or variables of the study. Therefore, human interests can be out into the study by considering the assistance of this philosophy. This philosophy helps in coming to one inference of the study which is important for the research as the study is based on the direct question about the perception of ESOL learners on learning English benefit to their lives.

Research design:

Research design is the accumulation of different procedures and sets of methods to collect the data regarding the variables of the research problem and then to analyse and to interpret the phenomenon (Creswell & Poth, 2016 ). From the three main research designs, exploratory, casual and descriptive, exploratory research design has been selected to carry out the research. Exploratory research design carries out to explore the research question to identify different ESOL learners in regards to the impact of English learning on their lives. Exploratory research design carries out studies with alternative options to solve the research problem with in-depth understanding (Reiter, 2017). The research does not consider any evidence proof conclusive or final solution to the research problem, so it was not justified to carry out conclusive research design. The researcher, through exploratory research design, has identified different issues faced by the ESOL learners to carry out English learning.

Research approach:

The research approach is particular planning which includes all the variables of research methodology together, from data collection procedure to its analysis or evaluation for assessing the research problem (Tuffour, 2017 ). For carrying out the inductive research reasoning has been selected, which starts with the detailed observation from the physical world and carries forward to generate new theory (Tjora, 2018 ). The researcher has carried out the inductive approach as it has helped the researcher to identify different ways in which ESOL learners were impacted through their English learning. As inductive reasoning is based on learning from past observation, the researcher has focused on identifying the impacts of English learning on their lives by identifying different perceptions varying with the individuals. On the other hand, deductive reasoning is a top to bottom approach, which illustrates the phenomena from particular to the general. As deductive reasoning cannot evaluate the particular perception of ESOL learners before carrying out the research, it has not been carried out.

Research strategy:

Developing an appropriate strategy in the study is important as it provides a step by a step action plan to the researcher which eventually provides them with a proper direction to conduct the research in a systematic manner (Erbe, et al., 2016). To conduct this study, the mono method is used as qualitative data are collected. Secondary and primary data has been collected in this study. Case study strategy has been selected to gather the secondary information from several secondary data sources like journals, articles, internet webs, books etc. (Lind, et al., 2016) Along with that, to collect the primary information qualitative interview was conducted with the people who have to attend the ESOL courses for the purpose of learning English. The interview is considered as the method which allows accessing the high number of participants. Qualitative interviews have also been conducted with students who are involved in EPOS learning.

Data collection method:

Data collection method includes both the primary and secondary data, which gives the idea of data sources from the data, has been collected and evaluated to complete the research (Sutton & Austin, 2015). Secondary data consists of different published data that may have different sources, including journals, books, magazines, newspapers; online websites etc. In order to carry out the research, identifying the perception of the ESOL learners and the impact of English learning on their lives, secondary data have been collected from academic journals, government census and books. On the other hand, primary data consists of the data which are collected by the researcher that does not exist in any previously published journals or reports (Mills, et al., 2015). The researcher has collected primary qualitative data by interviewing 10 students of Bristol Learning Direct Centre and Barton Hill Settlement.

Data analysis:

Data analysis is the process to apply data systematically, which helps to describe the phenomena logically consisting research problem (Wickham, 2016). Primary data which has been carried out through the qualitative technique has been analysed. With the help of Microsoft excel by tabulating the data and interpreting the data through diagrams, charts and pies, the interview data have been plotted. On the other hand, qualitative secondary data has been analysed through the help of thematic analysis that examines the data by dividing the phenomena into common ideas, patterns and topics. Here the quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques are useful for this research to identify the actual perception of the participants as well as analyse the findings on the basis of the collected secondary data through qualitative analysis by developing thematic analysis practice.


Sampling is the technique that is carried out to select a particular number of observations from a wider range of populations (Buckland, et al., 2015 ). The researcher has carried out simple random sampling to select 10 students to collect for collecting primary qualitative data from the Bristol Learning Direct Centre and Barton Hill Settlement. For interviewing, 4 male and 6 female students have been selected. Through this random sampling, the researcher was able to carry out the researcher through avoiding biases as the respondents, and the interviewees were chosen arbitrarily.

Reliability and Validity:

Random sampling has been done in the present case based on probabilistic sampling technique. Every ESOL learner of Learning Direct centre in Bristol has got chances to get selected. Findings of the study become reliable when those are in accordance with research objectives. The study is based on the topic of the perception of ESOL Learners on how learning English benefit to their lives is reliable as this has delivered consistency in results by making alteration of concept of English Proficiency of ESOL learners. The results of the study are also valid as the interview questions are appropriate for any primary investigation on how learning English has been helping in gaining benefits in their lives. The design of the study reflects on the churning of the data in terms of findings as the learners are in the best position to state the positive attributes and challenges in understanding English.

Accessibility issues:

While progressing with the research, researcher has been acquainted with issues in relation to accessing information to come to conclusion. Primarily 20 students were approached to state their views in the learning process of the ESOL Programme, but they did not show up due to their personal concern. Thus, the questions were asked to only ten students attending the programme, which has made limitations in understanding their viewpoints. On the other hand, due to non-availability of time of the tutors of the programme, interviews with them could not be done. Thus, their perception of the importance of the ESOL programme could not be considered while progressing with the study.

Ethical consideration:

The researcher has carried out research to identify the impact of ESOL learners on their lives due to their English learning by maintaining an ethical code of conduct. The researcher has not forced the students to give all the answers mentioned in the questionnaire, which shows the ethics of the research has been followed. Besides, the interviewees were not forced to give personal information like address, phone number, email id that has been considered in research ethics carried by the researcher. Along with that, the researcher has taken consent letters from all the participants, including students and teachers, for taking their approval related to research process. Research has a limitation as secondary sources have been based on very few journals, articles and books due to lack of time. The researcher tries to convince the participants to take active part in the survey for sharing their opinion so that the findings would be helpful to conduct he research by analysing the topic. Additionally, the researcher implements the Data Protection Act 1998 to protect data security and safety where the researcher also secures the people and ensure that their data and information will be utilised only for this study, not for any other purposes. On the other hand, respecting all the respondents and managing integrity during the survey would also be effective for the researcher to maintain research ethics and complete the study successfully.


This methodology chapter details the purpose of the study is to evaluate the perception of ESOL learners to understand the impact of learning English in their lives. The purpose of the study is to meet the aims and objectives, along with answering all of the research questions. Interpretivism philosophy has been taken into consideration for coming into one inference by evaluating the variables of the study. Besides that, exploratory design has been taken under consideration to carry out the study by considering the alternative options to gain in-depth understanding. Inductive approach has been taken to analyse the findings of the past observation, which has helped the researcher in gaining proper information about the study. Case study strategy has been taken into account to have concrete knowledge on the understanding of ESOL programme and its benefits. Samples of 10 students have been selected based on random sampling method, and standard ethics have been made to come to proper inference.

Chapter 4: Findings and analysis


The interview has been organised with the students of the Learning Direct centre of Bristol who belong from different cities such as Poland, Sudan and Somalia. Since, they belong from different localities; their perception regarding the benefit of English learning must be different from each other. Hence, the interview has been organised to understand their fluctuating opinion about English learning benefits. The section contains an analysis of the interview responses of Bristol students, which will be integrated to determine the actual perception of the students and reach into an ultimate discussion.


Do you think learning English is important?

Most of the students in the Learning Direct centre of Bristol have responded that English learning is beneficial to them, but the reason behind liking English has remained different among the students. The ratings were high and ranged between 3 to 5 stars. Students from Poland have prioritised English learning, as they believe that the language eases communication between cross-cultural people. Since English is an international language, it must be known by people, such that they do not face any communication issues. Students from Sudan and Somalia have highlighted the benefit of skill enhancement through ESOL learning.

Why do you think learning English is important? Can you tell me 3 things?

Some of the students have highlighted that English learning is important, as it increases confidence among students to deal in an English speaking country or to interact with people of a different culture. The second important factor in English learning that is identified by students is the increase in the possibility of being employed. Organisations usually select those students or people who are able to interact with people from different culture, which can only be possible with the knowledge of English, as it is an international medium of interaction. As found from the responses of the students, English learning is important for opening a new business, as fresh entrepreneurs will be able to communicate their business concept among UK people.

What language do your friends talk in? Do you think learning English will help you make new friends? Do you think it will help you find a job?

While asking students about their language of interaction, all of them have talked about their native language. However, there has been a difference of opinion regarding English as a tool to make new friends. Students from Sudan have been found to prefer their native language to interact with a friend of their native country as they have a fear of losing the friendship when using English too much in interaction. However, they manage to speak in impaired English and hence find difficulty in making English friends. The students from Poland are highly optimist in using English in making a new friend. As per their perspective, since, English is a common language which is known by almost everyone, it helps to make new friends by dissolving the communication gap. The Somalia students have highly preferred English learning to face an interview confidently and find a job to replenish their career path.

What would you most like to be able to do that not knowing English stops you from doing now?

The students of the Learning Direct centre of Bristol have declared that they will be able to mix up easily with the English speaking people, by using English as the language of communication. Apply for a job in Britain firms or in multinational corporations will be the opportunity for students while knowing English.

What are you going to be doing in 10 years’ time?

The maximum number of students has responded that within 10 years they are going to look for a job in a good company. They want to see themselves in a senior position of their preferred job role within 10 years of employment. However, some students have also shown their interest in opening a business at the same time.

How easy was it to find an ESOL class? Do you think it is the right ESOL class for you?

Well, finding an ESOL class in the UK has been easy for students, as the information is easily available on the internet. Even the adult ESOL courses are funded by the government itself, thereby easing the language development skill of ESOL learners. The students from Poland have been found to be satisfied with the ESOL class. However, Somalia and Sudan students have been found with some difficulty in understanding the language that professors use in the class, due to their accent, which appeared much complicated to them.

Is there anything your class or your teacher needs to do differently to help you learn better?

As found from the responses, the teachers need to speak slowly and pronounce clearly, as students from different culture joining the ESOL class are unable to catch up with the British accent of English.


From the analysis of the interview responses, it has been found that, English learning has been proved to be an important factor for the students belonging from different parts of the world. However, their perception differs behind claiming the importance of learning English. There has been seen the interest of learning English among Poland students, as they find it as a medium to bridge the communication gap by knowing English strongly. The knowledge of English has helped them to communicate with their British friends and make new friends over there too. While travelling in a country of a different culture, the knowledge of English helps to interact freely with people of a different country. Students of Sudan and Somalia; however, find it difficult to learn English as learning a completely new language seems to be complicated for them. Another challenge that students faced in the ESOL classes is that they are unable to understand the English accent of the professors. As found from the primary research, the students are expecting to pronounce clearly in the classes, to make the students understand the English learning session belonging from distinct culture. Apart from all the learning difficulties, the students have given a 5-star rating upon the importance of English learning and highly appreciated its needs for an employment opportunity, residing in a nation of different culture and making new friends of a distinct culture. The secondary research has revealed that, the British government funds the ESOL classes and readily appreciates the English learning of migrants (Chichon, 2019). The significance of English learning became higher to reside in Britain due to the increase in the number of migrants over there. The importance of English learning has also been seen while working in cross-cultural teams, as the knowledge of English helps to interact easily with the people of a different culture (Cooke & Peutrell, 2019). Communicating with the social world, like interacting in a grocery shop or mall of an English speaking country also requires the knowledge of English and thus ESOL is important for non English speaking community to improve their language skill and interact with others in daily lives.


Both the primary and secondary researches have declared the importance of English learning, as it helps the people to communicate freely with individuals from other culture. The response of students regarding the importance of English learning lies in being confident to face the interview session during their university placement session. Similarly, secondary research has also prioritised the increase of employment opportunities due to the knowledge of English (Court, 2017). Multinational firms often need to work in cross-cultural teams, where English remains the only medium of communication among staffs, as it is the commonly known language. As defined in the literature review, ESOL learning is the concept of teaching English, popular in the countries of the UK, New Zealand and Ireland (Fong, et al., 2016 ). In the learning process, the migrants from another country receive an opportunity to learn the English language, including vocabulary and the popularly used phrases by the UK and Ireland people. The secondary research has identified the perception of English learning through ESOL to mix up freely with the people of the English speaking country. The government of the UK has also supported the ESOL classes by helping them out with funds. About 50 % of the unemployed non-English people got benefitted through the ESOL class (Ouellette-Schramm, 2016). However, from the responses of the Bristol students, it has been discussed that they face difficulty in understanding the accent of tutors in the ESOL classes of UK. Even, they have also suggested improving the pronunciation and delivering a clear speech, as maximum section of their lecture is non-understandable due to accent issue. The primary research has revealed that the students of Sudan and Somalia find it difficult to attend the ESOL classes of core English speaking professors, as they cannot understand a single word. From the literature review, the discussion comes in making the people knowledgeable in English who come from a different place other than UK, New Zealand and Ireland. From the students’ perspective as found from the response of the students of the University of Bristol, ESOL learning helps them make new friends in the English speaking country. During campus placements, students often get placed in nations of a different culture from their native country. The ESOL learning class helps the freshly hired graduates who migrate from one country to another for a job to get accustomed to the English language (Calabrich, 2017 ). As per the literature review, ESOL learners can be students or the normal people from non-speaking nations (Courtney, 2017). However, the interview responses have been collected from the students of the University of Bristol; as in the University, the students come from different places such as Poland, Sudan and Somalia. The perceptions of students about the impact of English learning are different as they belong from a different culture. The English learning as remained equal importance to all of the students, but their perceptions differ regarding the impact and importance of English learning. Most of them were many optimists towards learning English, as they find it as a medium to make new relationships in foreign nations (Courtney, 2017). On the other hand, students have also found it complex to learn a new language as they are completely unknown to it. It has been discussed from both primary and the secondary research that knowing English enhances the speaking skill of people, and it is highly important for the job seekers (Fareed, et al., 2016). For the sake of studying in a foreign university or to work in a different nation, English learning is important to adapt to the new English culture and make new social connections in that culture. For example, while interacting with the cashier in the shopping mall of the UK, it is mandatory to speak in English. The impact of English thereby helps in developing social relationship and eases the lives of migrants in the country.

As found from the secondary research, the ESOL courses help to improve the reading and writing skills along with the skill of communication (Ouellette-Schramm, 2016). Similarly, the students, when interviewed, their perception of English learning importance has been found in skill enhancement and also found in the ability to communicate with the English speaking society. From the secondary research, the perception of ESOL learners regarding English learning has also been found in setting up a business and communicating the business idea to people of different culture and language as well.


The importance of ESOL classes has been found equally important to entrepreneur the ESOL learners, including the students in ESOL and the normal migrants. The ESOL learners who are interested in setting up their business do have the perception of learning English to communicate their business idea to abroad. However, from the response of University students, it has been found that, they find difficulty in understanding the English accent of the professors of ESOL classes. Most of the time, the pronunciation is unclear, which needs to be improved, as found from the students’ responses. From the perception of ESOL learners, the impact of English learning is seen in making social relationship, holding a senior position in a company and to take business idea before people of a distinct culture.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations


ESOL learning programme helps an individual in all areas of life, such as higher study, work-life, and expanding social acquaintances. Having command over English allows an individual to communicate better to individuals coming from other communities and ethnicities. Thus, ESOL learners feel confident while talking to others and can participate in debate competitions or social activities in general. For studying in a different country, students from country like Poland generally have grownup studying different subjects in Polish and communicating with people with the same language. Thus, they cannot easily grab the opportunity of studying in foreign, which is a drawback for continuing with higher studies. SOL helps learners in gaining a strong knowledge in English by focusing on grammar, phrases, enhancing vocabulary so that they become efficient in reading and learning English. Gaining adequate knowledge of English benefits them to live in foreign countries, mainly English speaking countries like UK. Such learners feel socially included, as they become able to share their views and ideas with their peers or community members and strengthen bond. Students from Somalia, Poland and Sudan of ESOL learning programme in Bristol have shared their perspective in learning English and mentioned its positive impact in the learning process and making more acquaintances by sharing their views and perception through open communication. However, they also faced issues in learning through this programme because of a not understanding British accent. Some also have that perspective that, different learning language has to make adverse effects in the course of studying as eliminating the majority of time in memorising different words, phrases and grammatical rules. ESOL learners can easily work in a cross-cultural team by having a better understanding of British culture.

Linking with objectives

To identify the issues faced by the non-English speaking population in the UK

In order to come to conclusion based on the objective, both primary and secondary data have been collected. In accordance with primary data, students Learning Direct centre in Bristol has faced issues primarily communicating with classmates. They have also faced issues in communicating with community members from ethnicities. Lacking knowledge in English has made them confuse in understanding lessons in the classrooms along with establishing bond with peers. Moreover, from the secondary data, this is to conclude that majority of the non-English speakers feel vulnerable as they do not feel included in social activities.

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To analyse the perception of ESOL learners

Both primary and secondary information has been collected to conclude the study based on this objective. In accordance with secondary data, ESOL learners feel that learning English and gaining an understanding helps them to reside in foreign countries like England etc. On the other hand, learners also analyse the consequences of learning in ESOL programme as the learning process will not be spontaneous, and they will be secluded from social activities until they become fluent in English. From the primary data, ESOL learners had the perception that learning English would be difficult as British Accent is quite difficult in understanding.

To evaluate the way in which learning English impacting the lives of ESOL learner

In accordance with secondary data, learners of ESOL programme gains proficiency in reading, writing and speaking English. This has broadened their opportunities in the context of employment and communicating with natives. Besides that, ESOL learners can easily make themselves compatible with British culture, which positively affects their daily living activities. From the primary data, achieving command over English helps them in boosting their self-esteem. They can participate in scholarship programmes, workshops and easily communicate with the professors. Such positive aspects help them in easily understanding the lessons taught by the professors in the classes.


ESOL learners find difficulty in understanding the British accent of the tutor which should be eventually overcome by the students by regular attending the classes, getting help from peers and reading more English words and phrases and memorising it on a regular basis. Non- English speaking students usually find difficulty in learning a whole different language because of its complex rules. Tutors should begin the lesson from teaching the basics of English and help them with learning outside the classroom, also by giving notes and voice clips. Tutors should also measure their improvements by taking tests on a weekly basis. Daily monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the individuals are required for making them efficient in languages. Other than that, there is great role of the online activities in such an era of digitalisation where the people can engage with the peers and communicate through online communication model such as video calling, audio clips as well as sending email which would be beneficial for the people to learn the language and improve their capabilities to lead a better life in future. The teaching professionals in the field of ESOL need to restructure the practice of providing the language training to the people through introducing different online modes, enhancing communication, improving cooperation and providing online notes.

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Future scope

The research has been done by interviewing 10 participants from the Learning Direct centre in Bristol. In future, a survey can be conducted by setting an effective questionnaire having open-ended and close-ended questions by incorporating more students other than Sudan, Poland and Somalia. Conduction of survey in future would help in identifying and analysing the information related to the percentage of people involved in learning of ESOL in the UK. The researcher would be efficient to conduct more in doth study on ESOL to identify different ways for providing the language program to the people as well as analyse the impacts of ESOL in daily activities of the individuals.

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