Exploring Sports Excellence: A Comprehensive Study of Football and Union Rugby


The world’s population understands the importance of sports in their daily lives as it not only keeps them fit and healthy but also it is a source of income to a significant percentage. The acceptance of sports gives rise to institutions developing related studies, including education dissertation help, to equip society and learners with adequate knowledge about developing excellent abilities and skills specific to sports. Globally, the society recognizes different sports, which include football, hockey, rugby league, wheelchair rugby, goalball, volleyball, rugby union, rounders, wheelchair rugby, and lacrosse, to mention a few. Each of these games has specific rules and regulations that participants and officials must follow strictly. This paper includes four kinds of reports related to two team sports, namely football and union rugby. It will describe techniques, skills, as well as tactics required, rules and regulations, conduct a self-assessment, and lastly, a team performance assessment.

P1: Skills, Techniques, and Tactics Required in Two Team Sports

Football or soccer (American) is a game that requires players to possess specific skills, tactics, and techniques of play to be successful. A player must possess individual skills that allow them to contribute to team performance. The player should be agile so as to attack the ball as being passive and lazy gives the opponents an advantage of winning the game. Players should have a faster pace, showing stamina and considerable strength in jumping and keeping balance. Notably, strength is a personal skill that enables a player to be more offensive or defensive based on their playing position. Apart from physical skills, a player should have mental skills. Examples of necessary mental skills include being intelligent so as to understand the game. The player should showcase decision-making skills to determine what to do with the ball to advance for attacking or become defensive. Composure and communication skills help the player control the game and inform others on what to do at a particular time. Leadership skills are also vital in football to guide young players more so responsibility given to a team captain.


M1: Explanation of the skills, techniques and tactics

Football requires four basic techniques. First, players must learn how to control the ball. It involves mastering the ball so as not to lose to opponents (Ali, 2011). Whenever a player receives a pass from a teammate, he/she must contain in around their body or feet to enable passing to another teammate or shooting. Controlling the ball requires speed, given that a pass may be too fast, resulting in a ball going out of play. Running with the ball is another technique. It involves being and possessing a tactic to dribble the ball past the opponents. A player must control the ball with excellent stability and balance that allows keeping the head up. Running and dribbling the ball allows players to make maneuvers hence setting the team up for attacking successfully. Besides running, the passing technique is a critical part of playing. Good passing techniques allow teams to keep possession, attack, and change direction of play and attack (Young, Dawson, and Henry, 2015). Passing involves long and short pass. Lastly, shooting techniques helps a team to dispatch the ball into opponents’ goals. Notably, after successful dribbling, running, and complete passing, shooting techniques help culminate the effort into a score. This technique requires quality physical skills like balance and power, mental skills like self-confidence and determination, and a technical tactic like accuracy.

Rugby union game is another sport that requires very different skills, tactics, and techniques to play. The sport requires individual and team skills to complete a successful attack and defense. The combination of skills needed includes a fast pace. It allows running with the ball to the opposition goal line hence making a try. A fast pace is essential in passing the ball. Rugby union requires individuals with strength. The sport involves a lot of pushing and running; hence a feeble player cannot make it easier in the game. Mental skills form a crucial part of the game. Notably, a player must understand when to make a run, how to pass the ball, when to make a cross-kick, and how to make a successful tackle and dummy switch and cut. Without mental skills executing these techniques is a challenge.

Important tactics and techniques include knowing how to pick up and hold the ball firmly. This technique involves picking the ball in a cage grip where a player’s fingers form a cradle, and the thumbs press the ball. It allows a player to hold the ball while running without any other adjustment needed (Johnson, 2014). A player must know how to handle the ball. There are different tactics needed to position the ball when approached by the opponent hence protect possession. When moving with a ball, the tactics needed are different from just running. A player needs to use one arm carry tactics leaving the other arm to hand-off tacklers. It allows high speed running.

Other essential tactics and techniques in rugby union are executing a successful spin pass. The techniques give players quicker passing of the ball and help maintain ball possession (Worsfold and Page, 2014). High ball catch techniques involve a player jumping up off the ground to catch a ball and maintain possession. The techniques are useful in attacking where an attacker complete an under or up kick. Similarly, it helps the defender stop an attacking team ball flow momentum, thereby winning possession back (Hendricks et al., 2013). Players should also execute a grubber kick, which entails a simple low kick aiming at moving the ball past a defending player hence allowing the attacking player to retrieve the ball. This technique breaks a defensive position.

P2: Rules and Regulations of Team Sports

Football (soccer) is among the oldest sport in the world. Individual’s identity with the game through the adoption of the Football World Cup, an international game that attracts fanatics in all locations globally. Currently, every country has a local football league with a governing body. In the United Kingdom, the Football Association (FA) is the football governing body. Internationally, FIFA offers guidance and direction concerning football issues and disputes in partnership with country football associations. Regardless of the country or league, there are different basic rules and regulations that guide the football sport. Such regulations and rules set the sport to maintain the essence of what football is. Some of the rules include the essence of the game to scoring as many goals as possible and a 90-minutes match with two halves and fifteen minutes rest period. The FA in the UK identifies 17 laws guiding the sport (The FA, n.d.). Below is an application of some rules.

Whenever there is a foul inside the penalty area or after playing the regulated 90 minutes and an extra 30 minutes, the referee can award or the game proceeds to penalty kick-outs. The penalty kick rule is very clear with certain procedures. First, the ball must be on the penalty mark while the goalposts, ball, and crossbar stationery (The FA, n.d.). One player should take the penalty while the defending goalkeeper remains on the goal line. Other players should be at least 10 yards from the penalty area. The player taking the penalty must wait for a referee’s signal before taking a shot. The FA rule indicates that a penalty kick taker cannot play the ball again unless touched by another player. Penalty kick gets completed once the referee stops play for an offense or the ball gets out of play.

M2: Application of the rules and regulations

The fouls and misconduct rules and regulations maintain the sanity of the sport. Whenever the players commit a foul, the referee whistles to stop the game. The player who commits a foul may be shown a yellow or red card based on the foul. Notably, a yellow card is shown to a player for a minor offense as a caution, and the player continues to play. However, if the same player makes a foul or misconduct that deserves another yellow card, the player will get a red card, thereby leaving the pitch. Sometimes, if a player makes a careless offense and misconduct like fighting or a very dangerous tackle, there is an automatic red card. The referee gives the opposing side a free kick in return.

Football allows players to wear safety equipment during the game. This rule excludes items such as jewelry, earrings, rings, and bracelets, to mention a few (The FA, n.d.). The officials must inspect the players before they enter the field, mostly before the match starts. The rule requires players to a prescribed uniformed-color that is different from the opposing team to distinguish each team (The FA, n.d.). The application of uniform and protective wears ensures the standardization of the game and fair treatment.

Rugby union is a physical game. Given its physicality, there are certain rules and regulations applied. First, a referee can stop the game and award a foul. The rule guiding a foul indicates that no player should make a tackle above shoulder height. If that happens, the referee stops the game and awards a foul. A defending player should only make a tackle by grabbing hold and subsequently pulling down the opponent to the floor (Hendricks and Lambert, 2010). Any other kind of tackle outside this regulation falls under a foul.

Rugby awards different points in different situations resulting in winning the game. A team should score as many points within the stipulated 80 minutes time frame of the game. The scoring rules and regulations award 5 points for a try, which entails placing the ball down an opponent’s dead ball area (World Rugby, n.d.). A conversion earns 2 bonus points, which is a free-kick awarded after a try (World Rugby, n.d.). A player should kick the ball, which must pass between upper posts located above the top bar. Whenever a player commits an infringement on the opposing team, a penalty kick may be awarded gains the team 3 points. Lastly, a drop kick earns a team of only 3 points (World Rugby, n.d.). The summation of all these points tallies to the final score and win.

Rugby has an offside rule. The rules indicate that an attacking player must be behind the ball. If a teammate passes the ball to a player that is in front, the referee blows for an offside (Thomas and Wilson, 2015). This regulation makes the game different from others that dictate moving to the target like the only target. The rule indicates that players may be in front of the ball but must not interfere with the game flow. For such a player to interfere with play, they must get behind the ball.

P3: Self-analysis of Performance in Two Different Team Sports

I believe I can do well in football. As indicated above, football requires specific physical and mental skills that I possess. Based on subjective observation, I have a passion for the game, among the fundamental element to participate. Knowledge of key positions involved in the game will become crucial in decision-making when playing. Below is a SWOT analysis of my performance in football. A SWOT analysis offers an evaluation of internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats that exist in football.

M3: Explanation of identified strengths and areas for improvement


Setting my position as a striking midfielder, I am versatile that I can also fit in as a striker. It is a position I can play with ease, given my knowledge in striking the ball. I have good passing skills, where I am very accurate. In addition to my excellent ball control, my passing skills can work well with wingers and strikes, aiming for more goals. I possess good making skills and am confident while attacking. I am fast, and my dribbling tactics are a notch higher. It will help me maneuver around the opponent and give an accurate pass to strikers.


The most noticeable and inescapable weakness is my inexperience in football sport. It has been a while since I played football. The lack of exercise may result in fatigue, reducing my competitiveness and agility.


Working with other experienced players will offer an opportunity to improve my skills and talents. Given that I will be working with a coach in a football team, he will give me adequate advice on how to mitigate my weaknesses and improve my game.


The biggest threat to my performance is competitors in the striking midfielder in the team. Some are having much experience than I do hence a chance to play before me.

I plan to solve my weaknesses by setting specific, achievable, and realistic goals. I plan to engage in training sessions thrice per week. I will enroll in the school football team. After classes, I will join others for training, thereby improving my experience in the field. Adequate exercise during training will enable me to gain more confidence and reduce fatigue. Undertaking a serious training session allows me to exploit the opportunity of becoming better and overcome the threat of inexperience posited by my competitors.

D1: Analysis of the identified strengths and areas for improvement

As stated above, rugby is a game that is more physical than football, hockey, and basketball, among others. From a personal perspective, I hold little skills needed in a rugby union game. Most individuals playing the game has a huge physique and agile some aspect I don’t have. However, I have mental and physical skills like being a good decision-maker, fast, and a good communicator. These skills play an important role in playing union rugby. Below is my SWOT analysis in rugby union sport.


Rugby union requires intense running from one end to another. I physically fit to make the necessary run around the pitch. My shots are strong and accurate, making me a suitable player to make conversion and drop ball. I have the capacity to earn crucial and many points in the team when playing as a winger.


I have the wrong mindset about engaging in rugby. Notably, a proper mindset is vital in the successful execution of the role played in the team. I am very inexperienced in the rules and playing of the game. Similarly, my body size is small as compared to others in the rugby team. It may create fear when tackling opponents. Furthermore, I lack enough stamina to hold the game to the last minutes. Stamina comes with the necessary strength required in physical pushing in the game.


I have an opportunity to improve in the future. The possibility of working with a knowledgeable coach and experience player offers me a chance to improve my talent and mindset about rugby union sport. I have an opportunity to play in the school rugby team if I improve.


The notable threat is competitiveness in the team. Currently, there are different players who present a desirable physique and experience in the game. It limits my selection in a rugby union game. My preferred position as a winger has a strong player, the team captain, who is hard to beat in preference.

My development plan to improve in rugby game include going to rugby training session twice a week. It will improve knowledge and skills regarding passing and making a try in the game. I will enroll in a gym to improve my strength and body muscles to conform to those intended in the rugby game. Similarly, I will change my diet to increase protein content target to build enough energy and muscle as the game is physical. In the future, such exercises will make me a good performer hence competitive.

P4: Performance Analysis of a Team in a Selected Team Sport

This section of the report assesses the school football and rugby team to evaluate their weaknesses and strength and offer a development plan to improve team performance.

M4: Explanation of the identified strengths and areas for improvement in a specific team

The school football team performed excellently. The team showed enthusiasm and passion for playing. Based on their performance, the team scored three goals. The defending players showed high performance as they coordinated a good defense through accurate passing and timely clearing the ball from danger. The defenders showcased their prowess by maintaining a clean sheet (they did not concede any goal). The goalkeeper made crucial save despite highly attacking opponents. The strikers showed decisiveness hence scoring three goals. The strikers and midfielders had clear communication creating better chances to score and accurate passes. Overall, the football team showcased coordinated attacking football with numerous counter-attacks.

D2: analysis and profiling of the football team’s performance

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The team has a good team spirit with zeal to perform better. There was a coordinated attack with a high pass accuracy of 90%. The defenders are an asset to the team. They made successful tackles causing no fouls; hence the team did not concede any goals and penalties. The goalkeeper showcased athleticism by making unbelievable saves. The lone striker showed individual brilliance by dribbling the ball past two defenders, then scoring a brace and an assist. Most players contributed to team success by offering the best effort in their playing position.

In the end minutes of the game, some players, specifically the wingers, were fatigued. Lack of adequate exercise was the cause of the fatigue. Apart from the striker, the team had a low shot on the target score (52%). It was a low percentage as compared to the opponent 65% score. The team did not fully utilize the set-pieces in the game (corners and free kicks). There was no score from set-pieces; goals were only scored in open play.

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The school football team needs a comprehensive plan to improve their game. First, the football team needs constant training sessions. The training session should increase from the current three days per week to four. The change should occur within the next week. The frequent training increases players’ skills improving individual athleticism. Specifically, the wingers should make numerous runs to exercise their bodies hence avoiding fatigue. The coach should conduct refresher courses to his technical bench as they are responsible for training the players. Refresher courses will improve technical bench knowledge, thus conducting better training and advice in return players’ decision-making will improve. Furthermore, team selection should always occur on merit to avoid playing individuals who are physically unfit. However, there is a possible barrier to meeting the football development plan, such as lack of adequate time. Many players are students about to sit for their exams hence less time to practice.


Ali, A., 2011. Measuring soccer skill performance: a review. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 21(2), pp.170-183.

Hendricks, S. and Lambert, M., 2010. Tackling in rugby: coaching strategies for effective technique and injury prevention. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 5(1), pp.117-135.

Hendricks, S., Roode, B., Matthews, B. and Lambert, M., 2013. Defensive strategies in rugby union. Perceptual and motor skills, 117(1), pp.65-87.

Johnson, P., 2014. Rugby union: technique tactics training. Crowood.

Thomas, G.L. and Wilson, M.R., 2015. Playing by the rules: a developmentally appropriate introduction to rugby union. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10(2-3), pp.413-423.

Worsfold, P.R. and Page, M., 2014. The influences of rugby spin pass technique on movement time, ball velocity and passing accuracy. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14(1), pp.296-306.

Young, W.B., Dawson, B. and Henry, G.J., 2015. Agility and change-of-direction speed are independent skills: Implications for training for agility in invasion sports. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10(1), pp.159-169.

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