Factors Affecting Study Planning and Organization

Task 1.1

MCQ= To-do-list

Assignment Planner:

The factors which influence the planning and organisation of studies include social life, study environment, health, attitude and belief of the student and student’s ultimate goal.

Social Life: The social life includes the development of communication between the subjects and their peers so that an effective friendly and harmonious relationship is maintained (Abdelraheem and Ahmed, 2018). The presence of enhanced social life for students is important as it helps them to develop a strong network of support and bonding with others which fosters their better mental and physical health (Svendsen and Svendsen, 2018). However, lack of balance in maintaining social life by the students makes them have lack of time for planning and organisation of studies and involve more along with spend increased time in going out, parties, dances and others. This leads the students to put their studies in the backseat and face lack of effective education (Jha et al., 2016). The balance in social life can be developed by the students so that they have enough time to party as well as plan and organise study by resisting and controlling temptation, developing priorities and scheduling time. This is because resisting temptations to hang out regularly will provide the students save time in planning their studies. Moreover, prioritisation of activities along with time scheduling would help the students determine the way they are to manage time to keep a balance in their social life and maintain enhanced planning and organisation of studies. For students struggling with these challenges, seeking education dissertation help can provide valuable guidance and support.


Study environment: The study environment influences planning and organisation of the studies because presence of lighting, weather, sound range and others in the surroundings of the study are responsible to enhance or deteriorate cognitive performance and concentration of students (Thoring et al., 2018). This is evident as low lighting and presence of high sounds in the study environment influence students to lack concentration in developing effective planning and organisation of studies and vice versa. Moreover, too much hot or cold weather makes students feel comfortable to show effective concentration and cognitive performance to plan and organise studies. The issue behind the factor can be resolved by maintaining a soundless environment where there is enough presence of light (artificial/ natural) along with the place has effective temperature control system. This would lead to improve planning and organisation of the study as a stable environment can be provided to the students where no environmental hindrances are faced by them that disrupt their concentration and enhanced cognitive thinking.

Health: The presence of enhanced health is important for effective planning and organisation of study by students as it provides them emotional and physical strength to arrange resources and implement them to study effectively (Hew and Lo, 2018). However, poor health condition leads students become physical and mentally weak along with develop physical complication and emotional stress that avoids them to reach effective study planning (). The good physical health of the students can be ensured by making them have nutritious foods and maintain healthy diet (Gray et al., 2017). This is because nutritious and healthy diet allows the students to have effective physical strength to manage planning and organisation of study. Moreover, emotional health of the students is to be improved by providing them continuous therapeutic support with the help of peers, parents and teachers (Evans et al.., 2018). This would help the students have stable mental condition and enhanced cognitive functioning to appropriately think and manage planning and organisation of the study successfully.

Attitude and Belief: The interest of the students in the studies is the most important factor to achieve effective planning and organisation of studies. This is because without focus and enthusiastic attitude towards studies the student would never wish or show concentration required to plan and organise studies (Kong et al., 2018). The focus and enthusiastic attitude make students willing to show participation required to plan resources needed to organise study (Ambad and Damit, 2016). The hindered attitude and unfocussed belief towards studies can be resolved by making the student understand the importance of learning and the way they are to be benefited in their career while participating in planned and organised studying. This is because it would make the students realise the way they are hampering their future by showing lack of focus in studies, in turn, making them show focussed attitude and belief in studying (Martí-Parreño et al., 2018).

Study goal: The lack of presence of a determined goal would make students avoid participating in effective planning and organisation of study. This is because study goals provide opportunity to the students in thinking systematically and get direction regarding the resources and actions to be added for effective study planning and its organisation (Jivet et al., 2020). The issue could be resolved by making the students remain calm and sit for some time to determine the reason for which they have selected the study and what are things they wish to achieve through the study. This is because it would make the student become aware of their actual goal and accordingly concentrate on planning and organising the study to ensure success.

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Factors Affecting planning and organizing study.


  • Abdelraheem, A.Y. and Ahmed, A.M., 2018. The Impact of Using Mobile Social Network Applications on Students' Social-Life. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), pp.1-14.
  • Ambad, S.N.A. and Damit, D.H.D.A., 2016. Determinants of entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Procedia Economics and Finance, 37, pp.108-114.
  • Evans, T.M., Bira, L., Gastelum, J.B., Weiss, L.T. and Vanderford, N.L., 2018. Evidence for a mental health crisis in graduate education. Nature biotechnology, 36(3), p.282.
  • Gray, C., Wilcox, G. and Nordstokke, D., 2017. Teacher mental health, school climate, inclusive education and student learning: A review. Canadian Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 58(3), p.203.
  • Hew, K.F. and Lo, C.K., 2018. Flipped classroom improves student learning in health professions education: a meta-analysis. BMC medical education, 18(1), p.38.
  • Jha, R.K., Shah, D.K., Basnet, S., Paudel, K.R., Sah, P., Sah, A.K. and Adhikari, K., 2016. Facebook use and its effects on the life of health science students in a private medical college of Nepal. BMC research notes, 9(1), p.378.
  • Jivet, I., Scheffel, M., Schmitz, M., Robbers, S., Specht, M. and Drachsler, H., 2020. From students with love: An empirical study on learner goals, self-regulated learning and sense-making of learning analytics in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, p.100758.
  • Kong, S.C., Chiu, M.M. and Lai, M., 2018. A study of primary school students' interest, collaboration attitude, and programming empowerment in computational thinking education. Computers & Education, 127, pp.178-189.
  • Martí-Parreño, J., Galbis-Córdova, A. and Miquel-Romero, M.J., 2018. Students' attitude towards the use of educational video games to develop competencies. Computers in Human Behavior, 81, pp.366-377.
  • Svendsen, J.T. and Svendsen, A.M., 2018. Social life for sale! A critical discourse analysis of the concept of student life on Danish university websites. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 39(4), pp.642-663.
  • Thoring, K., Desmet, P. and Badke-Schaub, P., 2018. Creative environments for design education and practice: A typology of creative spaces. Design Studies, 56, pp.54-83.

MCQ= All of the above


Study Plan:

 Study Plan  Study Plan

Evaluating the study plan:

The involvement of studying in the morning is beneficial because the brain the morning remain refreshed and calm as a result of good sleep which makes the person feel energised and rejuvenated to concentrate in studying and accomplishing assignments (Daryazadeh, 2020). Moreover, natural daylight helps to provide power and enthusiasm to study (Daryazadeh, 2020). Therefore, the morning study including in the study plan is an appropriate approach. As argued by Algorta et al. (2018), studying in late mornings leads students to develop lethargy in studying. This is because their brain remains occupied with other activities performed in the morning making them unable to show effective concentration in studies. The listening to the lectures during lunch after the college helps the students to recollect information taught to them in the class, in turn, boosting their memory to perform effective studies. However, after the lunch, a brief break is required where the student can explore further books which are required by them in relation to the study to excel in learning and understanding mentioned information regarding subjects.

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The studying in the evening after college is beneficial as it helps the students to read and memorise the notes provided to them so that they can upgrade their theoretical skills and knowledge regarding the subject important for their future target profession (Wu, 2019). Thus, inclusion evening study is effective in the study plan as it allows the students to explore and memorise the learning and education received through the day that contributes to increase their theoretical knowledge. However, unable to study in the evening and studying late at night leads the students to get deprived of adequate sleeping. The adequate sleeping is essential for students to help them have calm and sound mind without stress and anxiety (Thakur et al., 2019). Thus, it is effective study plan as late night study is not mentioned. Moreover, little socialisation after study is important so that students can overcome any stress as well as discuss any confusion regarding studies through communication with friends and family. Therefore, the overall study plan is appropriately suitable to excel in the current assignment.


  • Algorta, G.P., Van Meter, A., Dubicka, B., Jones, S., Youngstrom, E. and Lobban, F., 2018. Blue blocking glasses worn at night in first year higher education students with sleep complaints: a feasibility study. Pilot and feasibility studies, 4(1), pp.1-7.
  • Daryazadeh, S., 2020. Status of Holding Morning Report Sessions from Participants’ Viewpoint: A Qualitative Study. Development Strategies in Medical Education, 7(2), pp.61-70.
  • Thakur, B., Yadav, S., Ajmera, P. and Singh, M., 2019. Sleeping habits among university students. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 9(7), pp.291-302.
  • Wu, J., 2019. Confucian revival and the hybrid educational narratives in contemporary China: a critical rethinking of scale in globalisation and education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(4), pp.474-488.

2.1 MCQ= Act, reflect, conclude and apply



Personal SWOT Analysis:

SWOT Analysis

In experimental learning theory, it is mentioned that learners are to be curious and need to show effective engagement and good observation in studies to develop constructive learning. This is because in experimental learning the students achieve education by actively involving in the practical field to gather experience (Kolb and Kolb, 2017). Thus, the presence of good observation skills along with enhanced engagement and understanding skills as seen from the personal SWOT analysis is my strength. This is because it helps me to follow the experiment in studies to appropriately understand the outcomes and internalise the facts to achieve in studies which are the key motive of the learning theory. For example, in the learning process to educate new skills and information to Midwives regarding the way they are to manage patients in the real world through experiments, the learners require to observe the actions and internalise the facts. Thus, presence of good observation and understanding skills are my utmost strength to act according to the theory of learning to achieve education.

The lack of curiosity and imagination skills is my weakness according to the experiment learning theory. This is because while following the learning theory to study, the individual required having effective curiosity and imagination capability to understand the way the experiments are related to the core learning process and can help in future improvement. For instance, in experimental learning, the midwives are provided opportunity to analyse a single situation to be faced and reflect on to understand what wrong they have done during the experiment to help them determine the further actions to be taken by them for improvement as per core learning and skills. However, my lack of curiosity and imagination capability, in this case, would make me unable to determine the actions that I made wrong leading me unable to have opportunity to improve them by relating to my core knowledge. The personal SWOT analysis done in related to the experimental learning theory leads me to conclude that I require to enhance my imagination and curiosity skills so that I can develop better reflection through experimental learning about the way better progress in studies is to be made for future accomplishment. Thus, it has helped me to understand that I need to improve my imagination and curiosity skills for achieving better learning.


  • Kolb, A.Y. and Kolb, D.A., 2017. Experiential learning theory as a guide for experiential educators in higher education. Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, 1(1), pp.7-44.

2.2 MCQ= Hierarchy of Needs


The SWOT analysis mentioned that I have hindered curiosity and imagination skills. The curiosity is referred to the desire in knowing something whereas imagination is the way in which people are able to form new ideas and concepts to critically think to overcome problems (Liao et al., 2016). In order to improve imagination skill, the practice of mindfulness stretching is to be applied along with effective time is to be invested to explore and analysing existing information. This is because mindfulness stretching helps to develop greater focus with effective concentration to explore and analyse existing information to learn new actions to be executed to excel better. Further, I can use my strength of observation skill to improve imagination as greater observation with patience helps to explore different concepts. Moreover, to enhance imagination skill, I am going to execute more research regarding studies and ask more questions to gather learning regarding concepts. The curiosity skill is to be improved through self-encouragement to delve deep into studies. This is because without encouragement the individual do not feel value to be curious regarding any actions to explore it more (McCarthy, 2016).


  • Liao, K.H., Chang, C.C., Liang, C.T. and Liang, C., 2016. In search of the journalistic imagination. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 19, pp.9-20.
  • McCarthy, M., 2016. Experiential learning theory: From theory to practice. Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 14(3), pp.91-100.

3.1 Assignment

The experimental learning theory is referred to the process in which knowledge among the individuals are developed through the transformation of information from experiments and experience. According to the theory, knowledge is combined effective in transforming and grasping information and experience (Kolb and Kolb, 2017). The positive impact of experimental learning theory is that it allows opportunity to the learners to develop knowledge regarding the way to solve real-world problems. Moreover, this nature of learning leads the students to have opportunity to face real-time coaching and feedback to effectively prepare them for the real world (Bontchev et al., 2018). The other advantage of experimental learning is that it allows promotion of team working and collaboration skills along with help individuals to develop reflective skills to determine way in which they can progress in a better way in future compared to the current situation (Moseley et al., 2019). However, the criticism is that a decentralised approach in experimental learning would lead to less comfortable and orderly learning. Moreover, an active support from professionals is required in experimental learning which may not always be available for the students to learn (Bontchev et al., 2018). This theory is applicable in educational environment to mention the way real experience influences the learning process. For example, this theory can be used when learning is provided to the midwives by making them visit real-world pregnant mothers in hospitals during their study placement instead of learning through reading from books about managing pregnant women.

The behaviour learning theory mentions that all behaviours or information are learned through communication of the individuals with the environment (Walker, 2017). The positive aspects of the theory is that it allows effective understanding of the way certain learned behaviour is developed and allow measuring the changes in behaviour (Patey et al., 2018). However, the criticism of behaviour learning theory is that it is a one-dimensional approach in understanding of learning process among individuals and it does not take into consideration the way free will and feeing of individuals influence learning (Walker, 2017). This theory can be applied to understand the way certain behaviour is learned by individuals in their course of life. For example, this theory can be used in the classroom to understand the reason behind unnecessary or disruptive action of certain students compared to others.


  • Bontchev, B., Vassileva, D., Aleksieva-Petrova, A. and Petrov, M., 2018. Playing styles based on experiential learning theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 85, pp.319-328.
  • Kolb, A.Y. and Kolb, D.A., 2017. Experiential learning theory as a guide for experiential educators in higher education. Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, 1(1), pp.7-44.
  • Moseley, C., Summerford, H., Paschke, M., Parks, C. and Utley, J., 2019. Road to collaboration: Experiential learning theory as a framework for environmental education program development. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, pp.1-21.
  • Patey, A.M., Hurt, C.S., Grimshaw, J.M. and Francis, J.J., 2018. Changing behaviour ‘more or less’—do theories of behaviour inform strategies for implementation and de-implementation? A critical interpretive synthesis. Implementation Science, 13(1), p.134.
  • Walker, S., 2017. Learning theory and behaviour modification. London: Routledge.
SWOT Analysis

MCQ= All of the above


The presence of unnecessary distraction is one of the constraints faced by me in the study. This is because I often try to attend to the phone messages during study as they poop up making me create distractions. My study environment is another constrain faced by me because I study in the bedroom with the door open which is next to the living room where my mother and family watches television and the noise distracts me a lot. The issue of getting distracted by mobile messages could be resolved by switching off the phone during study or keep it in silent mode with the face of the phone put downwards. The strategy of noisy background environment could be resolved by closing the door while studying so that the noise coming from the living room is avoided. The other issue is that I have less concerned attitude in studies at times due to which I face distraction in studying effectively. However, the issue could be resolved through understanding of the way the current studying is going to enhance my career, in turn, motivating me to study.

SWOT Analysis

The value of feedback in learning is that it allows the students to get encouraged in thinking critically regarding their existing work and skills to determine the changes required to improve them. Moreover, the feedback is valuable as it leads students to understand their learning in new ways and gain enhanced satisfaction from the new view towards learning. Further, feedback is valuable at it creates dialogue between the teachers and students to assist each other understand one another’s opinion and share information to create a better learning experience (Tricomi and DePasque, 2016).

There are mainly two types of feedback provided in learning which are formative and summative. The value of formative feedback in learning is that it allows students to develop knowledge in the areas which they are to improve before being graded. Thus, feedback offers students the opportunities in scoring high marks and learn information about the way assignments are to be presented in a better way (Jones, 2020). In contrast, the value of summative feedback is that it allows the students develop knowledge about their strength and weakness of skills and knowledge in studies at the end of the instructional period (Deneen et al., 2019). For example, in the previous unit submission, I accessed formative feedback from my professor to determine the improvement to be made and the written points to be further clarified. I worked in the feedback and made changes within the assignment which helped me to get better marks than determined before on final submission.


  • Deneen, C., Fulmer, G.W., Brown, G.T., Tan, K., Leong, W.S. and Tay, H.Y., 2019. Value, practice and proficiency: Teachers’ complex relationship with assessment for learning. Teacher and Teacher Education, 80, pp.39-47.
  • Jones, D., 2020. The intrinsic value of formative assessment and feedback as learning tools in the acquisition and improvement of a practical legal skill. The Law Teacher, pp.1-12.
  • Tricomi, E. and DePasque, S., 2016. The role of feedback in learning and motivation. In Recent developments in neuroscience research on human motivation. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

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