Factors, Strategies, and Responsibilities for Effective Practice


Inclusive education is plying a crucial role in the recent years in order to serve the students with disabilities and create suitable learning environment for all the students irrespective of the existing diversities in terms of culture, demographic background, education, income class and disabilities (Csie.org.uk, 2019). The study is helpful to explore the effects of the personal, social, and cultural factors on learning and identifying the cognitive, physical, and sensory abilities on learning so that the teaching professionals can deliver the best educational practice or improving the knowledge and sill setoff the students. Inclusive education is hereby considered as fairness triumphs in education, including academic gains in literacy (reading and writing), math, and social studies that promote equality and inclusion and value diversity. The study also provides a scope to explore strategies for effective liaison between professionals involved in inclusive practice and also Summarising policy and regulatory frameworks to develop good educational practice for helping all the students in the social communities. Lastly, it would be helpful to Summarise own role and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice in order to develop SMART goals for personal and professional development, so that engaging in inclusive education would be possible.



Impacts of personal, social, and cultural factors on learning

Inclusive learning is effective for the students to get continuous assistance from the teaching professionals in the classroom, and it help to access different educational programs irrespective of the cultural diversity and also differences in terms of disabilities, language problem, age, ethnicity and others. It mainly incorporates learning together in general schools, colleges and higher institutions, by engaging all the non–disabled people and individuals with special educational needs (Debenham, 2018). The teaching professionals, social workers and parents are involved to develop inclusive education, where it promotes respect and membership cultures.as an assistant teacher, it is important to contribute positively in the school to develop inclusive learning practice, where diversity must be managed well, so that all the students can get equal opportunities to participant and learn for developing their personal and professional knowledge and skill set, seeking education dissertation help can provide valuable insights and strategies for implementing effective inclusive learning practices. There are different personal, social, and cultural factors that have important effects on learning and it will be discussed further.


The personal factors affect earing and skill developmental practice among the students and the major factors re such as self-confidence, attitude about the benefits of learning, lack of personal knowledge and understanding, internal environment, feeling of being within a learning community, stress, illness and negative experience among the individuals. The student ability to attend and successfully complete the learning activities is affected by the personal factors, where the individual try to understand the circumstances and perform as per their abilities (Hewett et al., 2017). For example, personal behaviour, attitude and language are also crucial in the school for interacting with the students and lead them successfully towards achieving the academic goal. In my teaching profession, I have experienced brilliant earner behaviour among the children with autism. Though it was difficult for the student to speak and learn at the classroom, the behaviour of the child is good and cooperative and he was very interested to learn and actively respond to the learning activities.


Social factors are mandatory to be discussed as it affects the learning activities and the important social factors are parent education, teacher’s educational background and personal abilities, infrastructure at the school, educational resources availability and the learning programs. The teachers and parents try to work together in order to support their children, with or without disabilities (Hewett et al., 2017). Inclusive educational practices are influenced by the internal infrastructure of the classroom and the social resource where the individuals can access and get assistance for developing the knowledge and skill set of the students.


There are cultural factors that also have serious impacts on student learning and activities. Childhood socialization and socio-cultural tightness are also effective to influence the learning practices among the children (Welikala, 2019). The ecological adaptation and biological effects are also there to improve earning abilities. Inclusive learning is important for supporting the child with disabilities and meets their needs and preferences in the classroom. The cultural factors such as demographic background as well as the ethnicity are influencing the learning activities. There is equality and diversity management in the inclusive learning practice, where all the minority groups in the country can also access the learning resources and improve personal and professional development.

Cognitive, physical, and sensory abilities on learning

Cognitive skills are effective for learning abilities which include think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. It is important for the students to have the abilities to read and learn the books and there are also other educational resources such as notebook, computerised system and PPT through which the students in the recent years can learn the activities and develop skill set. Reasoning skill as well as concentration, memory and perception are also beneficial for acquiring knowledge. The Examples of physical ability include strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and stamina (Brownlee-Chapman et al., 2018). The physical health of the students is important impacts on ones learning and skill enhancement activities. For example, the student with hearing issues face difficulties to acquire knowledge like others and there are special educational programs for supporting them to develop their skill and abilities (Moriarty and Scarffe, 2019). The sensory abilities includes smell, taste, movement, touch, balance, sight and hearing that further facilitate exploration and naturally encourage the children to utilise scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore.

Features and benefits of an inclusive learning environment

The key features of inclusive learning are,

Designing the school and classes in a way that the children can get continuous help for learning and increasing their potential

Having strong leadership for inclusive learning activities

Having principals, teachers, parents and others work together to determine the most effective ways or delivering the best quality education in an inclusive environment

Having knowledgeable teaching professionals, who can handle the students with various abilities and strengths

Teachers and parents must be cooperative to each other for supporting their children and maximising their capacities

Developing educational gaols and arranging the school infrastructure successfully

Managing the educational resources for learning and skill enhancement so that the students can get the bets learning resources

Promoting equality and diversity in the classroom by treating all the students equally

Providing as much support to children, teachers and classrooms as necessary to ensure that all children can participate in their schools and classes

Ensuring health and safety of the student and along with this, it is necessary to promote transparency and accountability to manage the children in a suitable inclusive learning environment

The inclusive learning practice is beneficial for enhancing skill and abilities of the students, with disabilities and without disabilities. The parents and teachers can cooperate with each other to provide continue assistance to all the children in the classroom as well as the inclusive learning practices provides a scope to improve respect for culture, social skill and values so that they can respect others and communicate efficiently (Breyer et al., 2021). The communication and cooperation sill can also be improved which further helps the children to develop friendly relationship with others and enhance the learning abilities. Exploring the strengths in children by providing continuous care and assistance of learning is also possible through such inclusive learning practice. Fostering good culture, meeting the personal needs and preferences of the students, reducing the disabilities among the children by different inclusive learning practices as well as developing speech and capacities of the child are also other advantages of inclusive learning practice in the classroom. The children can learn academic skill and also develop their communication skill, decision making and problem solving skill in progressing in their personal and professional career. Continuous learning activities, support from the teachers and suitable inclusive environment are hereby beneficial for the students to get the scope of developing their knowledge, improving understanding about educational activities and also reduce their disabilities through playing and learning.

Analysing ways to promote equality and inclusion and value diversity

It is important to promote equality and inclusive in the classroom so that each child feel special and respect other in the classroom. It is hereby the responsibility of the teaching professionals to develop equality and including of diversity management so that the children can understand the value of other and respect others in the society. Creating a culture of fairness and inclusion, identifying and preventing unconscious biases are helpful to create equality in the classroom (Breyer et al., 2021). The teachers must provide equal opportunity to all the students to take active participation in the learning activities, so that they cannot diversify among them and value others in the classroom. Be aware of indirect discrimination as well as managing transparency and accountability in the classroom are also effective for promoting equality and create values for all the students, irrespective of the diversities in terms of cultural background, language gap and any disabilities among them (Brewster and Thompson, 2020). It is also important to set clear rules in regards to how people should be treated, avoid negative attitude, providing good friendly atmosphere and avoid stereotyping are also beneficial to promote equality and diversity in the classroom, where the students can understand the value of others and they can communicate with other with respect and trust.

Identifying strategies for effective liaison between professionals involved in inclusive practice

It is important for the teaching professionals involved in the inclusive to develop effective tactics for effective liaison so that they can communicate with other and lead the educational programs successfully. It is important to arrange general meeting so that he teachers can cooperate with each other and discuss the inclusive learning programs (Knowles, 2016). Open communication among the teaching professionals is important for resources and educational activities to support the students efficiently. In addition to this, the teachers must implement the Information and Communication Technology or ICT o that it would be possible to share all the necessary information and engage others in making the best decision for inclusive learning (Unlu, 2017). Hence, continuous cooperation as well as equality management is mandatory for the teachers to promote inclusive education. For enhancing communication, it is important to discuss with others, share resources in the school and utilise ICT for cooperating and working as a partnership working practice. Hence, through continuous verbal and non-verbal communication, the teachers can engaged with each other and develop creative strategy for inclusive educational programs, so that they can support the students with or without disabilities across the social communities.


Summarising policy and regulatory frameworks

The policies and framework related to inclusive learning are effective to create good learning circumstances for the children. The Equality Act 2010 is important to manage non-discrimination practice in the classroom. The discrimination between the teacher and student and also diversity among the students due to differences in learning abilities, disabilities, race and ethnicity, language gap and others are necessary to be handled well under this equality framework. In such framework, the teachers must treat all the students equally and provide them equal opportunity to access the educational programs and other skill enhancement activities in the classroom irrespective their disabilities (Bennett, 2019). Health and Safety Act 2015 is another important framework in order to ensure safety and security of the children. The teachers in this regard try to meet the basic needs of the students including food, water, shelter and clothing, so that physical health of the child can be improved. On the other hand, safety and security must be provided to all the children in the classroom through continuous monitoring and protection, where the children can feel safe to learn and play (Childlawadvice.org.uk, 2019). This further improves their mental abilities and physical health as well, where the student can feel safe to express their feelings and share ideas with other students and teachers in a friendly atmosphere (Anderson, 2018). Health and Safety Policy aims at providing a safe, secure and healthy environment for staff and pupil, where the management team is concerned in providing security to all the participants and teachers in the school.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 protects the data and information of the students and teachers, who are engaged in the inclusive educational system. I try to ensure confidentiality that is maintained every time so that personal information and data can be protected under secured computerised system. There are other ethical principles, through which the teachers and staff members try to develop good corporate culture and ensure inclusive environment of the student with or without special needs (Billington, 2017). The transparency and fairness must be maintained well in the classroom for working with the children by being accountable. Continuous engagement with the parent and collaborative decision making practice are also essential framework in order to manage the student and lead them towards achieving the future success by knowledge gathering and skill enhancement. The children can get secure classroom with friendly atmosphere where they can communicate with others and participate efficiently in the learning activities (Groot, 2019). The resources and educational programs are maintained well to deliver the best quality education. I try to develop team work by engage the teachers, students and parents as well as school authority so that operative practice can be developed. Open discussion, continuous support to the students by academic resource ad curriculum planning reshape learning procedure in the classroom, where the children can cooperate with others and get assistance for better knowledge and skill improvement.

Influence of the framework on organisational policies to inclusive practice

The policy and regulatory frameworks in the inclusive learning are effective for the organisational representatives to implement such practices and run the activities legally and ethically. It influences the teachers to follow the rules and create god inclusive learning environment, where the students can participate safely. Friendly circumstances fording and wiring can also be developed well in the classroom, where the teaching professionals can ensure health and safety of the students and also maintain transparency in treating the children. The equality and diversity is also managed well under the framework, where the students are supervised and monitored well through CCTV cameras. The organisation policies of providing equal opportunities is also maintained, where the students with or without disabilities are getting equal scope to participate and access all the necessary academic resources for developing heir learning capabilities (Celt.iastate.edu, 2019). Moreover, I also try to improve self-awareness and continuously maintain transparency and accountability in handing the children with special needs. Fairness in the system by developing strong relationship with the students and other teaching professionals as well as meeting the needs and preferences of the children are also beneficial to reshape the organisational policies to inclusive learning. The data protection principals is also beneficial for the teachers and other staff members in the classroom to protect the personal information of the students and engage the parents in the educational activities of gathering more in depth data and information. I try to communicate with the parents and involve them in the school so that I can earn them to tackle the children and encourage them to perform better by increasing their abilities. On the other hand, the computerised system is effective to protect the data and personal information and provide the best learning environment to all the students.


Summarising own role and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice

it is important for the teaching professionals to develop own roles and responsibilities for meeting the requirement of the school so that it would be possible to deliver the best quality education and care to all the students in the inclusive learning sessions. The roles as an assistant teacher in the inclusive learning practice are,

Establishing ground rules for interaction

The policies and practice of the inclusive education must be implemented by the teachers and as an assistant teacher, I always try to develop good corporate governance in the classroom and crate suitable environment for learning. The teachers are responsible to ensure health and safety at the classroom, so that the students are able to participate safely and express their activities successfully.

Modelling respect and encouraging friendships

As an assistant teacher, it is my duty to develop respect and trust among the students and it is also essential to ensure friendship in the classroom. The teacher try to cooperate with the students and support them to understand others values and develop strong bonding with the students and teaching professionals (Lawrie et al., 2017). Creating values for the students, managing diversity and creating positive environment are hereby beneficial to support the children with special needs and develop friendship among them. The children start communicating with others and expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Arranging assignments

Arranging curriculum assignment and course are also essential roles of the teaching assistant, where I try to follow the organisational rules and develop good curriculum for the students. There are diverse curriculum and skill enhancement programs, through reading, writing, playing and storey telling. These activities are designed well to support the students and improve their capabilities for better performance.

Enhancing communication and collaboration

It is also an important role of the teacher to enhance internal communication and cooperation, so that it would be possible to develop good corporate culture and create inclusive learning practice. I have been able to improve inclusiveness by generating good atmosphere, where the pupils can converse their feelings and thoughts openly about access and basic oppression. Good communication and collaboration can be improved through general meeting and open discussion. It is important to utilise ICT in the classroom to develop integrated computerised system (Hollinrake et al., 2019). Additionally, the general discussion for developing good curriculum courses as well as general meeting and continuous cooperation and partnership working practice enhance internal communication among the teachers, students, social workers, parents and others.

Creating inclusive culture

Creating inclusive culture is another role as an assistant teacher, so that it would be possible for the student to feel comfortable and participate in the learning activities actively. In this regard, there is harmony and freedom o show their activities and the teachers try to encourage them to participate and explore more knowledge in future (Efthymiou and Kington, 2017). Transparency and accountability must be managed well, where I as an assistant teacher try to develop fair decision for all the students. there is equal opportunities for the students to participate in the classroom as well as I also try to develop good bonding with other teaching professionals and the students for better management. The students are also feeling comfortable ad they start trusting and being dependent on the teachers.

Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)

As a teaching professional, it is my duty to develop SENCO in order to support the children with special needs by providing them academic resources and different educational programs. SENCO guarantees that, all pupils with learning disabilities are fully prepared to get the appropriate assistance so that they can overcome their learning disabilities and prepare themselves to learn more and develop their knowledge and skill set (Atchison, Marshall and Collins, 2019). The special needs of the students are necessary to bet met efficiently with continuous support and providing care.

These roles and responsibilities are beneficial for the teachers to meet the organisational aim of providing the best quality education to all the students with special needs. I as an assistant teacher try to engage with other teachers and staff members for developing good curriculum planning and provide effective course work for improving the knowledge and skill set, seeking education dissertation help can provide valuable insights and strategies for implementing effective inclusive learning practices. I also try to contribute positively in speech therapy of the children, by exploring the issues of pronunciation and expression, stammering, language disabilities, and voice impairments. Providing them good speech therapy and continuous communication and cooperation are beneficial to develop language among the children, where they start interacting with other and participate positively in the educational programs. As an assistant teacher, it is my role to assist the student and provide them continuous care and learning activities so that their capabilities can be improved. I try to engage the students in different playing activities, mathematical solutions, drawing and dancing as well as storey telling activities, in order to support them and enhance their skill set in long run.

Identifying points of referral available to meet individual learning needs

Referral is the process that has been taken by the teacher in order to get extra assistant for a student with whom they directly work. The major referrals are the referrals for disciplinary issues, special education evaluation and counselling services. Other two referrals are open communication with the students of acknowledging their needs and references as well as parent involvement in the inclusive education practice (Farias, Hastie and Mesquita, 2017). It is the role of the teachers to identify the referral points to provide all the assistance to the students. It is important to support the students and guide them with appropriate information so that the children can acknowledge the activities and become interested in learning and skill enhancement programs. Disciplinary issues and special educational evaluation are necessary to be identified, where the teachers try to explore key issue and disabilities of the student for which they need inclusive learning and additional supports (Kingsdorf and Pančocha, 2021). The teachers focus on communicating with the children and develop counselling process. In this context, parent involvement is mandatory, where the parents are getting engaged with the activities and get the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with the teachers for supporting the students. Moreover, the teachers also provide assistance to the guardians to protect their children and contribute positively in maximising their capabilities (Welikala, 2019). The basic needs of the students must be set within effective time and along with this, the children will get continuous guidance in participating in the classroom session and other skill enhancement programs. Through developing SENCO, it is possible to identify the needs and preferences of the children and it would be beneficial for the students to meet their preferences and participate actively in the classroom sessions.


Effectiveness of own inclusive practice

The teachers are playing an important role in controlling the classroom activities and creating inclusive learning sessions successfully. Inclusive classroom activities are helpful to meet diverse learning needs of the students with or without disabilities. as an assistant teacher, it is important for me to develop own understanding about the special needs of the children and it further provides me a scope to relate good curriculum planning for improving skill set and abilities of the participants. My major strengths are emotional intelligence skill, good personality, time management, child care and following the rules of inclusive learning practice. In these inclusive educational programs, I try to exchange their feelings and ideas in the classroom and also want to cooperate with the students and the teaching professionals. Hence, cooperative skill is helpful for me to create good learning environment by working as partnership working practice. exchanging information with other staff members in the class room as well as continuous cooperation with the students further help me to create good curriculum activities. Emotional intelligence and strong personality are also helpful for me to develop good inclusive learning environment, where I encourage other to show positively, introduce diverse curriculum and fun activities for the students so that they can feel comfortable and enjoy the class room sessions. Moreover, I was capable to inspire and encourage my learners to act socially in a normal way that will make them important and add to certain achievement in the society. Hence, social skill can be improved among the individuals.

In addition to this, I try to implement the skills of my ICT in the classroom in order to enhance creativity n technical innovation. It is my duty to hare my technical skill with other teaching professionals and also with the students, so that they can improve their computer skill and learn more about the latest techniques and inclusive learning practices. I was able to comprise bright and colourful images to allow the impaired learners to see clearly and also I create voice and videos in order to support the children with special needs. There are several inclusive learning courses, where the teacher provides diverse coursework including reading, storey telling activities, mathematical games, playing though objects, sports, drawing, video sharing and image identification. These activities are beneficial for the students to develop their capabilities to learn and explore different activities in the society. However, there is some weakness, for which I can face issues in supporting the children in the inclusive educational practice. The major weaknesses are lack of communication, poor problem solving skill and lack of critical analytical skill, for which it would not be possible for me to develop good strategy for supporting the students in the inclusive classroom. It is my duty to support the students under structured classroom with adequate earning resources, both technical and non-technical. In such case, lack of problem solving and decision making skill will deteriorate the quality of education in long run. On the other hand, poor communication further leads to non-cooperation, lack of understanding and mistrust among the students with special needs. The children always try to seek continuous support and trustworthy teacher where they can share all their ideas and thoughts without any fear. Hence, I need to develop my skill and abilities to engage with the children and create strong bonding with them.

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Developing a five-point action plan (SMART) to improve skills in relation to inclusive practice

For improving the inclusive educational practice, it is necessary to develop skill and ability of the teachers so that the assistant teachers and other educational staff members can communicate with each other and share their ideas to relate the best curriculum planning in order to enhance the knowledge and skill set of the students. For maximising my own skill, I would like to develop personal and professional planning in order to create inclusive learning practice. The personal and professional developmental planning is,

maximising my own skill maximising my own skill2 maximising my own skill3 maximising my own skill4


Equal rights and opportunities are necessary in the inclusive learning practice, where the teachers and other staff members in school try to develop good learning environment by harmony, freedom to access the educational resources and providing scope to the students with special needs. The social workers, teaching professionals and parents are working together to support the children with or without special needs. The learning materials and other educational resources are managed well by the teachers as well as the policies and procedure in the inclusive learning practice is also implemented well. I as an assistant teacher focus on utilising m own knowledge and skill set to arrange the educational resources handle the students and develop good curriculum planning of supporting the children. Inclusive educational practice also include transparency, trust among the teachers and students, good friendly atmosphere, and child safety where I follow the rules and support the children continuously through providing guidance and diverse educational activities such as reading, writing, storey telling, video and voice notes, paying and drawing. Through evaluating my own skill and abilities, it would be beneficial for me to improve my personal and professional skill where I would like to focus on enhancing my communication skill as well as developing problem solving and critical thinking skill set in order to resolve the existing issues and meeting the child needs by developing effective inclusive earning practice.

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