Formative Assessment Dynamics


List 4 types of assessment and explain their strengths and limitations.

Assessment in the learning and development is associated with the analysis of the skill, ability, strength, weakness and perspectives of the children in order to determine their educational and developmental needs (Smith, 2017). There are four common types of the assessment which are as follows:

Diagnostic assessment:

Diagnostic assessment is considers as the pre-assessment tests that assist the teachers and trainers to determine, the student’s strength, weakness, perception, needs and skills prior to set any academic instruction:


This assessment tools helps teachers and educators, in determining the skills, perception and needs of the students, which assist them to set the proper guide lesions as well as curriculum that would be relevant to the students’ needs (Bruno and Dell’Aversana, 2018). Diagnostic assessment offers the sets of the assessment questions to the students in terms of collecting database on their emotion, intelligence, ideology and understanding. This process allows the teachers to know the children well prior to develop any educational settings for them. This tool assists the teachers to have the proper time to develop their own strength and ability in order to teach the students in proper manner.


In case of shy students, they cannot provide the proper answer the questions of the pre assessment tests. In case of children with special needs, teachers cannot understand their needs prior to set any educational instruction for them.

Formative assessment:

It is common type of assessment in the learning process, in which teachers can evaluate the strength, skill and needs of students through evaluating students learning, such as by telling the students to read loudly, observe their class performance and allowing them to play digital games with peers.


It is highly effective in assessing the student’s ability to do new things (Gould and Taylor, 2017) This tool is highly effectives in assessing student’s skill more than any traditional assessment methods It is also able to evaluate the thinking ability as well as decision making ability of the students This assessment process also assist the students to improve their instruction practice


This is highly time consuming process Shy and introvert students cannot cope up with the dominate students (Gould and Taylor, 2017) Due to the subjectivity the reliability in eth formative assessment process is lower Lower skill level of teachers makes it difficult for eth teachers to determine the actual needs of students by evaluating their practice.

Summative assessment:

As stated by Gould and Taylor (2017), summative assessment is the process through which teachers are able to evaluate the student’s achievement and their needs at the end of the instructional period.


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It assist the teachers to development their own teaching methods in terms of improving the student’s knowledge It helps the teachers as well as trainers to evaluate the usefulness and relevant of eth current curriculum and syllabus thereby making the possible improvement and changes in the syllabus.


This assessment process is not always relevant as well as accurate in case of perfect reflection of the learning process (Majid, 2016). As this assessment tool focus on the outcomes of the learning process, it cannot the change the curriculum and the educational profess at the time of need. For example, after the end of the courses, teachers assess the usefulness of the learning and teaching process by analysing the grade and performance of eth students, rather than making the possible changes in the curriculum, when it actually needs

Interim testing or benchmark:

Interim test are conducted in terms of understating whether the student get optimum knowledge on that subject.


Assist teachers to apply the tests on t students which assist them to evaluate the master skill of the student on particular subjects (Henley, 2017).


This process is highly time-consuming to determine the optimum skill and knowledge of the students In case of student with special, needs, their needs and knowledge and keep changing which cannot be determines through this assessment process.



List at least 4 different methods of assessing learners. State how these assessment methods can be adapted to meet individual learner needs.

Assessment in learning and development process is paramount to evaluate the skills, perspectives, needs and understanding of the students. Teachers and practitioners use different assessment methods (Henley, 2017). There are fourth important assessment method in to learning process which as follows:

Summative assessment method:

This assessment process, assist the teachers to analyse whether the teaching process and curriculum are relevant and effective for the students (Galloway and Edwards, 2017). As this assessment process is based on the outcomes, it assists the teachers to be prepared for the next time inn terms conducting the best teaching process.

Formative assessment process:

In these process teachers focuses observation and evaluating of the ongoing teaching process, which assist the teachers as well as educators, to understand the actual skill, strength and weaknesses of students (Celli and Young, 2017). During formative assessment process, teachers can provides different question during the practice. Through evaluating the answers done by the students, teachers can understand their actual needs.

Benchmarking method:

Benchmarking methods, is one if important assessment methods of learning, in which the teachers can use this method to understand the fact that, whether the student get maximum knowledge and perception regarding any specific subject (Galloway and Edwards, 2017). During this process, teacher’s can conduct parents meeting, pre-screening test, and analysing the score card of the students.

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Diagnostic assessment methods:

This assessment is pre-assessment tools which assist the teachers to get ideas on student’s needs, skills and their perception prior to set any educational instruction for them (Celli and Young, 2017). Through conducting meeting, face-to-face interaction, and questions answer, with the students, teachers can have the prior knowledge on student’s needs, skills strength and weakness which assist the teachers to set relevant curriculum and instruction based on student’s needs.

Methods of assessment process:

Multiple choice exams:

Through attempting the multiple-choice exams, learners can understand their preparations on different subjects. Gould and Taylor (2017), states that, multiple choice examination is important learning assessment methods in which the teachers and educators can determine the actual strength and weakness of the learners. MCQ questions are set to analyse the quick decision making and problem-solving ability of the learners. On the contrary Celli and Young (2017) argued that, sometimes it is difficult for the teachers for assessing the actual strength and drawbacks of the learners by only analysing the close ended question, like MCQ questions. However, it is acknowledged through the recent survey that majority of the institutes now emphasize on MCQ exams, which compel the student to get in-depth knowledge on different subject to answer the questions.


During the observation of student’s ability and learning process, two types of working process can be considered such as real work activities and the simulated work activities. Simulation teaching and learning is important source of observation. Through observing th simulated working environment, the educators can understand the actual problem-solving behaviour of the learners. Kubanyiova and Crookes (2016) stated that, observation of simulated teaching and learning process, assist the teachers and practitioners to find out the practical knowledge and intelligence of the learners. Real work activities are another important source of learning observation, through which teachers and educators can understand the knowledge, behaviour, working ability, perception and understating ability of the learners. Majid (2016) states that, through conducting the observation on the real working environment teachers can understand that student is how much preparade for their examination.

Open ended questioning:

Through the open-ended questioning the students can discuss the different aspects of their knowledge on the subjects (Peter et al. 2015). This is one of the most important assessment methods, which assist the teachers to assess the ability, knowledge and the perception of the learners in terms of understating their strength and weakness. Open ended questions offer the students the opportunity to make vast as well as comprehensive discussion of the topic, which represent their perception and in-depth knowledge on the subjects.

Written and oral reports:

Radford et al. (2015) states that, for conducting the proper observation on student’s learning and development process, it is important to observe their written and verbal reports. In this aspect, teachers can check the regular workbook, home task books of students to understand whether students have understood the class notes, class rooms discussion and the group discussion. By regular checking of student’s verbal and written reports, educators can analyse their strength, academic perception, understanding on different subjects and their in-depth knowledge on different subjects.

Personal communication:

Through personal communication, teachers can evaluate the strength and weakness of students. By conducting the individual meeting, teachers can discuss with the students about their areas of developments on which they need to focus their attention. According to(0 in case of students with disabilities , the individual communication process can be helpful, in w which the disable students can share their academic issues without any hesitations with teachers. Through conducting personal verbal and non-verbal communication (for students with disabilities), teachers can allow the students to reveal some of their personal academic issues that they cannot discuss in class. On the contrary Ware (2018) argued that personal communication is time consuming. In most of the time, teachers cannot manage their time to personally meet each student and discuss their issues.

Group discussion:

As stated by Smith (2017) group discussion, is one of the most important task which assist the students to share their issues, decisions and knowledge with their peers. Teachers can evaluate the ability of decision making, problem solving of students by supervising the entire group discussion process. Group discussion is one of the most effective self-assessment process for students, through which students can analyse and determine their areas of development, knowledge eon different subjects and weakness. Moreover, through group discussion process, teachers can evaluate the interpersonal skill and communication skill of students, which is important for assessing their academic ability and strength.


Explain the importance of involving learners and others in the assessment process. Also include who ‘others’ might be and give actual examples where possible:

In the entire assessment of students’ learning as development process, different individuals need to be involved, such as:

Parents Educators Practitioners Local childcare committee Instructors Manager of the educational institution Higher official of the educational organisation

During the assessment process, teachers need to involve the parent in terms of discussing the physical and mental health of the students (Majid, 2016). Through understanding the mental and physical health status of the students, teachers and trainers are able to set the relevant curriculum a as well as training process for the students. Learner is one of the major parts of the assessment process. Learner’s needs to cooperate with the teachers in terms of answering all their question thereby assisting them tom collect the relevant information based won which teachers can set the proper curriculum. Educators and teachers are the important part of the learning assessment methods, who are responsible for determining the actual needs, strength and weakness of the students based on which they would form their teaching strategy. Practitioners are responsible not only for determent the skill and needs of the students but also they are also associated with evaluating the behavioural transformation, approach and attitude of the students, through the assessment process (Kubanyiova and Crookes, 2016). Practitioners are also responsible for understanding actual developmental and academic needs of the children by making proper observation on their learning process. Manager of the educational institutes are responsible to conduct proper supervision on the entire assessment process to ensure that teachers and practitioners are able to perform each assessment. In additional to that, manager also ensure that students and their parent also cooperated in learning assessment process in term of assisting the teachers to get the relevant information. Higher officials in the educational institute would focus on the fact that teachers and students are provided with proper equipment and infrastructure in order to perform each assessment process i well-organised manner.


Explain the role and use of peer and self-assessment in the assessment process and include when you might use it.

Peer-assessment and self-assessment are the twp important techniques in the learning and development process which assist the teachers and students to focus on the strength, weakness,, skills, perspectives and understanding of the students. Peer-assessment process is the process in which students work in a group can determine each other strength, weakness and skills. Through the group discussion on different topic or debate, students can share each other decision, ideas and understanding. On the contrary Kubanyiova and Crookes (2016) argued that, peer-assessment sometimes leads to high level of misperception misunderstanding and conflict among the students, which can damage the positive learning environment. In this aspect self-assessment process one if the important process, in which learners can evaluate their strength, knowledge, skills and weaknesses. Through regular practice, written assignment, facing the questions answer and communicating with teachers, learners can identify their own strength and weakness. In my course of practice, I always prefer the self assessment process rather than the peer-assessment. As the self-assessment tool I use to go through regular exam at home, regular discussion about my subjects with the class teachers and evaluating the each score card of exam. Through the self assessment process I am able to understand the areas on which I have to work on more. Moreover I also determine my positive strength, which I can use to solve different questions.


Identify the sources of information that should be made available to learners and others who are involved in the assessment process.

Sources of information that is available to the learners as well as the others associated wit the assessment processes are as follows:

Learning assessment leaflets, that contain the entire learning criteria of the education and learning process (Celli and Young, 2017). During the assessment process, the; learning leaflets are provided to the learners which assist them to carry out their learning in such a ways so that teachers ca easily determine their strength and weakness. Bibliography and biographical works are important learning materials, which assist the teachers and learners to get proper knowledge regarding the different subjects. Through regular reading and evaluating of the topics, learners can attempt exams and debates which will assist the teachers to evaluate their strength and weakness. Magazines, journals and articles are the good source of information about the different assessment process and their implementation into the learning practice. Online database, online academic reports and e-articles are the important source for the learners as well as practitioners who are associated with the leaning process.


Describe the key features of constructive feedback:

Constructive feedback is one of the important processes in learning and developmental framework which assists the learners to evaluate their strength, weakness and skills (Celli and Young, 2017). During the course of my practice I focus on the following feature of the constructive feedback process in terms of assisting them to make their self assessment.

Constructive feedback process assists the learners to find out their own strength, skills and the areas of development. Through this process, I assist the learners to make proper action plan in order to improve their skill, understanding and perception. It promotes the proper reflection process such as self assessment and self reflection which assist the learners to conduct the lifelong learning. This is non-judgmental process which is based on specific and observed behaviour of the people. Through this process teachers are able to evaluate the strength, weakness and skills of the learners. Through the constructive feedback process, learners can reinforce their strengths by improving their performance and understanding level.

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Explain how constructive feedback contributes to the assessment process, why is it effective:

Constructive feedback process is highly effective in terms of improving the performance, skills and cognitive ability of the learners. The reason behind selecting the constructive feedback process in learning and development framework is as follows:

Teachers can organising the observation on the learner behaviour and abilities in terms of involving the learners into their own self assessment and evaluation; process (Henley, 2017). Constructive feedback process promotes the self-assessment process which assists the learners to evaluate their strength, skills, weakness and developmental areas. This constructive feedback process promotes the proper suggestion to learners in terms of implementing the possible ways which would be helpful for developing the decision making ability and problem solving ability of the learners. Learner’s self-assessment is associated with the constructive feedback process, which improves the ability of the learners to deal with any subjects. By improving their ability find out t hares of development and strengths, the learner can improve their performance level.


Explain how to give constructive feedback to learners:

Different ways can be used by the practitioners in term of implementing te constructive feedback process:

Communicating with the learners is important process which assists the learners to share their strength, weakness, issues and problems with the teachers (Henley, 2017). Through the open communication; process, learners can also share their understanding and perception regarding the academic subjects. Through question and answer process, the teachers can also assist the learners to give their feedback regarding the learning process. Through evaluating the answers of the learners, teachers can evaluate the effectiveness of the learning process. Periodic inspection of the academic process would assist the teachers to evaluate the learner’s ability, skills and needs. Through period tests and examinations, teachers can understand the areas of development and needs of the learners. Conducting teacher-student meeting can be effective feedback; process, though which the teachers can allow students to share their problems, weakness and issues that they face throughout the learning process.

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Summarise the types of records of assessment of learning there are, and why they are needed:

There are different types of assessment process, such as

Diagnostic assessment Formative assessment Summative assessment

These assessment are important in terms of understand the ability and performance level of the learners. Through these assessments, learners’ as well as teachers can understand the effectiveness of the learning process (Gould and Taylor, 2017). Through evaluating the effectiveness of the learning process, teachers are able to determine the areas if needs for the learners. Through this process, learners can make proper self-refection and self-assessment process. Assessment process is important for improving the decision making ability and problem solving skill of the learners.

Reference list:

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Bruno, A. and Dell’Aversana, G., 2018. Reflective practicum in higher education: the influence of the learning environment on the quality of learning. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(3), pp.345-358.

Celli, L.M. and Young, N.D., 2017. Contemporary pedagogy for the adult learning. PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 1(1).

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Majid, F.A., 2016. The use of reflective journals in outcome-based education during the teaching practicum. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research, 4(1), p.11.

Peter, D., Robinson, P., Jordan, M., Lawrence, S., Casey, K. and Salas-Lopez, D., 2015. Reducing readmissions using teach-back: enhancing patient and family education. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1), pp.35-42.

Radford, J., Bosanquet, P., Webster, R. and Blatchford, P., 2015. Scaffolding learning for independence: Clarifying teacher and teaching assistant roles for children with special educational needs. Learning and Instruction, 36, pp.1-10.

Ware, J., 2018. Educating children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Routledge

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