Fostering Environmental Awareness and Teamwork among Children


The essay is about suggesting an organizational change that is going to influence the youth and children. The topic gives an idea of effective use of interpersonal skills and understanding the perspectives of decision-making in the context of education dissertation help. Ethical perceptions are helping to manage the professional dilemma and focusing on change management using adequate personal and professional values. This essay aims to reflect on practices of change to ensure that children grow interested in environmental awareness and implementation of the process. Planning an exciting and playful task to encourage teamwork among fellow peers is an identified objective of this essay.

The process will be outlined using the review of literature on organizational change management and assess the changes for improving the personal and professional practices. It will highlight ethically sound professional values and relevant legislation.

Many children struggle to adopt changes and create an environment where they can work on tasks together and build self-esteem. Growth of mindset as well as strong community operations is developed for achieving team goals. It is hard to engage an entire group of children in one task and ensure that they use solid planning and techniques. However, for this project to become a success, the uses of gardening can be useful. It is expected to generate environmental awareness among children and meet their needs teamwork. The key workers are expected to work as great role models for the children as well.


Change and the theoretical perspectives of work with children and young people

Context of change and theoretical Perspectives

Most of the children nowadays are living in neutral families in small apartments. They are not having enough ideas on environmental sustainability and the situation that needs to be changed. Environmental awareness is something that needs to be managed by the children at an early level. As commented by Hussain et al. (2018), this will help in the development of ethical perspectives of managing the environment when they grow up and become young adults. Children struggle the most in terms of adopting changes and creating an environment for learning self-esteem and engaging in a superior growth mindset. This entire scenario had led towards introducing the changing concept. In this case, planting is identified to be a great concept for the children being worked. Consistency in garden renovation and decoration of the garden helps in understanding the importance of environmentalism within children. Raising awareness in young children and allowing them to focus on minute detailing of the situation they are in is possible with this idea of change (McAleese, Creed, and Zutshi, 2013).

Some children were never introduced to gardening before. They neither had the experience of gardening nor teamwork for improving any given circumstances. A forward-thinking mindset along with decision-making is expected to be improved using this changed perspective of asking children to participate in gardening. According to Fischer, Praetorius, and Klieme (2019), planting is theoretically proven to burst out stress as well. This change proposal is expected to raise environmental awareness and an opportunity to develop work skills while participating in teamwork. Ethical considerations made in this case are allowing participants to explore their inner self through the proposed change. There should be no force applied to participants to carry out the process. The interest in planting is tried to be grown naturally within younger minds. The change perspectives were communicated honestly and transparently. Change agents are the person that has the appropriate skill and power to coordinate the change effort. Stimulation and facilitation of change agents are rapid and it is internal in this case. Teachers and student volunteers are change agents here (Barattucci, 2017).

Kurt Lewin’s theories are applicable in this context of bringing out change. This psychologist had given themes of change and out of the "three step model of change" is most applicable (Cummings, Bridgman, and Brown, 2016). The three-step model includes, unfreeze, change and refreeze. Unfreeze is the system where the motivation to change is created. Change is the stage where increasing the driver forces of change is applied. There is resistance to change applicable in this stage. According to Lewin, the refreeze step is sustaining the change. In this case, theoretical perspectives of individuals being motivated to change are taken into consideration in the unfrozen state. Poor examination results and lack of motivation in extracurricular activities along with difficulties faced in the relationship of parents are examples of this. Group dynamic affects the way a sustainable change is taking place (Hussain et al. 2018). It is found out that forces of change have to be stronger than the forces are managed. In this scenario of school students, the teachers need to keep faith in change management and decision-making process improvement using proposed change. Only then, success is expected to be achieved.

As explained by Cummings, Bridgman, and Brown, (2016), there is a "refreeze state" observed, which measures into written policies for the overall development of student minds and works to deliver a progressive mindset to them as well. The current situation will be tagged under “unfreeze” by starting with the introduction of garden renovation and keeping it in great condition. Changes will be made in terms of reducing the worksheet load and engaging the pupil in some group work and decision-making process through planting. Others might become interested as sustainability will be promoted using this process of change management and improving student's concentration power. The situation will be refrozen within a few months by measuring the success of reducing worksheet-based teaching methods.

Literature review on organizational change management

Organizational change management is associated with four main criteria such as generation of decision-making, self-esteem development, team building, and social responsibility undertaking. The perspectives of decision-making are incorporated inside the management of a student's achievements in team building (Rosenbaum, More, and Steane, 2018). Ethical considerations are managed from the start, as the practitioners need to be aware of the current situation. The nature of the change can be internally generated and evolutionary sustainability can occur.

Literature evidence Literature evidence Literature evidence

Discussion on the perspectives of change in a setting

This project focuses on the idea of introducing gardening to school settings and the inclusion of primary school students. Creating an idea of how the nurseries work for students and engaging them in teamwork is essentially managed. Taking the responsibilities of key workers in a primary setting is important in terms of the success criteria of this particular project. Staffing of this school is not more than 30 persons including teachers and other supporting staff. The number of children will be 270 and they will be in the age group 4 to 12 years (Fessehatsion, 2017). This setting is associated with a perspective change. For a change proposal that focuses on quality teaching and a student-centric approach, this setting is ideal. Here, the number of pupils interested in all the action work is more. They are eager to engage in the implementation of change and several change management practices are evaluated. The core evaluation will be done on how much students are associated with teamwork and how they can use the growth objectives in further life. The process of carrying out the change will indulge the students in forwarding thinking and consistent achievement in environmentalism.

Students are given opportunities to learn from each other and deal with current situations. Key benefits were seen in terms of planning exciting and playful tasks for encouraging teamwork among peers. However, a major barrier was to deal with the covid 19 situation where social gatherings are required to be avoided. A growth mindset, as well as strong community building, is important for achieving tasks with solid planning (Kondakci et al. 2017). Meeting the objectives of making children aware of environmental factors has become important. Children that live in small apartments do not have any idea of following the teamwork of their fellow peers. This change proposal is expected to create harmony between the children to follow leaders' instructions and focus on their intellectual brain uses. The main four points that have been focused on throughout this system of change are identified as:

Environmental awareness growth

Engaging in playful tasks to encourage working with fellow peers

Building self-esteem and growth mindset

Eliminate the struggle of adopting changes and understanding the importance of environmentalism

Any practice that addresses the intellectual growth of children is associated with ethical mannerism development in children. In this setting, 9 small groups will be created. Each group will have teaching staff and volunteer leaders from students (Mestry, 2017). Now, others have to follow the instructions of the leader and create excellent gardening examples. There will be teamwork seen which can never be achieved by using some worksheets in general. The impact of such a learning setting will help the children get a better idea of how change management occurs at a higher level as well.

Demonstration on change agents and ethical consideration

Change is identified as a person that helps in facilitating organizational change management. This person can ensure that a change occurs in a particular setting. According to Kareem, and Kin, (2018), a part of the organization is transformed from the current situation and the way it is being operated. Change agents are identified in terms of showing empathy and working with grace even under pressure. Processing the right attitude and sets a goal of expressing the right desire for career development. These agents accelerate the right organizational decision-making process. While in this case, the process refers towards ideal gardening. Change agents such as teachers and student volunteers need to identify the reason behind the change and the risks involved in the requested change. Resources required for delivering the change along with identification of the person raising change requests are important for a change agent. In this case, the agents are responsible for the creation, testing, and implementation of change. Change agents here need to understand, plan, implement, and communicate changes.

Ethical considerations made in a school-based learning system are that teachers should be treated as human beings and not machines. The students are required to be assessed on their capability of consuming a particular lesson. The nature of the change is inevitable and it is externally imposed and internally generated. Ethics should be underlying in considering the organization of children as political systems and work as a flux and transformation. Schools need to focus on the well-defined uses of roles and regulations. It is important, to be honest, and implement the necessary changes (Guerrero, Teng-Calleja, and Hechanova, 2018). Accountability and honesty of processing change according to the organizational needs are quite important in the development of well-established business ethics. This project of including children in gardening work and creating a system of development leads with the culture and engages in rational and emotional behavior handling. Some potential ethical issues are identified as teachers opposing to promote differentiation in class and quality first teaching. The safety of students and ultimate evaluation of their mental growth is still not clear. The bad leadership behavior and perils favoritism affect the ethical aspects largely.

Personal and professional reason for the change proposal

I had seen that teachers had become dependent on worksheets more than they were interested in practical work. This attitude had led toward the lack of creating independent thought in pupils. As a result, I saw the photocopying bill was becoming bigger and children were deprived of self-learning and teamwork. Some of them had no concept of decision making and they also lagged in self-esteem (Alkahtani, 2017). These had triggered the idea of giving a change proposal across the school in me. I found a way of engaging students in environmental awareness and teamwork by reducing their worksheet load. A practical method of work such as gardening was suggested by me to ensure that children adopt changes and come up as a strong community.

I believe in “quality first teaching” for all pupils across the school. This reminds me of the assistance of becoming dependent on the teacher's assistance on each student's work and lack of self-voluntary actions. Hence, the situation made me propose a change for the system of student participation. I also believe that some parents were not welcoming my idea of incorporating the pupils inside the nursery. Quality first teaching helps in developing their idea of welcoming the pupil and feeling valued (Eklund, Griffiths, and Newton, 2017). I promote the idea of changes in the attitude of students and practice the staff for improving relationships. Following the model of change, helps in sustaining the change as well as improving the resistance to change. I would like to promote the school-based change that helps in the development of efficient working inside a set of planting. Teamwork and consideration of key role models were in my mind while I was promoting this idea. My main aspect of the change proposal was associated with young children to develop their working skills and decisions improving. I also had the aim of catering to a space that will help children in the development of environmental awareness through gardening.

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The key points, which have been found out from the research, highlight innovations in organizational change management and that too in a school setup. Schools are now-a-days being improved with academic optimism. Comprehensiveness in altering the relationships between academic optimism and extra-role behavior is found out to be real. Most of the school students do not have an idea of how environmental sustainability is achieved. They are not having an idea in the practical work as most of their studies are engaged within the workbook. Many institutions have adopted hierarchical linear modeling and confirmatory factor analysis. Therefore, the study has a future scope of expanding change management using the literature's evident concepts.


The recommended steps will include an overall organization of components for the development of change in the school-based model. Initially, there might be objections observed from different teachers as the changing perspective includes "quality first teaching" which is an out-of-the-box method. Showing literature evidence on how other schools are achieving their goals of creating environmental sustainability with the help of students can be effective in change management. The criteria of children's engagement in the development of teamwork skills are to be followed in educational institutions.

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