Inclusive Teaching and Learning Plan


This assignment consists of strategies, approaches and ways of Inclusive Teaching & Learning at educational environment. There is an explanation in this assignment about the importance of English, maths, ICT and wider skills. Description of Inclusive Teaching & Learning features, resources, assessment methods and approaches that opportunates the learners for a better understanding is discussed in this writing. Importance of creation of an inclusive teaching and learning plan and how it can impact the teaching as well as learning process with its practices are detailed in this assignment. The best suitable resources & approaches of teaching and learning process and assessment methods are opined below to attain the desired goal, providing valuable education dissertation help for those undertaking this topic.

Q1. Describing the features of Inclusive teaching and learning


Inclusive teaching & learning means recognising that whether all the students are entitled to a good learning experience which teaches to respect diversities, removes anticipates & barriers, enables motivated participation and also considers that a variety of learning preferences & needs (, 2019). Some of the features of inclusive teaching & learning are:

Ensures that various types of learning needs and preferences of different types of students are met regardless of their learning styles, their backgrounds and learning abilities

Removes all types of barriers which prevents students from getting their deserving learning rights

Teaches to respect the diversities in the students’ types in a learning place

As opined by Klibthong and Agbenyega (2018), prevents discrimination in teaching on the grounds of disability, age, gender, race, religion and marital status

Motivates and enables that equal opportunities must be provided to all students for taking part in learning and encourages to improve their potential power

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Q2. Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their English, maths, ICT and wider skills

English, ICT, Maths are those subjects which gives literacy and numeracy knowledge & skills which are must in general & work life for daily routine and doing basic household chores. As opined by Gravells, “They provide the essential skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable people to function confidently, effectively and independently in life and at work”. As per Loreman (2017), these functional and practical skills are must for all learners to make them operate every task confidently, effectively & independently in both work and personal spaces.

Maths- improves problem solving skills and thinking power English- improves knowledge and understanding things generally & enhances vocabulary and confidence

ICT- develops learning capability to work, function and learn independently Wider skills- offer ultimate progression in further training, education & employment These will help in future professional or career opportunities so that one could excel the core of every learning to work in the wider aspect of the social environment

Q3. Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment

Inclusive teaching & learning influences the style of living in different ways with the combination of both our past academic learning experiences and specific tasks of studying practices & personal approaches. An inclusive teaching & learning environment can be described as the particular style of gathering knowledge, storing & processing that information and experiencing the utilisation of them in real life environment and work life spaces (, 2018). Inclusive teaching & learning is all about the assurance that all the learners are getting equal opportunities to be involved in the learning process and contributing them by including the learning process in this environment. In an inclusive teaching and learning environment, there is involvement of various aspects such as promoting equal opportunities and valuing diversities, maintaining a safe, sound and supporting learning and teaching space and also to follow the appropriate behaviour with attitudes respecting at all level & situations.

Q4. Explaining the importance of selecting the teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods that meet individual learner needs

It is a very much vital and essential need that appropriate teaching and learning approaches must be selected to meet the individual needs of the learners for facilitating and also developing their learning and discussion power which have been provided in the whole learning process. Klibthong and Agbenyega (2018) stated that In inclusive teaching and learning approaches the books, handouts, aids, study equipment, learning objects and the assessing and delivery of the subjects are counted as resources. Inclusive teaching & learning approaches are important because they stimulate knowledge, add impactful influences and promote interest in all subjects. Inclusive teaching & learning approaches adapts the teaching and learning resources so that the can suit all the students and individual learners and simultaneously differentiates between various groups (, 2019). This procedure can be done in such a way so that restrictions can be avoided in an easier way when there is outdoor setting in groups where more engagement in their own learning is done.

Q5. Explaining the ways to engage and motivate learner

Motivation is that key which pushes someone to do any action or choose any activity to do. Learning motivation improves the learner engagement and gives a continuous push to the learner. According to Hickey (2020), learners who actively take part in their learning process are those who are also keen to become actively involve and not just bound to do that. There can be used some methods or strategies that can be used to motivate and engage the learners in their learning processes-

Comfortable learning and teaching situations will help in removing the causes of distraction while studying

Clear conception about the studying material and subject topics so that they can understand what they will be going to learn

Short time relaxations while teaching and learning process are must to provide them time to absorb what they studied and reduce pressure and tension (Chao et al. 2018)

Employing numerous new approaches, ideas, activities, resources and methods to stimulate their learning

Q6. Summarising the ways to establish ground rules within learners

In case of inclusive teaching & learning, the ground rule for the learners are a must to establish right at the beginning of the study session so that it can provide them knowledge of the basic structure of the teaching session within which the learner group will be going to operate efficiently and effectively (Chao et al. 2018). Ground rules are those boundaries which are created to set a limit of some things in the teaching and learning session. Few ways are like-

Setting and establishing regulations and rules should be done straight from the initial day

Cementing the rules in such a way that there an open and free relation can be maintained

Ground rules of creating a strong bond between the teacher and learner is a must so that there can be a collaboration within students also (, 2018)

Q7. Inclusive Teaching & Learning Plan

Inclusive teaching & learning plan is that set steps arranged in such a way that an equal, no-discrimination and diversities accepted learning and teaching social environment can be created in order to give proper education, knowledge and a sense of good living standards to the learners without any bias based on race, nationality, religion, maternity and other factors (, 2018). The inclusive teaching & learning plan is a set of five basic rules to be followed by the teaching persons so that an appropriate knowledge can be with the help of resources assessment methods, teaching approaches and learning approaches. The table below is presenting the inclusive teaching & learning plan-

Inclusive Teaching & Learning Plan Inclusive Teaching & Learning Plan

Q8. Justifications about the specific resources, teaching and learning approaches and assessment methods that have been chosen

The best specific resources, learning approaches & teaching approaches and the assessment methods that will be best for the learners are those which can do the desired performance in the teaching and learning sessions and prepares the learners to face every situation in their real life as well as in their career also.

Resources – The best resources for the inclusive teaching and learning are digital learning resources such as audio lectures and speeches, imagery & animation-included teaching practices, because its inclusive in nature, meets the learners’ needs through vast range of study material and also helps to learn faster with the help of images and animations (, 2019).

Teaching approaches – The best suitable approach will be the Expeditionary teaching approach since this gives opportunity to learn by doing and participating in real situations & fieldworks to have a proof based knowledge learning. This is definitely inclusive in nature, will meet the learners’ requirements and helps to gain learning objectives.

Learning approaches – According to Hickey (2020), the learners will also have different approaches to attain the knowledge and the best from them will be the Humanist approach since this method is based on experiences and explanations if various individuals so it is inclusive, will meet the learners’ needs and helps to grow faster.

Assessment methods – As per Loreman (2017), Direct assessment method will be the most suitable for the learners since it has demonstrated written works for better understanding and visual and audio portfolios enhances the learning process inclusively so that they can achieve their goals.

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Q9. Reflective journal

All the learning & teaching approaches, resources types and assessment methods will be the best suitable ways to provide an inclusive learning experience to the learners as well as the teachers will also get to know more and together they will explore the unique and new ways of both teaching and learning methods so that there could be brought innovative educational sessions irrespective of the old methods of just reading, studying and just understanding limited information. The resources of the teaching and learning approaches are known for their infinite utilisation and benefits in both professional career aspects & personal and social life scenarios. These definite methods, ways, approaches and techniques are chosen so that all of these collectively can present the best learning experience along with fun activities and real time field experiments so that all the learners as well as their teachers also gets to explore more and better version of an inclusive teaching & learning process.


This written material above highlights the uses, befits, utilisations and various ways and methods of inclusive teaching & learning process among the educational field or sector to give a whole new dimension to the old and regular teaching and learning methods. The best suitable resources, learning & teaching approaches and assessment methods are suggested for their best utilisations in the journey of achieving the desired goals. The detailed features of inclusive teaching & learning plan are described to have a better understanding about the use of this method. It removes all types of barriers which prevents students from getting their deserving learning rights & motivates and enables that equal opportunities must be provided to all students for taking part in learning and encourages to improve their potential power.

Looking for further insights on Inclusive learning practice? Click here.


Chao, C.N.G., Lai, F.T.T., Ji, M., Lo, S.K. and Sin, K.F., 2018. Which inclusive teaching tasks represent the highest level of teacher efficacy in primary and secondary schools?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 75, pp.164-173.

Hickey, J., 2020. Inclusive teaching and learning: meeting the needs of Australian university students with ‘hidden disabilities’ in the classroom.

Klibthong, S. and Agbenyega, J.S., 2018. Exploring professional knowing, being and becoming through Inclusive Pedagogical Approach in Action (IPAA) framework. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(3), p.7.

Loreman, T., 2017. Pedagogy for inclusive education. In Oxford research encyclopedia of education., 2018. A Discussion of Diversity and Inclusivity at the Institutional Level: The Need for a Strategic Plan, available : [Accessed on: 21th February, 2021], 2019. Co-creation in learning and teaching: the case for a whole-class approach in higher education, available at: [Accessed on: 27th December, 2020]

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