learning environment with planning

Q1 Analysis of factors influencing planning and organisation of study

The execution of effective planning and organisation of study is important as it leads the learner to have systematic direction regarding the way to manage studies. The factors which are responsible for influencing this study planning and organisation in the learning environment are as follows:

Prioritisation There are wide number of learning units and theories along with concepts to be covered during the learning course as well as personal tasks to be performed. The lack of effective understanding regarding the way prioritisation of the units and tasks to be made hinders planning and organisation in the study. especially in contexts where students need education dissertation help. This is because such actions cause individuals unable to identify the urgent and important tasks to be covered prior to other studies in the course, in turn, creating hindered planning of studies (Arshad Ali et al., 2020). The prioritisation factors can be effectively managed by students to successfully plan and organise studies through attentive analysis of the importance of each tasks to be completed in the study.


Scheduling techniques:The management of effective schedule for studies is essential for the students to organise themselves and make best use of given time available for their education. However, hindered scheduling skills lead the students unable to complete their assignment by the deadline and lose to get a high standard of work (Bočková et al., 2019). The time manage issue can be effectively resolved to successfully plan and organise studies by developing a time table for studies which is to be reviewed by a tutor.

Learning surrounding:The surrounding environment for learning has a key influence on students to be able to plan and organise studies. This is because presence of adequate amount of light accompanied by effective temperature control with soundless environment leads the students to develop attention and focus towards their studies to effectively organise and plan their learning in achieving their study goals (Darling-Hammond, 2017). For example, a dim light environment where the area is too hot and humid leads the students unable to focus on the studies for its effective organisation and planning as they feel discomfort in the condition. It eventually leads them to become more concerned with managing the environment to suit their health and avoid focus on the studies for organisation.

To-do-list: The presence of a well-developed to-do-list for the students makes them aware of the extent of work they are to execute to achieve effective learning. Moreover, the presence of to-do-list provides the students to have sense of control of the workload and the period of time available for them to be used in planning and organising the study (Pleet-Odle et al., 2016). Therefore, to-do-list is an effective factor that influences organisation of study because lack of it would make the students unable to have proper sense of focus and achievements to be considered for organisation.

Health: In planning and organisation of studies, the presence of sound health of the students is most important factor. This is because without effective physical and mental stability and well-being the students are unable to show enhanced cognition and thinking capacity to determine the way available resources are to be structured to plan and organise studies (Hale and Viner, 2018). For example, presence of depression among students makes them ignore studies and show lack of concentration as students are overwhelmed with bad emotions and hindered emotional health. It leads them unable to set the resources in line to present an effective organisation and planning of the study to be followed in gathering good grades at the educational institution. The management of sound health can be maintained by students by having good food.

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Arshad Ali, A., Mahmood, A. and Salam, A., 2020. Prioritising the practices that influence the operational performance of manufacturing organisations using hybrid ahp-topics analysis. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(1), pp.65-77.

Bočková, K.A.T.E.Ř.I.N.A., Škoda, M. and Lengyelfalusy, T.O.M.Á., 2019. Project Management And Its Aspects In Global Organisation: Case Study. Journal of Financial Economics, 1(1), pp.39-58.

Darling-Hammond, L., 2017. Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice?. European journal of teacher education, 40(3), pp.291-309.

Hale, D.R. and Viner, R.M., 2018. How adolescent health influences education and employment: investigating longitudinal associations and mechanisms. J Epidemiol Community Health, 72(6), pp.465-470.

Pleet-Odle, A., Aspel, N., Leuchovius, D., Roy, S., Hawkins, C., Jennings, D., Turnbull, A. and Test, D.W., 2016. Promoting high expectations for postschool success by family members: A “to-do” list for professionals. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39(4), pp.249-255.

Q2 Evaluating personal strength and weakness in relation to learning theory

Evaluating personal strength

In cognitive learning theory, it is informed that learners required to have enhanced reading and writing skills. This is because it would help them to write down important points in studies on the basis of which they can process their existing skills and knowledge to be gradually upgraded to be presented as enhanced learners with time (McSparron et al., 2019). In the personal SWOT, it is seen that I have strong reading and writing skills. In relation to the cognitive learning theory, which is followed by me the following strengths are actually the strong skills that would allow me to an effective cognitive learner. This is because the skills allow me to reflect on my existing experiences developed in the process of learning, in turn, helping me to understand the further actions to be taken in enhancing my efficacy and attention in learning and way the hands-on experience has currently helped me to a better student. One of the example that proves I have effective reading and writing skills is that during my semester I was initially progressing poor students. However, with effective reading and writing enthusiasm in the class to note down information I have been able to progress my cognitive learning to be a better student by the end of the semester.

In relation to the learning theory followed by me, the presence of memorisation skills is an effective strength at the present for me. This is because it allows me to remember my existing skills and the way the current knowledge is to be gradually used in improving my existing skills. The cognitive learner requires to have enhanced flexibility and control skills so that on the basis of the hands-on information they can gradually change their existing learned skills to be a better student in long-term process (Muwonge et al., 2019). In this context, it is found that I have effectively flexibility and control skills in changing according to information which leads me to consider the skills as strength for me while following the cognitive learning theory. I have effective flexibility skills which is evident as while previously working as support carer I had hindered knowledge regarding the way to show compassion. However, through continuous reading and writing of information regarding my actions I gradually able to identify the actions which are hindering my skill to be compassionate nurse and effectively rejected the actions to be a better nurse who show enhanced compassion to the patients.

The presence of effective attention skill is important in cognitive learning because it leads the students to choose and focus on relevant information to be adopted for accordingly responding to it (Ferri and Ferri, 2016). However, in the current scenario, it is seen that I have hindered attention skills. This is evident as while working attending lectures in the class I often miss out valuable points which could otherwise have led me to a better cognitive learner. The lack of logical reasoning skill acts as a weakness while being a cognitive learner because it leads me unable to develop effective problem-solving ways that are avoiding me to adopt improved knowledge in enhancing my existing skills.


Ferri, B. and Ferri, A., 2016. A controls approach to improve classroom learning using cognitive learning theory and course analytics. In 2016 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 7321-7327). IEEE.

McSparron, J.I., Vanka, A. and Smith, C.C., 2019. Cognitive learning theory for clinical teaching. The clinical teacher, 16(2), pp.96-100.

Muwonge, C.M., Schiefele, U., Ssenyonga, J. and Kibedi, H., 2019. Modeling the relationship between motivational beliefs, cognitive learning strategies, and academic performance of teacher education students. South African Journal of Psychology, 49(1), pp.122-135.

Q3 Addressing weakness in learning

According to personal SWOT analysis, it is informed that attention skills and logical reasoning skills are two weakness faced by me in the current condition. The attention skill in the learning process is to be improved by performing mindfulness exercise before attending any class. This is because mindfulness exercise leads to clear the minds from doubts and distracting thoughts in turn leading the individual to show concentration or attention in studies to gather minute information (Kinsella et al., 2020). In this context, I am going to access training regarding the way to perform mindfulness exercise and I have no concept regarding the way it is to be executed. During studies, to improve my attention skill as a cognitive learner, I am going to take short breaks so that I am not bored with the studies.

The logical reasoning skill is to be improved by setting a study plan previous to its occurrence. It is to ensure that I have effective information about the actions to be followed so that logical analysis can be effectively made for each of the study facts. Moreover, I am going to practice diagrammatic charting of information so that it becomes easier for me to reason facts from all aspects. In order to improve the skill, I am also going to enhance my critical thinking ability so that I can analyse information and reason them by looking into them beyond the normal thinking. I would also involve myself in logical reasoning games to enhance my skill to be actually applied in the study.


Kinsella, E.A., Smith, K., Bhanji, S., Shepley, R., Modor, A. and Bertrim, A., 2020. Mindfulness in allied health and social care professional education: a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(2), pp.283-295.

Q4 Evaluating two recognised learning theories

The Kolb’s experimental learning theory is seen to take a holistic approach to emphasise on the way cognitive experiences, emotions and environmental factors are related to influence the learning process of the students. It focuses on the way surrounding information are responsible for educating an individual (Kolb and Kolb, 2017). However, the cognitive learning theory provides explanations regarding the way information are processed during learning (Østergaard, 2016). This indicates that cognitive learning theory focuses on the passive aspects such as sitting down, listening and others influences learning whereas experimental learning theory focuses on the active aspects in the surroundings that are influencing people to learn. The advantage of experimental learning theory is that it leads the students to develop ability regarding the way learned knowledge can be immediately applied in the real world. This is because in this process students are provided opportunity to learn by solving real-world challenges (Jose et al., 2017). However, cognitive learning does not support education in the real-world environment but they focus on making students learn through hands-on approach. It is beneficial for the students in adopting transferability skills such as problem-solving skills and others which are able to be implemented in any form of studies to manage and execute it (Siburian et al., 2019). The benefit of cognitive learning is that it supports long-term learning as it leads the students to develop skill-based on previous ideas and concepts which are already learned. Thus, it provides opportunity to the students following the theory of learning to develop their existing skills as well as learn new knowledge and skills required for enhanced execution of their studies (Siburian et al., 2019). However, experimental learning theory fails to provide this opportunity. This is because the theory bases learning on immediate environmental situation that are always found to be different each time and are not always related to enhance previously learned skills.

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The benefit of experimental learning is that it promotes students to develop real-time coaching and access immediate feedback regarding their studies. This is because the learning process is communicative where the teachers continuously interact with the students in directing their learning in the right way (Wurdinger and Allison, 2017). The other advantage of experimental learning is that it creates opportunity for the students to execute teamwork and improve their communication skills (Moseley et al., 2020). This is beneficial for the students as it leads their doubts and complications to be resolved immediately. However, the cognitive theory is based on abstract nature of thoughts and feelings. This acts as its weakness because no effective reasons can be developed in defining the thoughts in learning developed in the action (Siburian et al., 2019). The experimental theory is also not free from criticism and it is mentioned that students following the theory for learning always require having continuous presence of a facilitator which is not required for students following the cognitive learning theory (Harvey et al., 2016). The other criticism is that it makes the students take increased amount of time in processing leaning to develop information which makes it a time-consuming process (Siburian et al., 2019). For instance, cognitive learning strategies include asking students to reflect on the experience to learn new solutions and actions to be taken further in enhancing their existing skills and knowledge. However, the example of experimental learning includes asking a student nurse or midwife to visit the pregnancy ward for teenage mothers to determine the actions and skills they need to learn in tackling such patients and ensure healthy childbirth along with safety of the patients.


Harvey, M., Coulson, D. and McMaugh, A., 2016. Towards a theory of the Ecology of Reflection: Reflective practice for experiential learning in higher education. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13(2), p.2.

Jose, S., Patrick, P.G. and Moseley, C., 2017. Experiential learning theory: the importance of outdoor classrooms in environmental education. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 7(3), pp.269-284.

Kolb, A.Y. and Kolb, D.A., 2017. Experiential learning theory as a guide for experiential educators in higher education. Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, 1(1), pp.7-44.

Moseley, C., Summerford, H., Paschke, M., Parks, C. and Utley, J., 2020. Road to collaboration: Experiential learning theory as a framework for environmental education program development. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19(3), pp.238-258.

Østergaard, L.D., 2016. Inquiry-based learning approach in physical education: Stimulating and engaging students in physical and cognitive learning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 87(2), pp.7-14.

Siburian, J., Corebima, A.D. and SAPTASARI, M., 2019. The correlation between critical and creative thinking skills on cognitive learning results. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 19(81), pp.99-114.

Wurdinger, S. and Allison, P., 2017. Faculty perceptions and use of experiential learning in higher education. Journal of e-learning and Knowledge Society, 13(1).pp.89-99.

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