The educational resources are playing a crucial role in supporting both the teachers and students to arrange effective curriculum planning as well as provide a scope to meet the educational standard (Naderializadeh et al., 2021). Through this study, it is possible to develop in doth critical understanding about the educational resource management, where the first section reveals the purpose and effectiveness of learning resources. the second section of the study helps to analyse the principals of resource design, identifying two resources as a teacher to gather information, analysing theories of curriculum planning, evaluating the resources that can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area and employing resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area, where the inclusive learning practice is important in the recent years to support the student with diverse needs and personal preferences. The third section is effective for reviewing ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals and the first part of the study is helpful in order to evaluate the legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources. These implications are effective to analyse the existing educational law and teaching practice to support the children in the institution. Lastly the fifth section is effective to evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area. Additionally, own strengths and areas for improvement will be represented through personal and professional developmental planning, through which the teaching assistant can improve own capabilities to design resources and curriculum planning for supporting the students.
Education resources refer to all human, material, non-material audio-visual school environment and community, in which the students can get good learning environment. The purpose and role of teaching and learning resources not only consist of making the educational process more attractive and interesting, but also of the development of different skills, encouraging active learning in the classroom and the adoption of desirable values and attitudes of students. The learning resources are developed well with the purpose of helping the students and continuously provide them support with study materials (Humphries, Magness and Huettmann, 2018). education dissertation help often highlights the importance of these resources in fostering an effective learning environment. The resources are very useful in the institution in order to support the tools in teaching and learning by giving the student the flexibility to access the files and materials the students can feel comfortable in accessing the learning resources and the teachers also try to develop inclusive learning practice through developing the earning resources. In the recent era of globalisation, the teaching professionals and the other staff member focus on virtual learning sessions, for which designs the educational learning resources is mandatory to support the students online (Humphries, Magness and Huettmann, 2018). Without having access of the earning resources as well as technological innovation, the teaching professionals cannot guide and support the student with adequate learning course and curriculum planning (Naderializadeh et al., 2021). Hence, the main purpose of arranging the learning resources is about the learners being prepared for their future and reaching their fullest potential as lifelong learners. The teachers also aim at maximising knowledge and skill set of the students through effective learning resource arrangements.
Hereby, the activities of arranging learning resource have a clear instructional purpose by making connects with the earners knowledge, experience and identity. It builds knowledge about what is required for achieving particular tasks by engaging the learners with the educational activities in the classroom. The teachers also focus on building confidence among the students and develop group activities by arranging the learning resources. The purpose of arranging learning resources is to create good curriculum planning, where the teaching professionals can motivate the students and evaluate the performance and abilities of each child efficiently under effective supervision and monitoring (Xu, Wang and Guo, 2017). Hence, the curriculum activity development is another main purpose behind arranging the learning resources for the students. The learning resources stimulate and engage the learners with the educational activities, where the teachers try to meet the personal needs and preferences of the students (Luong et al., 2018). There are diverse needs of the students according to their perception, habits and any disabilities, and it is the duty of the teaching professionals to arrange the learning resources to support all the students (Naderializadeh et al., 2021). Hence, the learning resources are arranged well with the purpose of making the teaching and learning activities smooth and provide a scope to the students to learn more and maximise their abilities to perform better. Collaboration and communication can also be maximised well under the practice of arranging earning resources, where the teachers and other educational staff members try to provide all the study materials to the students for increasing their performance through continuous motivation (Mandal et al., 2020). The major purpose of managing learning resources is to maximise the educational standard in the institution so that, it would be possible for the teachers to create good learning enlivenment and improve knowledge and skill set among the students (Xu, Wang and Guo, 2017).
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The materials are available in the classroom sessions, where the teaching professionals are efficient to facilitate the school administration and simplify the teaching learning process. Hence, the learning resources are available in the schools where it is effective for both the teaching professionals and the students, who are engaged with the teaching and learning activities. Learning resources are helpful to increase interaction between the teachers and students, where the teachers try to provide effective tools and teaching for improving learning activities. Hence, the learning resources are helpful for the teachers to arrange the curriculum planning and create good corporate governance in the school institution (Qi and Xu, 2018). This also helps to develop school administration and create good principles of learning. As per the point of view of the teachers, the learning resources are effective for the teachers as it becomes easy for the teaching professionals to teach the students (Ta et al., 2019). The learning resources are hereby helpful to meet the different learners needs and preferences, their aspiration and learning styles, it also provides a scope to access all the learning resources in the institution as well as gather learning experience through learning and skill developmental activities the students can be creative and the teachers also become innovative in the recent era of globalisation, her they try to arrange vast range of learning resources for supporting the students. It is hereby helpful to support diverse abilities of the students by utilising different learning resources and study materials. Increasing knowledge of the students and providing them suitable learning atmosphere are also other effectiveness of arranging learning resources (Qi et al., 2019). Hence, the teachers are beneficial to access the learning materials in order to arrange the material and pride continuous support and guidance to all the students in the schools.
The major two resources for learning activities are computer and YouTube, where the teaching professionals try to utilise these two resources for arranging study materials and curriculum planning of the students. Computer is advantageous for carrying out research easily; saving the documents and resources in the integrated computerised system as well as it provides a scope to access wider range of reading (Shen et al., 2019). There are different applications in the computerised system, including diverse software such as Microsoft word, power point presentation, paint, drawing and excel (Sun et al., 2017). Online classes scan be arranged well through computerised system, by implementing group meeting application like Skype and Zoom. Recording the classes, sharing videos with the students as well as sending personal email for sharing latest updates and notices become easy under the computer system. The students can correct the files, save and delete the unnecessary files in the computer system for better learning and reading activities (Li, et al., 2018). However, there are some is advantages of such computer program, such as information can be hacked or deleted through data hacking and virus attack (Hussain et al., 2020). Data management problems and computer rash are also serious issues, after which the students cannot access the data and information, files and study materials. Lack of IT skill and low Wi-Fi are critical issues in the recent years to conduct online classes smoothly. Though these are serious issues, the student and teachers focus on utilising comprised system for accessing the learning resources and improve their abilities through acquiring knowledge and skill set.
YouTube is another crucial resource for enhancing learning activities and the major advantages of accessing YouTube for studies are such as the learners can visualise the information and activities, picture images are effective for the students, the students also can access diverse videos for getting in depth information and clear their doubts (Grevisse, Botev and Rothkugel, 2017). Videos are effective to improve own knowledge and skill set for better performance. It can be utilised as demonstration and these videos can stimulate the student by engaging and being interactive where the teachers can easily connect the students with learning activities (Bunbury, 2020). The disadvantages are long videos, lack of understanding about the study topic, losing focus, sound and pictures may not be clear. Internet and electrical issues as well as poor video quality, no instruction will raise difficulties for the students to understand the activities.
There are certain principles of developing and utilising learning resources where the teachers focus on the principles for maintaining the quality of education and access necessary learning resources for better performance. The earning style is important to be acknowledged and in the recent practice, VAK framework is adopted by the teaching professionals in order to develop learning resources. Second factor is involving the parents in the school, for developing student centred approach. Third factor is meeting special needs of the students and first factor is inclusive earning environment (Krämer, Möller and Zimmermann, 2021). The teaching professional adopts VAK learning style where VAK refers Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic (Tactile) style, in order to develop good learning resources of the students. The teachers focus on developing audio-visual study materials in order to support the students and enhance the learning activities through diverse learning materials including pictures, audio files, videography, inclusion of playing objects and interactive learning sessions. The principle in developing good learning resource and utilising the resources is to involve the parents, where the teaching professionals try to engage with the parents and identify the personal needs and preferences of the student. It further helps to provide the best learning courses to the students with special needs. The teachers and other staff members in the educational authority try to develop student centred approach for supporting them with adequate study materials and continuous support (Gray, NWard and Fogarty, 2019). All the parents are engaged in developing good decision of learning activities, to guide the students with technical resources and study materials for improving their physical and mental health leading to successful improvement of knowledge and skill in near future.
The third factor is meeting special needs of the students through developing effective resources, as there are some students with special needs, who need additional support to participate in the classroom sessions (Singal, Ware and Bhutani, 2017). The teaching professionals try to support the student through meeting their personal needs and parent involvement in this context is effective where the teachers can acknowledge the behaviour and habit of the child while supporting them. The fourth factor in developing good resources in the classroom is inclusive learning environment, where the teachers focus on empowering each child in the learning activities and continuously motivate them to perform better. The teachers and educational authorities are working collaboratively to manage the resource planning activities by focusing on these principles (Singal, Ware and Bhutani, 2017). The equality and diversity is managed in developing the learning resources as well as the teaching professionals gather vast range of information and data in arranging the best study materials for supporting the students. Inclusive earning environment with good communication and cooperation is maintained well to provide friendly atmosphere to the students. It is important for the teaching professional to involve the parents and students in creating learning resources, so that they can share their opinion and personal requirements. Student centred approach with such collaborative practice of decision making further provides a scope to the teacher to develop effective learning resources in long run and support the students efficiently.
It is important to access sources for gathering vast range of information and data for developing appropriate learning resources. There are diverse sources of information such as books, journals, online articles, internet, YouTube, training manuals, website such as Google scholar, and others, which are beneficial for the teaching professionals to gather vast range of information and data successfully (Agrawal et al., 2019). In order to develop effective learning resources, it is hereby mandatory for the teachers to access the adequate information sources, so that they can acknowledge the recent curriculum activities and planning and further develop a strong curriculum panning for the students (McIntosh, 2017). As an assistant teacher in the educational institution, I try to access major two courses of information, books and internet. I try to gather vast range of books through offline library services and online sources. I access the Google scholars for accessing the books and journals so that I can develop effective articles of supporting the students in the classroom. Textbooks re advantageous for the participants as it has more in depth details and lots of information, easy to reference and access wide range of data and information, it is easily transferrable and good evaluation can be possible. Hence, accessing the textbooks is beneficial for me to gather vast range of information and data for arrange the learning resources and develop notes for supporting the students.
On the other hand, internet is playing a crucial role in accessing wide range of information and data. I follow the internet for accessing recent blogs, YouTube and other informative articles, where effective for me to gather creative activities to arrange curriculum planning and provide the structured resources to the students. I try to utilise internet for accessing the e-journals to arrange online training and skill development programs. The government website and the published journals are reviewed well for developing good learning resources. These sources of information are hereby effective for me to improve my knowledge and influence me to renovate the learning resources for further motivation of the students. I utilise latest e-learning activities and create YouTube videos, developing power point presentations and utilise pictures and explanations for making it clear and concise for the students. Hence, technological innovation is beneficial for me to arrange earing resources for the students and support them with structured resources for developing their own knowledge and enhancing skill set for better performance. Accessing these authentic sources provides me scope to improve my teaching style and adopt innovative learning programs for supporting the students with special needs. These sources further help me to acquire skill and improve my ability to engage the students and create innovative resources with pictures, audio-visual files so that the students can be encouraged and show their creativity in performance.
On the other hand, the learning resources are effective for the students, where they can get appropriate environment for learning and skill enhancement activities. The students get continuous guidance and support the teaching professionals, where they also understand the study activities in the schools (Frank, McLinden and Douglas, 2020). There are diverse learning resources including text books, audio visual materials, presentations and other coursed learning services, which are effective for the student to acknowledge the learning activities and develop own skill set and abilities in long run (Wray and Houghton, 2019). For example, the autism students are unable to learn like others. hence, the school authorities and the teaching professionals try to provide them diverse resources and study materials including computerised system, touch board, text books with sensory play, whiteboard, stress relief toys, computerised system and smartphone, so that they can enjoy learning and improve own abilities to participate in the learning activities (Zhao et al., 2019). The learners also have the scope to be engaged with the practical elements of the courses which help to meet their learning needs and personal preferences. Hence, the learning changes among the students can be mitigated through designing effective learning resources, where the teachers and other staff member in the institution try to arrange al the study materials for the students (Soukakou, Evangelou and Holbrooke, 2018). Hence, the learning resources are effective for both the teaching professionals and the students to access the study materials and improve the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Inclusive learning classroom can also arranged well along with developing curriculum planning, by utilising the available learning resources in the institution. Through such activities in the classroom, the teaching professionals can motivate team to learn more and improve their capabilities by skill enhancement programs (Yang, Xie and Kadoch, 2019). There are reading and writing practices, audio-visual sessions, inclusive learning environment and playing activities which are beneficial of physical and mental health development among the students with special needs.
In order to support the children with special needs, it is important to analyse the ways resources can be adapted for enabling the inclusive learning practice (Slee, 2018). The inclusive learning practice is beneficial for the students with special needs, where the students are suffering from diverse issues including behavioural, hearing impairment, emotional and social difficulties, speech, visual impairment, language and communication, multi-sensory impairment, physical disability and autism (Everett and Oswald, 2018). The ways to adapt the resources in order to support the children with special needs are such as arranging financial resources, developing technical infrastructure in the organisation, developing student centred approach, parent involvement and hiring the bet teaching professionals in the institution. These are the major ways to support the learning resources to be dated well in the organisations. It is the responsibility of the teaching professionals to identify the ways to adapting effective resources for enhancing the quality of education and arranging effective curriculum planning (Hewett et al., 2017). As teaching professionals, it is important to develop collaborative working practice in the schools and cooperate with educational authority, operational management team and finance manager to arrange capital for arranging resources in the classroom (Ryder and Norwich, 2019). Moreover, developing the organisational infrastructure along with technical assistance is mandatory to adopt new resources in the schools and support the students with special needs. Additionally, the teachers must engage the stakeholders in the instituting who is directly involved with the organisational activities such as teachers, colleagues, educational authority, board members, government, parents and students (Shafik, Matinkhah and Sanda, 2020). It is important for the teaching professionals to access the resources and arrange clear and concise educational sources through which the students can acknowledge and improve understanding about a particular subject.
New and emerging technologies are effective for the teaching professionals to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area. For supporting the students with special needs, it is mandatory to arrange VARK learning style, so that the children can acknowledge the learning activities and there will be continuous support and guidance to each child for meting their personal needs (Breyer, CLederer and Gasteiger-Klicpera, 2020). VARK stands for visual, audio, reading and writing and kinaesthetic. the teachers try to arrange visual lessons for the student, where live training, power point presentation, videography, webinar and case studies are arrange well with attractive pictures and adequate explanations so that the students can understand the learning activities and improve their capabilities. The auditory lessons are also developed with lectures, voice recording, podcasts, webinar and live training session for supporting the students (Lawrie et al., 2017). The reading and writing activities are there to improve communication among the students and influence them to write and read the books for better performance (Ο'Hanlon, 2017). There are also the resources that are designed for supporting the students with special needs. The hand-out Braille is there to support the students as well as the whiteboard is also utilised for guiding the students and interacting with them for better activities in the classroom. Visual content and imagery earning materials are also providing for improving their mental abilities to imagine and develop good storyline (Draffan, James and Martin, 2017). The inclusive learning environment is also developed by the teaching professionals, in order to support the students with special needs (Brownlee-Chapman et al., 2018). The teachers try to provide them books, audio files and visual lessons, where the students are encouraged to show their creativity and perform without fear. This further helps the students to develop self-confidence and perform better in front of others. Continuous communication and cooperation with them are also effective for improving their communication skill and help them to improve their capabilities (Muscutt, 2020). There are also learning objects and playing activities through which the physical and mental health the students are improved. These resources are hereby effective for the students to get continuous support for developing their knowledge and improving their skill set for better performance.
As an assistant teaching professional in the institution, I always try to engage the learners with the learning resources for motivating them and leading them towards achieving future success. I focus on engaging with the students through continuous communication, where I start interacting with each child through one to one communication and feel them comfortable in the classroom. Through continuous cooperation and interaction, I try to develop strong bonding with the learners and encourage them to show their creativity in the classroom. Continuous judgement and supervision as well as helping them to perform well further influence them to explore new information and develop their knowledge successfully. For meeting their special needs, it is the duty of the teachers to engage them with the learning activities and develop equality and diversity, so that each student can feel comfortable to share their opinion and try to perform better. Hence, cooperative learning activities along with good bonding and communication further help the students to engage with the learning resources. Fostering a sense of competence, embracing collaborative learning as well as providing autonomy support, establishing positive teacher-student relationships and promoting mastery orientations are effective to manage the students and involve them with the learning activities successfully. Hence, employing the resources with the involvement of the students is mandatory to continuously encourage their creativity and lead the, towards achieving the future success.
Sharing resources with other colleagues and schools authorities is mandatory in order to develop collaborative decision for the students and maximise the educational standard in long run. The teaching professionals an educational authority try to share the learning resources with others so that it will be possible to spread the resources and study materials for the benefits of the students, as through sharing the reassures, the teaching professionals can create good learning environment for the children and support them with effect study materials (Kirupainayagam and Sutha, 2021). Identifying the common resources is mandatory for the teacher in order to share the study materials with other colleagues and teaching professionals in own institution for guiding and supporting the students. Creating and utilising central resource bank, so that the teachers and other board members of the school authority can access the information, books, and journals as well as other educational resources (Lister and McFarlane, 2021). Intranet for common user storage can be developed well, where the teaching professionals are able to provide access to the students so that the students are able to access the learning resources through the intranet facilities (Imbrie et al., 2021). Access to VLE Moodle is also another main resource centre that and be utilised for sharing the resources in the institution with other teaching professionals and the student also (Stenson et al., 2021). Offering training opportunity to others and system for trading resources are effective for sharing resources including study materials, technical infrastructure and human capabilities for developing good educational programs for the students. Hence, the training facilities and internal collaboration with other schools and colleges are effective for the teaching professionals to engage in the curriculum activities and share adequate resources for developing the educational standard (Farias, Hastie and Mesquita, 2017).
In the recant era of globalisation, there are diverse was to share the learning resources with others in order to maintain the quality standard and improve competitiveness in the educational sector. As an assistant teacher in the school, I try to create soil network with other teaching professionals and students, here I always keep updates with recent educational resources and study materials available in the educational programs it is effective for me to discuss with others and arrange good curriculum planning for better learning and teaching activities. Additionally, I try to attend the conferences and general meeting arranged by the educational institutions, where I always try to develop communication and cooperation with others for sharing learning resources. Talking about the lessons, study material, utilised in the schools as well as available books and other resources is also effective for sharing the learning resources (Luong et al., 2018). In the educational institution, there are several meetings arranged by the educational authority, where the teachers and management team are collaborating with others for sharing the available learning resources. In the recent era of globalisation, there is great influence of the technology and computerised system learning activities, where online learning programs are arranged efficiently (Mandal et al., 2020). The teachers and other staff members try to share such learning resources including the computerised programs, online books and journals available, as well as power point presentations and audio-visual files which can be accessed by the teaching professionals and the students, hence, sharing the study martials with other teachers and also the students are helpful to develop quality standard of duration, where the teachers are able to support and guide the students continuously with adequate resources and technology (Qi et al., 2019). Hereby, the online transfer of files and online books and journals are effective for the teachers to create good learning environment through inclusive learning practice.
It is important for the teaching professionals and educational authority to review the existing legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources, so that it would be possible to create fair treatment for the users and other teachers increasing the educational and learning resources (Qi and Xu, 2018). In order to support the learning resource management, it is essential for the organisational teaching professionals to protect the resources and utilise it to support the students in the institutions (Shen et al., 2019). The policies and guidelines to manage the learning resources are effective for better management of the educational activities in the instituting. The Equality Act 2010 is mandatory to be implemented in the classroom in order to improve equality and diversity management practice. In the recent years, there are students from diverse social communities with different needs and personal preferences (Hewett et al., 2017). Hence, managing equality and diversity in the educational institution is mandatory, so that the teachers and other educational staff member can encourage all the students by providing fair chance to participate in the classroom. All the students are treated equally with the access of all the learning resources. In this regard, some of the students are not accessing the learning resources due to different learning disabilities for physical and mental health issues (Ta et al., 2019). Hence, the teachers must provide equal scope to the students irrespective of their disabilities and other issues, so that each child can feel valued in the classroom and they are motivated to improve their knowledge and skill set through participating in the educational activities (Hewett et al., 2017). Practicing equally and diversity in the classroom is hereby essential for managing learning resources and giving equal access to all the students. On the other hand, the General Data Protection Act 1988 is effective to be implemented well in the classroom, in order to protect the data and information securely (Kirupainayagam and Sutha, 2021). The teachers and educational authority try to gather vast range of information and data about the learning activities, performance of the teachers and school as a hole as well as personal information of the students, where the authority ensures that, all the information are kept under safety and security. The password protected computerised system is hereby effective to secure the data and information rated to the school, teachers and students.
The parents are involved well with the data gathering activities, where the teaching professional and educational manager ensures the parents that the personal information of the students will be protected under Data Protection guidelines (Farias, Hastie and Mesquita, 2017). This further helps to develop trust and loyalty among the parents, teachers and other stakeholders, who are engaged with the schools. Personal protective equipment is also arranged well which further enhance the management of learning resources (Imbrie et al., 2021). Health and Safety at Workplace Act 1974 is another essential legislative structure, which is implemented in the classroom in order to ensure that all the participants in the institution are totally safe and secured. This is mandatory for the teaching professionals to check safety and security principles of the schools, so that the parents can enrol the children safety (Humphries, Magness and Huettmann, 2018). There is continuous monitoring and supervisions process as well as CCTV cameras under which the supervisor manage the students and protect them from any insecure activities (Lister and McFarlane, 2021). On the other hand, good learning environment, continuous support, emergency exit as well as implementing fire extinguisher are also there in order to secure the students from any hazardous situation. Hence, the teaching professionals are effective to secure and maintain safety of the students (Breyer, CLederer and Gasteiger-Klicpera, 2020). There is also availability of fast aid services in order to support the children in case of any injury in the class room or playground (Naderializadeh et al., 2021). These activities are effective under the legislative structure, here the teaching professionals are able to manage the resource planning and design good curriculum planning for supporting the students efficiently (Stenson et al., 2021).
Apart from the legislative structure, there are policy frameworks, which are effective for the teachers and other educational staff members in order to run the educational activities legally and ethically (Yang, Xie and Kadoch, 2019). The policy framework further enhances the educational standard and improves the quality of education in long run, where the teachers are able to support the students with good learning environment, inclusive learning practice and access of the study materials (Xu, Wang and Guo, 2017). Confidentiality is mandatory to be managed well, so that the teachers can secure the information and data from others. The privacy is also managed well, in terms of educational activities, internal environment, inclusive learning practice and innovative educational resources. The data protection and privacy are hereby effective for supporting the students securely. On the other hand, transparency and accountability are also managed well to build trust and loyalty among the students, parents and teachers (Zhao et al., 2019). The teaching professionals try to empower the students and their parents in the school, in order to develop inclusive learning practice.
In the recent years, student centred learning approaches are deigned in order to support and guide the students efficiently. Hence, the policy of student centred approach as well as partnership working practice with teacher and parents are also beneficial to design the earning resources and meet the diverse needs of the students (Lawrie et al., 2017). In addition to this, the teaching professionals are efficient to enhance communication and cooperation in the classroom, so that the parent teacher meeting as well as conversation between the students and teachers can be conducted successfully (Slee, 2018). This is beneficial for the teachers to improve the quality of learning and arrange the resources for helping the students with access of study materials through technical advancement (Shafik, Matinkhah and Sanda, 2020). The school infrastructure and technology must be o to date to support the children, where the teachers and the school authority try to arrange learning environment with the availability of the computerised system, whiteboard, different playbooks, playing objects and playground, so that the knowledge and personal skill of the students can be enhanced through learning and skill enhancement practice (Draffan, James and Martin, 2017). Hence, the legislative structure and policy framework are effective for the educational authority to arrange learning resources and develop fair treatment for encouraging the students in the classroom to acquire new skill and maximise their abilities in long run.
Intellectual properties rights help protect creations of the mind that include inventions, literary or artistic work, images, symbols, etc. and in order to maintain authenticity of the products or services, the organiser must implement the intellectual property rights and copyright principles in the educational institution (Agrawal et al., 2019). In the field of e-learning principles, the intellectual property rights are mandatory in order to maintain originality of the work, files and journals. The Copyright Law 1988 must be implemented in the school, so that other institutions and teaching professionals cannot access any information and design of curriculum planning of the schools (Muscutt, 2020). It is effective for the teachers and staff members to create learning resources and maintain its authenticity in the classroom. In order to avoid legal consequences and collusion, it is hereby essential for the teaching professionals to implement copyright and intellectual property rights, so that other institutions and teaching staff cannot copy and utilise the learning resources (Everett and Oswald, 2018). IPR provide certain exclusive rights to the inventors or creators of that property, where the inventor of the learning resources only can access the study materials (Brownlee-Chapman et al., 2018). This is hereby beneficial for them to maintain authenticity and improve the academic standard in the educational sector. Creative efforts of the etchers as well as technological innovation to provide e-learning activities to the students are also protected under IPR. Hereby, IPR is prerequisite for better identification, commercialization, planning, rendering, and thereby protection of invention or creativity. recently, student centred approach is implemented in the educational institution, to meet the personal needs and preferences of the students, and in this regard the teacher arrange diverse learning resources and study materials (Ο'Hanlon, 2017). In order to protect such authentic works, IPR is mandatory to be implemented in the classroom and utilise the resources for learning and developing skill set of the students (Singal, Ware and Bhutani, 2017).
In the recent era of globalisation, there are some organisations not utilising the intellectual property rights and copyright, where the academic misconduct happens (Frank, McLinden and Douglas, 2020). It further deteriorates the quality of education and training programs of the organisation, where authenticity of the teaching professional can also be managed well (McIntosh, 2017). Plagiarism and collusion are serious issues I educational sector where academic misconduct may lead to difficulties in accessing the eLearning resources. Legal consequences further hamper the educational activities and school reputation. There are also negative financial implications for with the educational institutions may suffer in continuing their operations across the social communities. It is hereby mandatory for the teaching staff to follow the copyright and intellectual property rights in order to maintain authenticity of the learning resources and use the resources for own academic purpose (Wray and Houghton, 2019). It is important of the organisations to follow the educational policy and legislative practice in order to run the organisation successfully by arranging good learning resources, with the help of audio visual presentations, online files and presentations, access of online books and journals as well as designing whiteboard activities for developing student centred learning approach (Ryder and Norwich, 2019). The teaching professionals must provide all the available learning resources to the students to meet their diverse needs.
Own designs for creating learning resources and utilising it to support the student in the classroom is effective to engage the students and meet the individual need of the learners in specialist area (Grevisse, Botev and Rothkugel, 2017). As an assistant teaching professional in the educational institution with special needs, I try to focus on special educational needs or disability (SEND) principles in order to mitigate the learning difficulties among the students. These include behavioural, hearing impairment, emotional and social difficulties, speech, visual impairment, language and communication, multi-sensory impairment, physical disability and autism (Hussain et al., 2020). I try to focus on SEN students where the main purpose of arranging learning resources is to support them with diverse learning and skill enhancement activities. I try to develop storytelling session, in the classroom in order to encourage the students to use their imagination and the story about particular subjects. This is considered as useful technique to develop speech of the students, as well as improve mental abilities to think and create story line (Sun et al., 2017). I always try to encourage the students to tell the storey as per their abilities and use their real life incidents to develop the storyline. Continuous motivation and support to the students further help them to create storyline as per their imagination power. On the other hand, I provide the audio visual session to the students, where I mainly create audio file for improving their knowledge in main subjects such as mathematics and English. I try to record my audio, for sharing poems in English for solving any mathematical issues, so that the students can hear the audio files and start understanding the activities. These two activities are effective to support the students and improve their knowledge and skill (Li, et al., 2018).
In addition to this, I try to create power point presentation with lots of pictures and explanation, so that the students can see the activities and visualise it further. This is considered as an effective way to support the SEN students, where the participants start imagining the activities on mind and visualise the information and pictures (Bunbury, 2020). It further improves their knowledge and motivates them to learn more through different pictures and short explanations. On the other hand, I try to arrange quiz session in the classroom and encouraging the students to answer quickly. There is equality and diversity in the classroom, where each student get the chance to answer and show their creativity in participating in the sessions. I focus on arranging quiz and group discussion session, so that I can support the students with speech therapy, improving their self-confidence, enhancing their communication and cooperative skill set. Through such activities, the social skills can be enhanced among the students, where they start cooperating with other students and develop strong bonding and trust while learning. Hence, in order to arrange learning resources, I focus on accessing the books and different playing objects to support the students. After arranging books and playing objects, I try to develop audio visual learning sessions, create presentation in the classroom as well as arrange quiz, group discussion and store telling session to support the students with special needs. The technical support is there to arrange such learning resources and here I try to maintain intellectual property rights and copy right so that I can maintain my authentic in work and support and guide the students efficiently.
The above mention activities are designed by me in the educational institution, where as assistant teacher in SEN, I always try to help and support the students with special needs. There are diverse learning difficulties among the students due to hearing impairment, emotional and social difficulties, speech, visual impairment, language and communication, physical disability and autism, where I try to continuously encourage each student and lead them towards skill enhancement practice. The arrangements are fruitful for me to provide continuous support and encourage them to show their creativity. Friendly atmosphere in the classroom further motivate the students to show their innovation and acquire more knowledge and skill in future (Krämer, Möller and Zimmermann, 2021). On the other hand, the learning resources are helpful for me to engage each student with the classroom activities where I am also successful to create good learning environment, where the children can feel comfortable to learn. The activities are also effective to improve writing, reading and storey telling skill set of the student, where the children can write and read the books (Gray, NWard and Fogarty, 2019). On the other hand, the power point presentation and audio files are arranged well which are also considered as an effective learning resources in the recent years to provide e-learning facilities, where the student can be connected with the teachers through online learning activities. There are video class and Zoom meeting activities, through the teacher and student can be engaged and enhance the learning activities successfully (Soukakou, Evangelou and Holbrooke, 2018). Hereby, the educational activities arranged by me are effective for the students with learning difficulties, where the learning resources are available for them to improve their knowledge and skill set in long run. The social skill of the students can also be improved through accessing learning resources and study materials in the classroom, in which I focus on arranging inclusive learning environment or encouraging student’s creativity.
Personal strengths and weaknesses are necessary to be analysed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning resources and contribution in student personal and professional developmental activities (Singal, Ware and Bhutani, 2017). The major strengths are such as strong subject knowledge, being approachable, timely and having strong relationship with the students and other stakeholders. I try to build strong relationship with the students and their parents so that I can develop trust and good bonding. I have strong knowledge in the subject matter of interest where I acknowledge all the available learning resources and tactics to support the students with special needs. I also have acquired the skill set to cooperate with the students with special needs. Time management skill further helps me to arrange resources and attend each student timely in the classroom. Continuous cooperation with them further helps me to create friendly atmosphere, where the students are continuously encouraged to learn and explore creative knowledge and skill set. I am also able to utilise latest technology for arranging the learning resources, where I am efficient in computer, MS Office and excel. I try to utilise the latest technology to arrange the learning resources to support the students with special needs, including power point presentations, audio visual activities, creating Whatsapp group for supporting the students and providing them adequate information and test updates and also attending Zoom meeting for developing successful e-learning sessions. Hence, the technological advancement is helpful for me to utilise the latest techniques to create learning resources for supporting the students with special needs.
Apart from that, the weaknesses are lack of communication skill, lack of problem solving and decision making skill, lack of knowledge in ICT and other IT framework. There is lack of communication skill, which creates communication gap between the teaching professionals and the audiences. I also fail to interact with the parents in the institution which may raise misunderstanding and lack of trust on my abilities in teaching the students. On the other hand, lack of problem solving and decision making skill is also other weaknesses, for which I fail to participate in the organisational decision making practice. I fail to resolve the issues in the institution and due to lack of represented skill and communication gap; it is difficult for me to be empowered in the strategic management planning in the educational institution. It is important for me to utilise my strengths and improve my abilities in long run to participate actively in the schools for better managerial decision.
The SMART objectives are,
To maximise my ability to support a vast numbers of students with special needs
To maximise decision making and critical analytical skill to make fair institutional decision
To achieve success in the professional field as an assistant teacher of the SEN students
The above mentioned objectives are SMART that stands for specific, measurable, achievable, reliable and time table.
The personal and professional developmental planning is mandatory to be developed in order to enhance my skill set and meet the above mentioned objectives, personal and professional developmental plan will be represented further.
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