Neolithic Cultivation to Modern Genomic Insights

Origin and evolution of wheat

10 000 years ago, the first cultivation of wheat has occurred a part of ‘Neolithic Revolution’. It is mainly a transition from hunting and gathering food which is beneficial to settle the agriculture activities, which is a significant focus in biology dissertation help. which is a significant focus in biology dissertation help. Previously, this cultivation forms were diploid (genome AA) (einkorn) and tetraploid (genome AABB) (emmer) wheat. It has been explored that, they originated from the south-eastern part of Turkey (Heun et al., 1997; Nesbitt, 1998; Dubcovsky and Dvorak, 2007). About 9000 years ago, it has been expanded to the near east regions when hexaploid bread wheat made its first appearance (Feldman, 2001). Essentially landraces selected by farmers from wild populations was being selected for the early cultivation of wheat as they are superior yield and other characteristics, an early and clearly non-scientific form of plant breeding. Domestication was also there with the selection of genetic traits that separated them from their wild relatives. Two traits must be discussed along with the domestication syndrome. First is the loss of shattering of the spike at maturity, which results in seed loss at harvesting. It is an important trait which further ensures seed dispersal in natural populations. The nonshattering trait is determined by mutations at the Br (brittle rachis) locus (Nalam et al., 2006). Second trait is associated with the change from hulled forms, in which the glumes adhere tightly to the grain, to free-threshing naked forms. The free forms arose by a dominant mutant at the Q locus. It further modified the effects of recessive mutations at the Tg (tenacious glume) locus (Jantasuriyarat et al., 2004; Simons et al., 2006; Dubkovsky and Dvorak, 2007).


Forms of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheat are cultivated that have a tught rachis apart from the spelt form of bread wheat. The modern forms of wheat such as tetraploid and hexaploid wheat are free-threshing. However, the early domestication form of einkorn, emmer, and spelt are all hulled. The domestication of natural populations has its impacts in einkorn and emmer. Bread wheat has only existed in cultivation that has arisen by hybridization of cultivated emmer with the unrelated wild grass Triticumtauschii (also called Aegilopstauschii and Ae. squarosa). This hybridization probably occurred several times independently with the novel hexaploid (genome AABBDD) which is also selected by the farmers for its superior properties. During domestication, the modern wheat is unable to survive wild in competition with better adapted species. It has been demonstrated by John Bennet Lawes in the 1880s when he decided to allow part of the famous long-term Broadbalk experiment at Rothamsted to return to its natural state (Dyke, 1993). Left part of the wheat crop unharvested in 1882 was managed well and it was considered as growth in successive years. After good crop in 1883, the weeds dominated and in 1885 the few remaining wheat plants (which were spindly with small ears) were also collected and photographed. Genomes of tetraploid and hexaploidwheats are related to the cultivation of einkorn, while the D genome of hexaploid wheat is clearly derived from that of T. tauschii. With a little divergence has occurred between the D genomes present in the hexaploid and diploid species, the formation of hexaploid wheat occurred. The B genome of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat is mainly derived from the S genome present in the Sitopsis section of Aegilops, with Ae. speltoides being the closest extant species, which is closest to the G genome of T. timopheevi, a tetraploid species with the A and G genomes (Feldman, 2001).

Wheat genome assemblies

A high-quality genome reference sequence is essential resource for the functional genetics and genomics and Several hexaploid wheat genome are also released over the pasteight years (Brenchley et al., 2012; Mayer et al., 2014; Chapman et al., 2015; Clavijo et al., 2017;Zimin et al., 2017). RefSeqv1.0 is a chromosome-level genome assembly annotated with high and low confidence gene models (The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) et al., 2018). There are also Diploid ancestral progenitor species with most widely used assembly and annotation of hexaploid wheat. The information from previous assemblies and annotations (Chromosome Survey Sequence (CSS) and TGACv1) are also available in Ensembl Plants archive with important information such as SNP variation, gene trees, homoeolog assignments, and TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes) mutant information.

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RefSeqv1.0 is mainly derived from the wheat landrace ‘Chinese Spring’ like previous hexaploid assemblies. A combination of multiple Illumina and mate pair libraries was sequenced and also it has been assembled into scaffolds. these scaffolds were further connected into pseudomolecules representing the 21 nuclear chromosomes of wheat, plus one additional ‘pseudo-chromosome’ (ChrU) containing all unassigned sequences(The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium by using the method of chromosome conformation capture called Hi-C (IWGSC) et al., 2018). The gene models for the RefSeqv1.0 assembly were annotated using two prediction pipelines and it is consolidated into a single set of gene models (RefSeqv1.0 models). The RefSeqv1.0 assembly and the RefSeqv1.1 gene models, as well as the durum and wild emmer assemblies and gene models are integrated into the publicly available Ensembl Plants genome browser ( (Bolser et al., 2015; Howe et al., 2020). A subset of these (~2,000 gene models) was later re-annotated manually resulting in the RefSeqv1.1 gene model set (Figure 3) and three homoeologous copies (1:1:1 triads) exist.

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