Developing and organising the learning resources in the specialist area is important for the learner to get adequate resources and latest technology for gathering vast range of information to improve own knowledge and skill set (Altemueller and Lindquist, 2017). The report focuses on analysing the purpose of the resources in teaching and learning and evaluates the effectiveness of the specific resources in specialist area, providing valuable education dissertation help. Through this study, it is also possible to evaluate the sources of information for resources development, identify models and inclusive curriculum design that are suitable for the learners. The ways of strong and sharing the learning resources are also evaluated along with the legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources. The study also provides a scope to develop critical self-reflective assessment by reviewing own strengths and weaknesses in order to create future action plan for developing own abilities to learn more and maximise own performance in specialist area.
The teaching professionals develop suitable resources to encourage the learners and enhance the quality of learning activities in the classroom. The resources are designed well with the purpose of providing the best quality teaching courses and develop different skills and information for the benefits of the learners. It mainly promotes the inclusive learning practice where the resource design depends on the study topic, arranging adequate resources including books, journals and articles. The resources are hereby promoting inclusivity, diversity and maximising different learning capabilities among the students (Altemueller and Lindquist, 2017). Teachings and resources are planned with diverse learners in mind, in order to enhance equality and diversity in the classroom sessions, where it is seen as effective teaching methods. Introducing diversifying methods in learning is another purpose of arranging adequate resources, where the diverse resources are useful for managing lesson variations and diversifying the teachers approach in teaching and leading the students towards achieving the future success.
The higher education teachers utilise combination of different resources including computer and power point slides, as well as seminars, books and videos for providing the best quality learning programs to all the students. Hence, the resources are arranged well in order to maximise the quality of the teaching programs and exhibit the skills of developing, questioning, evaluating and connecting the ideas (Lieberman and Houston-Wilson, 2017). Reinforcing teaching is also possible through such resource planning, where the teachers are able to organise and develop lesson content and study materials for helping the students with written notes. It further encourages the students in learning activities for better practice. The resource planning aims at developing latest technology to support inclusive learning practice, where the teachers are able to develop Information and Communication Technology or ICT in order to utilise computers and integrated models of providing learning sessions to all the students (Slee, 2018). The internal communication and cooperation are enhanced over the period of time through such resource planning process, where the teachers utilise own ICT skills to arrange the resources and support the students efficiently. Hereby, the major purpose of developing learning resources is to maximise quality of learning, where the learners can get the best study materials and training programs as well as access good classroom atmosphere for learning and skill enhancement activities.
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Developing effective resources in own specialist area is effective for enhancing the quality of teaching practices by using combined resources and activities for learning. The student’s needs are efficiently though effective resource design, where technology is plying a crucial role in the recent years for enhancing learning activities. The technologies such as rector, PPT, MS Word, computerised system, Internet, Moodle and Turnitin are effective for designing the resources in specialist area (Sánchez, de Haro-Rodríguez and Martínez, 2019). Hence, the resource design practice is suitable for the students to get continuous assistance from the teachers by sharing different learning resources and technologies. Resources such as the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) aids in promoting independent learning that further provide an opportunity to the students to access the study materials as per their convenience and improve their knowledge and skills in performing better. through VLE, the technical know-how skill is also improved among the students, and it is also possible for the teaching professionals to develop physical resources including classroom environment, board at the classroom, pens and study notes, hand-outs, articles and journals and availability of the books, so that the teaching programs are designed efficiently to provide the best quality teaching and training programs. The learning resources are hereby effective for boosting learners’ satisfaction and enhancing ‘cognitive experience’ (Stepanova et al., 2018). The teachers also can arrange question answer session and group discussion for understanding the knowledge and skill set of the students in the classroom. Teachers and learners are essential human resource in the educational organisation and through resource design practice; it is possible to manage the etching professionals and learners in the schools. The teachers can get suitable support and good management practice in developing the training programs and arranging study materials (Sánchez, de Haro-Rodríguez and Martínez, 2019). On the other hand, the learners also get continuous assistance and guidance from the teachers by enhancing inclusive learning practice and VLE. Hereby, the resource design practice is beneficial for the teacher to arrange effective courses for the learners and support them with adequate resources.
The principles of resource design can be followed through four major factors which are VAK framework, principle of involving parents, meeting special needs of the students and developing good resources in the inclusive classroom. VAK refers Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic (Tactile) style, where the teaching professionals adopt different learning resources including audio visual activities, written hand-outs, books and journals as well as presentations. The resources are developed to support the students with special needs and lead them towards achieving the future success (Farias, Hastie and Mesquita, 2017). The principle of involving the parents is also important along with the principle of meeting the needs of the students, where the teachers try to develop learning resources by involving the parents and understand the actual needs and preferences of the students so that the teachers can meet the student’s requirements in the inclusive learning practice. Good communication and cooperation is maintained well to ensure inclusive classroom, where one to one interaction with the children further provides the teachers a scope to acknowledge the child’s perception and their abilities to perform in the learning activities (Leicht, Heiss and Byun, 2018). Continuous support and fairness are maintained well to develop student centred approach by implementing latest technology and ensuring availability of the learning resources in the classroom.
Dig deeper into Learning Resources Management with our selection of articles.
In order to develop the learning resources, as teaching professional, it is my duty to access diverse range of sources of information, so that I can make good decision about providing the best quality learning activities to the students. The different sources of information are such as books, journals, online articles, internet, YouTube, training manuals, website such as Google scholar, and others, which are authentic sources to gather vast range of data and information. I try to access different sources in order to develop my skill set to arrange creative resources for the students. I try to gather vast range of books through e-library and Google Scholar as well as visit the off-line library in order to gather books and journals. This further influences me to develop hand-outs and written note with pictures and info-graphics so that the children can be encouraged to learn more and explore innovative information and data for maximising their abilities. In addition to this, internet is playing a crucial role in accessing wide range of information, where I follow the blogs and published articles, which are effective to gather information and authentic data. This is also beneficial for me to arrange the database and develop presentation slides for the learners (Leicht, Heiss and Byun, 2018). It further helps me to develop e-earning facilities for the learners, where I focus on arranging presentation, audio visual programs and YouTube videos so that the learners can access the resources and improve their learning and skill in long run.
The learning principles and theories of inclusive learning are hereby beneficial to develop curriculum design, where the teachers can provide continuous support and guidelines to the students and encourage them to show their creativity in analysing the data and develop information for better performance. For providing the best learning sessions to the children with special needs, the teaching professionals provide computerised system, touch board, text books with sensory play, whiteboard, stress relief toys, computerised system and smartphone, where the students start cooperating and acknowledge different skill and father knowledge (Schneider and Council, 2021). The interactive sessions through one to one communication and collaboration are beneficial for the students to be encouraged and feel valued to share their ideas and acquire personal knowledge and professional knowledge. The reading and writing practices, audio-visual sessions further enhance the inclusive learning practice, where the teachers and students are encouraged to perform innovatively and explore new information and data in future (Schneider and Council, 2021). The performance of the students are maximised through continuous support and having access of the learning resources. All the books, journals and articles as well as presentation and audio video files are shared with the students, so that they can read and write for better learning and skill development (Rapanta et al., 2020).
the major ways to develop inclusive learning practice are such as arranging financial asset for managing quality education, developing student centred approach, understanding the personal needs and preferences of the students with special needs, collaborative working practice with cooperation between teachers, parents and students, developing technical infrastructure in the organisation and hiring the experienced teachers. The technology is playing crucial role, where experienced teaching professionals are able to utilise ICT and other computerises system for developing inclusive learning practice by managing files and folders (Ainscow, 2020). The educational resources can be adapted through working efficiently and developing cooperative working practice between finance, operation and educational department, where the teachers can arrange finance for investing in the educational programs and manage resources to support the learners.
New emerging technologies are crucial in developing adequate learning resources to meet individual need of the learners and in this regard the teaching professionals utilise VARK learning style that stands for visual, audio, reading and writing and kinaesthetic. The audio visual files are developed well, to support the student, where the teachers are able to record the information and visualise the data efficiently by tables, charts and graphs. The reading and writing practice are conducted through developing good resources including book, journals and hand-outs (Ally, 2019). The teachers also provide live training, power point presentation, videography, webinar and case studies for supporting the students in the specialist area so that they can develop knowledge and professional skill for better performance (Rapanta et al., 2020). There are info-graphic lesson, pictures and mathematics and logical reasoning programs which are also beneficial for supporting the students. The hand-out Braille is also arranged to support the students and additionally, interactive white board is also utilised for supporting the students with interactive learning sessions. The playing objects and paying activities within the institution further ensure physical and mental health development of the students (Ally, 2019). ICT is utilised efficiently to engage with the students, where telephonic conversation, arranging video sessions and Zoom meting for encouraging the students and engage them through video calling options. The e-mail and company notice board management are also beneficial to create inclusive learning environment by engaging the parents and students in the classroom. The storey telling activities, quiz and group discussion are also beneficial to empower the students and increase their participation and creativity in learning and skill development program.
I always try to engage the learners with the learning resources for motivating the students and helping them to develop knowledge and practical skill for better performance. I implement TCT in the organisation for engaging the students and meet their needs through continuous communication and cooperation. Effective judgement and supervision as well as monitoring process further provide a scope to review the student’s participation and develop one to one interaction for understanding their perception (Rapanta et al., 2020). Continuous development of the learning activities by utilising latest resource further help the students to be encouraged and show their creativity in learning and skill developmental program (Hodge, Lieberman and Murata, 2017). Fostering a sense of competence, providing autonomy support, promoting mastery orientations and establishing positive teacher-student relationships are hereby effective practice for engaging and meeting the individual needs under the inclusive learning environment.
It is important for the teaching professionals to classify and store the resources efficiently to support the learners in long run as well as avoid the ethical issues of data hacking and data theft (Gill and Singh, 2019). Classification is the process of arranging resources by corresponding categories which needs data security (Abad-Segura et al., 2020). I manage the data and information efficiently under legal data protection principles so that I can classify and store the data and information safely. I will make sure to file the material and resources in folder on the computer with password protected system, so that others cannot access the learning resources. I focus on adequate resource designed by course unit and can be separated into daily and weekly parts so that I can conduct paper based work and manage the learning resources efficiently. I maintain files and folders for better management where the resources like hand-outs, study notes and worksheets as well as PPT and others are kept safely. For database management system, I utilise MS Excel, which are also stored under data protection act so that others cannot conduct data handling activities. For strong the data and information, I hereby utilise personalise computer system, and store the books and journals efficiently.
On my own management area, I need to manage the managerial practice, store the company data and annual report in order to maintain data validity and reliability and avoid the issue of data theft. I try to maintain cloud based system, for data backup in case of data misplace. I can conduct data recovering through accessing my own laptop share all the note books, hand-outs and presentations are kept safely. In the classroom, I need to manage data sharing activities, in order to provide access of the books and journals to the students, so that they can improve their managerial knowledge and professional skill set in near future. I utilise VLE for sharing information and adequate data mong the teaching professionals by maintaining authenticity of sharing information. The power points slides, journals and online published auricles and e-books are share with others for managing the resources and developing good e-library to support the learning activities in the institution (Lawrie et al., 2017). There is intranet set up, where the teaching professionals and school authority can access the authentic data sources and arrange the earning resources for better management of the students. Hence, resource classification and storage are essential for the teaching professionals to control the study materials and lead the students with good training and developmental programs.
In the recent years, there are diverse ways to share the learning resources with other teaching professionals and the students in the institution (Reason and Ward, 2021). As an assistant teacher in the institution, I try to utilise VLE for sharing the files and study materials with others. I also create social network by involving other teaching professionals and educational staff where I share m database with others by maintaining the information validity and data authenticity. I arrange good curriculum planning for better learning and teaching activities and share the hand-outs and questions with others for arranging good training and skill enhancement programs for the students. On the other hand, the computerised programs, online books and journals are available, which can be shared easily with others through email services and other database sharing activities. The presentations and audio visual files are also shared through computerised system. Intranet is utilised for sharing files, so that other teaching professionals can access the resources and arrange good curriculum planning for the students. I also attend the conferences and general meeting in the institution for sharing resources and other data base as with others and here good internal communication and cooperation are mandatory for sharing the resources and developing good training programs collaboratively. There is great influence of the technology and computerised system where online learning can be arranged efficiently by sharing books, journals, articles and other learning resources.
Reviewing the legal requirements and responsibilities is essential for the tacking professionals in order to manage and develop the innovative learning resources to support the students. For providing the best quality education to all the students equally, the teachers and educational authority implement the Equality Act 2010, where equality and diversity are managed well. All the students are treated equally and get fair opportunity to participate in the learning sessions irrespective of their cultural diversity, race, ethnicity as well as learning disabilities (Layer, 2019). Each child can feel comfortable and values in participating in the educational activities where the teachers and educational staff try to provide equal scope to the child to develop their personal and professional skill to perform better. Health and Safety at Workplace Act 1974 is another essential legislative structure, which is mandatory to be executed in the classroom in order to protect the students safely. There is continuous monitoring and supervisions of the child and the teachers maintain safety and security of each child in the classroom. Each child get secure place to learn and develop their physical health and mental abilities. There are other factors such as maintaining cleanliness, implementing fire extinguisher, implementing CCTV cameras, managing emergency exit and continuous supervision of the child which ensure overall safety and security of the institution (Molbaek, 2018). In addition to this, Data Protection Act 1988 is also playing a crucial role in managing the learning activities and protects the resources and its authenticity. The teaching professionals are concerned about managing validity and authenticity of the learning resources. The cloud computing system as well as secure computerised programs is effective to maintain the data safety in the institution. The teachers ensure confidentiality of the data and information to manage the children and also handle the database of the institutions under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Act 2018. The legislative structure is hereby beneficial for the teaching professionals to develop inclusive learning practice with engaging the children in the learning activities (Everett and Oswald, 2018).
4.2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources
The intellectual property rights and copyright are mandatory to control and manage the organisational resources, so that other institutions cannot copy the content and hand-outs. It is the responsibility of the educational institutions to manage the intellectual property rights and copyright, so that the data authentic and educational standard can be maintained well. It also helps to aid the issue of data theft, data hacking, plagiarism and collusion. Copyrights, trademark and patents are included in the system which protects the institutions to maintain the database system safely (Burgstahler, 2020). The creation of the teaching professionals can be handled efficiently where authenticity of the pictures, articles, books and informative journals will be stored with protected computerised programs and copyright. The copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 regulates the overall system where others can use work without permission. The educational videos and journals are also handled under copyright principles, in order to maintain authenticity of the work so that others cannot copy the pictures, charts, graphs and other creation of the specific teachers. The image is licensed by the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) and there is copyright in the YouTube learning videos and thus the teachers must follow the copyright and use the information for better learning activities (Everett and Oswald, 2018). It is hereby essential for the institution to implement the copyright and intellectual property rights in order to maintain data authenticity and promote quality educational practice by creating the best videos, learning resources, audio visual programs, presentations and books and journals to support the students.
It is important to develop effective resources to meet the needs of the students where I try to focus on teaching the special educational needs or disability (SEND) children. As a teaching professional in the school, I aim at the SEN students where the children are suffering from different learning disabilities including language and communication, behavioural, hearing impairment, emotional and social difficulties, multi-sensory impairment, speech, visual impairment, physical disability and autism. I try to develop speech therapy practice, where the students are encouraged to tell their activities and arrange storey. Storey telling activities are arranged well to support the students and improve their confidence to speak and arrange the speech accordingly. Continuous training and speech therapy activities are effective for the studies to improve their imagination and create storey line successfully. Moreover, I arrange quiz contest and group discussion, where the students can answer and discuss with others about different knowledge and specific topic. Additionally, I arrange books, and playing objects as well as audio visual learning sessions, create presentation, where the students can access the learning resources and improve their physical and mental health condition. There are different playing objects and playgrounds where each child is encouraged to play.
On the other hand, the pictures and presentation slides further encourage them to explore new information and learn more. The logical reasoning and mathematics are also improved through practicing at the classes where I use blackboard and also arrange interactive session, where the students can share their ideas and solve the logical problems successfully. Through utilising ICT, I try to develop video class and online meeting activities, where the students can get continuous support from the teaching professionals and can interact for learning and skill enhancement. Power point presentation with lots of pictures and explanation are provided to the students as well as the video calling facilities are effective for one to one communication, where the students can clear their doubts and learn more. Hence, I focus on arranging good inclusive learning environment in the classroom, by harmony, trust among the students and teachers, developing good bonding and friendly relationship, so that each child can feel comfortable and learn efficiently by accessing diverse learning resources.
Personal SWOT is effective to analyse own strengths and weaknesses as well as explore future opportunities and threats. My major strengths are time management, good subject knowledge of interest, being approachable, strong relationship with others, good client handling and being optimistic. I am optimistic and always trying to identify good opportunities in improving my contribution. I have strong knowledge in my subject matter, where I aim at working with SEN children, who are facing issues in learning and developing skill due to the learning disabilities. I acknowledge all the available learning resources and tactics to support the children with special needs where being optimistic and exploring opportunities are helpful for me to be creative and arrange learning resources for the learners. I also try to be creative and innovation in managing my responsibilities in the educational institution. As an assistant teaching professional of the children with special needs, I enhance creativity in designing different curriculum panning and learning programs to encourage the children and lead them towards achieving future success.
My major weaknesses are such as lack of critical analytical skill, poor knowledge in latest technology, lack of communication skill, poor decision making practice and lack of problem solving skill for which, it is difficult for me to contribute efficiently in the learning programs. It would be beneficial for me to mitigate my weaknesses and adopt latest techniques including ICT and VLE programs for promoting quality learning programs and designing good learning resources for supporting the students. On the other hand, the opportunities are such as VLE learning activities, online platform for shared resource and learning activities, online educational programs for continuous support to the children as well as parent involvement for collaborative learning practice and student centred approach of learning. This provides me scope to design appropriate learning resources including books, journals and hand-outs as well as the representation, audio visual session and files to continuously motivate the learners to improve their knowledge and expertise for maximising their performance in future.
The SMART objectives are such as,
To develop the best decision by enhancing creativity and innovation in learning process by ensuring good educational planning
To achieve future success in professional field as a senior teaching professionals
To maximise my ability in arranging the best training and curriculum programs by designing organisational resources and maximising the institutional capabilities to students management
The action plan will be developed further for maximising my own personal knowledge and professional skill set, so that I can contribute efficiently in the learning programs by designing the best resources and database for supporting the students.
Resources in teaching and learning are hereby designed well in order to maximise student learning activities by maintaining the standard of education. The legal structure and internal practice in the schools are effective for the teaching professionals to manage the resources and utilise VLE in enhancing the teaching and learning activities to support the students with inclusive earning practice. Power point, computer, projectors, smart board as well as ICT are utilised for supporting the students with adequate learning resources. The Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 is implemented in the institution for handling the data base and resources in the classroom so that the authenticity of the training and skill enhancement programs can be maintained in long run. Under data protection legislations, the information and resources are stores and classified efficiently, where the teaching professionals try to arrange good curriculum planning and continuously support the learners with adequate resources. As per the personal reflection, my strengths are being optimistic, time management, stability in handling situation, good listening skill and cooperative practice which are helpful for me to collaborate with other teaching professions and arrange inclusive learning environment to support the learners. In future I would like to develop my communication skill, technical expertise and decision making skill so that it would be possible for me to arrange efficient resources and curriculum planning for providing the best quality educational programs to all the students.
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