Performance of Bangla Medium Students of Private Universities during Covid-19


Science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism all use English as their basic language. Understanding and knowing English enhances one's likelihood of landing a reasonable job in an international organisation in the native nation or in another one. Learning English is also important for socialising, achievement, and livelihood because it is the language of international communication, the media, and the internet. While English is not the world's most commonly spoken language, it is the official language of the 53 countries worldwide, spoken by more than 400 million people. To be able to speak in english is not just to speak with mother-tongues; it is the second language most widely spoken in the globe. Therefore, for those seeking education dissertation help, mastering English can be a significant advantage in accessing a broader range of academic resources and opportunities. You are probably going to communicate in English if you want to talk to someone from another nation. Therefore, it can be known that English is very important. This study discusses about English Language Performance of Bangla Medium Students of Private Universities during Covid-19. It discusses about if the students comfortable to practice speaking and listening in online classes, kinds of difficulties and facilities do they face to practice English speaking and listening skills in online classes during Covid-19 and the steps taken by students and teachers to overcome the difficulties. The research gap is that Face to face interaction gives students huge scope to improve their speaking skills. Unfortunately students are not getting the opportunity of face to face interaction during this pandemic.

If the students comfortable to practice speaking and listening in online classes

In today’s world English has become very important in our day to day life and is of great utility in this modern era. English is also a language that has gained international importance. For example an Indian might not know Spanish but when he is in Spain he can communicate with the local people in English. Similarly if a German visits India he can easily communicate with Indians in English. English has gained importance in businesses as well as it helps businesses to interact with their overseas partners. Now for example in India several languages are spoken across different regions. In West Bengal bengali is spoken, in Tamil Nadu the local people speak tamil and in Assam the locals speak Assamese. So, in an office in Bangalore there might be people from different regions of the country. The bengali guy would not understand Tamil and the tamil girl would not understand Assamese either. So there would be problems in communication. Thus linguistic barriers would persist in that office. This would hamper the regular proceedings of the office as without proper means of communication nothing can function properly (Ramij and Afrin Sultana, 1). So it would be important to standardize a language which would remove the linguistic barrier and enable people from different parts of the country to communicate with each other in ease. Thus English is also important to facilitate communication in offices. English is also important in education and in specialized training as most of the books on any subject are written in English. In most private universities, colleges and universities in Bangladesh English is used as the medium to teach the students. So a person who does not know the basics of English Language would face difficulty in pursuing his higher studies in our country. English is also important for jobs as well. The international companies that operate in our country require English speaking personnel. Even the local companies also demand that the people whom they hire have proper knowledge in English so that. English language is also required for using the internet as most of the information in the internet regarding any topic is given in English. English is also required to access media and entertainment. The international media publishes news in English. The commentaries of different sports are done in english. English is also required to play games as the menus or other information in any games are also mentioned in English. Even participating in any kind of esports requires proper knowledge in english language. The importance of English can also be understood for building international relations. If a person opts for foreign services he is required to have proper knowledge in English language. For example a person can never represent the country on international ground if he does not know proper English. English is also required in diplomacy, politics and to handle international media. So from the above situations we can analyse the importance of English language in our country. So in this modern era it is necessary for every student to learn and understand the english language.


Due to the outspread of coronavirus across countries the system of education has also changed as well. Due to covid-19 the private universities and colleges are shut and the educational institutions have taken up the methods of online teaching. The students find it difficult to adapt to the online mode of teaching as they are accustomed to the traditional methods of learning in the classroom. The students have studied in classrooms for years with the physical presence of the teacher so it would be hard for them to adapt the online methods of teaching immediately. The students now need to sit in front of computers and attend the classes. Earlier the teacher used to write information about the subject in the blackboard but now the teachers share slides on the online platform and the students get to see the information on their computer screens. The online modes of teaching also bring up different challenges such as technical issues. Students who belong to the backward classes of the society might not have proper access to computers and internet connection and they face problems in the virtual methods of learning (Shama et al., 1). Many students are also not comfortable using computers and the internet besides the internet connection needs also to be fast as a slow internet connection would force the students to miss classes and important lectures. The students now need to have proper knowledge about different computer applications such as MS office, MS word and powerpoint. Some students may also not have technical proficiency such as login, downloading, uploading, submitting projects and communicating with the teachers and other students on an online platform. The students also face problems to manage time for online classes. Earlier the students were bound to follow a routine that was set up by private universities and colleges but now they have to manage and plan their schedule on their own. A student who does not have technical proficiency would feel demotivated when he cannot cope up with the technicalities required for online learning. Online learning or online classes also creates room for distractions. At home small things can distract a student, moreover when a student is attending online classes on his computer he might check his phone, or surf the internet or login into his social media accounts. This would distract the student and he may miss out some important points of the ongoing lecture. In online classes there are higher chances for the student to be inattentive as compared to traditional classroom learning. Some students are not good at virtual engagement. So those students do not even approach the teacher to clear their doubts during the online classes. This hampers their learning process and they learn less as compared to the other students. Now the students who are bengali speak bangla in their home and also communicate with their friends in bangla as well. In the private universities or college campuses also they used to speak in their mother tongue. They used to communicate with the teachers in English but the students who speak Bangla used to communicate with their friends in bengali as they are more comfortable speaking in their mother tongue. For every person his mother tongue has a different place in his heart. They are proud about their language and want to cherish their culture. The same is with the students who speak bengali. Bengali people are very proud about their culture and their language. They feel that the bengali language is an integral part of their life. They always want to cherish their heritage, language and culture but now in this modern era they also have to understand the importance of English as well. People face different kinds of inequality due to lack of proficiency in English. Those who don’t know english properly are looked down upon. Although english is just a language used for communication, in this modern era it has become a symbol for high status in the society.

In our society there are certain stereotypes such as a person who can fluently speak English must be educated whereas a person who cannot read and write in English is illiterate. Besides that a person who knows English gets respect in the society whereas for example a person who speaks in his mother tongue and is not fluent in English do not get much respect. In this modern era english has become a need of the hour. Every respectable job requires fluency in English. Even during recruitments a student is rejected by a company if he is not fluent in English. For example a student from bengali medium who is not so fluent in English might have better grades and better overall result in his graduation than a student from english medium but at the time of recruitment the bengali medium student is being rejected and the company states that he/she is not fit for the organisation. In a group of people the person who does not know English is being mocked. Moreover in offices also people who lack proficiency in English face inequalities. A person may be eligible to take part in a project but he/she has not been made part of the project due to their lack of knowledge in English (Emon et al. 34). Not only that, a person who is a deserving candidate for promotion in his office is denied promotion just because he/she cannot speak English properly even if the person may have all the skills and talents.

Barriers felt by the children in the private universities

The bengali students when they study in a bengali medium private universities do not face much problems as they are taught in Bengali and the teachers also communicate with them in bengali but the problem arises when they move to an English medium private universities. They feel left out because of their inefficiency in speaking English. The posters for any events in private universities and colleges are made in English. Even the notices that are put up in the notice board are written in English. So those students who do not have fluency in reading and writing English have to ask their batchmates about what is written in the notices (Rahman et al., 4). Now, not all students tend to insult them but there might be some students who would mock them for not knowing how to read and write properly in English. Those students then feel demotivated and humiliated for knowing only their mother tongue properly. Moreover most of the students who are from bengali medium have a bengali accent. They are also mocked for their accent by the bullies in English medium private universities and colleges. This also affects the students psychologically as they feel that they are being humiliated for their accent and their mother tongue. Nowadays debates and group discussions are held in private universities and colleges. The mode of communication in these debates and group discussions is English, so the bengali students who do not have fluency in english cannot participate in the debates and group discussions. This acts as a barrier between the bengali medium students and the English medium students and hampers the process of socialization in private universities and colleges. So lack of proficiency in the English language serves as a linguistic barrier in private universities and colleges as well.

Inequality people face due to lack of English

People face different kinds of inequality due to lack of proficiency in English. Those who don’t know english properly are looked down upon. Although english is just a language used for communication, in this modern era it has become a symbol for high status in the society. In our society there are certain stereotypes such as a person who can fluently speak English must be educated whereas a person who cannot read and write in English is illiterate. Besides that a person who knows English gets respect in the society whereas for example a person who speaks in his mother tongue and is not fluent in English do not get much respect. In this modern era english has become a need of the hour. Every respectable job requires fluency in English. Even during recruitments a student is rejected by a company if he is not fluent in English. For example a student from bengali medium who is not so fluent in English might have better grades and better overall result in his graduation than a student from english medium but at the time of recruitment the bengali medium student is being rejected and the company states that he/she is not fit for the organisation. In a group of people the person who does not know English is being mocked. Moreover in offices also people who lack proficiency in English face inequalities (Biswas et al., 2). A person may be eligible to take part in a project but he/she has not been made part of the project due to their lack of knowledge in English. Not only that, a person who is a deserving candidate for promotion in his office is denied promotion just because he/she cannot speak English properly even if the person may have all the skills and talents.

Problems in the areas of future jobs

Everyone needs a job to earn a living and live a prosperous life. English might be only a language that is used for communication but it’s importance has gradually increased in jobs. Companies now demand that their employees should have proficiency in English so that they can deal with their overseas clients. Even the interviews are also taken in english so a person who cannot speak english properly might not pass the interview. So it is important that the teachers in private universities and colleges make the students understand the importance of english. As it is discussed earlier that people who can fluently speak English get respect and recognition in society, so a person whose resume says that he/she is fluent in English gets respect and recognition in his/her workplace. Not only that, fluency in english also increases the prospect of future jobs as well (Rahman and Md Mostafizur, 512). A person who is working in a local company and has gained experience would face problems while applying in any international company in the near future if he/she lacks the proficiency in english language. The person can also face problems while applying for future jobs in the local companies of his/her country as well as the company may have foreign collaboration and they can have a rule that all of their employees should be fluent in reading and writing in english. Lack of fluency in English can lead to many problems in his/her present job as well. A person can be denied promotion for the sole reason of lack of fluency in English. The person may also not be sent to foreign countries to take part in an important project just because he/she cannot speak English properly although the person may have the required skill set.

Biggest hurdles of learning a new language

The biggest problem that any bengali medium student would face to learn English is self doubt. When a bengali medium student who has been communicating in bengali in his home, with his/her friends and even in his/her private universities for years tries to learn English they begin to doubt their capabilities. Several questions arise in their minds such as whether they would be able to compete with the English medium students or not. Another challenge that a bengali medium student would face to learn English is the lack of practice opportunities. Due to the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic private universities and colleges are shut and the students do not get the opportunity for face to face interaction (Khan and Rubina, 25.1). Face to face interaction with the teachers and other students would have helped the bengali medium students to bridge the gap between them and the english medium students. Moreover due to this pandemic all the students are in their homes so they mostly interact with their parents and friends or other locals. Now a bengali person would communicate with his friends or family members in bengali which would consistently reduce the opportunity to practice speaking in english. This in turn would slow down the process of learning English and attaining fluency in the language.

The methods by which private universities can effectively teach students to speak and learn English also let them know that English is only a language and not an identity

From the research it is evident that English is a language that is required in every field in this modern world. From getting prosperous jobs to gaining respect and recognition in the society English is required. The private universities and colleges should develop effective ways to teach the students how to speak and write English fluently. Now, a student who has been speaking bengali during his primary education would surely face difficulty speaking in English in his college. Moreover all private universities conduct their classes and exams in english, so a student who primarily speaks bangla would not be much comfortable to speak in english. As we have discussed earlier online classes itself comes with a variety of problems in matters of communication. So a bengali speaking student would not be comfortable to communicate in English during online classes as they do not have enough opportunity to practice speaking in English (Rahman and Md Habibur, 46). As english has become a global brand it is important for students to properly read and write in English. Teachers must take the initiative to groom the students and motivate the students to learn the new language. A bengali medium student who enters into a private university has a considerable amount of fear regarding the competition which he/she has to face. This may demotivate the student but here the role of the teachers comes into action. It is evident from the above research that bengali medium students who have been speaking bangla throughout his entire primary education, who even has given the exams in bengali would have a considerable amount of problem to speak and write in English. Moreover a bengali medium student would also not be comfortable to listen to the lectures given by the teachers in online classes as in private universities the primary language that is being used is english. So it can be concluded that a bengali medium student would not be comfortable to speak and listen in english during his/her online classes.

Kinds of difficulties and facilities do they face to practice English speaking and listening skills in online classes during Covid-19

The covid-19 outbreak has shifted the teaching process from traditional classrooms to online platforms. This has affected both teachers and students. The teachers also had to develop ways to adapt to the new teaching technique and the students also had to adapt to this new method of learning which is totally different from learning in the classroom. The online teaching method has its own demerits. A student who is habituated to sit in a classroom and attend lectures would find it uncomfortable to attend lectures online. A student who is at home and sitting in front of his computer would have many distractions. He/she might open another tab or check his phone while the lecture is going on. Due to this he/she might miss many important topics. Now from the above research it is evident that students who are from bengali medium face difficulties in private universities as there is a sudden change in the language in which they used to communicate with their teachers and classmates (Ahamed and Faruque, 12.1). The class atmosphere matters a lot in the learning process. The class atmosphere in this context denotes the communication between the teacher and the students. The bengali medium students are habituated to speak in bengali with the teachers. The bengali medium students used to communicate with their teachers in bengali even in English classes so they would face difficulty to read and write in English for all subjects. Now, if we discuss about online classes we need to evaluate the demerits of online classes in details which are:-

Feedback is limited- The online mode of teaching is totally different from the offline mode of teaching. In traditional classrooms teachers can give face to face feedback to the students. Face to face interaction plays a vital role in the teaching process. Due to covid-19 online classes have become the only option for teaching (Gao et al. 11). Now face to face interaction makes the feedback process better and enhances the learning process as well. Students get the opportunity to clear their doubts immediately. Whereas in e-learning students do net personalized feedback which results in dissatisfaction among students.

Social isolation- E-learning causes social isolation. Due to covid-19 most of the students are in their homes. There is very little interaction with their friends as well. In colleges students used to interact with their classmates and friends but lack of human interaction can bring remoteness and contemplation among the students (Akhter and Tawhida, 7). So social isolation can mentally affect the students.

Time management- In traditional classrooms there is pressure from the teachers to attend the lectures. The need to attend classes regularly to get the attendance but in online classes a student may join the class, get the attendance and remain inactive for the rest of the class. In this way the student only gets the attendance but learns nothing. Moreover during traditional classroom teaching the tight schedule forces the student to learn something but when the students are at home they have no peer pressure (Efriana and Leli, 40). The tight schedule and peer pressure from the teachers prevents the students from going off track from their studies. At home the students need to manage time on their own and decide when to attend classes. So students who lack self motivation and proper time management skills would not be able to finish their projects in the given deadline.

Affects communication- Online classes adversely affect the communication skills of the students. A bengali medium student who is not comfortable in speaking English would not even get the opportunity to groom themselves. During traditional classes in private universities the bengali medium students are bound to speak with the teachers in English (Bailey et al. 182). They might find it difficult but at some point of time they would eventually learn how to speak properly in English after practising everyday. But in online classes there is very little or no interaction with the teachers. They would not communicate with the teachers if they didn't want to. So they get very few opportunities to practice speaking in English. Thus they get only theoretical knowledge and are not able to polish their communication skills.

Cheating- There is more room for teaching in online exams. In classrooms there is an invigilator during exams but in case of online exams the students give the exams on their personal computers. So it becomes easy for the students to cheat in the exam. Moreover some other person may also appear for the exam in place of the student if video feed is not available.

Focuses on theoretical knowledge- In online classes more emphasis is given on theoretical knowledge rather than practical assessment. For example during English classes in a private university the teacher would explain the chapters, discuss the questions, give the solutions and notes. This can be helpful for those students who have a good depth in English but this would not be beneficial for the bengali medium students. Learning English does not mean solving the questions of the novels and reading the notes (Krishnan et al. 12). It includes various aspects such as debates, group discussion, storytelling and much more. These things can be held in classrooms as it also provides an environment to conduct these activities. Now, these activities are really beneficial for the bengali medium students, as debates and group discussions within the classroom helps them to remove their fear for the language and also helps them to practice expressing their views properly in English. So this serves as a difficulty for the bengali medium student in learning the language properly.

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Inaccessible to computer illiterate people- E-learning is not accessible to those people who don't have proper knowledge in computers. A person may have a mobile phone, tablet or a personal computer but if he/she does not have the technical proficiency to use them then online classes are of no use to them. Moreover every student cannot afford a personal computer or a smartphone. Thus this would create a gap in their learning process and in turn would demotivate the students due to their financial conditions.

From the above study we are able to understand the problems of online classes. It is evident from the above research that online classes come with a lot of demerits. Now, if an English medium student who is fluent in English faces so many problems in online classes then a Bengali medium student is bound to face the problems. As we have mentioned earlier that class atmosphere plays a vital role in the learning process, and thus the concept of class atmosphere goes against the bengali medium students. The students are not comfortable to speak with the teachers in English and so they do not clear their doubts as well. They remain in a constant fear of embarrassment that they would say something silly in English that would have no meaning. For these reasons they do not get the confidence to tell the teacher about their doubts. For the bengali medium students English is a foreign language (Ariani and Tawali Tawali, 15). They do not get much opportunity to practice the target language outside the classes. So due to lack of practice they face difficulties in online classes as well. They do not understand properly what the teachers are saying. Moreover lack of practice in English hampers their listening and writing skills as well. The teachers of private universities always converse in English and they always teach in English as well. Now, in offline classes the notes are written on the blackboard or they are projected on the screen but the student gets ample time to write it down. This helps a bengali medium student as he/she needs time to understand what is written and take down the notes. Moreover, in a traditional classroom a bengali medium student can also ask his friend about what is written or what the teacher said if he/she doesn't understand any part of the lecture but this cannot happen in online classes. In online classes the student is in his/her home, sitting in front of his/her personal computer, so there is no one whom he/she can ask for help. A bengali medium student does not have the proper writing skills in English as well and online classes provide less time to take notes. So it becomes difficult for the bengali medium student to take running notes due to lack of reading and writing skills in english language. After taking interviews of several teachers and students of bengali medium private universities we have come to know about the technical proficiency that the bengali medium private universities provide their students.

There are computer labs in bengali medium private universities but most of the labs are not well maintained. Most of the bengali medium private universities do not give emphasis on technical knowledge, so the bengali medium students also lack technical knowledge. Most of the students of bengali medium private universities cannot afford private tuition for the computer subject, so they lack the technical proficiency. Thus the lack of technical proficiency is also reflected during online classes in private universities (Nartiningrum et al. 130). They are not comfortable using different computer applications and certain online forums and thus the bengali medium students face difficulties studying in online classes. Now the students who are bengali speak bangla in their home and also communicate with their friends in bangla as well. In the private universities or college campuses also they used to speak in their mother tongue. They used to communicate with the teachers in English but the students who speak Bangla used to communicate with their friends in bengali as they are more comfortable speaking in their mother tongue (Ezra and Orit, 20). For every person his mother tongue has a different place in his heart. They are proud about their language and want to cherish their culture. The same is with the students who speak bengali. Bengali people are very proud about their culture and their language. They feel that the bengali language is an integral part of their life. They always want to cherish their heritage, language and culture but now in this modern era they also have to understand the importance of English as well.

People face different kinds of inequality due to lack of proficiency in English. Those who don’t know english properly are looked down upon. Although english is just a language used for communication, in this modern era it has become a symbol for high status in the society. In our society there are certain stereotypes such as a person who can fluently speak English must be educated whereas a person who cannot read and write in English is illiterate. Besides that a person who knows English gets respect in the society whereas for example a person who speaks in his mother tongue and is not fluent in English do not get much respect. In this modern era english has become a need of the hour. Every respectable job requires fluency in English. Even during recruitments a student is rejected by a company if he is not fluent in English (Almekhlafy et al. 3). For example a student from bengali medium who is not so fluent in English might have better grades and better overall result in his graduation than a student from english medium but at the time of recruitment the bengali medium student is being rejected and the company states that he/she is not fit for the organisation. In a group of people the person who does not know English is being mocked.

It is important that the teachers of private universities provide certain facilities to the bengali medium students so that they can improve their reading and writing skills. The teachers should assess the performance of each student individually so that they can understand the problems of each student and help them accordingly. The main problem with the primary bengali medium education in Bangladesh is that the teachers in primary education are not that qualified and the classroom atmosphere is also not appropriate (Nurkhamidah et al. 100). The private universities do not have proper teaching equipment and the bengali private universities are not able to provide cooperative learning that would help the students to enhance their reading and writing skills. So due to these problems the private universities provide certain facilities to the students in online classes so that they can practice reading and writing in english and improve their skills. These facilities are:-

Visualising the instructions- The teachers tend to visualize the instructions that they are giving the students. The bengali medium students take more time to understand oral instructions. So, the teachers give the instructions by writing them on the powerpoint slides. This helps the students to understand the instructions well and interpret them correctly (Famularsih and Sari, 115). Giving written instructions also provides more time to the students to understand what the teacher wants to convey and thus helps them to practice the target language. Complex topics are explained to the students in diagrams. This helps the students to understand the topic and bridges the gap between the bengali medium students and english medium students in private universities.

Introducing group projects- As traditional classrooms cannot be operated due to covid-19 the teachers of private universities introduce group projects to ward off the feeling of social isolation from the students. The teachers give projects that are to be done in groups. The groups are made by the teachers in such a manner that each group consists of an equal number of bengali and english medium students. This not only helps to increase human interaction within the students but also helps the bengali medium students. The projects in private universities are to be made in english (Bahruddin et al. 1487). A bengali medium student would find difficulty to complete the project alone. So to provide the feeling of traditional classrooms teachers make the groups so that the bengali medium students can get help from their english medium classmates which in turn would help them to practice reading and writing in English and eventually improve their knowledge in the target language.

Providing personalised communication- The main problem that the bengali medium students face in private universities is lack of communication. They do not get much opportunity to practice speaking and writing in English as in universities basic education in English is not provided. This in turn demotivates the students. Now, due to covid-19 the teaching platform has shifted from traditional classrooms to online forums. So, in online classes the teachers now provide personalized communication (Hijazi et al. 380). The teachers keep separate classes for bengali medium students in which they can discuss their problems and speak with them freely. In those classes the students are allowed to express their problems in bengali as well so that the teachers can understand their problems and provide them guidance accordingly. In these classes practice sessions in English are also conducted so that the students can practice reading and writing in English and improve their proficiency in the language.

Allowing the students to express their views in their native language first- The bengali medium students have certain problems reading and writing in English. In online classes they face difficulties such as taking running notes as they lack the proficiency in the language. So appropriate facilities are provided to the students in order to help them to improve their reading and writing skills. For example if literature is being taught in online classes the teachers in the private universities ask for feedback from the bengali medium student (Simamora and Roy Martin, 100). If they do not understand any part then the teacher explains that part in bengali so that the bengali medium students can relate to that. When summaries of the chapters are to be submitted by the students the bengali medium students are allowed to first write the summaries in bengali so that they can clearly express their views. Then they are asked to translate their summary in English. This helps the students to improve their reading and writing skills.

Pre-teaching the students- As online classes have lesser time for any subjects compared to traditional classrooms it would be difficult for the bengali medium students to understand the topic in that short period of time. So, the teachers pre-teach the students whenever it is possible. The teacher sends information and certain links to the bengali medium students regarding the topic that he would be teaching the next day. This gives the bengali medium students more time to read about the topic and get an overview about the topic as well (Yukhymets and Svitlana, 1). The teachers also provide facilities such that the bengali medium students join the class prior to other students so that the teacher can brief them about the topic in bengali. This would help them to understand the topic well as they can now relate to what is being said in English. This helps the bengali medium students to understand the english language and improve their listening skills in English as well.

Online classes to improve the vocabulary- In private universities online classes are held to help the bengali students improve their vocabulary. These classes help to improve the vocabulary of the students and also makes them familiar with certain words that are not present in the bengali language (Baron and Rifari, 590). In these classes videos of tossing a pizza dough and pictures of juke box or shoe rack are shown to the bengali medium students so that they can clearly understand the meaning of such words that are not common in bengali language.

Steps taken by students and teachers to overcome the difficulties?

The biggest problem that any bengali medium student would face to learn English is self doubt. When a bengali medium student who has been communicating in bengali in his home, with his/her friends and even in his/her private universities for years tries to learn English they begin to doubt their capabilities. Several questions arise in their minds such as whether they would be able to compete with the English medium students or not. Another challenge that a bengali medium student would face to learn English is the lack of practice opportunities. Due to the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic private universities and colleges are shut and the students do not get the opportunity for face to face interaction (Babelyuk and Oksana, 1). Face to face interaction with the teachers and other students would have helped the bengali medium students to bridge the gap between them and the english medium students. Moreover due to this pandemic all the students are in their homes so they mostly interact with their parents and friends or other locals. Now a bengali person would communicate with his friends or family members in bengali which would consistently reduce the opportunity to practice speaking in english. This in turn would slow down the process of learning English and attaining fluency in the language. The present analysis reveals various gaps and averages in both English and Bengali medium private universities between expectations and the current context of English-language instruction. Over the course of the study, important connections and disparities between students and professors have been observed in numerous subjects. The paper also covers some of the benefits and disadvantages that teachers employ in both types of private universities to use English methods and practises. Translations from English to Bangla, reading aloud, assigning individual assignments to pupils, and memorising of grammatical rules are some of the frequent techniques observed in both Bangla and English medium private universities. It is also discovered that some CLT tactics are used in English medium private universities, such as giving directions, silent reading, and introducing new terminology in English. Warming up activities, ways for presenting new vocabulary, pair and group work, and peer correction are all CLT techniques that are rarely used in both types of private universities. As a result, it was discovered that teachers in the classroom were not employing any specific strategy.

They immediately follow whichever method suits them, and they do so unconsciously. It's basically a mash-up of many techniques. This method, which is known as the eclectic method, encompasses these techniques. The eclectic method incorporates a variety of teaching and learning techniques. This strategy has been described as a desired, consistent, pluralistic approach to language instruction by both Freeman and Mellow. This strategy is helpful for all types of students, regardless of age or academic level. Because of the unique nature of the learning process, learning is both enjoyable and inventive. According to the poll, Bangla medium teachers have greater skills than English medium teachers. On the other hand, most of the Bangla Medium Trainers have been educated on the CLT or other methods of teaching. On the other hand, teachers have less professional training in English medium private universities. Most of them come from an English-Medium background to their advantage. While the course was not analysed for its quality or usefulness, it was generally accepted to create better instructores for private universities regardless of teaching media that a blend of sound academic background and professional training were needed. The analysis reveals that the teachers remain engaged, busy, and talk more in class, while the pupils remain passive listeners. The textbook does not feature any authentic materials. Lessons aren't really engaging or energetic. There isn't a wide range of topics and themes in the textbooks. The communicative grammar books in Bangla language private universities are not written in English, and the author is not well-trained. Grammar rules and explanations are required; grammar should be taught in the context of conversation rather than as a passive subject. The authority does not provide a proper workshop, seminars, or training programmes for teachers to make the teaching more effective. This circumstance directly opposes teaching and learning's communicative views. Students at Bangla medium private universities are, without a doubt, either weak or very weak in listening and speaking English. In most situations, their self-evaluation directly aligns with the teacher's judgement, and groups of responders are aware of the students' weaknesses.


This division will offer some suggestions for resolving or at the very least reducing the intensity of existing difficulties. To begin with, language teachers must understand that they are the most effective motivators for pupils learning a second language. They can help a student achieve good grades. Second, they must alter their teaching methods in order to become more organised. A teacher's decision to use a technique or a collection of techniques should be guided by his or her classroom goals. The teacher should create an effective lesson plan after deciding on the topic to be covered and the tactics to be employed. Finally, they must teach in such a way that pupils will eagerly learn. The materials should be entertaining, inventive, and effective. Fourth, teachers must employ a variety of teaching methods. If one strategy fails, he or she should try a different one. In other words, when it comes to teaching the English language, teachers should be eclectic. Finally, in order to achieve good teaching, all of the abilities must be blended. One thing teachers should keep in mind is that students will not make rapid improvement. Teachers must be patient and wait for students to begin performing properly.

Print and electronic media can be used to broadcast and telecast programmes. Before being approved to write books and notebooks, writers and publishers must meet certain requirements.

The author should have a background in language studies as well as modern teaching theory and practice, particularly collaborative education.

The main role of the board of education should not be to perform public examinations and issue certificates; instead, they should be constantly thinking of ways to improve the learning environment for students.

The Education Board should evaluate the curriculum accurately and determine if the teachers have taught the students in the manner envisaged by their schemes in the various medium private universities in Bangladesh.

In order to supply teachers with education and training, the Government should construct certain teacher training institutions.

In an English class, the following technologies are recommended for teaching English based on the results of this study: a) Audio cassettes (b) Video installation (c) Multimedia (d) Overhead projector (e) computer(f) Television g) Picture (h) Realias


It has been concluded that In today’s world English has become very important in our day to day life and is of great utility in this modern era. The students have studied in classrooms for years with the physical presence of the teacher so it would be hard for them to adapt the online methods of teaching immediately. The students now need to sit in front of computers and attend the classes. Earlier the teacher used to write information about the subject in the blackboard but now the teachers share slides on the online platform and the students get to see the information on their computer screens. The online modes of teaching also bring up different challenges such as technical issues. Students who belong to the backward classes of the society might not have proper access to computers and internet connection and they face problems in the virtual methods of learning. Many students are also not comfortable using computers and the internet besides the internet connection needs also to be fast as a slow internet connection would force the students to miss classes and important lectures. The students now need to have proper knowledge about different computer applications such as MS office, MS word and powerpoint. Some students may also not have technical proficiency such as login, downloading, uploading, submitting projects and communicating with the teachers and other students on an online platform. The students also face problems to manage time for online classes. Earlier the students were bound to follow a routine that was set up by private universities and colleges but now they have to manage and plan their schedule on their own. A student who does not have technical proficiency would feel demotivated when he cannot cope up with the technicalities required for online learning. Online learning or online classes also creates room for distractions. At home small things can distract a student, moreover when a student is attending online classes on his computer he might check his phone, or surf the internet or login into his social media accounts. This would distract the student and he may miss out some important points of the ongoing lecture. In online classes there are higher chances for the student to be inattentive as compared to traditional classroom learning. Some students are not good at virtual engagement. So those students do not even approach the teacher to clear their doubts during the online classes. This hampers their learning process and they learn less as compared to the other students.

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