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Explaining how and why the module contributed to the development of my employability skill

Employability skills are the transferrable skills essential for an individual for making themselves employed (Collet et al. 2015). The module helped me to learn ways of using provided information which is regarded as an employability skill required for work. The information use skill is required as employability skill so that the person has knowledge regarding the way the data or information provided to them are to be used for achieving the goals at work (Messum et al. 2017). The employability skills require few key personality traits such as openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness and others to be present (Qureshi et al. 2016). The module contributed to help me achieve the skills by leading me to develop big five personality test report. The big five personality test report was used in the module to help me achieve the employability skills of key personal traits because it is one of the most modern ways of researching and analysing one strength and weakness of key personality traits, relevant for psychology dissertation help.


The module led me to develop problem-solving as an employability skill. This is evident as the module presented various assessment and parts that are to be done personally during which the problems encountered are to be resolved on own to accomplish the assignment without accessing help from others. Thus, during the execution of the module, I was forced to think and analyse each situation which created any problem to develop solution on my own which in turn helped me to direct my thoughts in a proper way to achieve problem-solving skills. The resource management in a nature employability skill according which the individual requires to plan on using the right resources to accomplish assigned tasks (Messum et al. 2016). In the module, I was provided as well as asked to use different resources for collecting information to resolve the raised questions. This is done to increase my knowledge regarding personal skills and skills required in my career path. Thus, while researching different resources I gradually understood regarding the way information collected is to be used in a planned way and stored for further use so that the assignment can be effectively accomplished as well as when similar assignments are provided I have work less in finding resources required for accomplishing them.

The module led me to develop effective written and oral communication skill as employability skills. The oral communication skills are developed when I as a student require interacting with the lecturers to make them understand the parts which I have failed to interpret during explanation in the class and has to be explained again. Previously, I used to lack efficiency in making people understood what I tried to mean and would shy to communicate orally. However, with the module, I was able to improve my confidence as the lectures told me how I need to speak and mention queries orally so that it can be understood by them to help me with my studies. The written communication skills are improved through the module as in many aspects I was asked to use grammatically corrected words and frame meaningful as well as simple sentences to present information to the queries being asked in the module.

What does it mean to be a global citizen?

Global citizen is referred to the person who has knowledge as well as understanding regarding the wider world and the places present within it. These natures of citizens are seen to take an active role in the community as well as at their workplace so that they are able to make the planet an equal place for all where each individual is treated fairly and is allowed to live sustainably (Lilley et al. 2017). As mentioned by Hill et al. (2018), global citizens mean they have effective understanding and knowledge of different world events, policies and programs. This is because being citizen of the world they required to have information regarding the positive and negative events along with policies and programs which are developed in different parts of the world to govern the world community. It is needed so that they can properly participate to decide as an inhabitant of the globe regarding what is right or wrong as well as protest against the evil. As argued by Shulsky et al. (2017), global citizens mean they are required to avoid turning back or become a blind eye on issues that are bothering the community. This is because as citizen of the world they have the responsibility to ensure all the people living in the world is fairly able to live their life without facing discrimination or oppression.

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The global citizen means the individual builds proper awareness regarding various organisations who are involved in making policies and legislation for framing the world. As commented by Robinson and Levac (2018), global citizen means the person has proper knowledge regarding the values within the world community. This is because the values in the world reflect the moral ideas without having knowledge regarding them the global citizen cannot work to support the existence of the human in the world. As mentioned by Pais and Costa (2017), global citizen means they act in nurturing a lifestyle which has ability to support sustainable development. This means that the global citizen shows participation in the environmental causes and adopts environment-friendly lifestyles to showcase their responsibility in protecting the environment. The global citizen means they support for the celebration of different arts as well as cultures of the population. This is because they have the zeal to support the world community in developing a harmonious environment where all forms of arts, cultures and music are respected and understood.

The global citizen means they have to participate in all nature of organisations who are trying to contribute to making the world a better place. This means they are to support the NGOs, international and professional associations and others (Cesario, 2017). The global citizen means they have to ensure the country where they live have the foreign policy which supports the world problems to be resolved. In order to achieve this, they are to make their government aware of the facts to be considered while framing the foreign policies (Shulsky et al. 2017). The global citizens are also seen to participate in advocating efforts for making global change. In this respect, they are to provide funds, sign petitions and explore ways in which change in the world can be supported (Pais and Costa, 2017).

Explaining the skill and competencies required by employers from graduates for the chosen career path

In my career path, I have chosen to become a Catering Manager or Supervisor. The employers who wish to recruit graduates to be a catering manager mentions that individuals need to have effective communication and interpersonal skills. As mentioned by Isaenko and Korolev (2016), effective communication skill is important for catering manager so that they are able to guide chefs and other catering staffs regarding the way they are to achieve the food orders being made by the customers within limited time. This is because without achieving the orders as placed by customers within limited time the consumers becomes dissatisfied with the services, in turn, avoiding to access further services from the organisation. The excellent communication skill is mentioned by the employers to be present in the catering managers so that the managers are able to identify which staffs are facing what kind of problem that is to be resolved. This is required to ensure smooth working environment is provided to the catering staffs so that they can work in peace to show effective productivity.

The interpersonal skills are the social intelligence which is required to be present in the manager so that they are able to read the signals others provide as well as interpret them in proper way to deliver a correct response (Kuznetsova et al. 2017). Thus, employers need graduates who are trying to become catering manager to have effective interpersonal skills so that the person by evaluating the situation at the workplace and by analysing work of the employees can be able to interpret what problems or issues are being faced as well as immediately provide proper response so that positive work environment is maintained. The employers trying to recruit graduates for the catering manager position to wish them to have effective organisational as well as time management skill. The proper time management skill is important in catering services so that food ordered by various consumers is made in time to fulfil their hunger, as well as the services, are able to provide them satisfaction. The organisation skill of the manager is also important in catering services so that the person is able to make the staffs and chefs work in a focussed way for fulfilling different orders without getting distracted by multiple needs to be served in turn improving productivity as well as efficiency at the workplace (Husz, 2018).

The employers who are trying to recruit graduates as the catering manager wish them to have effective decision-making skills. The decision-making skills of catering manager is required so that they are able to determine which action is to be taken in any problematic condition at the workplace so that the staffs are able to overcome any issue and able to serve the consumers as demanded without making any unnecessary compromises (Rutkowska and Czarniecka-Skubina, 2015). In the catering industry, it is seen that there are diverse client who has wide number of needs and each of the clients are also seen to differ from each other in regard to needs and demand for food (Sporre et al. 2017). Thus, employers to recruit graduates in the position for catering manager looks for their competency of managing their responsibility in diverse environment with focus on client needs and customer services.

The employers to recruit graduates in the position for catering manager look for the presence of effective business idea as well as commercial acumen. The commercial acumen is referred to the commercial awareness a person has regarding their field of business operation (Kuznetsova et al. 2017). In the food industry, the awareness regarding change in taste of people for food along with change in delivery of food services is essential for the catering manager so that they are able to inform the staffs and chefs to prepare the foods accordingly so that the raised needs can be fulfilled as well as the catering business can be progressed. The employer needs the graduates to have strong leadership skills for being catering manager so that the individuals have knowledge regarding the way team of employees are to be managed. Moreover, good leadership skill leads managers to develop strategic thinking in competitive landscape to determine ways of encouraging the staffs to work with potential in difficult time to ensure productivity of the business is maintained (Isaenko and Korolev, 2016). The motivation skills are also demanded by the employers for recruiting graduates in the catering manager position so that the person is able to encourage staffs and chefs in all condition to make them work with zeal for providing and delivering high-quality foods to the consumers.

The employers need the graduates to be recruited in catering management position have competence to think quickly as well as be able to work in stressful situation by staying calm. This is because unable to think quickly the managers cannot be able to take proper decision about the way food services are to be delivered to the consumers so that they are not dissatisfied. The employers also need the graduates to be recruited in the position for catering manager has effective knowledge regarding different types of foods. This is because without proper knowledge about food they would be unable to guide chefs and staffs regarding the way quality and preparation ways are to be improved for better satisfaction of the customers (Ikediashi et al. 2015). The employers also need the graduates to have effective knowledge regarding the way food hygiene is to be maintained. This is because hygienic food preparation ensures the health and safety of the consumers after and during consumption. The food hygiene initiates from the time of its production until it is served to be consumed (Ababio and Lovatt, 2015). Thus, the graduates are needed to have detailed knowledge and information regarding the steps to be followed by the staffs from food preparation until it is provided to the consumers for consumption to ensure proper management. The employers also need the graduates to have effective budgeting skills to be catering manager so that effective costing is maintained to ensure the final price determined for the prepared food to ensure profit for the business in all way.

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Ababio, P.F. and Lovatt, P., 2015. A review on food safety and food hygiene studies in Ghana. Food Control, 47, pp.92-97.

Cesario, S.K., 2017. What does it mean to be a global citizen?. Nursing for women's health, 21(1), pp.59-63.

Collet, C., Hine, D. and Du Plessis, K., 2015. Employability skills: perspectives from a knowledge-intensive industry. Education+ Training, 57(5), pp.532-559.

Hill, A., Salter, P. and Halbert, K., 2018. The Critical Global Citizen. In The Globalisation of Higher Education (pp. 103-116). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Husz, I., 2018. ‘You Would Eat It If You Were Hungry’. Local Perceptions and Interpretations of Child Food Poverty. Children & Society, 32(3), pp.233-243.

Ikediashi, D.I., Ogunlana, S.O. and Odesola, I.A., 2015. Service quality and user satisfaction of outsourced facilities management (FM) services in Nigeria’s public hospitals. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 5(4), pp.363-379.

Isaenko, A.V. and Korolev, A.V., 2016. Conceptual directions of public service quality improvement in public catering companies. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(5S), pp.67-73.

Kuznetsova, N.V., Vasilyeva, A.G., Rahimova, L.M., Orinina, L.V., Kashuba, I.V. and Kiva-Khamzina, Y.L., 2017. Methods of assessing the competitive environment of public food service establishments in the context of providing their sustainable development. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, 8(2 (18)), p.301.

Lilley, K., Barker, M. and Harris, N., 2017. The global citizen conceptualized: Accommodating ambiguity. Journal of Studies in International Education, 21(1), pp.6-21.

Messum, D., Wilkes, L., Peters, C. and Jackson, D., 2017. Senior Managers' and Recent Graduates' Perceptions of Employability Skills for Health Services Management. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 18(2), pp.115-128.

Messum, D., Wilkes, L., Peters, K. and Jackson, D., 2016. Content analysis of vacancy advertisements for employability skills: Challenges and opportunities for informing curriculum development. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 7(1), p.72.

Pais, A. and Costa, M., 2017. An ideology critique of global citizenship education. Critical Studies in Education, pp.1-16.

Qureshi, A., Wall, H., Humphries, J. and Balani, A.B., 2016. Can personality traits modulate student engagement with learning and their attitude to employability?. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, pp.349-358.

Robinson, A.A. and Levac, L., 2018. Transformative learning in developing as an engaged global citizen. Journal of Transformative Education, 16(2), pp.108-129.

Rutkowska, E. and Czarniecka-Skubina, E., 2015. Catering services in Poland and in selected countries. Scientific Journal. Service Management, 15, pp.13-22.

Shulsky, D.D., Baker, S.F., Chvala, T. and Willis, J.M., 2017. Cultivating layered literacies: Developing the global child to become tomorrow's global citizen. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 9(1), pp.49-63.

Sporre, C.M., Jonsson, I.M. and Pipping Ekström, M., 2017. Enjoy! Enhancing Meals in the Swedish Public Sector. Journal of culinary science & technology, 15(3), pp.239-258.

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