Previous Experience in Travel and Tourism for Target Market Engagement

  • 09 Pages
  • Published On: 05-12-2023

I have previous experience in the travel and tourism business. The experiences gave me the potential to provide knowledge related to the destination in the potential target market. I used to arrange trips for tourists by offering and packaging tourism products and services, including education dissertation help. I also made reservations; planning itineraries; calculating fares and charges; producing tickets; advising tourists about the destinations, resorts including several kinds of tourism products. Moreover, I was fluent to keep communications with the tourists, both verbally and in the written form, and maintain accurate records on reservations, act as intermediaries, where tourists' complaints might emerge.

I have also wider knowledge in terms of customer services in hotels and restaurants. Both in restaurants and hotels, I was a waiter, therefore, assigned to greet the customers and help them to grab their required table. Having considered the meaning of needs and expectations, I politely reach them and ask about the drink and if they are ready to order, then I take their order in terms of foods. Sometimes some customers are struggling to understand the menu; however, in this case, I am spontaneous to explain different menu items including food ingredients and preparation.


Very recently, I worked in a restaurant as a supervisor for several years. My role was to advertise and recruit the people for the required vacant positions and to train them efficiently to satisfy the customers technically and functionally. I also focused on communicating with the front-line staff and sustaining a constructive work environment for them. Moreover, I was keen to maintain restaurant health and safety and record it in the health and safety folders with dated signatures. Correct ordering and receiving goods from a supplier and managing the finance to pay the supplier and front-line staff is one of the most important work. Sometimes, I supported the manager in terms of budgeting and other administrative works.

I have no specific lecturing experience however; I gained work experience from Hassle Free Education whilst doing my doctoral program. In this institution, I worked to assist level 2 and 3 business management students. The assigned work was to educate the students in structuring the assignment, essay writing, report writing, presentation, and Harvard referencing including undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation. Moreover, I was keen to provide advice to the students to find out the required information or resources for the modules as well as helping them to understand lecturers' feedback to get a good grade.

Skills and Abilities

Ability to offer teaching expertise in a range of travel and tourism/hospitality-related modules

I have wider theoretical knowledge in terms of travel and tourism as I completed Graduate Certificate in Hospitality with Tourism, M.Sc. in Hospitality with Tourism Management and finally expanded my study to a doctorate, where my research area was also about travel and tourism. Within this program, I studied Hospitality and Tourism Industry Studies, Academic Research, English for Academic Study, Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Managing Profitable Food and Beverage Operations, Managing across Cultures, Revenue and Performance Analysis, Sustainable Tourism, Dynamic and Facilities Management and Masters Dissertation.

However, the length of the doctoral program was four years, during the first year; I have studied the module of Leadership & Professional Development, Strategic Thinking and Value Management, Strategy into Action, and Research Proposal and Methodology. The last three years were research-based, where my thesis title was to develop the process of the niche marketing strategy for the leisure-based tourism industry of Bangladesh.

Moreover, I want to fix my future profession as a lecturer, therefore, intending to take admission into Birmingham City University to do Post-Compulsory Education and Training PGCE in September 2021.

Ability to engage with learners to support high-quality learning outcome

The above academic credentials, practical experiences, and my intention to be a lecturer gave me the potential to provide high-quality learning products for educating the students. This is because both the theoretical and work experiences flourished me to understand all the aspects of travel and tourism, such as- the history of tourism, the concept of tourism, elements of the tourism industry (travel agents and tour operators, infrastructure, visitor attractions, information, and communications technology, hospitality, and accommodations, human resource management, financing tourism operations, marketing in tourism, services in tourism), the relationship of tourism, recreation and leisure, factors influencing tourists' motivation to engage with leisure-based tourism, the impact of tourism (socio-culture, environment, economy).

Moreover, my undergraduate, masters and doctoral degrees developed my concepts to pursue the right methodology for any kind of research. The developed concepts in terms of the methodology improved my knowledge to utilise the right worldviews, research approach, research methods, research strategy, both qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods data collection method and how to achieve qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research objectives. To achieve these credentials, I was an expert in searching and utilising the required resources, for instance, one to five-star level travel and tourism journals, articles, books, and published reports.

Highly developed communications skills

I am educated to provide effective verbal, written, leadership, and listening communications to the customers. In terms of listening skills, I always try to hear the customers twice, and listen to what customers' bodies are reflecting. While customers’ talk, I refrain myself from interrupting the customers, as I believe the best way to understand the consumers is to listen to them. When I was supervisor, I was accustomed to talk with the frontline staff face to face, but I always put hearing them and understanding their needs and expectations as it is my number one priority. Sometimes, I was frequent to contact them through telephone. However, the most effective communication nowadays with the customers and staff is to send email and text messages. For instance, my previous experience reveals that, I was very busy contacting customers, senior and junior staff via email, telephone, and text messages. As a result, I received not only better responses from all stakeholders but also established strong business relationships.

Most significantly, effective communications and working experiences also made me greater at working independently or working in a small group. As a supervisor, I dealt all my front-line staff independently to ensure tactical and functional services are delivered. I achieved this skill through the arrangement of meeting with them once a week. In the meeting, I tried to explain the positive and negative feedback from customers, guide them on how to rectify the negative feedback, and sometimes train the new employees in terms of the technical and functional services.

The well-developed administrative, organisation, and IT skills

I have wider knowledge in terms of customer services; therefore, my previous institution assigned me to assist the students for meeting their needs and expectations. As I have extensive knowledge about the courses of UK colleges and universities, I can help the students by explaining the entry requirements of university courses, structures, fees, and sometimes funding opportunities for the applicants. However, before considering a student, I have the potential to check all the required documents to ensure that the right admission policies and procedures are followed for that student.

One of the most important responsibilities is that, I am keen to research Home Office guidance for taking international students. The responsibilities for this category are to check visas, certificates, and other required relevant substances. If the applicants are eligible to take the admissions into their demandable subject, I should help them in filling the application forms of the Home Office to get the student visa.

For the local students, I am determined to support them about what course would be beneficial for them, based on their previous qualifications and job experiences. In this case, I am able to explain the duration of the course, what modules are included, and even prepare them for the written and oral interviews. Most of the domestic students need funding to maintain the course fees and other expenses, so I am capable of helping them to apply for student finance.

Maintaining relationships with the students is one of the successes of any educational institution, therefore, I would reply to student inquiries about the course registration, start dates, interviews, etc. I would do this through emails or telephone contact, which would be one of my regular activities. However, I would maintain this process to save their data in order to contact any students instantly.

As my academic background is marketing and retains broader customer service experiences consequently, I am dealing with marketing activities, for instance, regular communications with designated student recruitments agents. Keep track of how they are working to recruit students, sometimes helping them to use appropriate promotional tools to reach local and international students.

Continual professional development

During the time of my academic education, I had a continuous professional development plan. However, it was based on a systematic procedure, for instance, I had made a plan for what I would do in the future, what learning activities I will need to achieve, would these learning activities be useful or not, and if these learning are useful then how much would I be able to apply in the real fields, and others also can be affected. As my first career started in the tourism industry and I had enjoyed it, I fixed my future career plan to be a teacher in the tourism industry. As a result, I started to study in the UK at UCB for understanding the concept of travel and tourism, and during that time, I also started my job in the restaurant as a waiter to understand the needs and expectations of tourists. From there, I progress in my career in the hotel and after that, I become a restaurant supervisor.

When I finished my MSc in hospitality with tourism, I felt I needed to expand my study, therefore, took admissions into the doctoral program for coping the empirical knowledge of travel and tourism. During the doctoral journey, I started to connect with business management and travel and tourism level 3 students by helping them with structuring assignments, presentations, report writing, and undergraduate and post-graduation dissertations. I was keen to help the students with understanding the teachers' lectures as well as helping the teachers in maintaining the classroom behaviours. After finishing the doctorate degree, I felt to obtain administrative work, therefore, join an educational institution, where I was assigned to reply to students query through telephone, message, and email. I was also working with different universities in recruiting local and international students'. Moreover, I was busy in checking students' documents for admissions into universities including the analysis of Home Office guidance for international students. In the meantime, for my career to progress to eventually become a lecturer, I published academic research works to Global Business and Technology Association, another working paper to publish in Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, and a manuscript under preparation to publish in Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. Also, I have a conference paper published in 5th International EMI ENTREPRENEURSHIP SOCIAL SCIENCES CONGRESS.

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I have wider knowledge in terms of customer services therefore; my current institution assigned me to assist students to meet their needs and expectations. As I have extensive knowledge about the courses of the UK colleges and universities hence, I can help the students by explaining the entry requirements of university courses, structures, fees, and sometimes funding opportunities for the applicants. However, before considering a student, I am potential to check all the required documents to ensure that the right admission policies and procedures are followed for that student.

One of the most important responsibilities is that, I am keen to research Home Office guidance to take international students. The responsibilities in this category are to check visas, certificates, and other required relevant substances. If the applicants are eligible to take admissions into their demandable subject, then I should help them to fill the application form of the Home Office to get the student visa.

For the local students, I am keen in supporting them about what course would be beneficial for them, based on their previous qualifications and job experiences. In this case, I can explain the duration of the course, what modules are included, and even prepare them for the written and oral interviews. Most of the domestic students need funding to maintain the course fees and other expenses, so I am capable to help them for applying for the student finance.

Maintaining relationships with the students is one of the successes of any educational institution, therefore, I would reply to student inquiries about the course registration, start dates, interviews, etc. I would do this through emails or telephone contact which would be one of my regular activities. However, I would maintain this process to save their data to contact any students instantly.

As my academic background is marketing and retains broader customer service experiences consequently, I am dealing with the marketing activities, for instance, regular communications with designated student recruitments agents. Keep track of how they are working to recruit students, sometimes helping them to use appropriate promotional tools to reach local and international students.

University of Wales Trinity Saint David is a renowned university in the UK and always ensures the highest quality standards of academic achievement and professional service delivery. Most importantly, University of Wales Trinity Saint David values everyone and recognised that what we do is the benefit of all those connected with the universities. Therefore, I am confident that, if I join the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, I would not only be developing my skills but also able to work with the students and a wider community to create strong and successful working relationships.

Cover letter

I would like to apply for the position of admissions assistant in your university, advertising on the world's largest job site Indeed.

I have recently finished my Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program, as I have always intended to have a career in business faculty. I have taken modules on leadership and professional development, strategic thinking and value management, strategy into action, marketing, revenue and performance analysis, facilities management, cross-cultural management, dynamic management, and the development of a proposal for business development. My doctoral thesis is also about marketing strategy development under mixed methods strategy. During my doctoral journey, I have developed my analytical skills and ability to read, manage and present data using different kinds of software. I have also become familiar with a range of business intelligence sources.

As you can see from the application, I have experience in:

Educational sector as an admissions officer (communications and external relations)—focusing on providing fair and consistent services to applicants; liaising with external key stakeholders; responding applicants enquiry via email, telephone and social media; working collaboratively with senior staffs in admissions, marketing and the student recruitment team and the regional offices; researching always Home Office guidance (student immigration rules and guidance); providing expert advice to international students on the application of Home Office; assessing international students documents for issuing CAS; retaining wider knowledge in terms of courses for local and international students; working collaboratively with the head of admissions to ensure that correct admissions policies and procedures are followed for the admissions of students; assessing the approval of UK, EU and international students' qualifications, in order to determine their acceptability to take admissions into the university.

Skills centre as a lecturer---supporting the students to structure the assignment; report writing; essay writing; presentation, undergraduate and post graduate dissertations; helping the students to find the resources for assignment, report writing, dissertations; focusing to address academic referencing including Harvard; supporting teachers to maintain the classroom behaviour; supporting students understanding lecturers feedback and helping students getting better grade;

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Restaurant as a supervisor – focusing on Hiring, recruiting, and training quality team members; determining areas of improvement for cost control and initiate changes; defining employee functions and keep individuals on task; planning and budget control; facilitating communication with frontline staff; motivating staff and maintaining a positive work environment; maintaining the general finance folders, to check that, the daily and weekly reports were up to date and are filed in the correct folders; assisting colleagues in the week and month-end reporting; assisting the manager in making a budget for every month; dealing with all other financial aspects of the organisation and assisting the manager for all administration - related paperwork

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Hotel as a waiter focus on- proactively educating customers on the different ways to the hotel and helping them to find its suitability for them to use hotels products and services; making sure the customers leave the hotel with a good impression; explaining the different products and services that hotel provides for customers and actively promoting them for customers if it suits them or will help them in the future.

The above academic and practical experiences demonstrate that, I am suitable for the advertised position and would be able to develop and care for Wolverhampton University's market, and in the same order, the customers.

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