Professional practical and Development Education and Training


The professional values, professionalism and educational policy and procedures are effective to enhance the quality of education and training. Through the report, it is possible to demonstrate the professionalism and managing accountability in the education and training where these affect the stakeholders, engaged with the learning and training institutions. The report also provides an opportunity to analyse the existing policy framework in education and enhance the ways of quality improvement so that it would be possible for the teaching professionals to help the students who have some learning difficulties. As a teaching professionals in the diverse educational institution, it is also important to discuss own principles, educational policies and strategies to meet the diverse needs of the students with different learning difficulties. This process of evaluating and improving educational practices aligns with the principles of education dissertation help, aiming to support educators in refining their approaches.

1.1 Defining the concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training

In the education and training, professionalism is important to be managed well in the institution, in order to help the students with effective curriculum activities and classroom sessions. Professionalism in education and training includes the professional skill set and knowledge on own field of expertise, professional ethics, values, attributes and code of practice. In the education and training, all the teachers and school authority try to meet the professionalism in order to maximise the quality of education and help the students with diverse learning difficulties and in this regard professionalism can be maintained through code of conduct, roles and responsibilities in the educational institutions, maintaining autonomy and respect others, as well as managing transparency and accountability (Stepanova et al., 2018). Autonomy is important in the organisation and apart from that the teachers must have adequate knowledge on particular subject of interest so that it would be possible to develop good curriculum planning for the students. Professionalism is related to managing autonomy in the educational institution, where the teachers are able to make decision and exercise judgement as deem fit during teaching and training. Professional autonomy over own area of specialization is hereby effective for me to ensure good supervision and make judgements and decision for the benefits of the students. As a teaching professional in the educational institution, I work on my specialised area English in order to make effective decision related to the curriculum planning, examination, classroom sessions and training program to improve the English language of the students.


In order to maintain professionalism, professional skill set is important where the skills are leadership and management, monitoring, conflict resolution, problem solving and decision makes skill. Leadership and management are the major professional skill set for participation in the educational institution and develop good decision to lead the whole teaching group towards achieving the future success by maximising quality of education (Melnyk et al., 2019). The management of student, maintaining harmony and freedom to work at the workplace as well as leading other teaching professionals are also important to develop strong team work which in turn helps to develop good environment enhancing teaching and learning activities in the school. In this context, communication and cooperation skills are also important professional skill set to work with others and educate the students by meeting their personal needs. The students are suffering from diverse disabilities and learning difficulties, and it is the role of the teaching professional to communicate with them and design the curriculum planning as per their needs and personal preferences. I hereby try to create good environment to enhance learning activities, with fun loving games, drawing and singing classes. I always try to guide the students with diverse curriculum activities, so that they become interested and participate actively in the learning and developmental activities. It further helps me to provide suitable environment to the students with special needs and also redesign the educational activities and training program to support them efficiently.

Hence, professionalism and professional code of ethics can be maximised in the educational institution through different attributes which are meeting own roles and responsibilities in the school, organising the learning activities, tackling the students tactfully, enhancing creativity, technological innovation, appearance, cooperation and partnership working practice, communication and enthusiasm. Professional values are also able to maximise through maintaining professionals where the values are fulfilling personal commitment, fairness, and trust and respect others, maintaining dignity, truthfulness and managing accountability and integrity. It is the rules of the educational institutions to follow the ethical guidelines and professionalism in the schools so that the students can get suitable circumstances for learning and development. In this regard, dual professionalism is the concept of having deep knowledge and understanding on own specialised area and also they are efficient to have professional skill set in teaching the students (Cherkasova et al., 2019). The concept of dual professionalism refers that the teaching professional is able to teach the students through gathering vast range of knowledge and understanding on own specialised area as well as they are also the part of Qualified Teaching Learning and Skills Status (QTLS) and other professional bodies. Both subject and vocational knowledge are strong to maintain national professional standard. I try to maintain academic knowledge in my specialised area English language to perform efficiently and fulfil my own job role and responsibilities in the school. In addition to this, I am also efficient to develop technical knowledge and come to know the legislations and quality management practices in the education and training, in order to maintain good professional code of ethics and develop good curriculum planning to support the students with special needs.

1.2 Explaining ways in which own professional values influence own practice in an area of specialism

own professional values influence own practice in an area of specialism by the professional groups and individuals, where it is possible for the teaching professional to have in depth knowledge and understanding in own specialised area and this further help them to meet their roles and responsibilities in the schools. Meeting the organisational policies and procedures are important to me to work with others in the institution and help the children with special needs. This helps to meet personal commitment, where I try to respect the organisational rules and guidelines to maintain disciplines and also guide the children to learn disciplines and participate actively in the learning and developmental sessions. In this context, professional values help me to improve my practice where I try to maintain equality and diversity to teach the students. There are many students with special needs due to learning difficulties, language gap and others, where I try to handle them equally and provide them equal, opportunity to participate and enjoy the classroom session and learning activities. Additionally, the professional values of respecting others, managing fairness and integrity are also helpful for to develop my own practice where I try to improve good bonding and trust with the students and other stakeholders of the organisation, so that I can support and children to learn more and improve their abilities to perform better. Non-discrimination policies and equality and diversity principles, are hereby beneficial for me to guide the students and handle them equally so that they can feel valued and encouraged continuously to participate with their abilities.

In addition to this, by respecting the school policies and procedures, I try to maintain the quality of education as managing code of conduct and quality of learning are necessary for providing support and guidance to the students with special needs. This further helps me to share the educational resources with the students and provide them good curriculum structure for better learning and development. Through sharing quality resources, learning courses and training to the students, I try to improve their understanding about the curriculum planning, learning activities, so that they can understand and participate actively. Additionally, I try to enhance internal communication and cooperation with other teaching professionals as well as the students with special, needs, so that it is possible to ensure partnership working practice and it is also another professional code of ethics, where I can work as a team. This makes the environment confortable for the students here the children can feel valued and be comfortable to share their opinion and knowledge with others. I incorporate the practices and guidelines recommended by the British board of Dyslexia into my practices all the time in order to guide the students with special needs. Additionally, I also focus on inclusive learning practice to teach English to the students, which is one of the effective ways to engage the children with special needs and improve their knowledge and mental abilities. Through interactive classes, examination and group discussion, I try to engage the students and improve their confidence to share their knowledge and understanding, so that they can learn more. Hence, the professional values influence my personal practice in the educational institution which would be beneficial for the students with special needs.

2.1 Explaining ways in which social, political and economic factors influence education policy

The social, political and economic factors have crucial impacts on educational policies and practice, which further strategies the whole educational activities and curriculum plan in the UK. The social factors influence the educational policies in the country where in the UK, there is compulsory education leading to the participation of vocational qualification system. The introduction of qualifications like NVQ and GNVQ are effective for focusing on the employment of the participants as per their qualification. The Every Child Matters (ECM) policy acknowledged that teenagers from some BME groups can also participate in the educational program with equality and diversity management. It helps to meet the needs and preferences of the BME community in education where all the students are getting empowered and can participate in the educational program. National Curriculum and Ofsted guidelines are also suitable to guide the students in the UK (Mula et al., 2017). Additionally the economic factors are also effective to develop educational policy and practices. Promoting employment opportunities in the country, changing the workforce demographic, identifying and addressing the local and regional skill gap are important to restructure the educational policy and procedures. There is role of government in providing good educational programs and promote employment in the country which resolve the issue of unemployment and inequality. Participation of young people in employment and training institutions are also effective to increase the quality of training programs and develop experienced based and technical training to meet the job criteria so that in future they can get empowered.

With this strategy the London Mayor is successful to promote employment opportunities in the country by providing work based training programs and vocational training which are helpful to increase the knowledge and professional skill set of the individuals. The political factors are also crucial to restructure the educational policies and ensure reform in educational and training. The Education Act 2002 is being implemented in the school to promote the learning and education across the social communities. It also safeguards the children and provides quality education to all the students with special needs. Human Rights Act and stable political condition further promote education and equality in providing education and training to all the people from diverse communities. Additionally, apprenticeship in the UK was introduced through the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (c 22). The teaching practices to be discriminatory based on the learners’ disability and protected characteristics like race, sex, gender and others are promoted in the UK with Equality Act 2010 (Walker, Towey and Ng, 2018). Moreover, the Equality Act 2010 and Children and Families Act (2014) influenced the introduction of education policy for the children with special educational needs and disability code of practice.

2.2 Analysing the impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism

National Education Policy 2020 introduced compulsory educational scheme for the benefits of the social communities, where enrolment rate is increasing and participation of the students is good across diverse culture and social communities. The Health and Safety: responsibilities and duties for school policy are also effective to develop secured classroom for the children (Chookaew, Wongwatkit and Howimanporn, 2017). The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage promote education among the children where educational policy, participation of young people in education, employment and training programs influence the parents to enrol their children. The teachers give efforts to design the curriculum to educate the children and also help the students with special needs. The educational policies and practices have significant impacts on my area of specialism, where the teaching professionals try to develop good curriculum planning to support the students. We also promote Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement in the education and training and encourage the students to take active part in order to learn more and develop their knowledge and professional skill set.

3.1 Explaining the roles of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training

The stakeholders are playing an important role in the education and training institution to maintain the quality of education and ensure to provide the best quality educational curses and training to the students, mainly with special needs. The major internal stakeholders are such as the teaching professional, educational authority, administrators and the students. On the other hand, the external stakeholders are such as local government, Ofsted, policy makers and parents. In this context, the role of the educational administrators is to work with the schools and be responsible to manage the administration work. The administrators are also supporting the organisational rules and educational policy framework to oversee the day to day activities in the schools in order to maintain the level of the educational institution including the preschools, elementary and secondary schools, and colleges and universities. The teaching professionals are the major internal stakeholder to support and guide the students with special needs. They are responsible to formulate the educational curriculum and planning with the support the policy makers and government. The teachers try to develop daily curriculum planning, lesson plan, weekly lesson plan, short term and long term planning related to education and training. They are also responsible to create good school environment which enhances learning and training activities (Martínez Sainz, 2018). The students are also internal stakeholders to cooperate with the teachers in order to understand the curriculum planning and participate efficiently in learning and developmental programs. The government designs the polices and educational resources to guide the students with special needs where the students are continuously encouraged to participate actively and share knowledge and improve their skill set to perform better.

In addition to this, the local government and the national government of the country are also playing an important role to guide the teaching professionals to provide high quality education and training programs. In this regard the government provides fair and equal accesses to education and training opportunities. The local government is also concerned about increasing enrolment rate and literacy rate in the society by reducing inequality in socio economic condition for educating the social communities across the country (Dymock and Tyler, 2018). Moreover, Ofsted or, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, is responsible for inspecting services and encouraging the quality of education in the society, so that the students can get educational resources and planned curriculum activities for maximising their understanding, knowledge and skill set. The parents are also essential stakeholder of the educational institution, where they are playing crucial role to cooperate with the students and the teachers for improving the quality of education and performing the curriculum planning and training sessions systematically. The teachers are reliant on parents to help teach their children at home and assisting them with homework where the students also can feel engaged with the teachers and parents and they are continuously guided and encouraged to complete their task sand learn more. Hence, both the internal and external stakeholders are important to run the educational and training activities by maintaining tis quality and following the educational policy.

3.2 Explaining how being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies’ impacts on organisations in education and training

Being accountable in the education and training is beneficial to maintain the quality of education and engage all the stakeholders, engaged with the educational activities in the institutions. There are several impacts of engaging the external stakeholders in the educational institution as this improves the quality of education. Meeting the educational standard is possible by engaging the external stakeholders such as Ofsted, where recommended standards expected by Ofsted, TEF, QAA are necessary to be followed for supporting the students. For equality standardisation, it is important to engage with Ofsted and QAA which enhance the quality of educational courses and training programs, suitable for the students. Hiring qualified and experienced teaching professionals in the schools are also possible by engaging the external bodies where Ofsted focuses on retaining qualified teachers who also have experience in teaching and training courses. The policies and procedures are followed by the education and training with structured policies and guidelines (Rovnaňová and Nemcová, 2017). The government and educational authority including Ofsted provide clear guidelines about maintaining educational equality and resources to support the students. The educational organisations are accountable to qualification awarding bodies such as NVQ and Edexcel that further influence the teachers to design the curriculum session sustained for the students to improve their knowledge and understanding. Fairness and inclusive practice can be ensured trough developing strong bonding with the external bodies, where the practice of equality and diversity is maintained well so that each student can get equal opportunities to participate.

3.3 Explaining the importance of work in partnership with employers and other stakeholders in education and training

It is important to work in a partnership working practice with the employees and the other stakeholders in education and training, so that the teaching professional can get proper guidelines to teach the students. Sharing the resources is another benefit of partnership working practice, where the teachers and other stakeholders can share the resources to support the students with special needs. collaborative decision making practice is possible to be established in the schools, where all the teachers, administrators, school authorities and management group can participate in the decision making practice for the benefits of the students. The partnership working practice also ensures progression opportunities with apprenticeship scheme that are useful for the students. It is also beneficial for workplace assessment opportunities where the learners can assess their performance and also the teachers can monitor the progress of the students with special needs in the schools. Staff development and improving the efficacy of the teachers are also possible through partnership working practice, where the teachers try to communicate and share adequate resources and information with each other for better learning and understanding. The qualification board, Ofsted, NVQ and Edexcel are engaged to design the curriculum planning which further enhance the quality of education (ter Beek et al., 2019). Through partnership working practice, it is also possible to create good learning environment that are helpful or the students as student participation rate in the classroom session in increasing over the period of time. Through partnership working practice with the external bodies, parents and students, it is also possible to share adequate information and encourage the students to learn under inclusive learning environment.

3.4 Analysing impact of being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies on curriculum design, delivery and assessment in own area of specialism

Being accountable is effective for curriculum design, delivery and assessment in own area of specialism, where the stakeholders are engaged to maintain the quality standard of education and training. Meeting the needs of the stakeholders is possible through being accountable in the educational institution, where for example, Ofsted follows the quality standard of education and help the teachers to meet the standard of education for supporting the students with special needs. Qualification of the teaching professionals and their experience are also important to design the curriculum planning and deliver the best quality education and training program to the students. the national standard maintained by government and local educational authority provide a scope to the teachers and schools for designing the curriculum planning to meet the standard and help the students through inclusive learning activities (Markova et al., 2017). The stakeholders try to follow National curriculum in England and it further improves the curriculum planning activities for guiding the students with diverse training and learning courses. As a teaching professional of English, I try to follow the national standard of education to design and deliver the best quality curriculum planning so that the students with special needs can participate and understand the knowledge and training programs. Additionally, the assessment practice is also improved through maintaining accountability to all the stakeholders of the education and training, where I try to seek help from the assessment body Standard and Testing Agency for identifying the curriculum needs of the students and redesigning the training programs to educate them. Both formative and summative assessment are effective for the students where I try to monitor the progress report of each student with special needs, so that I can engage with them and improve their knowledge and skill set through inclusive learning practices.

4.1 Explaining key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation

The role of policies, codes of practice and guidelines are crucial in the education and training to improve the quality standard of education so that the teachers and educational authority can design the curriculum planning efficiently to support the students with special needs. Society for Education and Training (SET) enhance the professional behaviour to meet the code of practice in education and learning. The schools and teaching professional try to follow the government rules and maintain the quality standard of Ofsted in order to guide the students with special needs and others in the society. Accessibility policy (SEN Disability Discrimination Act 2001 (DDA) is important for the schools to develop accessibility plan for disabled people in the society with non-discrimination practice (Hevko et al., 2020). In this regard, the Equality and diversity policy (Equality Act 2010) must be implemented in the organisation for providing equal opportunity to all the students irrespective of their diversity and learning difficulties. The SEN Disability Discrimination act 2001 (DDA) is also followed by all the educational institution to support the students with special needs and design curriculum planning as per their abilities and requirements. Health and safety policy (HASAW 1974) is also there to ensure health and secured classroom for the students so that they can feel safe in participating in the education and learning process. Moreover, the Data Protection Act 1988 is maintained critically to ensure confidentiality management for protecting personal data and information of the students. This is also beneficial for the organisation to enhance the quality of education and guide the students fairly (Perera et al., 2017). The privacy of the students are maintained well as well as all the participants are handled equally with respect and integrity, so that they can feel valued and be encouraged to take active part in the learning and training sessions.

4.2 Analysing the impact of organisational requirements and expectations on curriculum practice in own area of specialism

There wide range of organisational requirements and expectations on curriculum practice in own area of specialism and maintaining the curriculum quality and fulfilling the organisational requirements would be beneficial for the teacher to follow the guidelines and create good educational programs for helping the students to gain in-depth understanding and improve skill set. In my own specialised are, I try to develop good curriculum practice with wide range of organisational requirements and expectations. I always try to follow the educational quality and develop good curriculum planning for all the students which further have positive impacts on the student learning and skill developmental activities. this practice further helps me to ensure equality and diversity in the schools, maintaining fairness in handling the students in the classroom, evaluation of the reactive, reviewing the current professional skill, working with other teachers and staff members , developing personal knowledge and abilities to make decision for the benefits of the student, creating good learning environment, ensuring health and safety of the students and adopting new technologies for providing inclusive learning activities in the school. These are the major impacts of managing organisational requirements and meeting their expectations. I try to utilise Information and Communication Technology or ICT for enhancing communication and ensuring knowledge sharing activities. Additionally, I focus on language development as a teacher of English so that the students can improve their language, communication and understand the representative style of their knowledge and understanding. I prepare e-learning courses for supporting the students at home so that they can develop self-learning activities and encouraged with inclusive and electronic learning program. Power point presentation, sharing PDF, providing pictures and English learning courses are beneficial to improve the quality of inclusive learning and encourage the children with special needs continuously. The practice of inclusive and welcoming to all students further enhance good learning environment where I try to engage all the children and increase their confidence to participate in the learning activities. I try respecting all the cultures and maintaining equality and diversity at the classroom, so that each child is treated fairly and feeling valued in the classroom.

5.1 Analysing the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of own organisation

For quality assurance in my own area of specialism, there are major strategies which are standardisation of the performance and maintaining courses files, annual staff review, achievement reduction and tracking, as well as course review. These are effective ton assure good quality education (Hamidova and Ganiyeva, 2020). On the other hand, for quality improvement, there is feedback assessment practice, creating technology based learning, staff monitoring and sharing best practices. The teaching professional and supervisor try to collaborate for staff review as well as there are feedback assessment practice through which it is possible to develop report on education and training, staff performance and student participation that are important to improve the quality of education. Tracking the performance and reviewing student progress in the schools are also important to review the quality of education and ensure high quality training programs for supporting the students.

5.2 Explaining the function of self-assessment and self-evaluation and the quality cycle

Self-assessment is the practice of evaluating own performance and quality of the work in order to meet the objectives and job role. Self-assessment contributes positively in quality management where the educational staff and teaching professional highlights own strengths and working activities as per the educational policy and procedures in order to improve their performance in long run. Self-evaluation is also the process of reflecting own practice and identifying the areas of improvement. It hereby promotes the quality improvement in education and training. On the other hand, quality cycle is education and training is defined as pre-planned systematic review for maximising performance by ensuring high quality educational program (Argunova and Petrova, 2017). This cycle begins with the plan step followed by a do step, study step and the act step for maximising own performance. The feedback of the students is important in this context to conduct the cycle efficiently for quality improvement. The change management through self-assessment and self-evaluation process can also be implemented by engaging the stakeholders in education and training for making better educational curriculum program to support the children with special needs.

5.3 Evaluating a learning programme taking account of the quality maintenance of own organisation

Purpose: The purpose of the learning and training programme is to develop the skill of the participants by developing good curriculum planning.

Learners’ characteristics and needs: it is important to develop formal education program and work based training program for supporting the individuals.

Learning environment: suitable training program with adequate learning resources

Program delivery methodology

PowerPoint on format and styles plus hand-outs as well as creating good training room and workplace application of learning

Learning resources: PCs and power point

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Delivery plan / schedule of training

4 training sessions each 1 hour

Face to face training programs

Group discussion session

There are 2 hours face to face in training room using PC workstations

1.5 hour training program with lectures, through PowerPoint and word documents

After training session, the assessment tasks are completed by empowering the students and getting feedback from them. The feedback form must be evaluated for further improvement.

5.4 Identifying areas for improvement in the learning programme taking account of the outcomes of evaluation

For improvement in the learning programme taking account of the outcomes of evaluation, it is important to enhance the quality of education and training. The delivery approach of education and training must be improved through both way communications by mixed face to face method with online activities. It makes the system more flexible and encourages the students to participate actively as per their understanding and knowledge. Utilisation of latest technology in redesigning the educational program is mandatory to enhance inclusive learning practice and improve the skill and knowledge of the individuals (Kawano, Motoyama and Aoyama, 2019). It is also important to empower the students in the training and educational programs through interactive learning session as it provides a scope to the students to share their perceptions and other knowledge with each other’s for better understanding. Active involvement of the students and better assessment practice further helps the teachers to create good curriculum planning and training programs for supporting the students with special needs.


It can be concluded that, technological advancement and inclusive learning practice are helpful to guide and support the students with special needs. There are government rules and guidelines on the education and training to maintain its quality standard. I try to follow the organisational rules and quality standard in order to encourage the students to participate actively and the educational policies and practices further help me to design good curriculum planning by implementing latest technology ICT and developing e-learning facilities for the students. Hence, these latest educational practices and policy guidelines are helpful to maximise the quality of education and provide good learning and training activities to the students with special needs.

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