Reflective Paper on Module Learning and Experience


The paper is all about the learning and experience regarding the module being described here. The module is a helpful one that helped me in my placement and also a beneficial one for my upcoming future. The key learning regarding those modules is also being described in this paper clearly. My own experience regarding the learning of this module is being described in this paper clearly. My hard work and practices regarding those learning’s are also described in this paper. Moreover a critical analysis regarding those learning and experience of module is being demonstrated in this paper. The feedback and appreciation regarding my learning and experience are described finally in this paper.


Key modules

The learning and experience of work is being described in this part. A better understanding of the scenario can be gained by the help of certain understanding regarding those experiences and learning theories. Throughout the first semester this one is an essential one for the knowledge and understanding regarding the different areas of the module, and it is where education dissertation help can play a crucial role. I was able to make connections between the module and a deeper discussion regarding this module here. This module has helped in looking forward to the various areas of interest that are available (Nawawi, S., 2017). This generally requires a high confidence to cope with in order to deliver certain communication in class. Working with different ones in this part helped me in gaining good information regarding the module. Some of the skills that are developed in this module are empathy, listening and communication skills that are to be utilized in the future. Motivation and encouragement that were gained by the help of each other classmate present here.

I Learnt alot from them during this module. The sharing of ideas and different communication are required to be an important part in this case that is generally provided for each other's help. My own thinking and communicative skills have grown in all perspectives and thinking. Throughout the first semester I enjoyed learning this module a lot. I decided to choose a blog portfolio for the various learning that is required in this paper. I had my own choices regarding this module to be completed properly (Malkin, 2017). A majority of tasks were selected to be completed so that can be implied by the module here. Thus my first semester session was an ethical one and the task is required to be completed within a few months. I learnt the communication skills and problem solving skills regarding the module. It was a useful method in the placement procedure and helped me in gaining a good experience reading the placement procedure. Earlier due to my wrong communication skills I lacked confidence and as well as attending any kind of seminars. But after this module and placement solution I gained a good confidence and communication skills for further employment in the industries (Aisssg.weebly, 2019).

These communication skills will be helping in making good local as well as international connections. Moreover with this one my active participation, leadership skills as well as other skills are also being encouraged and gained boosted by the help of this module here. It can be said that this will be a helpful aspect for my entire life. I can gain a good employment and job by the help of this placement seminar. The skills that I learnt are ethical one and are helpful for the future aspect. A good impact on my future will be represented by the help of this placement seminar. Earlier I had a lot of issues regarding communication, problem solving and various others that made me lack confidence and a shy person (Häkkinen, 2017). But after this placement series there is an enhancement of courage and confidence in me by the help of this placement series. The earlier issues and problems are being solved by the help of these placement seminars here. But I must say that the tasks performed were effective and enjoyable to be performed. They were highly knowledgeable and informative for learning and gaining a good experience before starting or going for any job., They helped in preparing for my job and employment and will also be helpful in gaining a good position in future. Those learning skills and techniques taught in placement skills will be useful one for my future and also will be helping me in gaining a good knowledge and information regarding the other modules if taught (, 2019).

Emphasis of learning

The learning has given me good information and knowledge related to building the skills that are required for the future aspect. The learning was a bit challenging one for me but still I fought to learn this skill as it is a helpful one for my future. My interests are being discussed over in this part for the better understanding of the task provided. Professional development and well being are being discussed over in this part for the better understanding of the learning that are provided here. Teachers were helpful for the teaching purpose and due to more interactions the learning were made properly for the knowledge and information gain. My own health and well being are being satisfied in this learning. I encouraged myself in removing my issues and milestones by fully participating in these learning skills. The opportunities were high in the placement learning skills here.

I want to suggest these learning skills and placement skills to others also. This will help them in placement and gain employment for a good future (Wahyudi, 2019). The skills that are taught here can be beneficial to each and every individual present. In these leading skills the skills such as communication, learning or problem skills and various others can be easily furnished and cleared by the help of this placement series available. Earlier I had a lack of opportunities regarding my jobs and employment, but now after these placement learning and experience I have gained a boost in my energy and confidence regarding the presentation and an enhancement in my body language. I can say that i learnt a lot from this placement seminar and my last semester was an ethical journey for me that gave me a good idea regarding the new learning and knowledge for any subject.

This module was a helpful one and I suggest and recommend this placement series to the audience so that they can also enhance their capability and capacity for their employment purpose. Earlier I faced a lot of issues for my career and to gain a good competence to others. But after getting this placement series and good knowledge, those issues are completely solved and a good energy level can be seen in me (Wibowo, 2018). Now I don't hesitate to communicate adn stand in front of any platforms and rather I have gained a good competence level for my good future.

Critical incident analysis of learning

A critical analysis regarding my placement incident is being described here in this scenario. The learning and experience that I gained through the placement that helped me is being described here properly. Learning and experiencing those had a great impact on me and my learning. This is an essential one regarding my future. It had impacted in a positive way for my future aspect and to gain a good competence in different scenarios. My confidence and energy level has been boosted due to the learning and experience that I gained through the placement series here. Thus my placement has been impacted in a positive way by this experience here. It couldn't be said as a normal one as I gained this experience due to my everyday practice (Finn, 2017). It couldn't happen in a single day or it couldn't be a frequent one and thus required an everyday practice to gain such learning skills.

After such practice and hard work only the placement is possible to be passed and also a proper job can be gained. My reaction to this experience is only a surprising one because I didn't expect much from this learning. But after passing the placement I can feel that I gained a good confidence level and I gained a good energy to represent myself. My body language showed a positive aspect to the people and also my communication skills and other skills are also being enhanced by this one easily. My thinking and learning is also increased so that i can say all about myself. I am also receiving an appreciation from others and those appreciation are regarding my increment for my learning skills. I am happy and satisfied regarding my new skills that I learnt and the experience that I received during the whole placement serius. A good success is gained in my placement as can be seen in my placement.

According to my experience these learning are a positive influencing part for the students available (Gandri, 2019). A good aspect for students' life can be achieved easily by implementation of this law. Learning new skills such as communicative, problem solving or any other can only be helpful for the future aspect of the students here. Moreover I feel that this helped me in making continuous changes regarding my life and placement skills. Not only my job but also the different aspects of my life have changed with these skills. My perception regarding the knowledge and experience that I received are an ethical one. The changes in my lifestyle and body language also attract a number of people liking me and my skills have been advanced by these practices. I recommend people practicing those skill sets daily so that these can become a part of their life in a short time as I followed it. Moreover the help of teachers and educators are all needed in this case for teaching proper incorporation of those skills in real life (Lib.purdue, 2019).

There is the following analysis done by the help of two authors that describes the learning experience regarding the placement series. Heron, 2019 suggests a theory where students are given a chance for the experience and create a good knowledge regarding the modules that are present. This will give them a good opportunity for creating the space and gain the employment opportunity. Students' own journey of reflections are being said to be made by them properly so that they can get a good experience regarding their learning of modules. An encouragement to students is provided by the help of this module learning so that they can sit for the placement and get a proper job and employment. Some form of work experience is gained by the students here regarding the jobs that are present. A good understanding of unemployment views are being made probably by the students present here. Reflection regarding the personal and professional development of the employment is being described in this part properly. The self monitoring process was processed by the students by maintaining a diary. A short set of lectures were provided for the better experience regarding the modules that are being talked about here. A good opportunity is being provided to the students to think properly. Positive thinking for their own skills and interest can help them in making a better future for them. Usage of e portfolio is seen to be an important aspect of this encouragement here. A good convincing value and understating is being seen in this part by the students who learned the topic and module.

According to Paramasivam, 2019 the employment skills are required to be talked about here for the graduates and are essential for the modern industry expectations. The competitive nature and experience of engineering and many other modules are being talked about that are important for the students to gain a good knowledge regarding the subject. A significant gap between the capability and knowledge that are given to these students are presented here. Thus the integration of these modules and learning in curriculum vitae is being initiated in this part for the better future of students. Varios of the teaching methodologies are being discussed over in this part for the better understating of the module regarding the knowledge given here. The entry level graduates and employees are getting a good knowledge regarding the module provided here. Acquisition of employability skills such as communication skills, problem solving, teamwork and information technology are being seen to be an important aspect in this learning module here. Generally the education outcomes and the employability is the only outcomes that is required in this part for the better understanding of the module. There are six categories of learning modules for gaining employability as suggested by the author. Those are:

According to Paramasivam

Moreover the methodology and strategies for learning those modules are also an important aspect of this study as talked by the author (, 2019).

Appraisal of own development

I am totally satisfied with this placement series that helped me in gaining a good confidence and building my skill set. I am happy that I could sit in such a placement and could also be able to crack it. I practiced daily and I gained a good experience regarding those skill set. A good growth in my skill sets can be seen there by the help of those learning’s. I am able to see development and positive changes in my personality and body language. Earlier i had issues with my lack of confidence and energy level but after practices and hard work I have gained a good level of confidence. It can be seen easily in my body personality. I will be rating a good positive value to my performance in placement. I can say that I could possibly make it to my expectations (Marcus, G., 2018). There was huge support from teachers for teaching those skill sets and making me capable for those placement series. I grew up with my performance and those were liked by the people available. The growth and development in me are seen to be of positive aspect here due to the skills that i learned. I enjoyed those whole learning skill sets because it was an interesting one and taught me many things regarding communication and connections. I can only say that this module taught me a lot of things at the end.

I am glad that my decision of learning became a perfect one for passing those placements. I have to admit that I gained a good knowledge and information by these skillet learning’s. Even university and teachers have also appreciated me regarding my learning and building skill sets. My hard work is being appreciated by those teachers after the result of the test and also on a daily basis. I enjoyed the module and appreciated the engagement of university with me in my learning (Valiev, T, 2019). The placement had also appreciated me for my good behavior and approach. My communication skills and problem solving skills were appreciated by this placement. Thus I can say that my feelings and others' feedback had a great similarity.

My personal development was very much possible by this learning and experience that I received by this learning. I succeed in my placement and also my future career goals will be benefitted by these skill sets. This had a great influence in my career and also in my future goals. These learning and experience had changed me a lot and thus became a kind of helping hand in succeeding in different aspects of life. After completing and gaining the experience I could possibly see a change in my different life aspects. I have gained good communication skills and problems solving skills through which I am able to connect with people easily (Elessi, 2019). These skill sets had a great influence on my personal development and also on my goals that I set for my future. I do feel a sense of pride and achievement in completing this module.

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Reference List

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