Reflective Study on Trainee Nurse Placement

This study aims to reflect critically on an event that I had experienced during my placement as a trainee nurse. This study is going to make critical; discussion on my experiences regarding the event and the impact of the experiences on my professional skill and future career. In this critical incident analysis, I am going to discuss that, what I have learned from these experiences and how this learning process has assisted me to develop my professional and personal skill with healthcare dissertation help. This reflection is going to discuss the strength and weakness that I have determined by making critical analysis of this event. In addition to this, the study will also discuss the activities and the strategies that I had enlisted into my action plan in dealing with the bad experiences of the event and the implementation of good experiences into my current practices that I gained throughout the placement. This essay will focus on making critical discussion of the event in order to allow me to analyze how the learning from this event has changed my perception, skills and assumptions in positive way, rather than focusing on description of the event. Finally, the reflection will make the critical incident analysis that will make the summary of the skills, professional abilities and knowledge that I had gathered through the placement and module, that assisted me to improve my professional standard and efficiency level as a health professional.

While discussing the impact of this above-mentioned event critically, I would like to use three key elements such as ‘What’, ‘So What’ and ‘Now What’. While using the first key element ‘what’, I would like to discuss the overall incident and my performance during the. During my placement as a trainee nurse in dementia ward, I had come across an event that posed potential impact on my belief, moral as well as ethical values, professional and personal skills, assumptions and activities. During the first session of my placement I had noticed that there is high level of mismanagement in the ward regarding the information delivery process, in which nurse and health staffs do not provide the transparent and regular information regarding the patients as well as any officials matter to the health professional and higher management. As mentioned by Fergusson et al. (2019), proper information delivery process is one of the most important aspects in healthcare system which makes all the healthcare staffs such as nurse, ward boy, laboratory expert, hygienists, and health managers to share all the important information regarding their profession to the health professional as well as to the higher healthcare authorities in terms maintaining the transparency in the information delivery process. Due to this event I had also faced difficulties in getting proper information regarding the overall work process, types of patients and overall service delivery process from senior nurse in the first week of my placement which made to face trouble in proving my efficiency and professional skills.


Now, I would like to use the second element, ‘So What’, in which I can discuss the impacts of the event on my assumption, perception, valued and activities. The event was although itself is a bad practice that highlighted the lack of communicational and interaction between health staffs and the health professional, from the event I had learned several things that will assist to grab the better opportunities in future careers as a health staff. On the main aspects that I had found out in this event is the importance of proper communication skills for all healthcare staffs and the health professionals. The event taught me that how the lack of communication and proper interaction among healthcare staffs can deteriorate the overall grade of the service delivery in dementia care unit. In this context (Kovanović et al. (2018), mentioned that, for health staffs it is important to have strung communication skills that assist staffs to develop transparent as well as useful informational delivery process in the workplace. By analyzing the event I can say that the overall, event was helpful for me to understand the necessity of developing well-organized communication system in the workplace which can assist all the staffs to eliminate the chances of any type miscommunication as well as conflict. In this context Dressler et al. (2018) argued that, sometimes it is not possible for staffs all time to make transparent and systematic communication in workplace due to high workloads, less time available for staffs and health professional to meet face-to-face to communicate and discuss with reach other properly and lack of proper infrastructure to record the conversation between patients and health staffs. The event assisted me the necessity of developing both the online and offline communication between eth healthcare staffs and the health profession which will reduce the wasting of times for both parties. Throughout the event, I had focused on shaping my communication and interpersonal skill that I had developed during the module. In addition to this, the event also assisted me to understand tab necessity of using non-verbal and written communication in interacting not only with higher healthcare officials such as healthcare professionals, healthcare manager and healthcare authority but also with the family members of the dementia patients. Although I had gathered strong knowledge on verbal communication with using fluent English-speaking power during the module, I could not shape my written and non-verbal communication skills. Therefore, although the event was itself negative impact of skills and professional integrity of my collogues, for me, the event had acted as a critic of my skills and abilities that I poorly develop during the module. As argued by Potter (2015), although some event is helpful for people to making them realize about their drawback and limitations, it can develop demotivation and poor self-confidence in them which pose negative impact on their belief, assumption, behavior and personality. In my case, although the event firstly made me demotivate by making me realized about my poor writing and non-verbal communication skills that was needed to be used during the event to handle the situation of the event, this enhanced my understanding about areas of improvement on which I did not focus during the module.

Now the third element that I would like to use is, ‘Now what’, that assists me to implement the skills, knowledge and information that I have gathered while dealing with the above-mentioned event into future workplace. As mentioned by Ryan et al. (2019), critical analysis of experiences of past events, persons can evaluate the abilities, knowledge and skills that they can use their professional and personal life to make a better future. By making critical discussion on impact of overall experiences of the event, I am able to develop as well as shape my written and non-verbal communication skills. The written communicational skills will assist me in the future workplace to make any official document such as a complete case study of patients, softcopy of patients personal and health related information and documents on regular work process in the workplace. On the other hand, through developing non-verbal communication skills, I can use different facial expression, sign and behavioral expression that assisted me to communicate with disabled patients in eth present workplace as well as in the future world. In this context, Tanaka et al. (2018) argued that, sometimes development and gathering of positive skill as well as through analyzing the past event cannot be helpful for the individual in the future and present professional fields as the skills and knowledge can be irrelevant with present as well as future work process. Through evaluating overall impact of the event in my sills, values, beliefs and understanding, I not only shape as well as develop the proficiency level of these skills to grab better future advantages in professional life, but also make proper modification of these skills with using the present strategies in terms of making them relevant in any professional situation. For example, through analyzing the event I not only improve my written communication skills, but also, I learned how to make different types of healthcare document by using simple and correct English so that the document would be understood by all my colleagues such as health professional, healthcare staffs and health manager. My future aim is to eb a good healthcare manager in a reputed healthcare organization. The critical analysis of this above-mentioned event assisted me to not only develop professional skills such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, interactive skills, decision-making skills and problem-solving skill, but also assisted me to be enough knowledgeable in choosing relevant tactics to make perfect implementation of these skills in future workplace. In this context, Valbjørn (2015) stated that, evacuation of the past experiences are not only involved in shaping knowledge and skills to use in the future purpose but also develop understanding of what skills and information are better suited for a particular work process to amplify the chances of achieving future goals.

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While evaluating as well as analyzing impact of above-mentioned event on my professional and personal skills, present workplace and future professional field, I can discuss the good and bad experiences that were associated with the event. As mentioned by Zhang et al. (2017), critical incident analysis assist people, to analyses how the event a is associated with bridging about the negative and positive changes in the skills, abilities and knowledge. The event of miscommunicational and lack of transparent interaction system in dementia award, has assisted me to realize that how important communication is in healthcare professions. Therefore, I have used the communication skills, knowledge and abilities that I have gathered during my module. I used to implement the verbal communication and clear interaction with my colleagues, health mangers ad supervisors to mitigate the issues and conflicts c among theme. While reflecting on my realization, observational an evaluation that I gathered during the event, I had found out the comparison, conflict and similarities with my assumption with others in my team. For example, during the placement, I used to focus on face to face communication, especially verbal communication with healthcare mangers, nurses, health professionals and other healthcare staffs, which I thought one of the effective ways to reduce the chances of conflict and miscommunication. On the other hand, the supervisor, health mangers and some of nurses in the dementia ward though that nonverbal and written communication are the two important as well as major interaction process in this ward rather than making face to face verbal communication. In this context, I have faced a conflict of opinion and disagreement with my colleagues. As argued by Offe (2019), although evaluation of own assumption and decisions are associated with similarities and conflict of thoughts and assumptions of staffs, it can assist individual to shape up their skills as well as knowledge in such a manner that will enhance the professional standard and level of efficiency. and knowledge in such a manner that will make them perfect. In this context, I can say, that there are also people in dementia wards such as nurses, some of the doctors and patients who had similar thoughts and assumption as that of me which highlighted the importance of physical interaction and verbal communication in the workplace can be one of the most effective technique in eliminating the chances of any miscommunication and conflict in the workplace.

By above-mentioned event assisted me to evaluate and analyses my professional and personal skills, decision making skills, problem solving skills, analyzing ability ad judgmental skills that I had developed during the module. Although I had developed these skills throughout the module, the event compelled me to shape up and modify these skills throughout the placement. As mentioned by Norman and Williams (2017), developing and gained a skill is not the main focus on a self-reflection rather it is associated with determining the drawback as well as limitation associated with these skills in order to modify ad shaping up these skills. The past event that I had already discussed in the above paragraph has allowed me to make proper implementation of different skills such as communication skis, analyzing ability,

problem solving skill and in interactive skill, that have enhanced my understanding regarding the process in which the skills can be implemented in the future workplace to improve the quality of healthcare service and to achieve in terms goals of organization in effective manner. In addition to this through comparing my thoughts, activities perception and assumption regarding using and implementing any skill into any situation with my colleagues I am able to develop my knowledge on how to make modernization in existing skill to develop new skills that can be relevant with changing work process in healthcare sector. As mentioned by Kovanović et al. (2019), the critical evaluation of experience gathered in an event assist people to make proper transformation in their skills, behavior and perception that assist people to maintain the sustainability of their professional standard in the future workplace. In this context, I can say that, the overall evaluation the activities, feelings and assumption that I had done during the event, assisted me to understand the strength and limitation of each skill that I possess in terms of making effective transformation of them so that I can cope with the issues in the future workplace. For example, during my placement I found out that, there are huge differences between my perception and that of my colleagues which sometimes created high level of conflict as well as misunderstanding among us. As I am straightforward, I used to discuss any issues with my colleagues and the health-manager then-and-then in terms of eliminating any chances of miscommunication, which I thought is one of my best qualities to make proper collaboration in the team. While sharing this realization with my colleagues I understood that how wrong I was, as majority of my collogues and health mangers was irritated with my straightforwardness that made lots of hidden misunderstandings as well as conflict among us. From this evaluation I can say, that the analysis of overall activities, performances and experiences during the placement, made me able to not only develop my skill and knowledge but also modify as well as transform my behavior, realization, assumption , values and perception which will assist me to deal with any changes in future workplace. In addition to this, through conducting the overall critical evaluation of the event, I am able to develop new skills such as analyzing skills, interpretation skills, time-management skills and judgmental skills, that assisted me to enhance my ability to deal with any difficult situation in workplace by using relevant skills and knowledge.

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From the overall discussion, it can be concluded that, through conducting critical Incident analysis, it becomes possible for me to develop new skills and shape up ty existing skills which are required to grab better designation and job roles in future workplace as a healthcare staff. In addition to this, the overall critical analysis assisted me to improve my realization about the process of using relevant skills as well as knowledge in terms of dealing with the issues in workplace such as issues regarding the communication with patients and their family members, miscommunication and conflict between health staffs and healthcare managers. This critical analysis assisted me to reflect on my past assumption, values, performances and perception in terms of making effective modification of these aspects to grab strong professional as well as personal skills. On the other hand, the critical incident analysis has assisted me to determine the strength and weakness of my knowledge and skills and process in which I can shape them accordingly to achieve the future goals in my workplace. Finally, it can be stated that, through the overall reflection, I have developed tactics and strategies reading how to use relevant professional and personal skills in terms of maintaining the professional standard in the workplace and deliver better service each time.

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