Self-Management and Leadership Development

1) Reflection on self-management and leadership skills

Self-management and leadership skills are essentially associated with the development of a student. It is also identified as an important concept of becoming successful by undertaking efficient leadership plans. Here, I would like to use several superlative models to justify my own management and leadership skills. Self-management refers to effectively identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person (Watkins, 2020). Self-regulation is identified as an important part of managing the behavior as self-control is created by using Kanfer’s model of self-regulation. As per the model, I also tend to go about performing the activities of life fairly until any unusual process occurs. For example, if my supervisor is telling me that my clothing in the office is inappropriate then I am more likely to engage in the management of clothes. Hence, a trigger in life is pretty much needed. Self-management in my case is essentially done via the self-regulation and self-monitoring process. I would also like to highlight the concepts of BSM, which are associated with learning and behavioral initiatives of the change management process. Systematic management of cognitive processes and contingent consequences is managed by behavioral self-management. As an individual, I find it quite important to understand the behavioral changes that control the behavior of a human being, and emphasis is given on its management to the core. Management of attitude and values are associated with behavior modification. Some essential attributes of one's management are being punctual to work and quitting smoking and drinking. Individuals with a firm objective of self-control are associated with the management of everyday activities (Toledo et al. 2019).

Leadership skills and practices involve the below-mentioned components:

Self-development Team development Strategic thinking and acting Innovation Ethical practice development

The different leadership skills are supposed to be applied in my development concepts and I believe that an agile leadership style is essential in terms of managing sustainable growth and leading today’s talent. The leadership style, which is appropriate for me, has to be assessed at first by knowing myself. Understanding whether my leadership process is dominant or not, is important and it should also suit my personality (Singh, and Aditi, 2019). In my case, self-awareness and self-knowledge are identified as the ability to perceive myself clearly and that too via inward inspection. Personality traits and management of personal strengths and weaknesses are equally important in leadership development.

Self-leadership capability model Whatsapp

Theories and models for self-leadership:

I have found out the early definition of central theories such as self-control, self-cognitive theory, and self-determination. I find self-control as a synonym of self-management and self-regulation. It described the iterative process of determining the desired end state and establishing the connection between tasks of self-leadership and execution of tasks. According to Singh, and Aditi (2019), self-leadership is working as a regulation of internal and external components. The social cognitive theory acknowledges the triadic in-between delivery of thoughts and living a purposeful life. Socio-political behavior is associated with the social determination theory of human motivation and leading a purposeful life. Intrinsic behavior is associated with a need for centralized notion and managing Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Some theories can be applied in my case as an expansion criterion of self-management and leadership. Self-control: Self-management is a process that describes iteration of desired end state and comparison of my subsequent issues are adjusted. I would like to engage myself in encompassing the elements of leadership that refer to the management and execution of tasks. The social cognitive theory acknowledges the different behavioral outcomes. Self-determination theory: This particular theory works as reciprocity in between human motivation and purposeful life (Snow, Fjeldstad, and Langer, 2017). It highlights the determination of action within me and the leading a purposeful life. Self-awareness with a combination of self-management is identified as a pillar of intelligence. Self-leadership model: The positive self-leadership capability is associated with the management of psychology within a quadrant of environmental strength management. Positive self-leadership capability models development and assessing leadership criteria have become important. Socio-political environment management is also required and management of efforts is essential. Developing aspirations and high-quality connections are associated with values and objectives interaction. Self-actualizing behaviors: Self-actualization is important as the desired evidence found out helps inappropriate decision-making. Optimization, motivation, and planning of appropriate settings are associated with harnessing the ecosystems, and building SMART objectives is important (Ballaro, and Polk, 2017).

Self-reinforcement, self-evaluation is associated with my leadership competency. Embracing failure and cultivation grit is associated with learning from failures. Some of the leadership models are identified as:

Transactional leadership Transformational leadership Autocratic leadership Democratic leadership Servant leadership Bureaucratic leadership Laissez-faire leadership Charismatic leadership

In my case, transformational leadership is the one that perfectly matches my profile. It is associated with team management with a team orientation and I believe in authoritarian leadership. Transformational leadership is a theory that works with the identification of changes and executing the process of commitment. Guiding through the inspirational changes and executing a vision of a committed members' group is diversifying the leadership components. I usually prefer to take authority and track management of training (Ballaro, and Polk, 2017). Employee ownership and independence in the workplace are associated with boosting performance and growth in a career. Transformational leadership is having the characteristics are identified as:

The positive development of followers and encouraging each engaged person towards work This leadership provide adequate mentoring however allows employees to make decisions Holding an emphasis on authenticity and cooperation along with space of open communication Exemplifying moral standards within an organization is seen with clear values and standards Fosters an ethical work environment with clear values, priorities, and standards achieved

Most transformational leaders focus on innovations and I am not an exception for this. New technology and shifting platforms are analyzed for security management within an organization. I believe the development should consist of each one of the organizations and not just a single person. Structured project performance is essential in terms of leadership delivery.

Personal development plan

A personal development plan on leadership is associated with greater aspects of becoming a successful leader. It is important to take a self-assessment and identify the core values. In the next steps personal vision statements can be written (Snow, Fjeldstad, and Langer, 2017). Identification of current leadership components and setting goals are important while the generation of the action plan is done. Development of a personal leadership quality management plan will engage oneself in:

Setting out important goals of life Setting deadlines that will be achieved Prioritizing those goals Developing skills that increase knowledge Recognition of success factors and achieving them Suing a support network Measuring the progress

The action plan is as follows:

The action plan of leadership The action plan of leadership

The justification of the leadership development plan is identified as follows:

Justification of self-leadership plan Justification of self-leadership plan

2) Explanation on transferable skills

Transferable skills are those that are relevant as well as helpful in managing different aspects of life. Social and professional-level understanding is associated with data analysis and communication involvement. Companies are preferring transferable skills the most. These skills are required to be checked the most inside an organization. Organizations these days are taking psychometric tests that evaluate interpersonal skills (Aloia, and McTigue, 2019). The potential effectiveness of skills is judged and the work attitude is valued across industries. Transferable skills are identified as portable skills that are effective in any sort of situation. In most of the organization problem solving, and teamwork management is ideally conducted. With effectiveness in skills, the organizations are improved.

• Supportive Communication

It is identified as a style of communication that uses a specific set of techniques and goals. It builds supportive communication factors to resolve the conflicts inside an organization. Interpersonal interactions have created that act as a barrier between manager and employee. Now, by applying exact set transferable skills effective management of communication is observed. Understanding cross-cultural misunderstanding is important within an organization. This form of communication is conducted via verbal and non-verbal modes (Li, and He, 2020). Supportive communicators achieve a situation where preservation of strength is done and the relationship between communicating individuals is created. Internal communications are identified as the essential aspects of regulating and managing productivity. Supportive communication style in an organization helps in giving support through emotional breakdown or stress and heartbreak of a person.

The person-centered theory applies to the development of supportive communication. Adaption of such a theory generates positive, psychological, and social support. A meta-analysis is associated with criticizing a person's feelings in this context. This theory is grounded in a version of psychological constructivism. Rationalizing the communication in between hierarchies has been essentially done by using these theories. It is applicable inside an organization by focusing on specific problems and solutions. Supportive communication focuses on the use of descriptive languages instead of evaluative ones (Newnam, and Goode, 2019). Nonproductive defensiveness is important in terms of meeting the original goals of descriptive language setters. A listener inside an organization should never feel less valued or less respected. Communication experts must take an inclusive approach that gives adequate support to each one engaged in the process.


Motivation is identified as a definite aspect of transferable skill that ensures each one of the involved persons is engaged within work. Taking initiatives to pursue new jobs is essential in motivational studies. High quality of work helps in showing commitment towards the job being performed and it helps in the advancement of career (Gorsuch, 2019). Technical literacy is also an attribute of self-motivation within an organization. The ability to motivate a person inside an organization is a commendable attribute and it is impressive regardless of the skills indulged within a person or the commitments made. Self-motivation is associated with Maslow’s theory of motivation (Hopper, 2020). This theory highlights the motivation behind achieving life goals such as social needs, physical needs as well as self-esteem, and self-actualization management. A security need is identified to be the motivator of a person engaged in the operations of an organization. Theory of motivation helps in the management of psychology from a bottom to top approach. Safety, love, and well-being are explained via a five-tier model of human needs. Human beings are social creatures and they should be contributing towards the motivation of self and others. Self-motivation is one particular process that helps in setting goals for self-improvement, according to the goals, a plan is built and business challenges are faced. There are new challenges faced to motivate the surrounding people and encourage oneself to think positively. The creation of self-reward systems accelerates the motivation for many people (Schulte, 2018). Encouragement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and thinking positively are aspects of motivation. Pushing the known boundaries are suggested for employees to become self-motivated. Now motivation can be created inside an organization via the steps:

Recognition of work done by an individual or a group of people Setting small and measurable goals for the organization Staying positive and thinking in a positive way Staying fueled is hungry minds do not deliver positive results and taking breaks at regular intervals Staying transparent and inclusion of relationships are done for the team-building approach Providing clarity as a part of envisioning and sharing positive outcomes


Empowerment is one of the crucial transferable skills identified in today’s context. There is a lot more to share as the progress management of motivation is done within the empowered concepts of learning. While promoting transferable skills, acknowledging individual contribution is left out (Valdez et al. 2019). A beginner's confidence should be boosted so that they try to acquire more knowledge and spread them to different people. When it comes to empowerment, women are the ones that need maximum empowerment in terms of work and education. There are dependencies observed on human resource management and simultaneous record keeping. Inside an organization empowerment standards should be used and they should be applied for a range of economical expansions on the management of confidential information. Theories that satisfy empowerment are identified as Kanter’s empowerment theory that was developed by Kanter in the year 1993. Empowerment theory controls the different aspects of social, economical, and political standards along with a conceptualization of multilevel construction occurring at different levels such as family and community level. Empowerment is one specific attribute that provides the employee's access to information, resources and supports the people with learning and development. Empowerment is identified to be unique at personal levels, where the management of community participation influences increased control. At smaller levels of groups, the sharing of experience and analysis of the situation is done (Ugemuge and Chib, 2017). At community levels, influencing behavior is judged. In an organization, some methods are followed for empowerment and these are:

Giving employees some generous boundaries Listening to their complaint with potential Believing in employees strength and their ideas Forgiving mistakes and allowing them to learn from it Providing growth paths are important for any employees Praising the efforts are important as far as the people are concerned

• Conflict Management

It is an essentially identified virtue inside an organization. There should be conflict management sessions taken by organizational heads to keep the persons engaged in work and ask powerful questions. It is identified as a process through which disputes are resolved, and positive results are prioritized (Wang, Zhang, and Deng, 2019). Proper management of the organization is associated with interpersonal conflict management and enhancing better business outcomes through minimizing interpersonal issues. Conflict management is a process that effectively avoids any sort of miscommunication. Conflict management styles that are incorporated inside an organization is explained as:

Accommodating: in this process, the other parties' opinions are given priority and they are identified as not becoming in the pathways of organizational development Avoidance: culture should be incorporated by managers inside the organization. This ignorance helps to remove the conflict generated between parties and once the conflict is over specific work is assigned to parties Compromising: By compromising as a middle man, issues can be resolved quickly and the parties engaged in conflict have to understand the perspectives of each individual. In this process, both of the parties feel that their issues were heard and effective management of threats is done. Moreover, defeating and collaboration are the essential aspects that are to be justified within the process of conflict management.

Some potential theories that are associated with conflict resolution are identified as the modern theory and traditional theory. The traditional theory considers the involvement of humans as trouble markers inside the organization (Caputo et al. 2019). However, there is a modern theory that is associated with the natural inevitable outcome of human interaction. The design approach is used as an attempt towards resolving the components and creatively managing the situation. Both approaches are identified to appropriate for creative resolving of components.

• Team Effectiveness

Team effectiveness is associated with the development of essential strategies and approaches largely towards the resolution of parties by managing team competency. This is identified as group effectiveness that has the capacity of a team to effectively accomplish goals and objectives to be administered by authorized personnel. Team effectiveness refers to the system of getting people accommodated within a company or institution of working effectively.

Team effectiveness hackman model

Hackman's model of team effectiveness is associated with conditions of analytics and opposing nominal team effects (Choi, Kim, and Kang, 2017). There is effective team building did that works within a fear of conflict and studies with analytic teams. Enabling this inside an organization will require:

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Compelling directions that work towards operative goals and challenges people subsequently Effective teams in business are the ones that help to pass through issues A generous amount of effectivity is indulged within the model of effective team building

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Aloia, L.S. and McTigue, M., 2019. Buffering against sources of academic stress: The influence of supportive informational and emotional communication on psychological well-being. Communication Research Reports, 36(2), pp.126-135.

Caputo, A., Marzi, G., Maley, J. and Silic, M., 2019. Ten years of conflict management research 2007-2017. International Journal of Conflict Management.

Choi, S.B., Kim, K. and Kang, S.W., 2017. Effects of transformational and shared leadership styles on employees' perception of team effectiveness. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 45(3), pp.377-386.

Li, Y. and He, Q., 2020. Is Mental Illness like Any Other Medical Illness? Causal Attributions, Supportive Communication and the Social Withdrawal Inclination of People with Chronic Mental Illnesses in China. Health Communication, pp.1-12.

Lin, C.P., Liu, C.M., Joe, S.W., Chen, K.J. and Tsai, C.C., 2020. Modelling leadership and team performance: the moderation of politics and leadership self-efficacy. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, pp.1-19.

Schulte, M., 2018. Adult learning degree and career pathways: Allusions to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 66(1), pp.62-64.

Singh, S. and Aditi, M., 2019. Managing Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership in Organization. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3(6), pp.515-519.

Ugemuge, N. and Chib, S., 2017. Impact of Workplace Empowerment on Organization Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) in Academics. Global HRM Review, p.81.

Valdez, G.F.D., Cayaban, A.R., Mathews, S. and Doloolat, Z.A., 2019. Workplace empowerment, burnout, and job satisfaction among nursing faculty members: Testing Kanter’s theory. Nurs Palliative Care Int, 2(1), pp.29-35.

Wang, Y., Zhang, K. and Deng, Y., 2019. Base belief function: an efficient method of conflict management. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 10(9), pp.3427-3437.

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