Self reflective assessment

Themes and weekly notes

Week 1

I aim to maximise my personal and professional skill set for getting good employment opportunities in near future so that I can fulfil my career goal. This UEL programs provides me an opportunities to peruse in online training and developmental programs and attend al the classwork activities though online education. This interactive training and developmental programs are useful for me to improve my abilities for performing efficiently. The course tutors and academic advisors will help me to gather vast knowledge and improve my skill set to achieve future success. I will be able to show my self-motivated learning and cooperative skill to practice actively by collaborating with senior members and friends at the institution. The major anxieties or fear is about managing time to attend all the classwork and misunderstanding due to online activities. I face difficulties in interacting with others through online, where I am quiet efficient in sharing information through email and Chat box, but it would be difficult for me to interact through Zoom meeting and conference at the institution. For this reason, university dissertation help will be crucial in guiding me through these challenges.

Week 2

Growing mind set with interactive learning process is crucial to adopt the learning and training activities and understand the recent educational practices for acquiring new skills. Growth minds set is helpful for the individual to grow with new skill and maximise own abilities, where fixed mind-set is not appropriate to adopt new learning environment and improve own skill set. hence, it would be helpful for me to develop growth mind set and also encourage others to have growth mind set, in this regard, the own learning style, note taking activities and continuous improvement are effective for me to develop growth mind set. I believe in developing professional skill and gather vast range of knowledge and information with growth mind set so that I can grow in future and maximise my capabilities in performing successfully.


Week 3

I learnt that having growth mindset statistically leads people, but sometime, I have fixed mindset with the acquired skill and knowledge. Positive mental attitude is mandatory or all the students where I can suggest others to be creative and technically advanced in accessing the learning courses and develop own knowledge and expertise. I would face some challenges with the fixed mindset which are lack of communication and interaction with the team members, lack of support from the peers and non-cooperation that are not helpful for me as I cannot acquire ore knowledge. Hence, I suggest being patient and developing planning for learning and development. The action plan for personal and professional development with time frame will provide me a scope to follow the time and develop my own expertise efficiently. Organizing the situation and self-motivated learning are also effective for me to have growth mind set and progress in my study successfully.

Week 4

I find the Vaille’s philosophy on flourishing insightful and relatable, as she compared us with flowers. All the components a flower needs to be flourished which indicate that the students must flourish own potential and capabilities in long run with the growth mind set. It would be beneficial for me to develop own skill and abilities and work on my capabilities though continuous improvement programs. I always try to be interactive with the teachers and other peers to gather vast range of knowledge and clear my doubts in the classroom. In this regard, the classroom environment is suitable for me to access all the information and books as well as get support from the peers to enhance my performance. The online learning program is hereby advantages for me, where I can handle library section and access the books and journals for developing my own knowledge and skill set.

Week 5

During this coursework, I am able to work hard under excessive pressure which develops my time management skill along with organising and planning skill. I am efficient in developing planning for learning with time table, so that I can learn more and attend all the coursework programs timely. Additionally, my cooperative learning skill and technical skill are also improved over the period of time, where I am able to access the website and student portal and search different options to access all the necessary information about the distance education. the major strategies of performing better in distance educational learning at UEL are being on time, organising the tasks sand planning different coursework activities efficiently, as well being cooperating and communicative so that I can clear my duties and cooperate with others and peer team to develop own knowledge and skill set.

Week 6

I realise that, during the weekly program, I am able to develop my soft skills, which are considered as my strength in performing efficiently. Technical skill is one of the soft skills, where I acquire technical skill to access online library and assignment programs, as well as develop organising and planning skill which are crucial for me to perform better and complete the study within allocated time. I am able to develop cooperative skill, where I try be collaborative and listen others opinion and instruction of the teachers of performing better. However, I am quiet shy and it is difficult for me to represent my thoughts in front of others which affect my communication skill and self-confidence negatively. I need to be confident and represent my own thoughts clearly in front of others. My verbal communication skill must be enhanced through one to one interaction, attending group discussion and taking active part in meeting.

Week 7

I have had a few experiences of restorative justice approaches, which helps me to improve empathy for others and perform better by working as a team. In the institution, there are sometime internal conflicts and resistance to change, where justice is mandatory for creating values for all the participants I try to show empathy and respect for others and communicate with positivity and being interactive. I try to be interactive in the programs so that it would be possible to develop a strong team with good understanding and trust. I also focus on different communication mode under Information and Communication Technology, so that the students and the peers can communicate with each other and clear any doubts by sharing relevant information and data. For ensuring justice, there is harmony, freedom to access the resources as well as equality and diversity management, so that each individual can get fair chance to participate.

Week 8

As per my opinion, emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways. It further helps to reduce stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and reduce conflict. I try to be communicative in the workplace and develop emotional intelligence so that it would be possible for me to understand other emotion and their perspectives in the workplace. Hence, emotional intelligence is effective in the workplace to develop a strong team and enhance partnership working practice emotional intelligence also provide an opportunity to the management team to handle equality and diversity in the workplace, mitigating the internal conflicts and leading the employees through strategic changes. It can be improved through caring and understanding for others, managing harmony and freedom to working he workplace, hence it can be stated that, the person can improve emotional intelligence through gathering experience and improving own experience in the workplace.

Week 9

Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. In the recent era of globalisation, the individuals are suffering to tackle such busy schedule and being mindfulness will provide an opportunity to the person to relief stress and develop own understanding to tackle the activities smoothly. The individuals must be engaged with yoga and stretches in order to be mindfulness and there are benefits in the educational field and the workplace. I always try to relief stress and perform some yoga at home. Additionally, meditation is also effective for me to manage my stress level and manage other working activities in daily life. Hence, being mindfulness is beneficial for the person to perform better in the workplace and gather vast knowledge and develop skill to maximise individual performance in long run.

Week 10

UNESCO (2014) classifies three methods of learning, which includes formal education and training, non-formal education and informal education and training. The education provided by the system of schools, colleges, universities is called formal education which is structured effectively with educational resources including books, journals and articles. On the other hand, non-formal education is arranged put aside the educational institution, which includes different training and skill enhancement programs. Informal education and occur outside of a structured curriculum where the students can interact with the peers and trainers for developing own abilities. All the educational programs are effective to gather vast range knowledge and improve own abilities in achieving future career aim. The online educational system is also beneficial to engage the learners and support them with adequate resources so that they can develop their personal knowledge and professional skill set.

Reflective assessment

Starting navigation for online learning process at UEL

I aim at attending the online training and developmental programs in order to participate in different coursework and achieve career success. I have chosen online learning process at UEL, in order to manage my coursework activities timely. Being a mother of 3 children, it is quiet difficult for me to participate in the institution, where I chose the online classes, so that I can access the educational resources and learning programs from home. It is suitable for me to attend all the classes timely as well as develop own capabilities through continuous learning activities. I aim at communicating with the peers and other teaching professionals through the online courses, in order to gather vast range of information and data and improve own skill set to perform better. The online coursework is effective, where I can access the study materials and training programs on different time as per my convenience. The online courses are also helpful for me to manage my timing and attend all the classes timely. Hence, I try to develop my time management skill as well as organising the coursework activities by developing suitable planning. The online courses work is also suitable for me to improve my technical skill and develop my understanding about diverse training programs, so that I can improve academic knowledge and soft skills to perform better in the organisation. This online training and development programs at UEL is hereby beneficial for me to improve my capabilities in achieving my personal and professional career aim.

On my first day, it was really difficult for me to access the online platforms, both Moodle and Microsoft teams, where I cannot understand different options and internal functions of the platforms, so that I can participate in the training programs. I was not familiar with such online training courses, and it was really problematic to participate in the Microsoft team. It was difficult to access the materials, especially the Teams site and reorganise the resource for better performance. I seek help from the tutors and other peers as well as team members to guide me so that I can access the library section in student portal and access all the available books. The academic advisors and course leader are very helpful and they continuously support me to attend the meeting and group discussion as well as message box so that I can resolve my queries and access the online platform easily. It is my responsibility to communicate with the peers and participate actively by organising my tasks timely. After accessing the sites, it is comfortable for me to participate in team meeting and access all the information through the daily updates and continuous communication. It is hereby beneficial for me to attend the online cruse work at UEL in order to maximise my expertise and skill set to perform better.

Managing working activities

It is important for me to manage the working activities, childcare as being a mother of 3 children and also meet other commitments. It is own duty to meet the commitment towards others at home, where managing the home activities timely along with child care as well as attending the classes efficiently are mandatory (Mohr and Shelton, 2017). I develop a daily routine with time chart, so that I can follow that and complete each tasks timely. It is my duty to participate actively in the coursework, where I follow the timing of the sessions and be on time after getting other works done. The working activities and studies are performed timely as per my daily routine, where I woke up early in the morning and performing each tasks efficiently within time. In this regard, self-motivated learning is helpful with growth mind set where I focus on my career goal and participate efficiently in the online training programs, so that I can improve my skill set and expertise to perform proficiently in near future. Moreover, cooperative working practice at home and having a care worker in the house is also helpful for me, where the care worker is efficient to look after my children and cooperate with me. Hence, proper planning and organising the task is beneficial for me to meet my commitments.

Existing challenges

The major challenges in attending the coursework re such as,

Lack of organising the task as being mother of 3 children

Lack of socialisation and poor emotional intelligence

Lack of face to face communication due to online coursework activities

Misunderstanding and lack of cooperation with others

Poor decisions making and problem solving skill enhancement

The above mentioned challenges are critical that I have faced during the coursework. I face the issue of lack of communication and non-cooperation. There are no such face to face interactions due to online Corse work activities, where I cannot understand others perceptive and behaviour. It creates gap between the peers and students. It is very difficult to understand others perception and this further affect emotional intelligence, where the participants cannot develop a strong team through such online training activities. It is also very difficult for me to cooperate with others without having emotional intelligence and poor communication. The online activities further stop the practice of socialising, where I cannot meet others and create good learning environment by friendly atmosphere. Hence, lack of emotional intelligence and understanding further leads to misconception, where there is also lack of mindfulness. It is frustrated for the participants to attend in the training courses with mindfulness and they face issues in managing stress and excessive working pressure in attending such online training and development programs.

Overcoming the challenges

It is important to develop alternative solutions to mitigate the above-mentioned challenges to improve the quality of online training programs (Huda et al., 2017). It would be beneficial for the peer to create zoom meeting and Video conferencing, so that the participants can attend the meeting and understand each other’s perspectives through group discussion (Wrigley, Mosely and Tomitsch, 2018). The institution must provide the access of online library and student portal, where the students can review the books and also utilise the chat box of sharing own opinion and ask questions to resolve their queries. It would be beneficial for me to utilise the organisational resource for improving own knowledge and skill set. Additionally, I would like to represent my opinion in front of others which will provide me a scope to develop self-confidence and improve my communication skill. I aim at performing better by improving emotional intelligence skill and also I am mindfulness, so that I would be able to reef stress level and manage my working activities timely. Hence, continuous communication with the peers and other participants in the online training courses as well as cooperative earning practice will be helpful for me to acquire skill and improve my expertise to participate successfully. Through time management, developing of skills and self-motivated learning practice, I can maximise my performance and achieve my career success in near future.

Expectation about the coursework

The course work is effective for to develop knowledge and also enhance professional skill set in long run (Wynants and Dennis, 2018). The online training courses are suitable for maximising my technical skill set, which would be important for me to perform better by utilising latest technology. It is also expected that I can develop leadership and managerial skill to get managerial job position in renowned organisations in future. Group working activities in the online classroom sessions and continuous communication during the classwork, are also helpful to develop communication skill and improve emotional intelligence to perform better by developing a strong team (van Laar et al., 2019). Hence, I expect that, the coursework provides me a scope to develop my academic knowledge along with the professional skills including leadership, decision making and problem solving skill, self-confidence and ethical choice making practice. Through the course work, I would be able to enhance my expertise and acquire new technical skill to perform better and get a better job opportunity in future.

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Expectation about future career

I aim at getting higher job position in the renowned organisation, where I can contribute efficiently in organisational success. I would like to work as a management team in the workplace, so that I can utilise the organisational resources and own expertise to develop creative strategic planning. It is expected that, I can work with others and lead the employees towards achieving the future goal. I also focus on acquiring ethical practice in the workplace, so that I can develop my emotional intelligence skill with mindfulness for leading the followers and mitigating the existing internal conflicts in the workplace. Hence, I expected to work and a leader in the organisation and make fruitful division through continuous business innovation. Through the coursework, I can achieve my career aim in near future, where new managerial principles, ethical choice making practice and own creativity would be beneficial for me to achieve future success. I try to access the organisational resources for developing my creativity in making ethical decision for the workplace, where I can enhance technical innovation and perform proficient to contribute in company’s success.

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Reference List

Huda, M., Maseleno, A., Jasmi, K.A., Mustari, I. and Basiron, B., 2017. Strengthening interaction from direct to virtual basis: insights from ethical and professional empowerment. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(17), pp.6901-6909.

Mohr, S.C. and Shelton, K., 2017. Best practices framework for online faculty professional development: A Delphi study. Online Learning Journal, 21(4).

van Laar, E., van Deursen, A.J., van Dijk, J.A. and de Haan, J., 2019. Determinants of 21st-century digital skills: A large-scale survey among working professionals. Computers in human behavior, 100, pp.93-104.

Wrigley, C., Mosely, G. and Tomitsch, M., 2018. Design thinking education: a comparison of massive open online courses. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 4(3), pp.275-292.

Wynants, S. and Dennis, J., 2018. Professional development in an online context: Opportunities and challenges from the voices of college faculty. Journal of Educators Online, 15(1), p.n1.

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