Streamlining Job Search


The research project aims to ease the work of job seekers and recruitment agencies through the development of an application that will allow those looking for jobs fill and upload there documents online. Additionally, also enable cooperation’s to automatically search for curriculum vitae of ones looking for jobs and having specific qualification, skill, or experience. The research will also enable the demonstration of different models, tools and techniques in the field of software engineering help designers to generate ideas and obtain response from users and the customers and then enable them choose among the design choices. The project was started by explaining why a prototype of online curriculum vitae is important in our today’s life and also give a background information of how it connects to software engineering. Moreover, it went ahead to discuss the research methodology and the different theoretical models, tools, and techniques we used in developing the program. Just as get to the conclusion, we look at the report in a broader view before making a summary. For those needing more support, engineering dissertation help can be an essential resource in refining these models and tools.


In contemporary society characterized by wide spread of information and connectedness of people through internet and computerized devices, most companies rely on their corporate website or online job portals to recruit new employees. Although there are some companies use the social media, print media or employment agencies in recruitment process. Most students from the universities and colleges do not know how to draw attention on their personas attribute, getting application noticed and bagging the desired job. Due to the huge number of applicant and application comes with technology, employers are finding it hard to run through the job portals looking for an employee with the qualifications and skills they require. Those who have mastered the skill of attracting the employers through their ‘catchy’ CV get the jobs. In the project, it aimed to neutralize this by creating a model which will enable those looking for jobs develop an impressive CV. This is a report on the engineering software tools, quality software assurance and evaluation of the software that meet the standard of industries throughout software life cycle as applied in creation and development of CV generation software.


Statement of Problem and Background Information

When one ‘acquires talent’ it becomes deteriorated around the business and economic systems making the review of how the systems perform to come second. (Doyle, and Locke, 2014). The traditional steps of hiring that was used mostly is now in the past. This is due to globalization that has made the world to look like a small village. There is high mobility as people move between countries easily to offer labour and do international trades. The justifies the sense of technology being a good server and cancels out the mode of inviting applicants in order to answer the application forms so that there capability is checked whether they are suitable for the position. Technology has become a lifesaver as most job seekers use the internet to look for jobs and apply for the jobs online. The model we chose to work on is easy to use and build on accessibility, functionality, and usability in a manner it allows the users to navigate through easily. Considerably, the model took into account outline and diagram (schemas) in development. Our method will also increase the efficiency of the recruiting agencies thus enabling them to be specific on the qualities, attributes, and qualification of employee they want. In the end, there will be increase in job opportunities created around the world coupled with efficacy of talent recruitment with qualities aligning to organisation attributes.

Project objective

There are several prototypes in the internet but the proposed project focusses at the large number of university students who are graduating expecting to achieve individual ambitions, objectives, and self-actualization by securing employed based on one’s qualification and qualities. Additionally, the target was the huge number of unemployed youths who keep on printing their CVs and sending into offices of which most of them are not read. This is because the bosses barely take 6 seconds looking at their papers largely attributable to poor layout and structuring (Lim et al., 2015). This research mainly targets this group of people offering them with a good application characterised by personalising to reflect individual qualities and saleability in a clear manner and easy to use and that covers every aspect of an almost perfect CV that will attract the bosses. Additionally, according to the primary data collected, the employers are not left out for them also, they will require competent workers with skills and knowledge that can run their businesses efficiently.

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System Analysis Summary

The system will be readily available for the job seekers and the employers at all time. Both will have to register into the app for them to be members. The employers will then state their brand of their companies and available vacancies and the experience required for each job. The job seekers on the other hand will have to update their professional experience, level of education, skills, hobbies and anything that they else that they can bring in to the business that can boost his chances from other contestants.


Requirement analysis is the first step in software engineering that is considerably crucial and very important in development and implementation process (Chung, and do Prado Leite, 2009). Since element analysis is a key step while developing a new system or an existing system, we incorporated it during the developing of our system. To allocate convenient conditions or elements from aimed customers has proven to be demanding and so we used the user requirements, which are the essential components epithetical to establish the operating system. As highlighted by Pohl (2010), outlining the parameters needed through requirement analysis by focusing on the activities determining the needs or conditions in development of a product while taking into account the needs and perspectives all involved parties.

With advent of the modern era software and system, the users and people related to the systems development are also changing and becoming more sophisticated. For instance, emergence and growth of smartphone and ultimately supported by mobile applications have significant influence people interaction that include mobile and software users. Basing on this, the decision take in making the system design successful was to follow managing effectively and considering the following three components. These are the quality, timeliness, and cost-effectiveness. To achieve this, we opted to use ISO 13407(ISO 1999). It also increases satisfaction and daunting task to specify each requirement. In addition, linking the ERP software and the company systems between businesses was also taken into consideration. Designing of the business to business, the system grants different enterprise resource planning systems to distribute messages in many essential jobs now. Commodities like XYZ give a business to business forum that has already been constructed to connect businesses, granting institutions to accept and make deposits and even analyse backlog conditions. With this linked to the prototype, the developed system was designed to capture user needs with clear development requirements and one that it’s documented with a comprehensive language. Moreover, the design had support different methodologies such as Waterfall and Agile. This is due to its analytical procedure, therefore, the requirements gathered had to have basic characteristics such as measurability and testability.

Application of Software Engineering Tools and Techniques

The operating system techniques are used to improve the dilemma of expansion, care, adjustments, actions, and conservation of the software functions. According to Singer et al. (2010), a programming tool is a programme that are mostly used by programmers to create, design, debug, or support other applications and programs. Commercial tools are available and they have various sizes with complications ranging from simple aids for individual programs and customers to complicated engines which will join the several projects of the software concurrently. Some familiar engines include:

Pre-processors- They perform exploratory job on draft CPU program before it is absolutely tested on the computer.

Programmer or user support libraries- Is a specialist who creates computer software. It can also be said to be a device which controls the operation of things in accord to the recommended program automatically.

Program analysers- These are tools which modify or monitor the behaviour of computer programs regarding a property and these might include correctness, robustness, and safety.

Online programming support programs- Online programming tools enable programmers and users to correct and modify applications, programs and test program results very quickly.

Software techniques is a procedure or a method that is used for designing, developing, documenting and the maintenance of programs or management of the activities. They exist in two types.

Structured programming- this is technique is used for developing programs in specific styles with stand construct so that they will be more easily understood and maintained and modified by others.

Top-down development- this technique is used for designing, coding, and testing systems with the building program modules. It starts with those at the general level and moving down to the most specialized and detailed level.

Software Construction Tools

They are engines which are used to produce and translate program representation, e.g. source code. It is sufficiently detailed and accurate to allow machine execution. They provide a controllable and observable environment for program execution and also interpreters were fundamental in fostering the execution of program development through emulation.

Software Quality Testing

This constitute determination of a bug in a software without amending it. We did quality examination to explore different case studies. We did this using TestRail since it provides broad results rearrange the cases of the test, execute tests, compile results and organize the efforts of testing.

Software Techniques

We defined as ways or procedures for designing, developing, documenting, and maintaining programs or for management of activities. Software techniques is a structured programing, top down development, performance improvement and concurrent documentation. Software techniques ensures there is a reduction in delays and over runs, reduces operating system projects, reduce software conversion cost and improve quality of the software.

Software Development Methodology

For one to maintain a good project, evaluation body together with the manager to appoint a methodology for the development of the software which will allow efficiency. We decided to use what will be the best for our model. Different methodologies have varying strengths and weaknesses. Our team used the Agile development methodology, this was used to cut down risk that includes errors, overruns cost and the requirements changing when a new functionality has been added. We also involved water development method. This is one of the methods that was used in software development in the past. The prototype is rigid and linear that constitute of phases that are sequential focusing on distinct goals. Rapid application development (RAD) was the third method we incorporated in our project. The process produces high quality system with low investment costs though it is a condensed development.

Software Quality Assurance Models and Practices

Software quality assurance (SQA) gives a surety about the processes of software engineering, the approaches, actions, and work items that are monitored to comply with the defined standards. SQA goals assures improvement of the quality of the software through the monitoring of the software and processes of development appropriately to make sure the procedures and standards have been fully been followed fully. There are several models and approaches for SQA, these include Total Quality Management Approach (TQM), Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), ISO/IEC 900-3 and the software Process Improvement and capability determination (SPICE). However, choosing between the models is always difficult, time together with high cost task for software organizations particularly small and medium ones. The quality framework is the contraction of six main characteristics which helped us to commission our development. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) formulated CMM. The model was insightful in the sense it paved the way to evaluate our project. We applied various testing models to optimize the quality of our standard. This helped in understanding the subsequent logical domain for and thus proposes an appropriate action plan for the whole test process improvement. The testing compromised the software quality. Dynamic analysis concentrated on the execution process to find out prospective system failures while static analysis focused in proof of software accuracy and correctness and inspection.

Software Development Approaches

Approaches of the development software encountered in DoD software development include waterfall, incremental and spiral. Incremental development approach basically gives a model for the basis for software development in evolutionary acquisition with in large levels of systems. Linear and sequential model is another name of the waterfall approach, and the activities need to be linear and sequential in this model. In waterfall, software activities development move to the next phase only when the previous phase is done with. This however, cannot allow one to go back to the previous like the waterfall.

The obligations of incremental approach is determined by the user. The overall architecture is defined by this. Deliveries of the system in software builds and the first build incorporates some planned total capabilities until the system is complete.

The approach of prototyping is used to control the spiral approach and it is risk driven enabling the development of prototypes in early stages. This majorly looks at risks areas that are followed by the analysing of results of prototyping for determination of risks areas. User requirements and algorithm performance are some the areas that are prototyped frequently. Until high risks are resolved and controlled to levels that are accepted, prototyping continues. Another model is Rapid Application Development (RAD), V Model, and Evolutionary models

Software Quality Assurance Tools and Techniques

Many techniques are used for production of software’s. The techniques are based on technical and technological authentication and alertness. These are conducted by experienced examiners and absenteeism which may lead to issues of quality assures. The barriers occurred are handled by the software testing process. Different tools and techniques are used on the major three processes. Benefit and cost are analyse trade-offs hence providing quality. The main agenda of our group was to come up with a reliable application that will be accessed easily by the employers and allow employs to post their details with ease to the platform. Qualities needed to comply to quality of the project together with conformance and non-conformance cost are all included in the cost of quality. These demands lead to the incorporation of SQA which was considered appropriate in the whole SDLC. The assurance of quality for our prototype constituted of two fundamental prospects (SQA testing and software quality assurance process). These two work hand in hand as SQA incorporates sophisticated tools which inspire effective software testing capacities.


Software engineering has clearly contributed to the development of applications that has helped in serving humans. This has been clearly shown through this project where we have developed an app that has ease the employers work to find suitable job seekers for his company and also has equalized the job seekers as they can know update their CVs on this prototype hence making all the work eye-catching and readable from the employer’s perspective. At the same time, capturing the attributes of the employee while being authentic. Broadly, we have also looked at the software development models and methodologies.

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During production, provision of services and achievement of results, the goal of quality management is consistency. The prototype offers an essential medium for exploring this site. Consistent application of the tools and the techniques will help in achievement of the medium. The techniques should be associated with the process of quality planning, quality control, and quality assurance. For the prototype to be effective, the project manager of the group had to understand this and utilize the tools and techniques appropriately. Only when there is consistent improvement of related processes, will the prototype work to customers satisfaction.

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Doyle, D. and Locke, G., 2014. Lacking Leaders: The Challenges of Principal Recruitment, Selection, and Placement. Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

Endres, A. and Rombach, H.D., 2003. A handbook of software and systems engineering: Empirical observations, laws, and theories. Pearson Education.

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Pohl, K., 2010. Requirements engineering: fundamentals, principles, and techniques. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.

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