Study Skill Portfolio

Question 1:

Study Plan

Study Plan Study Plan Study Plan

The study plan is developed by executing analysis of the existing task and prioritising them according to their urgency for which reading and information gathering way so that they can be completed effectively. Moreover, a record for the constraints to be faced in executing the assignment was determined and according to strategies are set to overcome them for smooth completion of the study. In framing the study plan, the free time available for the studies are divided into four section and the length of the time in each slot is considered to determine the nature of study to be done in relation to the unit so that effective study skill portfolio can be developed. Further, in making the study plan, I measured the amount of free time available and amount of work to be invested in my part-time work so that work-life balance is ensured as well as studies are accomplished on time for the unit. I also calculated the way the time is to be divided for each task to be completed in writing the unit without compromising my leisure activities and accordingly developed the time table.

Question 2:

One of the factors influencing study performance was lack of time and focus on studies for which the strategy of staying away from phone and all other electronic devices was implemented. This is because it helped in overcoming the hindered time management and focus issues as extra time used in using the devices that diverted attention from the studies was avoided (Razali et al., 2018). It assisted in effective control of mind to focus in making time management and learn the studies effectively to score high in academics. The other factor which negatively influenced my study performance is the noisy environment which was resolved by using noise-cancelling headphones and choosing easy task during extreme noise to be accomplished as strategy. This is effective strategic implementation because it helped me to avoiding interference of noise which disrupted my concentration at the studies and fail to memorise or analyse aspects in the study important for better academic performance. In addition, easy task chosen during noisy environment helped me to remain productive in studies without feeling wastage of time.

The lack of motivation is another factor that negatively influenced my studies for which the strategy of acknowledging my resistance along with setting effective study goals is implemented. This is helpful in improving my study performance because acknowledging my resistance helped me understand the obstacles and barrier which are posing as hindrance for me to feel motivated (Ghiasvand et al., 2017). Moreover, setting goals helped me to develop greater focus and enhanced understanding of what is to be achieved to improve study performance which encouraged me to work harder. The regular break taking was another factor that negatively influenced my studies which the strategy used is that a timetable is developed in which specific timings are ascertained for taking breaks. This helped me to lowering my break time as I understood when I was allowed to take break and when it is to be avoided.


Ghiasvand, A.M., Naderi, M., Tafreshi, M.Z., Ahmadi, F. and Hosseini, M., 2017. Relationship between time management skills and anxiety and academic motivation of nursing students in Tehran. Electronic physician, 9(1), p.3678.

Razali, S.N.A.M., Rusiman, M.S., Gan, W.S. and Arbin, N., 2018, April. The impact of time management on students’ academic achievement. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 995, No. 1, p. 012042). IOP Publishing.

Question 3:


The value of feedback in academic assignments is that it acts as an explanation regarding the things done correctly which supports patient to be confident and enthusiastic in showing the skills more accurately in completing the further assignments (Huisman et al., 2018). In most of the previous assignments of the unit, one common feedback received is there are some issues with grammar and editing. As per the feedback, to improve my grammatical knowledge, I joined a language and grammar training course online to become more efficiently trained in using proper grammar in framing any content. The awareness developed from the feedback and training achieved is used to improve my work by becoming more accurate towards proof-reading my work in the end and make grammatical changes that are ignored during writing the content. The other feedback received that I have poor self-awareness of using the word count effectively to present comprehensive and in-depth content. The feedback is used by me to improve my self-awareness of creating comprehensive in-depth content by making key points asked in each question and allocating divided word count from the total words to add information in structuring the answer in enhanced manner. Another feedback was that I was able to mention references by following proper style approved by the university. The feedback is used by me to review all further references made in any work to ensure the skill remains stable and effectively included in other assignments. In few contexts, the feedback provided is that basic language that are not academically relevant is used for writing content. The feedback is used by me to understand which words or sentence form does not meet the academic relevance in academic content and accordingly substitute words are used along with framework of sentences are changed to avoid receiving such feedback any further.


Huisman, B., Saab, N., Van Driel, J. and Van Den Broek, P., 2018. Peer feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(6), pp.955-968.

Question 4:

Assignment plan for Unit 5 Assignment plan for Unit 5 Assignment plan for Unit 8 Assignment plan for Unit 8

In writing unit 5 assignment that was a report, the method used is that initially executive summary and table of contents based on the assignment structure is been made. It followed development of introduction and creation of content within headings as mentioned for each section in the unit. The information for the assignment is gathered from research in Google Scholar, CINHAL, Medline and other platforms that contains well-develop and logically presented journals related to biology and medical field (, 2021;, 2021). After writing the main body, conclusion of the data is made, and recommendations are developed as well as written based on the concluded facts in the study. The feedback received from the initial draft was that word count is to be reduced and more in-depth analysis is to be presented for facts presented. The feedback was used to lower the word count by deleting unnecessary information and more intricate research was made to critically present in-depth depth in the final draft.

In the unit 8 assignment that was an essay, the introduction for the content is initially developed that included specifying the way in which information are presented. Since it was an essay, the topics provided for writing information presented in assignment are followed chronologically but no heading was mentioned even though each of the paragraph is distinguished for each topic by keeping space in the front line. The information for the study is gathered from NHS and NMC websites along with other government healthcare websites along with Goggle Scholar and CINHAL are used. This is because the government search platform and general academic search platform chosen contains well-develop data regarding NHS and nursing that was required content for the essay (NHS, 2021). The feedback from initial draft received was that grammatical mistakes are to be resolved while the structure, as well as the content presentation, was praised. The feedback was used to analyse the content in Grammarly software to determine where mistakes are present to be resolved for final submission.

References 2021, CINHAL, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021] 2021, Medline: We make healthcare run better, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021]

NHS 2021, NHS Digital, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021]

Question 5:

The use of Google Scholar is made as information source which is relevant for the unit 5 and 8 because it provides broader sources of scholarly literature and books regarding subject of choice (, 2021). However, the reliability of Google Scholar as the information source is not fairly reliable because it contains pre-printed information in articles that are not permitted to be published due to disputes (, 2021). Thus, the articles chosen in Google Scholar was further researched in CINHAL and Medline databases for its presence and only then included in the study to present information from them. This is because CINHAL and Medline contains published and authenticated peer-reviewed articles regarding medical and biological studies (, 2021;, 2021). The CINHAL and Medline are reliable databases because they contain only articles of life science and biomedical research that are written by resourceful and well-educated authors with professional degree ensuring data present in them are ethically and logically correct and reliable for the topic of presentation (, 2021). In future, I intend to avoid the use of Goggle Scholar as research platform and include use pf PubMed and EBSCOs information sources. This is because the EBSCOs and PubMed contain reader friendly content for biomedical topic with adequate present of logical content that helps in critically presenting and arguing any facts in studies for their enhanced completion (, 2021;, 2021). In order to ascertain reliability of mentioned information sources, accuracy of the data presented in them are evaluated by comparing them with similar data presented in other sources (Dunn et al., 2017). Moreover, the level of coverage of data, ethical aspects in studies and education of the author presenting the data are judged and analysed for determining reliability of the information sources. This is because well-qualified authors present reliable data due to their vast analytical ability and knolwdege of subjects. Moreover, ethical aspects ensure the data presented are made without legal violation which ensure avoidance of error made in data collection. Moreover, the examination of level of data coverage helps in determining the way the data fits in meeting the needed information leading to support examination of reliability of the data to be used (Resnik, 2018).

References, Google Scholar Metrics, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021]

Dunn, K., Marshall, J.G., Wells, A.L. and Backus, J.E., 2017. Examining the role of MEDLINE as a patient care information resource: an analysis of data from the Value of Libraries study. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 105(4), p.336. 2021, CINHAL, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021] 2021, Medline: We make healthcare run better, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021]

Resnik, D.B., 2018. The ethics of research with human subjects: Protecting people, advancing science, promoting trust (Vol. 74). Springer.

Question 6:

The logical analysis is done by analysis of data through combination of evidence-based concepts and ideas gathered from optimised searching. The unit 8 assignment regarding nursing role and responsibility discussion indicates it has information that are presented are mentioned with logical analysis. It is evident from the facts present in the 3rd paragraph in page 2 where increased demand for nursing care needs as change has been identified that has influenced current role of the nurses. In order to present the influence of fact of nursing shortage influencing nurse role, evidence-based ideas from Ebi et al., 2019 and Costa, 2020 were taken that are identified through optimal search done at the CHINAL and Google Scholar platform.

The logical arguments are mentioned determining the evidence to be argued followed by providing effective evidence regarding it and connecting clear conclusion regarding the evidence been provided. In unit 8, the first paragraph on page 4 was seen to have presence of logical argument. This is because the fact of explaining the influence of The Code in nursing role is logically argued for presentation. It is evident as The Code specifying the role of the nurses in “Prioritising People” is mentioned followed by the way it is influencing nursing role in real life is argued.

The logical explanation is done by presenting effective statement with supportive facts to provide clear context of the information (Kerrigan, 2018). In unit 8, effective logical explanation is seen in paragraph 2 of page 2. It is evident as in the paragraph claim is made shortage of nurses occurring in the UK as current change to influence role and responsibility of nurses. For this aspect, logical facts are presented from, 2015 and, 2020 to explain the change and way it is relating to influence the nursing role and responsibilities.


Kerrigan, S., 2018. A ‘Logical’Explanation of Screen Production as Method-Led Research. In Screen Production Research (pp. 11-27). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Question 7:


In answering the current question, the two reading strategies current used and one reading strategies to be used in future is to be discussed.

Reading Strategies

The previewing strategy is implemented by the readers to recall any previous ideas or knowledge and set an effective purpose to read (Sulamto and Halim, 2020). Previewing reading strategy is currently used by me because it assists me to skim useless texts before reading and identify the exact texts and informative content to read in detail for resolving the target question in the assignment. The strategy is currently used which is evident as I preview any information required in the assignment from determining its extent of usefulness and then choose to read it to develop data for inclusion in answering target question. The previewing reading strategy is currently used by me because using it helps me to actively analysing the requirement of the task and how the work would look in the end when finished which helps in creating an effective picture of the final draft of the project. However, the limitation faced with using previewing strategy is that it has lead me as the reader to have superficial idea of the context used in writing answers which makes me unable to determine in-depth key data that may be useful for writing the content.

The reflective reading strategy includes the practice of using questions in guiding thoughtful actions to gathering valuable data while reading (Nourdad and Asghari, 2017). The reflective reading is to be used in future because it helps to record development in reading which would help in determining the progress made in reading of facts and their successful presentation. The reflective reading allows creating self-awareness and effective planning of the way facts identified during reading are to be presented (Badakhshan et al., 2021). Thus, it would be used in future to create better written content for the assignment. The reflective reading helps in learning from the mistakes executed by the readers (Van Wyk, 2017). Thus, it would be used in future so that better reading capability by resolving weakness in reading can be accomplished which is necessary for better academic performance. However, the disadvantage of reflective reading is that all readers cannot effectively use the process and it is time-consuming due to which accurate facts within limited time cannot be collected (Nourdad and Asghari, 2017).

The outlining and summarising reading strategy include identifying basic structural features and key concepts present in the read content to be synthesised and identified (Patterson et al., 2018). The strategy is currently used by me because it fosters effective understanding of text that assist in recreating the meaning of the facts to be presented in assignment which avoids plagiarised content to be mentioned. The evidence of use of outlining and summarising strategy is that I condense facts from articles and others in own words to present main idea that is essential for the presentation of critically analysed data. In addition, the use of the strategy is evident as it led me to avoid inclusion of irrelevant information in assignment and assisted me in enhancing memorisation of content. However, the limitation faced with the use of the strategy is that it leads to develop wrong interpretation of fact at times by me which makes me get diverted in a different path to use the real facts in the study and inappropriately use the word count leading to fail to achieve task objectives.


The study concludes that previewing and outlining and summarising reading strategy is currently used and reflective reading strategy is to be used in future.


Badakhshan, S., Motallebzadeh, K. and Maftoon, P., 2021. Reflective Reciprocal Teaching: A Technique for Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 9(38), pp.39-63.

Nourdad, N. and Asghari, R., 2017. The effect of reflective reading on reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 6(6), pp.267-273.

Patterson, A., Roman, D., Friend, M., Osborne, J. and Donovan, B., 2018. Reading for meaning: The foundational knowledge every teacher of science should have. International Journal of Science Education, 40(3), pp.291-307.

Sulamto, A. and Halim, A., 2020. The effect of Previewing Strategy on Reading Comprehension of Tenth Grade Students at SMK Darul Anwar Singojuruh in Academic Years 2019/2020. LUNAR: Journal of Language and Art, 4(1), pp.117-122.

Van Wyk, M.M., 2017. Student teachers’ views regarding the usefulness of reflective journal writing as an ePortfolio alternative assessment strategy: An interpretive phenomenological analysis. Gender and Behaviour, 15(4), pp.10208-10219.

Question 8:


Note-taking is referred to the practice of information recording to be used in studies from different platforms and sources. For this purpose, three note-taking strategy is to be used in studies are to be analysed and evaluated.

Note-Taking Strategies

The highlighting note-taking strategy is used in executing the assignment. The strategy is used because it helps in effective organisation of key facts important for the study presentation. It also helps in lowering editing of notes for use and makes the reading process easier as main points for the questions always remains identified (Roy et al., 2021). Thus, it is been used. However, the limitation of using the strategy is none and it is to be further used in future for note-taking process as it ensures equality note taking.

The mapping note-taking process is the method which uses comprehension skills to evolve in taking note which relates to each facts and ideas developed regarding the study (Wang et al., 2018). The advantage of mapping method is that it helps in tracking the lecturers visually regardless of any situation along with require minimum thinking to take the notes. Moreover, it helps in reviewing the structure of notes to determine which of them relates to one another. The process assists in taking notes within short time and in objective manner which helps in taking down wide number of information in notes (Puspitasari, 2020). However, the limitation of the process is that creates hindrance in making changes within the notes in major parts when required (Robinson, 2018). The note-taking strategy is to be used in future because it though has some limitation but allows well-organised and heavy amount of data to be taken in single notes which would later help in comprehensive presentation of quality facts in written content.

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The charting method of note-taking is the process in which separate columns are developed on the paper along with labelling of data is done under effective headings (Thomas, 2021). The the charting method is used because it helps in tracking the communication and dialogues used during the lecture which assists in avoiding confusion regarding facts taken as notes. It is also used because it helps in reducing amount of writing of facts and provides opportunity of easy presence of review mechanism for memorising facts (Thomas, 2021). However, the limitation faced with the method is that it does not allow systematic location of appropriate categories of data (Imran and Parveen, 2018). The method is currently used because it helps in gathering heavy content within limited time and lower time required for editing and reviewing the notes to be used for assignment purpose. Moreover, it helps to gather overview of entire topic within limited time.


The study concludes that highlighting note-taking strategy, mapping note-taking process and charting method of note-taking are to be used for future purpose. This is because the charting method is less time-taking and highlighting method is effective way of determining key facts during note taking that are helpful in effective completion of assignments without hindrance.

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Imran, G. and Parveen, R., 2018. Impact of Note Taking in Higher Education: A Case Study of Bilingual Students of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, pp.1-14.

Puspitasari, E., 2020. Mind Mapping in CLIL: How It Facilitates Students’ Reading Comprehension. Journal of English Education and Teaching, 4(2), pp.154-169.

Robinson, C., 2018. Note-taking strategies in the science classroom. Science Scope, 41(6), pp.22-25.

Roy, N., Torre, M.V., Gadiraju, U., Maxwell, D. and Hauff, C., 2021, March. Note the Highlight: Incorporating Active Reading Tools in a Search as Learning Environment. In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (pp. 229-238).

Thomas, C.G., 2021. Note Taking, Note Making, and Assignments. In Research Methodology and Scientific Writing (pp. 543-568). Springer, Cham.

Wang, M., Wu, B., Kirschner, P.A. and Spector, J.M., 2018. Using cognitive mapping to foster deeper learning with complex problems in a computer-based environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 87, pp.450-458.

Question 9:


Notes Notes


Bradshaw, J. and Sainsbury, R., 2019. Researching poverty. London: Routledge.

Scambler, G., 2019. Sociology, Social Class, Health Inequalities, and the Avoidance of “Classism”. Frontiers in Sociology, 4, p.56.

The theme developed in the assignment 9 is way social scientists has linked health and poverty. In order to gather information for the theme, the book by Bardshaw and Sainsbury (2019) is referred. This is because the book mention views of social scientists regarding the way poverty causes poor health because of the social inequalities such a lack of education adequate finances and others to be faced by them. It is evident as the book mentioned low finances indicates lack of money to avail the additional and better care required for enhanced well-being and good health in case of people affected by complicated diseases. The book also mentioned available finances among the poor are mainly used to arrange food and other everyday needs which leave them with less amount to be sent for managing health issues. These facts helped in formulating answer for the specific question.

The book by Bardshaw and Sainsbury (2019) also mentioned poor investment in the education for the people living under poverty is linked with their low health condition. This is evident a without effective education the people under poverty remain unaware of the health issues and the way services for early management of the issue are to be accessed. This information from the book helped in understanding the way social scientists thinks social factor like education influence health and well-being, in turn, helped me in developing data for the specified developed theme. The article by Scambler (2019) mentioned that poverty is raised out of classism by the rich. The book is used because it helped in providing insight into the way rich people maintain their higher social level and health along with reason behind the poor suffering from health issues out of poverty that was focus of the theme. The book is also used in completing the theme as it helped to understand the conflict view of social scientist for poverty and health.

Bradshaw, J. and Sainsbury, R., 2019. Researching poverty. London: Routledge. 1980, Black Report in 1980, Available at: [Accessed on:10 September 2021]

Scambler, G., 2019. Sociology, Social Class, Health Inequalities, and the Avoidance of “Classism”. Frontiers in Sociology, 4, p.56.

Question 10:

Paraphrase example 1 from Unit 8, page 4:

Original Text:

“Treat people as individuals and uphold their dignity”

“Listen to people and respond to their preferences and concerns”

“Make sure that people’s physical, social and psychological needs are assessed and responded to”

“Act in the best interests of people at all times” (NMC, 2018)

Paraphrased Text:

The Code of Practice under the first principle that is "Prioritise People" mentions that the nurses have the role to treat patients and people as individual along with are to uphold their respect and dignity. They also have the role to listen and abide by the preferences of care by patient and resolve their concerns, meet physical, mental and social needs of patient, act in the best interest of the patient and respect them in all condition.

NMC 2018, The Code, Available at: [Accessed on: 28 October 2021]

Paraphrase example 2 from Unit 3, page 1:

Original text:

Importance of Education in Society

Education, if looked at beyond its conventional boundaries, forms the very essence of all our actions. What we do is what we know and have learned, either through instructions or through observation and assimilation. When we are not making an effort to learn, our mind is always processing new information or trying to analyse the similarities as well as the tiny nuances within the context which makes the topic stand out or seem different. If that is the case then the mind definitely holds the potential to learn more, however, it is us who stop ourselves from expanding the horizons of our knowledge with self-doubt or other social, emotional, or economic constraints (, 2018).

The example is included to show how fragments of key texts are to be paraphrased and included to form a key sentence.

Paraphrased text:

Benefits of education in society:

Education is crucial for society to go beyond the conventional confinements and bring about innovation and creativity in activities as well as performances of the people (Ma et al. 2016). What people do is the representation of what they have learned, conceptualised and understood throughout their education process. Therefore, education assists people to improve their knowledge, understanding and decision-making ability which improve their performance standard. Human mind has the capacity to learn and conceptualise lots of things. Mind is involved in developing new thoughts and innovative ideas that always intervene and explore new things. However, the process of knowledge development is stopped due to several barriers such as economic, social, emotional constraints. 2018, Education for All, Available at: [Accessed on: 28 October 2021]

Paraphrase example 3 from Unit 8, page 4:

Original Text:

“Uphold the reputation of your profession at all times”

“Fulfil all registration requirements”

“Cooperate with all investigations and audits”

“Respond to any complaints made against you professionally” (NMC, 2018)

Paraphrased Text:

The nurses under the principle of “Promote professionalism and trust” has the role to uphold reputation in all circumstances, abide by professional standards and guidance, meet registration requirements, cooperate investigation in healthcare audits and professional respond to mitigate complains made against them.

NMC 2018, The Code, Available at: [Accessed on: 28 October 2021]


The paraphrasing example 1 and 3 are included because the text summarises to inform the way nurses are to provide care to the patients so that their dignity and respect is ensured as well as way professionalism is to be maintained. This is important for the nurses to understand because without professionalism they would be legally charged for their care incapability which may at time led to remove their registration and ability to work as a nurse in future. Moreover, the facts regarding the way professionalism is to be ensured is needed to be explained to the nurses so that they understand the actions to be performed to ensure professionalism. In addition, guidance regarding following dignity of the patients is included in the example to make the nurses understand the way the care is to be delivered to value the patients which is needed for ensuring their dignity. The paraphrasing is used to convey the meaning of the original text because the information shared originally are instructions which may not be understood by others due its complexity in portrayal. Since paraphrasing helps in mentioning the information in the form of own words while keeping the key meaning of the information, thus it would be more effective for general people as well as nurses to understand the facts shared to be applied in work. The other content shared is regarding education which is important to be informed so that people understand how education leads to creativity and significant to be included in life. The content is also shared and paraphrased to make even the lame people understand the need for education and engage in the act. This is because few of the sentences presented in the original text were complex which would not be understood by the people to understand importance of education and intend to change their mind in receiving better education.

References 2018, Education for All, Available at: [Accessed on: 28 October 2021]

NMC 2018, The Code, Available at: [Accessed on: 28 October 2021]

Question 11:

Plagiarism is the method of presentation of others’ work or ideas in the form of own without or with access of consent from the authors leading to incorporate the facts in personal work without effectively acknowledging the true authors (Weber-Wulff, 2019). The key way to avoid plagiarism is paraphrasing in which synonyms words are to be used or scrambling of words of the main author is to be done to rewrite the facts presented with providing credit to the main authors from whom the ideas are shared. The other way of avoiding plagiarism is to cite the main sources directly or indirectly in the paper regardless of the information been found in journal, book or other platforms. The words to be used from other sources are to be effectively quoted with reference made to the key author to avoid plagiarism (Foltýnek et al., 2019). In creating plagiarism free content, enhanced time is required so that bad decision can be avoided which results in presenting plagiarised content (Gasparyan et al., 2017). In addition, to avoid plagiarism, commitment to own work is to be showed and discussion regarding the way of presentation of facts is to be made with the lecturer. This is because the lecturer could guide the students regarding the way own words and sentences can be created in the content to avoid plagiarism (Foltýnek et al., 2019). A good way of avoiding plagiarism is must use of original sources under all condition (Gasparyan et al., 2017). The content to avoid plagiarism is to be checked in Turnitin so that the words plagiarised can be changes before final submission to avoid plagiarism in final content (Gasparyan et al., 2017).


Foltýnek, T., Meuschke, N. and Gipp, B., 2019. Academic plagiarism detection: a systematic literature review. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 52(6), pp.1-42.

Gasparyan, A.Y., Nurmashev, B., Seksenbayev, B., Trukhachev, V.I., Kostyukova, E.I. and Kitas, G.D., 2017. Plagiarism in the context of education and evolving detection strategies. Journal of Korean medical science, 32(8), pp.1220-1227.

Weber-Wulff, D., 2019. Plagiarism detectors are a crutch, and a problem. Nature, 567(7749), pp.435-436.



A reflection on executing the assignment is to be presented

Main Body

The study plan developed in executing the assignment has been effective in creating increased productivity in the study and personal life. This is because it has helped me to split the wide assignment into smaller parts by mentioning what is to be done each day. It helped me to avoid pressure of controlling huge content in single day and ensured greater memorisation ability with structured learning. It also helped me in enhancing productivity and helped in avoiding procrastinating for examination as it kept me updated in executing my academic tasks with ease. The study plan has been effective in scheduling family time and shopping time foir the family. It helped me in taking care of my family members as well as share time with them to ensure I am mentally and physically present to support them. It has helped me in achieving work-life balance while also managing education at the same time. It is evident as effective time are used for personal activities and work apart from education to ensure all aspects in life are covered while studying. The study plan has also been helpful in lowering stress. In education, majority of students feel guilty of waiting till the last moment to initiate cramming for examination. However, it is argued by Gasparyan et al. (2017) that cramming results in creating added psychological pressure and stress that no students are able to avoid if they have not been able to initiate exam preparation at the early time. Thus, the presence of study plan helped me to cover each and every aspect of the study material with having plenty of time to complete the assignments.

The developed study plan has been effective in making me strategically use time in learning facts and memorising them to score higher in examination. However, the issues with the plan is that effective time management has not been made due to which hindered the accomplishment of few of study goals are experienced. It is evident as I often missed executing the task allocated in between 2-3pm slot. It led me to slow down and face hindrance in the end along with stress. Moreover, lack of balance of time for study and play had extremely limited time for entertainment which also added to my stress in studies. Thus, in the future better time management planning is to be done by more intricately analysing available free time so that it does not make me avoid my free time to be included in studies. The time management tool such as Scoro is to be used for better management of time to be used for reading and writing the assignment. This is because it allows effective time tracking along with allows reporting of completion of work to ensure the time is strategically used.


Thus, the study concludes that the study plan is effective in reducing stress, assisting in scoring better but support hindered time management due to which difficulty in completing the study is faced.


Gasparyan, A.Y., Nurmashev, B., Seksenbayev, B., Trukhachev, V.I., Kostyukova, E.I. and Kitas, G.D., 2017. Plagiarism in the context of education and evolving detection strategies. Journal of Korean medical science, 32(8), pp.1220-1227.

Badakhshan, S., Motallebzadeh, K. and Maftoon, P., 2021. Reflective Reciprocal Teaching: A Technique for Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 9(38), pp.39-63.

Bradshaw, J. and Sainsbury, R., 2019. Researching poverty. London: Routledge.

Dunn, K., Marshall, J.G., Wells, A.L. and Backus, J.E., 2017. Examining the role of MEDLINE as a patient care information resource: an analysis of data from the Value of Libraries study. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 105(4), p.336. 2021, CINHAL, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021]

Foltýnek, T., Meuschke, N. and Gipp, B., 2019. Academic plagiarism detection: a systematic literature review. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 52(6), pp.1-42.

Gasparyan, A.Y., Nurmashev, B., Seksenbayev, B., Trukhachev, V.I., Kostyukova, E.I. and Kitas, G.D., 2017. Plagiarism in the context of education and evolving detection strategies. Journal of Korean medical science, 32(8), pp.1220-1227.

Ghiasvand, A.M., Naderi, M., Tafreshi, M.Z., Ahmadi, F. and Hosseini, M., 2017. Relationship between time management skills and anxiety and academic motivation of nursing students in Tehran. Electronic physician, 9(1), p.3678.

Huisman, B., Saab, N., Van Driel, J. and Van Den Broek, P., 2018. Peer feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(6), pp.955-968.

Hussain, A., 2021. Implementation of online assignment submission with instant feedback in a pharmacy course. Pharmacy Education, 21, pp.45-50.

Imran, G. and Parveen, R., 2018. Impact of Note Taking in Higher Education: A Case Study of Bilingual Students of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, pp.1-14.

Kerrigan, S., 2018. A ‘Logical’Explanation of Screen Production as Method-Led Research. In Screen Production Research (pp. 11-27). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2021, Medline: We make healthcare run better, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021] 1980, Black Report in 1980, Available at: [Accessed on:10 September 2021]

NHS 2021, NHS Digital, Available at: [Accessed on: 9 October 2021]

Nourdad, N. and Asghari, R., 2017. The effect of reflective reading on reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 6(6), pp.267-273.

Ntereke, B.B. and Ramoroka, B.T., 2017. Reading competency of first-year undergraduate students at University of Botswana: A case study. Reading & Writing-Journal of the Reading Association of South Africa, 8(1), pp.1-11.

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