Teaching in Specialist Area


Teaching in a specialised area is important to develop god curriculum practice and support the students efficiently with good learning environment and study materials so that they can improve personal and professional skill. The specialised area in this context is business management, where the teachers try to focus on developing good curriculum activities and maximise educational standard of the schools and colleges. Through this report, it is possible to discuss the education and training in the specialised area of the teaching professional in order to plan and prepare good learning programs for supporting the students. For those seeking education dissertation help, this report provides insights into effective curriculum design and implementation strategies.

Task 1:

1.1 Explaining key aims of education and training in your own specialist area

The teaching professionals try to develop god education and training in the institution in order to support the students to fulfil their carer aim and in this regard the teachers aim at maximising the quality of education in long run (Baba, 2018). The aim of the education and training in the own specialised area business management is to maximise the personal knowledge of the students about managing business and improve their professional skill set to work efficiently in their professional career. Productivity and efficiency of the students would be maximised through continuous development of their knowledge and skill set and the teachers focus on arranging the best educational programs and training courses to support and guide the students in long run. In this training and education program, individual is able to learn about managing the business activities and can get the opportunity to be hired in renowned organisations (Aydin and Aytekin, 2018). This education would provide required tools for equipping with the necessary technologies related to business management where the students would be able to handle all the activities in the organisations and mitigate the business related issues by developing strategic planning. Hereby, the aim of the education and training in the institution is make the individuals more competitive and improve their performance and efficiency to work hard and smarter in the multinational corporations. the teaches also focus on arranging good training and educational programs in order to increase entrepreneurship skill set of the students, where they would be able to establish own business and run the operations profitably. The business management courses are designed well in order to improve the communication skill set as well as leadership skill, managerial practice and emotional intelligence so that the students would be able to lead the employees and get good managerial position in the firm (Aithal, 2017). Hence, the goals of arranging the best educational programs in business management courses are enhancing proficiency of the participants, ensuring god decision making process, understanding psychology of management, philosophy, developing good planning business start-up and conducting operational planning in near future. The business management process also provides a scope to the students to acknowledge the financial activities including budget panning, profit management, cash flows, tax and others in order to propose good strategies to the organisations to be profitable in future.


1.2 Analysing philosophical issues relating to education and training in your own specialist area

There are some philosophical issues relating to education and training, where the students face difficulties to acquire the skill set and knowledge related to own specialist area, business management. The educational programs in business management become more quantitative and technical training, rather than qualitative informational curses, of which the students cannot understand the theories and models, related the business management (Church-Duran, 2017). Validity of concept is considered as the major philosophical issue where the students are not clear about the business management practice. There is also lack of practical business management programs, for which the students cannot understand the decision making practice and strategies that the real life organisation task as per the market trend. Without concepts, the training would become complex and result in integrated chaos which further leads to lack of proficiency among the students (de Oliveira Dias, Lopes and Teles, 2020). Rationalism is another philosophical issue in the education and training, where there is lack of arguments and explanation about the business decision making practice. Empiricism is the issue in philosophy, and in this regard the rationality view of reality, reasons and ethics is considered as opposition to empiricism.

Task 2:

2.1 Describing the aims and structure of key qualifications in own specialist area

The key qualifications required for the business management are such as higher national Diploma, completing bachelors and Master’s degree of business management as well as Higher National Certificate. Through the business management coursework, the students can develop own skill set and also gather vast range of knowledge in order to improve their understanding on this specific subject matter of interest. The aim of such coursework is to maximise the student’s ability to perform better in the business management courses and also achieve future professional career success (Clifford-Swann and Heslop, 2021). The practical skill can also be improved through elf motivated studies where the participants are able to explore new information and case studies to improve their knowledge and professional skill set. Effective academic content by maintaining the vocational standards can also be developed through such business management studies, where the individual are capable to reviewing the real life case studies, improve their analytical skill and explore creative business solutions. Development of the confidence as well as competence of the students are ensured through effective curriculum planning, where the teaching professionals try to motivate the students and encourage them to show their creativity for better performance (Fomina et al., 2019). The business program under National certificate and the masters of business management are also effective to improve academic performance of the students and support them with quality educational resources so that they can access the study materials to maximise own understanding. The business management is a complex topic where there is high requirement of the managers in the recent competitive business situation and the curriculum planning in different educational courses support and guide the students to acquire knowledge and improve their professional skill including leadership, decision making and communication skill for working efficiently and providing innovative solutions to the business.

2. 2 Describe the aims and structure of learning programmes in own specialist area

The major aim of the learning programs in the business management coursework is to target the needs of the curriculum and create good syllabus for the students so that they can improve the knowledge and skill related to business management (Thompson, 2018). The coursework also focuses on developing good learning programs for meeting students’ needs and personal preferences, where the teaching professional support the participants continuously by sharing authentic data and information. Inclusive learning practice hereby aims establish specific specialist objectives in regard to business management. Other aims of the learning programs are to arrange good learning resources for guiding the students, creating fruitful learning environment with friendly atmosphere as well developing inclusive learning practice. The teaching professionals try to cooperate and collaborate with all the students for developing strong team of knowledge acquiring and skill development (Bovair, 2018). Development of the assessment as well as the curriculum planning further provides a scope to the students to access all the learning resources, understand the business models and theories as well as utilise latest technology for exploring business management solution. Hence, the educational system is effective to meet students need and provide them continuous support for maximising their abilities in performing efficiently. On the other hand, as per the structure, the teaching professionals provide full time managerial course for the students so that they can participate efficiently in the classroom (Visvizi, Lytras and Daniela, 2019). The classes will be structured on daily basis and there are availability of the day and evening classes. The students can access the classroom activities as per their convenience as some students in business management courses are working in order to meet the fees of the courses. Flexible learning is ensured where distance does not matter and the students can access Moodle for accessing online learning materials (Brondoni, 2018). The learning materials are arranged well as per the classwork where there are audio visual files, PPT and Word file where the students can get all the knowledge and theories related to business management. The assessment criteria and the performance criteria are predetermined in order to fair treatment of the students where they are encouraged to learn and perform better.

2.3. Explaining how own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in own specialist area enables its aims to be met

Own approach to planning and preparation are necessary to develop the business management curriculum plan and make the coursework successful (Chan et al., 2017). The planning and preparation of the coursework activities are developed further planning. Initial Assessment of students establishing the needs is mandatory to develop curriculum planning and there are MCQs and structure question and answers activities at the classroom to support the students. Setting specific achievement goals and time scale is also necessary, where the teaching professionals try to develop curriculum planning and training programs by maintaining time and schedule, so that the students can access the training sessions and study materials. The teachers and education authority provide all the study materials so that the lessons could be delivered effectively based on the curriculum (Dvořáková et al., 2017). Time is allocated efficiently for the training and developmental programs and there are both online and classroom training and learning sessions, which are beneficial of the students to learn and acquire professional skill in business management. Teacher and student-centred approach is developed where the teaching professionals design the interactive training session with the aim of empowering the students and sharing their creative ideas. This further motivates the learners as well as encourages their creativity to make innovative business solutions. For preparing such educational program in the business management course, the teachers try to provide study materials through audio visual file, PPT and other educational resources so that they are able to conduct investigation and acquire diverse skill (Dhall et al., 2018). For improving their skill and knowledge, the teachers also design assessment planning to examine the personal and professional skill of the participants. developing diverse educational programs is also another tactic of preparing the coursework, where the teaching professionals are trying to create diverse training including market management, operations and business planning, sales and customers relationship management financial programs, research and development in business as well as production and manufacturing. There is the sub-topic of the business management, which should be covered under the curriculum planning.

Task 3:

3.1 Analysing the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area

Inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area is essential, where the teaching professionals can support the students and provide continuous assistance (Çeviker-Çınar, Mura and Demirbağ-Kaplan, 2017). For involving all the business students under my guidance, I have developed the planning of curriculum and the training programs to support the student with study materials. It is my responsibility as a teaching professional to provide the access of study materials, so that the students can gather both quantitative and qualitative information related to the business. I hereby focus on developing work-based and workshop-based learning skills so that the students can participate and gather vast range of information through communication and cooperation. The real life practices and the examples of multinational corporation’s strategies are discussed through the workshop which will provide a scope to all the students to acquire practical skill and explore more creative business solution through critical thinking and problem solving method. I have also prepared a video class using zoom, where the students can attend in the meeting and communicate with me for discussing about the business management practices. On the video session, the students are assigned with different assignment for fair student evaluation. Additionally, I focus on providing study materials on different internal structured of business management including human resource, finance, marketing, operations, sales and customers relationship management, supply chain and production, so that the learners can acknowledge the theories and practice of business management as a whole. Moreover, the course study was also uploaded on the Moodle such that flexible online could be facilitated. The students are continuously encouraged to show their creativity in analysing business as study as well as they is motivated to conduct self-studies and in depth research related to business management to explore creative solutions. Hence, supporting to the independent studies of the students as well as using partnership working practice with communication and collaboration further provides me a scope to create inclusive learning practice and encourage the learners to enhance their performance in long run. I hereby ensure transparency and accountability in teaching and learning session in the classroom as well as equality and diversity is also managed well under the Equality Act 2010 so that I can develop trust and loyalty among the students. On the other hand, I try to provide additional support to the learners in specialist areas, where they have doubts and confusion in resolving the business cases. Hence, inclusive learning approach along with good educational resources and continuous support are helpful for me to develop god curriculum activities and maximise student’s capabilities in order to achieve success in their academic and professional career.

3.2 Explaining how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies

There are certain curriculum issues in own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme which may hamper the quality of education. The major issues are lack of revision of the framed curriculum, poor modifications and simulations or case studies (Akbayrak and Douglas, 2021). The teaching professionals fail to provide upgraded and innovative teaching to the students due to lack of modifications in the curriculum planning and poor case study discussion. The students cannot access diverse as studies of the real organisations, for which the practice skill development sessions are being hampered. Lack of preparation of the employment programs as well as poor technical innovation are also other issues in developing good planning and preparation of the educational programs in the business management course. It is hereby important for me to pay attention to the actual needs and preferences of the students, so that the learner can share their requirement for acquiring the personal and professional skill in business management. Incorporating a specialist learning environment is mandatory for me, where I should focus on developing friendly atmosphere, providing real life case studies, empowering the students in the data analysis and evaluation or exploring creative business solutions these specialist activities will provide a scope to the students to improve their personal knowledge and acquire professional skill and intelligence for running the business through strategic management. In the recent digitalisation era, I should focus on utilising latest technology for developing good training and learning sessions. I would like to develop interactive white board as well as the use of VLE / Moodle resources to develop flexible learning classes. internet based and web based learning programs must be develop, where the students can access all the study martials including published articles, journals, business report as well as recent business case studies, PPT and audio visual files. These approaches would be beneficial for me to develop interactive learning class and arrange study materials to support the learners with high quality training and skill enhancement programs in business management.

Task 4:

4.1 Analysing ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging technologies, meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

The learning materials must be arranged efficiently as these are the major resources to support the students in business management where the teachers can deliver the instruction, share information and latest data through such resources. Teaching materials play a crucial role in supporting the teachers to improve the student learning process and it also ensures the success rate among the learners. There are both theoretical and practical concepts that must be provided to all the learners so that they can improve their knowledge in management and also acknowledge creative tactic to manage the business activities in the organisations. The students must get an overall knowledge about the way a business is conducted and thus all the tools and techniques related to the business management must be provided to all the learners (Guest and Ransom, 2020). These are also effective for helping the students and encouraging them to become successful entrepreneurs. Hence, leadership qualities must be improved along with acquiring different professional skill set, so that the student can conduct research on market, analyse competitive firms strategic and explore creative solutions to the business. In the recent years, there is virtual learning environment along with the classroom activities. The teaching professionals provide hand-outs, case studies and notes rated to business management, so that the students can acknowledge the theories and concepts of managing business. Additionally, there are different textbooks and audio visual recordings that are helpful for the earners to understand the topic and develop own knowledge and expertise in managing business.

On the other hand, the teachers try to utilise recent technologies for developing good learning programs where the VLE technologies along with web based learning sessions are developed. There are power point presentation, business cases and annual report of the organisations which are provided online to all the learners, so that they can review the real life organisational activities. On the other hand, there is interactive white board and Zoom meeting, where the students can interact with the teaching professionals and clear their doubts on the subject matter. Hence, real time video classrooms turning out to be one of the major technological integration for supporting the students with all the necessary learning resources (Basturkmen, 2019). The teachers also provide the library access of the university at the students, from where the students can get authentic books, journals and articles related to the subject matter and it is also beneficial for them to access valid and relevant information and data to improve their personal and professional skill. Hereby, both the classroom sessions as well as the online training programs are suitable for the teaching professional to provide continuous support to all the students. The new technologies are effective to meet the learners needs and preferences, where the interactive class sessions, inclusive learning activities as well as student empowerment through student centred approach, video classroom session and online training courses are beneficial for the students to access all the information and data related to the business management and maximise their performance in long run.

4.2. Analysing the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area

As an assistant teacher in the business management, I am trying my best to arrange the learning resources and create good learning environment in the classroom, so that the students can improve their knowledge and skill set to achieve future success. In my specialist area of business management, I have utilised different learning resources to support the students and provide better learning environment with good communication and cooperation. I try to provide direct lectures at the classroom as well as arrange the workshop where the learners can participate and acknowledge new business ideas and managerial activities. The lecture classes are effective to share all the business theories and models, which create the learning base for the students, and on the other hand, the seminars and workshops are fruitful for the learners to access all the necessary information and data related to real life examples, and organisational activities. Hence, these practices provide me a scope to maintain the quality standard of education and provide the best learning resources related to subject matter. I have also circulated different audio along with video files to get overview of the business and there are links of the power point presentations that are also circulated among the students. The theories and practices in business management are represented systematically in the audio visual files and the presentation slides. These are the major learning resources that would be helpful for the students to develop own ideas and acquire professional skill set. I also focus on develop inclusive learning practice by providing flexibility so that whenever they want, pause, rewind, skip some sections in the videos, they can. Inclusiveness specialist learning packages are provided as per the student’s interest where there is vast range of learning resources provided to the learners along with different class demonstration. There is also Zoom meeting option, where I arrange video class session for the student, so that there would be one to one conversation with the learners and they can feel comfortable to share their ideas and clear doubts in the coursework.

Task 5:

5.1 Liaise with others within a specialist area to develop their own practice

Business management has been the branch of education including finance, operations, marketing and sales, customer relationship management, supply chain and production, which is complex coursework and it, is the responsibility of the teaching professionals to arrange educational resources and continuously support the students for acquiring skill set and knowledge related to the subject (Ruslanovna, 2017). Hereby, it is crucial that liaison must be done among the different professionals, so that there would be strong teamwork to enhance own capabilities and maximise performance in long run. In such critical context, I would like to seek help from my senior teaching professional so that inclusive practice in the classroom can be develop well, where I can directly and indirectly communicate and cooperate with the students. In order to liaise with the students, there would be interactive classes and encouraging the students to use interactive white board and in addition to this, continuous emailing and networking must be handled well (Enríquez, Troyano and Romero-Moreno, 2019). I try to create god network among the students and teachers, where there would be friendly atmosphere for better communication and cooperation. The students can feel free to seek support from the teaching team in order to clear their doubts and explore in depth information and data in the business management course. I also try to arrange organisational events by empowering the students, arranging workshops and seminars so that the learners can cooperate with us and be engaged with the learning activities in the business management course. The teaching professionals try to manage all the events and also utilise ICT or Information and Communication Technology for developing inclusive classroom (Pekkanen et al., 2020). ICT in this regard is useful to enhance internal and external communication as well as create social networking where the students and teachers can cooperate and interact with others for acquiring knowledge and professional skill.

5.2 Reviewing the impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within own specialist area on own practice

There is great impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within own specialist area on own practice, as the teaching professionals are able to interact with the learners and develop strong team work in the institution. It helps to update the information and data through day to day activities, where the teachers and students can communicate through official email and notice board in the institution (Lu, 2020). In addition to this, good liaison in the institution further provides a scope to be collaborative in programme design where all the teachers are working as partnership working practice to develop the curriculum planning and arrange interactive training and developmental programs related to business management. Equal access of the learning resources as well as distribution of the information can also be possible through such cooperative system of education (de Oliveira and Santos, 2018). The students can develop good experience and acquire diverse skill, which are crucial in the business management such as leadership, emotional intelligence, good communication and cooperative skill, critical analytical skill, problem solving and decision making skill (Hagan, 2019). Sharing the information and the practice of discuss about the learning resources and data are also effective of the students to increase own ideas and develop creative solutions in future. Hence, such learning practice provides an opportunity to the students to gather experience and develop own capabilities to achieve success in both academic and professional career (Kovalenko et al., 2019).

Task 6:

6.1 Reviewing the effectiveness of their own knowledge and skills in a specialist area

The bachelor and master degree in business management is helpful for me to develop my knowledge and skill set in business management where I try to utilise my personal knowledge and professional skill to design curriculum planning for the students. As a teaching professional in the business management course, pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) I helpful for me to acquire various principles of business management and arrange effective learning resources for others. I had been able to develop various skills including good communication, cooperation, time management and creative decision making skill. I always try to be interactive with other at the classroom to motivate the students and encourage their creativity in making good business decisions. I have the ability to put forward my views and ideas explicitly in front of others, where sharing ideas and explaining the information further help me to explore new ideas and business solutions in near future. I have also acquired leadership skill and managerial practice, where I try to support and continuously guide the learners for maximising the team performance. I believe in teamwork with good communication and partnership working practice and this further helps me in my specialist area to develop good learning environment. I have developed my technical skills, where I can manage Microsoft Office for representing information and handling the gather data and theories efficiently through the computerise system. I also try to utilise ICT in order to be engaged with others and enhance communication so that I can make others be updated with latest news and reports through day to day activities. Microsoft Excel-based actions at the advanced level as well as power point presentation skill are also beneficial for me to develop virtual training and classroom activities so that I can help others to acquire skill in managing business and achieve success in academic and professional field.

6.2 Identifying own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area

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Through evaluating my own skill and abilities, I try to identify strength and weaknesses, so that it would be possible for me to create personal and professional developmental plan in future to achieve career success. The major strengths are such as communication, presentation skill, time management, technical skill set and critical thinking skill. I try to utilise communication and cooperative skill set to meet my roles and responsibilities in my own specialist area, so that I can support others through sharing information and creative business ideas. In addition to this, critical thinking skill further helps me to critically analyse the concepts and data for exploring new alternatives and support others. The time management and emotional intelligence skill further help me to improve my leadership qualities, where I try to work hard and create inclusive learning practice to guide the learners with adequate educational resources. The technical skill further helps me in the recent years to relate virtual learning programs to support the learners, where they can access the classroom activities training programs and study materials online as per their convenience. On the other hand, the major weaknesses are lack of skill in budgeting, poor decision making skill and lack of financing skill set. I face difficulties in managing financial activities of the business, where finance is one of the major parts in business management. Lack of budgetary planning skill further deteriorate the curriculum planning, where I may face problems in supporting the learners with adequate information and data in financing the business operational activities.

6.3 Identifying opportunities to improve and update their own knowledge and skills in a specialist area

In order to achieve higher, I would like to develop personal and professional skill set and access all the learning resources for self-motivated learning activities. I would like to participate in the online classes to improve my understanding and maximise my abilities in business management programs. I also want to take admission in the various artificial intelligence-based Technologies along with digitalization-based Technology, in order to utilise latest technique in developing online training programs. I would take the initiative to learn budgeting and financial management in order to support the learners to acquire the financing skill and develop good knowledge in finance and budgeting. It will provide me a scope to improve and update my knowledge and improve understanding in designing the curriculum planning successfully. Knowledge on artificial intelligence and the latest cloud computing system would be effective for me to improve my capabilities in performing better and supporting other to acquire new skill in business management. For data analysis and evaluation, I would like to utilise such technologies and develop good training programs in business management courses. In such digitalisation era, I can arrange online training courses, conduct video conferencing as well as develop audio-visual programs to support the students in the business management institution.


Business management is hereby a critical educational course, where the teaching professionals aim at providing the best training and development programs to all the students, so that the earners can enhance their personal abilities through accruing personal knowledge and professional skill set. Through planning and arranging educational resources, the teachers can provide the best education and training programs to the students. The technological innovation is there in education, where the teaching professionals are efficient to utilise VR technologies and real time videos for supporting the students through online training courses in study materials. The educational quality, equal scope for the students as well as good learning environment through continuous communication and cooperation are hereby effective or the teachers to encourage the students and help them to achieve future academic and professional career success.

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Reference List

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