Professionalism is identified to be a complex concept that invites several theorists to discuss and give an opinion regarding important characteristics and cultural differences. Here the concerned profession is identified to be teaching, a topic where education dissertation help often plays a crucial role. Behavioral, attitudinal, intellectual components indulge in a genuine observation of professionalism that is certainly noticeable when they are unavailable. Teachers can be identified as professionals since the process of gaining knowledge and skills is included within it.
Self-worth and value identification is seen to be the most attractive part of professionalism. Teachers are directed to certain jobs while being bound to certain rules. Teachers are not free to make certain decisions and they have to follow rules of professionalism. It is something that encourages the complete association of components and brings in extrinsic and intrinsic values within the teaching profession (Mann, and Walsh, 2017). Professionalism in teaching holds a supreme value of employment and focuses on the salary part and the training undertaken. Giving feedback and participation in the improvement of teaching quality is something that has to be endeavor within professionalists. Students and teachers are also required to be sharing the same values these days.
Professionalism can be best defined by the “competence or skill expected of a professional.” It is identified as an important phenomenon that includes the social and normative notion of professionalism. Systemized knowledge and recognition of operation have found out interesting factors within the code of ethics (Bowe, and Gore, 2017). According to Kenneth Strike, it is evident that professionals require "esoteric subject knowledge" and substantial amounts of training. Autonomy and orientation towards student welfare are highly applicable within elitism and the need for the differentiation attached to the title. Virtues of competence are analyzed and differentiated by a modest professional teacher. Teachers can be called professionalists since various educational interests groups are developed that need a brush up on skills of management. Not only training is required on curriculum teaching there should be professionalism taught on the aspects of behaviorism.
The responsibilities of a professional teacher can encourage overall behavioral and attitudinal changes within a student and also associate learning. Taking a toll on the teacher's professionalism is observed since a teacher needs to be language proficient as well as competent in their core subject area (Byram, and Wagner, 2018). Professionalism in teaching will include helping the students in “pressures and demands in some countries to learn new skills such as teamwork, higher-order thinking and effective use of new information technologies”. It is quite evident that professionalism encourages the progression of current values and beliefs that are possessed by students. As a part of learning it is important to value the transformation and accept changes whichever are upcoming. A great transformation of students is observed within the monitoring of standardized performances and accessing the expertise areas of pupils (Densmore, 2018). Pushing each member forward is essential for the management of conflicts and the pressure of work.
While the entire profession is being improved in the teaching sector, the "shrinking public-sector finances and tightening policy controls have been pushing teachers to do more work, more compliantly and for limited reward". Detailed curriculum targets are overloaded and both the student and teachers are not getting enough time to develop skills amidst the pressure of orthodox syllabus. It is questionable whether the job of a teacher is noble or not. Since, due to an oversaturated system, parents and expecting more from their children, and teachers are bound to pressure students to fit in certain boxes (Kelchtermans, 2017).
However, a teacher's duty is not only limited to the pervasive testing regimes, it must focus on a student's mental health and well-being development. Reevaluating the checklist of learning and managing performance standards is associated with the teaching profession, which is not maintained sometimes. Some people are only concerned regarding their personal growth and do not follow the code of conduct for teachers. Teachers are required not only to impart knowledge but also need to ensure children's safety during work hours (Korthagen, 2017). Developing professional teachers' identities can be complex as the process is divided into multiple stages.
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A conflict is often seen to be generated within teachers regarding the meeting of standards of professionalism. Language proficiency is effectively handling the conflicts of professionalism. However, teachers do not have the right to protest against the department of education even if the rules and regulations settled by them are not correct. Educational competency is associated with professionalism. Some teachers are also seen to be practicing autonomy (Lantz-Andersson, Lundin, and Selwyn, 2018).
“Additionally, licensed autonomy still means that teachers are still required to follow guidelines of the teacher’s standards and also be trained upon these standards.” However, the action of practicing autonomy again allows for professionalism. Curriculum changes need to maintain stress components within teachers. Progressive cases are associated with an improvement of components and verifying the reasons behind moral disparity and changing curriculum-based activities. Controlling each situation with adequate proficiency is something that requires progressive improvement of teachers to stand out for themselves.
Ample challenges are coming in the pathway of teaching. Challenges can arise from core subject areas. Young student teachers are required to encourage a positive approach for involving one teacher and other significant agents in the space where they belong. Certification programs are generated for an evaluation of components to encourage teaching transitions and desires of contributing to society (Gast, Schildkamp, and van der Veen, 2017). A co-regulation model comprises personal, cultural, and social sources of influence. A broader social aspect of belonging to the professional world needs prioritization. "Leading teachers and those who work with them to re-evaluate their professionalism and to make judgments about the kinds of professional learning they need to get better in their job".
Now, language proficiency and delivering improved content are essential within individual policy development and decision-making. The responsibilities should be taken into consideration by the Department of Education. Religious components should be addressed and issues like Islamophobia should be eradicated within a region of work. Barber's idea of autonomy is associated with a forecast of professionalism and the ever-changing environment of teaching. Most of the teachers are expected to follow policies of disruptive learning (Lunn Brownlee, Ferguson, and Ryan, 2017). In a school, certain disciplinary actions are required to be taken and management of disruptive behavior is essential to maintain the roles of professional teachers.
Extending hands towards helping the learners and judging their ability to stretch and differentiate lessons have been reflected within a well-structured environment. Professional learning and accountability need to be focused on so that the unions of teachers are satisfied. Progressive environments are required to be encouraged while a constant evolving of certainty is encouraged (Ping, Schellings, and Beijaard, 2018). "Kenneth Strike has concluded that a professional is required to have the esoteric subject knowledge, a substantial amount of training, autonomy, and orientation towards service and client welfare".
Adoption of professionalism within schools is also identified as a part of effective learning. Society is always trying to pass the blame on to other people. Skilled learners are associated with the development criteria of standing out among the crowd and understanding the process of professionalism.
Imposition of government standards is often seen on teachers and they are required to be balancing constraints of the system. A professional teacher needs to follow critical thinking skills and children of age groups 5 to 6 years are mostly affected by the education system (Spante et al. 2018). The pre-determiner of future success in work and life is associated with government-imposed systems and duty of care is required for managing the difficulties in schools regarding religious aspects. A challenge to the teacher's professionalism is identified to be the quality control system and different skills like usage of language, situational judgment is also identified to be the professional one. Public perception of professionalism is associated with the conduct of students and teachers. Teachers are emphasizing the roles and responsibilities of open and clear communication among the students so that they can embrace the teaching and learning environment for people to cultivate a quality culture among the students and teachers.
Becoming a professional teacher is not something that can be easily achieved. The Royal College of teaching gives substance to the argument of teachers on their overall development of professionalism (Umrzokova, and Pardaeva, 2020). Conduct, demeanor, and standards that are guiding through transitions of becoming professional from a student are required to be understood effectively. Teachers are found to be effectively managing students with their excellent management skills. Professionalism creates an ultimate environment to learn and grow. Enhancing the quality of life is important within an educational setup while following the rules of development. Professionalism can be in terms of all professions and the goal is to realize how individuals can perform well within the setup of professionalism. Inherent standards of teaching are found out through applying one's professional thoughts and meeting the needs of children.
Regulating practices and imposing on conditions are highly essential within communication openness and extending the abilities with a class discussion. The idea of professionalism is significant since teachers have to deal with professional standards of teaching while there are different types of students coming up with an extraordinary quality like autism or even the children with down syndrome (Xing, and Gao2018 0. Specific studies should be conducted and training should be taken to ensure accountability and reduce stress for teachers. Some aspects are progressive and require improvement for sustaining government officials and unions. Some rules that are included in the behaviorism of the learning room are as follows:
Remaining in silence until any authorized personnel and staff member asks to explain important things
Following instructions on the certain task assigned by the tutor and listening carefully to lectures
Giving attendance on time and informing on the urgent needs of the team members are essential within this evaluation of professionalism
Teachers in my opinion have to follow the behavioral policies and work upon interesting activities. The planned activities have to be minimized to encourage tedious and disruptive behavior management. As a personalized perception it is identified to be easier to deliver the autonomous components of teaching. I find it effective to indulge in a behavior that is influenced by DFE. Professional autonomy which is provided to teachers is essential in terms of influencing larger groups of learners (Yazan, 2019). Two different periods are aligned so that professionalism is described at its core. A progressive and consensus professionalism gives clarity to paternalism, detachment and encourages larger varieties of learners. Margaret Thatcher's educational reform act standardized the content which has been taught across the UK. A new national curriculum helps in increasing the participation of students and teachers inside a standardized curriculum. It has been observed that the department of education acknowledges how conflicts are met through conveying the information.
Certain teaching standards set by the government are converting professionalism into an ever-changing process. The teachers, students, and classroom activities are crucial in terms of assessing professionalism (Menter, and Flores, 2021). Observations are created to include students in collaboration activities with teachers for ensuring a better learning environment.
The ideology of professionalism is associated with teachers for static learning and educational reformation. The fluidity of professionalism enables a top-down approach to focus on effectiveness. Professionalism is an ever-changing module that gives new challenges to both students and teachers. “It cannot be stagnant because there are no stagnant days in the teaching profession, it is about fluidity and adaptability”. Safeguarding children is identified as the utmost priority of a qualified teacher and work entitlement should be completed. Identification of exact responsibilities is important since the assessment of student-teacher training courses is designed with strict guidelines which are supposed to be followed. Promotion is part of rewards that encourages professionals to exceed their boundaries and do more within internal and external monitoring.
Take a deeper dive into The Challenges Faced by Secondary School Students with our additional resources.
Mann, S. and Walsh, S., 2017. Reflective practice in English language teaching: Research-based principles and practices. Routledge.
Bowe, J. and Gore, J., 2017. Reassembling teacher professional development: The case for quality teaching rounds. Teachers and teaching, 23(3), pp.352-366.
Byram, M. and Wagner, M., 2018. Making a difference: Language teaching for intercultural and international dialogue. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), pp.140-151.
Densmore, K., 2018. Professionalism, proletarianization and teacher work. In Critical studies in teacher education (pp. 130-160). Routledge.
Kelchtermans, G., 2017. ‘Should I stay or should I go?’: Unpacking teacher attrition/retention as an educational issue. Teachers and Teaching, 23(8), pp.961-977.
Korthagen, F., 2017. Inconvenient truths about teacher learning: Towards professional development 3.0. Teachers and teaching, 23(4), pp.387-405.
Lantz-Andersson, A., Lundin, M. and Selwyn, N., 2018. Twenty years of online teacher communities: A systematic review of formally-organized and informally-developed professional learning groups. Teaching and Teacher Education, 75, pp.302-315. Gast, I., Schildkamp, K. and van der Veen, J.T., 2017. Team-based professional development interventions in higher education: A systematic review. Review of educational research, 87(4), pp.736-767.
Lunn Brownlee, J., Ferguson, L.E. and Ryan, M., 2017. Changing teachers' epistemic cognition: A new conceptual framework for epistemic reflexivity. Educational Psychologist, 52(4), pp.242-252.
Menter, I. and Flores, M.A., 2021. Connecting research and professionalism in teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), pp.115-127.
Ping, C., Schellings, G. and Beijaard, D., 2018. Teacher educators' professional learning: A literature review. Teaching and teacher education, 75, pp.93-104.
Spante, M., Hashemi, S.S., Lundin, M. and Algers, A., 2018. Digital competence and digital literacy in higher education research: Systematic review of concept use. Cogent Education, 5(1), p.1519143.
Umrzokova, G. and Pardaeva, S., 2020. DEVELOPING TEACHERSPROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AND CRITICAL THINKING IS A KEY FACTOR OF INCREASING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2020(2), pp.66-75.
Xing, W. and Gao, F., 2018. Exploring the relationship between online discourse and commitment in Twitter professional learning communities. Computers & Education, 126, pp.388-398.
Yazan, B., 2019. Toward identity‐oriented teacher education: Critical autoethnographic narrative. TESOL Journal, 10(1), p.e00388.
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