The Crucial Role of Teaching Professionals in English Language Education

Unit 1: Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationship in education and training
1.1 Analysing own roles and responsibilities in education and training

The role of the teaching professionals in the education and training is crucial to guide the students and provide them good training and developmental activities to help them for achieving future carer success. In this regard, as the teaching professional of the English, foreign language, it is the major role of the teacher to create good curriculum planning for the students so that they can improve their knowledge and skill in English language. Through the curriculum planning and restructuring the organisational resources are also the major responsibility of the teaching profession of English, which is a key aspect of education dissertation help. The teacher is responsible to arrange the organisational resources to provide good training program on the foreign language, English, so that the students can improve their skill and access the infrastructure of the educational institution for further personal and professional development (Tondeur et al., 2017). The teacher is also responsible to take pastoral car where it is possible to take of the students emotional, social and spiritual needs and fulfil their cultural and demographic perspectives. Supporting all the religious community in the class room and provide inclusive training and development program to the students (Hunecke et al., 2017). Hence, the resource generator, developing good classroom culture with harmony and cooperative behaviour as well as arranging the curriculum planning for English language are the major responsibilities of the teacher so that it would be possible to lead the students towards achieving their personal and professional career success (Small, Shacklock and Marchant, 2018). The responsibilities are hereby beneficial for the teacher to develop interactive classes with the students and increase the student’s participation at the classroom for better learning and developmental activities. There are issues in developing curriculum planning and arranging classroom resources in the recent era of digitalization, where some of the institutions cannot afford latest technology, but the teacher is able to create good planning for improving the knowledge and skill of English language.

1.2 Summarising key aspects of legislations, regularity requirements and codes of practice in in education and training

There are strict rules and legislations in the education and training, where the teachers and school authority are responsible to develop ethical standard for supporting the students and leading them toward achieving the future success. The Education Act 2011 is effective to create good educational curriculum planning for the students. There is structured educational institution with good resources and capabilities, where the school authority and board members try to manage the student by providing good learning environment and effective training program related to English language. In this regard, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is also beneficial to be implemented in the institution for ensuring health and safety of the students (Levinson and Fay, 2019). The teaching professionals create safe environment for the stud nets so that the children would be safe and secure to participate in the classroom (Small, Shacklock and Marchant, 2018). There is effective monitoring and control where the supervisor reviews the whole system and create good environment for learning and development. Moreover, Equality Act 2010 is also effective to maintain equality and diversity in the classroom. The teacher of English provides equal opportunity to all the students for participating in the class and improves their knowledge and personal and professional skill set. The students feel valued and are treated fairly at the classroom and it further boosts their interest to participate in the classroom (Carlisle et al., 2017). There are other ethical practices at the education and training institution, where the teaching professionals try to maintain ethical code of practices, including managing transparency and accountability, encouraging the students for better performance, continuous motivation and taking pastoral care of all the students at the classroom. Hence, all the students are treated equally irrespective their demographic background, language gap and cultural diversity, where the teachers try to encourage them to participate in the classroom and improve their English language (Schröder, 2019).

1.3 Analysing relationship and boundaries between teaching role and other professional roles

It is necessary for the teaching professionals to manage their roles and responsibilities at the educational institution, through cooperation and communication with other colleagues and team members. There is strong relationship among the teachers, social workers, school authorities and board members. The teachers try to develop good bonding and enhance internal communication at the workplace, so that they can cooperate with each other and provide the best quality education and training program to the students (Corrin et al., 2019). It is important to create partnership working practice at the educational institution and develop good curriculum planning collaboratively for the benefits of the students. For the English language teacher, it is also essential to develop good teamwork at the institution and develop effective course structure for the students with good training and developmental program. However, there are some issues associated with the education and training, including resistance to change, internal conflicts, lack of safety measures at the workplace, poor management and inefficacy of the board members of the educational institution (Maxwell, 2017). There are hereby boundaries between the teaching role and the professional role, where some of the teachers cannot follow the ethical code of practice and fail to maximise professionalism in the educational institution. It is hereby necessary for the organisation to create good environment and support the teaching professionals for better managerial practices. The teachers must focus on the existing issues and mitigate it through developing partnership working practice which further helps to enhance internal communication and cooperation among the management team, teaching professionals and the educational board (Levinson and Fay, 2019). It is also necessary to provide good circumstances of education and training to the students through empowering them in the classroom, developing including learning activities and creating cooperative decision making practice in the educational institution, so that the teachers and management team can work as a team and maximise their aim.

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1.4 Describing points of referral to meet the needs of the learners

It is the responsibility of the school authority to meet the needs and personal preferences of the learners. The school authority and the teachers try to identify and assess the needs and personal preferences of the learners for providing pastoral care to each student very carefully, so that the children can participate well in the classroom and manage their performance in long run. There are learning and development needs, where the teachers try to provide good curriculum planning for developing their skill and abilities (Head, 2020). The personal and professional skill developmental activities are also necessary in this regard for supporting the students and leading them efficiently towards achieving future success. The teachers also try to cooperate with each student and provide them friendly atmosphere for learning and development and in this regard, the students also need effective assistance and care at the classroom for enhancing their participation. The teaching professionals also try hard to provide them emotional support and counselling session in the school and also in the society to support and guide the students. Hence, the teachers are responsible to meet the needs and personal preferences of the learners in long run, so that it would be possible to enhance their capabilities to perform better. The local counselling organisation and government are also arranging social program of skill enhancement and improving emotional intelligence and personality of the students, so that the children can develop their personal and professional skill set for better performance in near future (Carlisle et al., 2017). Hence, emotional support, continuous engagement with the students, providing help to each student for improving their academic performance as well as enhancing communication skill through positive body language and interactions are effective to fulfil the needs and preferences of the students.

Unit 6: Assessing learning in education and training
6.1 Explaining purpose and types of assessment used in education and training

Student assessment is necessary in the education and training where the teachers try to develop effective assessment practice for analysing the performance of the students. The teachers try to manage the student assessment in the educational institution for identifying the skill and abilities of the students and provide them good assistance and training for further skill enhancement. The teachers aim at managing student assessment for maximising the performance of the students after analysing their educational needs, training requirements and other personal preferences. It is essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and standards of the lessons are being met and for this, assessment at the educational institutions is mandatory (Desy, Reed and Wolanskyj, 2017). The student assessment is considered as the continuous learning process, where it is possible to analyse the results of each student and provide them good training and development for further development of their personal and professional skill set (Desy, Reed and Wolanskyj, 2017). It is also beneficial for student motivation where the teachers try to encourage them to perform better. Assessment hereby plays a crucial role in informing the necessary instruction, guiding the student's next steps, and checking their progress and achievement.

There are several types of student assessment, which are formative, summative and interim assessment. The formative assessment is conducted through daily assessment, linked with the continuous learning experience, assessing the students at the classroom through different activities, modifying the instructions and developing their skill through interactive session at the classroom (Deardorff and Arasaratnam-Smith, 2017). On the other hand, the summative assessment is conducted at the end of the year through examination which has standard level of annual skill and knowledge test for the students. Teacher’s accountability and evaluation can be improved through designing effective assessment practice at the school for better identification of the students’ performance through the results in the examination. The interim assessment is also effective for class level activities to identify the gap of the students in skill enhancement (Bruno, and Dell’Aversana, 2018). Quiz, inclusive learning and taking class test, surprise tests are the examples of interim assessment through which it is possible to analyse the progress of the students and identify their gap in learning and development (Bruno, and Dell’Aversana, 2018). Hence, the assessment at the education and training is beneficial for interacting with the students and identifying their progress in the classroom. It is also necessary for the teachers to develop good questionnaire at the classroom and encourage the students for answering the questions and analyse their abilities to perform better in long run.

6.2 Analysing effectiveness of assessment method in meeting individual needs of the learners

There are several assessment techniques, through which the teaching professionals can assess the performance and abilities of the students. Some of the examples of student assessment are such as multiple choice questions, short answer, class test, projects, annual exams, classroom observation and quiz. The classroom observation is one of the effective methods, where the efficient teachers try to observe the participation of the students and identify their abilities at the classroom (Miguel et al., 2019). Through continuous observation, the teachers can identify the gap in knowledge and skill of the students and guide them proficiently through continuous training and developmental programs. On the other hand, the annual exams are the best way to assess the student abilities through taking examination. It is beneficial to analyse the performance of the students at the end of the semesters, which further help them to progress in their personal and professional career. Another effective way to assess the students is quiz, where the students must participate actively and provide answers very quickly and through this, it is possible to analyse the abilities and skill set of the students (Thomas, Parsons and Whitcombe, 2019). Interactive classes through inclusive learning as well as the class room question answer round are beneficial for the teachers to assess the students and identify their performance. Hence, all the assessment practices in the classroom are beneficial for the teaching professional to analyse the knowledge gap among the students and develop good training and developmental programs for the students so that they can guide the children and enhance their performance and skill set so that the students would be able to perform efficiently and fulfil their career goal (Thomas, Parsons and Whitcombe, 2019).

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Reference List

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