The Nexus of Knowledge, Creativity, and Success

1. Introduction

This below article is a brief essay on the knowledge and creativity that an individual learns while studying at a university and hoe they can help in gaining success in the employment as well as academic sector. This essay will state that why and how an individual becomes a learner and develops his/her competencies during their learning module, including the importance of seeking education dissertation help. There is a reflection also that hoe the effective communication skill can help them in approaching future challenges, individual performance and behaviour in both the sectors along with their university courses.

LO1: Demonstrating the effective communication skills and its application in academic and professional contexts.


An effective communication skill for us is more than just sharing and exchanging information and learning. Rather than it is about the deep understanding of the intention and expressions behind that exchange of information (Khan et al. 2017). Effective communication term can be stated as a clear and efficient way of conveying message so that the person whom we are communicating can clearly understand the feeling and emotions of what we want to express to them through written or verbal communication. For many people, to communicate effectively, they need certain learning and necessary skills so that if there are any problems or barriers come in their educational or professional environment process, they can convey them to the respective person for resolving it early (van der Vleuten et al. 2019).

In case of professional scenario, according to Rosenbaum (2017), effective communication has a different definition as the ability that one can use whenever receiving or giving any kind of information such as any new idea, feeling or also an update about any project or other work involving speaking, listening, empathising and observing ways so that the opposite person can receive the message is known as an effective communication. As described by Coffelt and Smith (2020), professional communication can be proved to be effective via many different ways such as face-to-face interactions like interviews and meetings, phone call conversations and digital conversations too like social media conversation and email or chats.

Much different from the professional usage of effective communication, the educational sector has separate meanings and importance in different aspects of effective communication (Yu et al. 2017). Communication needs to be effective from both the teacher and learner sides, only then the overall conversational can be resulted to be effective. Like in professional sector, in academic sector also, the effective communication involves listening and speaking & reading and writing. It is very viral that the teacher must be effectively influential in their teaching to transmit the education thoroughly (van Laar et al. 2018). Apart from only transmitting the learning, teachers also needs be variant in their thinking & message conveying approaches in the classrooms and interacting with students of the class. Coffelt and Smith (2020) stated that for students to be effective in communication, they must be frank with their teacher to tell them their issues and find their solutions from the and along with that if any student is feeing difficulty in understanding the learning of the class sessions that he or she must share that with their teacher so that they can resolve that problem (Claro et al. 2018). No matter what the topics are, there should be established a clear and effective communication in the educational context between the teacher and student for an open conversation with efficiency in it (van der Vleuten et al. 2019). An effective communication can be established in both the professional and educational context and in different aspects also like on professional front it can be from seniors to juniors, juniors to superiors, between colleagues and in staffs and workers too (Claro et al. 2018). On educational front, it can be flourished from teacher to student between teacher and teacher, from students to teachers and also in between student to student. Rosenbaum (2017) described that in all arenas, it is the vital necessity to make the communication effective for making people understand what one wants to say.

LO2: Reflection on the individual performance, behaviour and experience of effective communication skills in educational and employment sector.

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The determinants of an effective communication in both sectors of educational and employment are the measuring of the individual performance, behaviour and experience gained can be reflected by indulging them into the Gibbs Reflection Cycle model. The Gibbs Reflection Cycle model is original introduced by Graham Gibbs in the year 1988 to share experiences of people through certain steps and giving reflection on what the process is; how it can be executed, risks factors, evaluation and analysis and includes the action plan also (Adeani et al. 2020). This reflection will highlight all the issues, challenges, expectations, experiences and performance level of individual in employment and educational sector.

performance performance


The above essay highlighted the important and necessity of an effective communication skill in every individual whether a learner in an educational scenario or any working professional in the workplace scenario and revealed how it can be achieved. Adding to this the reflection lastly concluded about the experience of achieving a successful effective communicating approach with resolving the challenges and problems that will come in the way of this process.

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Adeani, I.S., Febriani, R.B. and Syafryadin, S., 2020. USING GIBBS’REFLECTIVE CYCLE IN MAKING REFLECTIONS OF LITERARY ANALYSIS. Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp.139-148.

Claro, M., Salinas, Á., Cabello-Hutt, T., San Martín, E., Preiss, D.D., Valenzuela, S. and Jara, I., 2018. Teaching in a Digital Environment (TIDE): Defining and measuring teachers' capacity to develop students' digital information and communication skills. Computers & Education, 121, pp.162-174.

Coffelt, T.A. and Smith, F.L., 2020. Exemplary and Unacceptable Workplace Communication Skills. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 83(4), pp.365-384.

Khan, A., Khan, S., Zia-Ul-Islam, S. and Khan, M., 2017. Communication Skills of a Teacher and Its Role in the Development of the Students' Academic Success. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1), pp.18-21.

Rosenbaum, M.E., 2017. Dis-integration of communication in healthcare education: Workplace learning challenges and opportunities. Patient education and counseling, 100(11), pp.2054-2061.

van der Vleuten, C., van den Eertwegh, V. and Giroldi, E., 2019. Assessment of communication skills. Patient education and counseling, 102(11), pp.2110-2113.

van Laar, E., van Deursen, A.J., van Dijk, J.A. and de Haan, J., 2018. 21st-century digital skills instrument aimed at working professionals: Conceptual development and empirical validation. Telematics and Informatics, 35(8), pp.2184-2200.

Yu, T.K., Lin, M.L. and Liao, Y.K., 2017. Understanding factors influencing information communication technology adoption behavior: The moderators of information literacy and digital skills. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, pp.196-208.

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