Unveiling The Significance of Literature


Research skill refers to the ability of the extracting, locating, evaluating, organising and using the present information that is relevant to the particular topic. For conducting any kind of research, including quantitative dissertation help, the researcher needs to conduct detailed as well as methodological investigation on the specific area of study. It involves the investigation, intensive research and critical analysis. This report is going to represent the elaborate discussion on the research skill. Moreover, it will focus on describing the importance of literature review, methodology and primary data analysis process in conducting a research. This report is going to identify the skill that is needed in terms of conducting the research process. It is important for the researcher to deal with the databases that are relevant to conduct the research. This report is going to describe the clear description of the usefulness as well as the importance of research skill that is important for dealing with the different aspects of the research.


Literature review:

Literature review demonstrates the important facts and main viewpoints that are encountered during reading the chosen topic. As stated by Balan et al. (2017), through literature review researcher can represent the in-depth discussion on the research topic including its usefulness and limitations. Literature is the crucial part of any research in which researcher represents the understanding of the selected subject area. However, for conducting the literature review, researches should have proper research skill that will assist the researcher in order to represent the theoretical description of the important aspect of research topic in well-organised manner. According to Ozer et al. (2015), through literature review researcher can summarise the important points of selected topic that are encountered during collecting the proper theoretical database during conducting the research. Careful as well as comprehensive literature scanning is crucial in order to formulate the research project, which needs working out of best implementation strategy. According to Wolgemuth et al. (2015), research skill in writing the literature review is based on making proper appraisal, comparison and contrast between the different theoretical perspectives that will assist the learner to get the comprehensive knowledge regarding the topic. For conducting the proper literature review, researcher needs to have the skill to refine as well as chose the relevant search terms. According to Greenland et al. (2016), search terms are the important elements for searching the right as well as relevant sources for making proper progression on the research project. It is important for the researcher to have skill in representing the comprehensive discussion on the research topic. Through using the search terms, researcher can easily collect the relevant database from the different articles that are selected by the researcher. Moreover, for writing the accurate and highly authentic literature review, researcher needs to be highlight organised. Before, writing the literature review researcher will definitely read the selected articles in well-organised manner. Researcher will have strong communication skill, reading as well as research skill and academic writing skill. Through these skills researcher can gather the possible knowledge on different theoretical approaches that are important for representing the contradictory statement in the literature review. As stated by Shaikh (2014), researcher needs to understand the main purpose of conducting the literature review. During writing the literature review, researcher needs to give the new interpretation about the old materials as well as the new articles. Researcher needs to trace the intellectual progression of field, including major database that will enhance the ability of the researcher to represent the different theoretical approaches in the literature review (Arena et al. 2015). Depending on different situation, researcher can evaluate the source as well as advise the readers on different most relevant as well as pertinent research. Through literature review, researcher can place the each work on the context of its contribution to understand the different research problems that are studied. Through literature review, researcher can describe the relationship of each work to others under the consideration. Researcher, through writing the literature review, can identify as well as evaluate the different new ways for interpreting the prior research. This literature review will assist the research to reveal any gaps that can be present in the literature. Researcher will point the viable ways in order to fulfil the needs for eth additional research. According to Glass et al. (2014), researcher needs to have the skill in order to locate the own research in the context of the existing literature. Through literature review, researcher can resolve all the conflict that will arise during representing the different point of view in the research. Moreover, through the literature review of the research, researcher can conclude the main points in the content. Therefore, it can be stated that research skill is important aspect for making the proper literature review that will assist the readers to get the comprehensive knowledge on the research topic.


Research method can be referred as the systematic plan for conducting the research in well-organised manner. There are two types of research methodology such as qualitative and quantitative research methods. As stated by Sifferlinger et al. (2017) both the qualitative and quantitative research methods are important for gathering the relevant as well as useful information for conducting the proper research. Researcher needs to have the research skill in order to gather proper database regarding the subject area. In case of the primary database, both the qualitative and quantitative research methods can be used. On the contrary, in case of the secondary research method, researcher has to conduct only the qualitative analysis. In case of the secondary qualitative analysis, researcher needs to collect theoretical database that the researcher can collect from online and offline sources such as articles, books and magazines. In case of the primary research, quantitative research methods is consist of survey of the selected participants and the qualitative research methods consist of interview of the managers. As stead by Lewis (2015), research methodology is the theoretical as well as systematic analysis of the methods that are applied to the field of eth study. Methodology is general research strategy that outlines the possible ways through which research has been undertaken. Proper way to study the methodology is such process that constitutes the constructive generic framework that can be broken down into different sub-processes. Through conducting the proper research method, researcher can provide the direct as well as first-hand evidence regarding the selected topic or events or person. According to Padmaja et al. (2015), primary source provides the original materials as well as source that will assist the researcher as well as readers to get proper knowledge on what actually happened during the particular events. For conducting the proper research method, researcher needs to have proper knowledge on the primary and secondary research methods. Primary sources can be interviews, surveys, diaries, autobiographies, memories, internal communication, original documents, research database, census statistics and government documents. Secondary sources discuss, describe, interpret and summarise the primary sources. Although researcher uses secondary sources such as biographical works, articles from journals and newspapers for gathering proper information regarding the topic area, secondary sources are lack of immediacy and freshness. As stated by Cheng and Phillips (2014), researcher can find out the author’s level of experience as well as the issues being discussed through the research methodology. Through applying the relevant research methodology, researcher can easily represent the appropriate information regarding the research topic. Researcher also can eliminate all kind of biases that can be developed during the research, by solving them one-by-one. By providing supportive academic statements from different primary and secondary resources, researcher can conduct the accurate as well as appropriate research method. Research methodology assists the researcher to represent type of research it is and the main purpose of conducting this research. Through research methods researcher can represent the actual understudying of the research method, which not only assist the researcher but also the readers to get the possible knowledge on the subject area. It is important for the entire researcher to understand the purpose as well as requirement of the research topic. Therefore, it can be stated that proper research skill is important for dealing with the different research methods such as qualitative and quantitative research methods. Through conducting the research method researcher will allow the readers to learn about different linguistic content. Linguistic research will allow the researcher to deal with the qualitative as well as quantitative research in order to meet the research outcomes.

Analysis and presentation of Primary Data:

Primary database is experimentally derived database that comprises experimental database that are collected by the survey and interview. Survey consists of different important questionnaires that are asked to the selected respondents for collecting as well as recording their valuable statement (Chen and Petrick, 2016). Researcher needs to have proper research skill in order to collect important database in terms of meeting the research objectives. Primary data analysis is important as well as authentic that assist the researcher to collect the appropriate information directly from the source. Through this data analysis process, researcher can analyse as well as evaluate the usefulness and authenticity of eth qualitative and qualitative database that are collected from the respondents. During analysis of the primary database, researcher needs to maintain the graphical representation of the database. Researcher also has used the Likert 5-point scale to represent the collected database. Through this process, researcher can analyse the probability value of eth database in order to meet the research outcomes. Through primary data analysis, researcher will be able to represent the qualitative as well as quantitative database on the Likert 5-point scale. However, Padmaja et al. (2015) stated that, primary research analysis is actually confined into the database collected by the members of the research team. These collected databases are conducted properly to answer the original hypotheses that are proposed in the study. In this aspect Nielsen et al. (2016) stated that primary database analysis provide the original and relevant information which increase the degree of accuracy in the research. . Research team members have collected the primary database through interview, telephonic and face-to-face survey and focus group. Moreover, they have also used emails and posts for collecting the authentic information about the research topic. Through conducting the primary data analysis researcher can cover the large geographical area and large population for collecting huge number of information from the respondents. Reliability of the primary database is higher than that of the secondary database. On the contrary Arena et al. (2015) argued that, researcher have to face several disadvantages during conducting the primary data analysis. One of the disadvantages that researcher faces is the coverage is limited in case of conducting interview. Researcher can include more number of respondents in wider geographical region for enhance the coverage; however it can raise the research cost. Lots of time as well as effort are required for conducting the primary data analysis. There may be design problem, in which researcher can face the problem in dealing with research design. Sometimes researcher gets confused how to design the survey in well-organised manner. It is important for the researcher to have proper skill in preparing the question paper simple so that respondents can easily answer them. Sometimes, respondents do not provide the answer timely or give the fake, sweet and sociality acceptable answer that can cover up the realities. According to Knapp et al. (2017), researcher needs to have the skill to conduct the overall research in minimum cost, which confined the primary database collection into limited geographical area with few respondents. Sometimes, researcher cannot complete the questionnaires for large number of respondents, which reduces the authenticity, as well as reliability of the research. Trained person are needed for conducting data collection process. Moreover, team members need to maintain proper coordination in terms of dealing with primary data analysis technique.

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From the above discussion, it can be concluded that research skill in conducting any research is associated with many abilities such as coordinating power, research designing ability, data collection knowledge and ability to approach the respondents. Researcher needs to have proper skill and expertise in setting eth justified objectives based on which the entire data collection method will be done. Researcher also needs to have the ability to collect possible information about eth research topic, which will assist them to get the further knowledge on it. Moreover, the above discussion also concludes that researcher also can face different challenges associated with primary data collection process. However, they need to develop their own ability to maintain the accuracy, reliability and authenticity of eth research.

Reflective observation on team working:

Through this report, I have gathered proper knowledge about how to conduct research project by working in team. During preparation of group presentation of this report, I have shared my viewpoints and opinions with my teammates. Through making group discussion, I have developed my understanding about the subjective areas. Working in team helps me to understand the cooperative approach that team members need to maintain while dealing with any group project. Moreover, through teamwork, I can gather related information regarding the subject area from my teammates that assist me a lot to deal with future difficulties. Therefore, team working makes me able to respect as well as value the other's ideas while taking any professional decision.

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Reference list:

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