Examining Global Warming as a Threat to Humanity

The Global warming change is not considered to be only an environmental phenomenon but it is an issue of hotly contested policy. There are many developing countries that are unable to protect their respective residents from the increase of sea level, heavy rains, and frequent rain and violent hurricanes. The economically developed countries will be able to cope up with that of negative effects of it though proper use of wealth and technology but the country with the least economy has to face this largest burden. The debate will discuss the points that in favor to identify whether the global-warming is a threat to that of the mankind. For students who are studying environmental studies, struggling with the complexities of climate change and its impacts is said to be daunting. That is where seeking environmental studies dissertation help comes into the picture as it provides invaluable guidance.

Global-warming has sparked the widespread alarm over the entire fate of the planet. The first argument which is in favor of that Global-warming is a threat to the mankind is that it is concluded by the representative from “Papua New Guinea” that the dangers faced by small- island states and their population are not lesser than that those faced by nation and people who are threatened by Guns and bombs. If there will be half a meter increase in that of the sea level then the survival of the population of human at Pacific Island nations will be in great danger. The change in climate that is caused by global warming creating various threats that creates difficulties for the human to survive in the environment (un.org, 2020).


The second point or argument that is in favor of the topic is that one of the primary threats that are created by Global-warming is the melt. According to the report of 2016 research that is published in “journal (Current Climate Change Reports)” with the change in climate, regions like “North America, Europe and Asia” discovered or found less snow-cover in between “1960 and 2015”. Even as per the research of “National snow and Ice data center”, there was almost 10 percent less permafrost or the permanently frozen-ground in that of the northern-hemisphere. This can results in landslides and other land collapse. It might release large numbers of “long-buried microbes” as in the year 2016, the cache of buried reindeer was thawed and it caused outbreak of danger “anthrax” that is an infectious disease (livescience.com, 2020). [Referred to Appendix 1]

The third argument that can be added in support or favor of the topic that global-warming is a threat to mankind is that because of the rise in temperature or climate change there is heavy rainfall in South Africa in December 2014 which results in the flood. It is been found that with a total of 638,000 peoples that had been affected by the flood in Malawi it is converted into a state of disaster in the year 2015. Even on 12th January, 2015, the institutional red alert was declared and followed in Mozambique after a heavy rainfall which affects almost 373,026 people over there. Also according to the researchers a total of 6000 peoples were affected by the widespread Flood in Zimbabwe and in which 2500 peoples required urgent or immediate assistance. Even because of the heavy rainfall there is a rapid increase in cholera and because of which many people had died. According to 2009 report that is been published by Action for Southern Africa (ACSTA), the climate change because which is also denoted as global warming increased the effects of infectious disease as longer rainy-seasons and inadequate rain-water drainage creates high chances of creating incubation period for mosquito-borne diseases causing disease like malaria. Even because of large percentage of food insecurity that is created by climate change, the people of South Africa were unable to fight against cholera-like disease and thus die in a large number (Bickton, 2016). Thus after analyzing these incidents because of global warming question which arises is that "How even after taking the lives of many people global warming can be useful to humans and the nature in which they survive?"

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After analyzing the impact of Global warming from different resources it can be concluded that it is one of the biggest threats that can harm a large number of the human population. It can cause a rise in sea level as well as drought and heavy flood in different regions of the world. Climate change not only disturbs the ecological balance but also makes it devastating for the survival of any creature. It is found that a large group of people had been died and dying even in the present condition also because of the vast increase in global warming.

Reference List


Bickton, F.M., 2016. Climate change as the biggest threat to public health in southern Africa and measures to reduce its impacts. Malawi Medical Journal, 28(2), pp.70-72.

Effect of Climate Change on Human health

Effect of Climate Change on Human health
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