Nature in Society: Unveiling the Dynamics of the Green Movement in Britain


Dornfeld (2014) believes that the prospects of Green Movement shed light into the study and understanding of society while dragging nature into a series of factors essential to social analysis, which further give birth to environmentalism. Further, Dornfeld (2014) writes sociologists can harness their longstanding knowledge in exemplifying the waning and rising of environmentalism as a social movement and value system. Green Movement constitutes one of the social movements seeking to further common interests concerning green consumerism patterns which in term would contribute to the actualization of sustainable development. The rapture of green movement is attributable to not only environmental response against corporatist-bureaucratic government but also politics. Green movement is perceived as a quest to integrate environmental demands into political, economic and socio-cultural domains of sustainability (Norgaard, 2018). This discussion critically explores how green movement has acted to resist and rebel against dominant attitudes, concepts and deployment of welfare in Britain, especially in the area of environmental studies dissertation help.


Core concepts and critiques the Green Movement makes of the state/society

Some spectrum of thought is sceptical about green movement and believes the movement is deeply grounded more in politics rather than science. Despite there being various debates concerning climate change and impacts caused by herbicides and pesticides, science has demonstrated that these debates have credence. However, another school of thought have inclined to believe the claims are attacks geared to invade industries manufacturing these chemicals (Jez, Lee, and Sherp, 2016).

In the realm of green movement, an ideological debate has ensued between the proponents of eccentric and anthropocentric viewpoints. The anthropocentrists have inclined to believe man is the centre of creation and has dominion over it, and as a result should be a good carer of the earth as man harness it to meet the daily needs. In contrast, the eccentrics have been coined as preservationists perceiving nature as a spiritual realm. Provided these views are for the betterment of the planet, Carter and Lowe (2014) argue that they should be considered positive for their quests to bring about the aspect of sustainable development.

Agyeman and Evans (2014) cognise how green movement has been championed forth through campaigns over the last four decades. Green movements have been the basis for green activism and environmentalism. Following the evolution of industrial era, the environmental challenges hitherto including global warming, climate change, desertification, species extinction and land degradation escalated, leading to an action plan to diagnose the earth from the anthropogenic impacts causing these challenges.

The green movement provide initiatives to safeguard the quality and sustainability of life through preservation and conservation of natural resources, pollution prevention and sustainable consumption of ecological resources in quest to promote a safe and secure planet for sustainable development. Carter and Lowe (2014) suggested that green movement is an agglomeration of green politics and conservation; and is a broad scientific, political, and social movement for addressing ecological tragedies. Green movement proponents advocate for sustainable management and stewardship of the planetary resources through changes in policy and personal behaviour. In this conception, humanity is recognised as a player in ecosystems.

Strategies, Tactics and Approaches for Raising Awareness of Green Movement Ideas

Green movements refer to social movements which influence the political and decision-making process of international community or individual state by activism, lobbying, and education gearing to safeguard natural ecosystems and resources (Manes, 2015). Green movements also harness social media to illuminate their ideas and make them known to the public. By virtue that man is the greatest player and stakeholder in world ecosystems, the intrigues of green movements revolve around ecology, human rights and health. The green movement attributes and hold man accountable for plundering the planet in unsustainable manner, which consequently inhibit sustainability and holistic development along economic, social and ecological realms. It is through these intrigues that green movement seeks to sanitise the planet from the wants of unsustainable consumerism patterns, human greed, degradation amongst other challenges befalling the globe. Consequently, green movement have pursued initiatives to induce awareness into the general public of the need to partake in actions which can save humans and the planet in present and future perils.

Green movement objects are also popularized and articulated by political and social actors in science, media, environmental groups and science (Smith, 2017). Environmental groups who are affiliated to pressure groups and political parties form a crucial mobilization segment of the public opinion; who strife to bring forth sustainable ecological changes through political decisions.

Core Green Movement Proposals for Reforming Society

Green movement seeks to create awareness about the contemporary challenges in the ecological domain, and how these challenges can be resolved. Through environmental education which focuses on the general audience, the movement seek to change the learners’ attitudes, behaviours in line with conservation. In addition, this holistic sort of education seeks to induce into the public not only the knowledge about the existence of environmental challenges but also necessary skills on how to resolve the challenges.

Green movements seek to reform societies though raising awareness and consciousness concerning ecological needs and concepts such as sustainable development, conservation and preservation. The Brundtland Commission of 1987, through its report Our Common Future conceived the green movement alongside other environmental policies such as the British sustainable development strategy, with the intention to spread environmental awareness and acting against anthropogenic forces accelerating degradation. The Brundtland Commission triggered the integration of environmental education in school curriculum as an avenue to disseminate necessary attitudes, skills, knowledge and perceptions concerning the environment.

Major Thinkers and Ideas Involved in the Green Movement

Green movement is inspired by various historical moments defining the accommodation and development of frameworks for conservation. The period during the 18th and 19th century constitutes crucial events which paved the way for green movements. Environmental activists such as Aldo Leopold, William Hornaday, Rachel Carson, and Chico Mendes through their publications and activism and pursuits to lobby for conservation contributed in the evolution of modern green movement (Martell, 2014).

Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring in 1962 analysed how emissions from insecticides and pesticides used in farms, gardens and forests contaminated the environment. Despite the book undergoing criticisms and even getting banned many scientists reinforces Carson’s Rachel’s and her work approved, consequently leading to Carson’s vindication and abolishment of DDT (Yearley, 2014).

The Earth Summit which occurred in Rio in 1992 emphasized on the immediate tragedies facing the globe and their interconnectedness to social justice and economy. As a result, global countries conceded to combat global warming, combat the use of dangerous poisons and protect biodiversity. The Rio Summit also focussed on transforming the general public’s attitudes and behavioural patterns in the quest to bring forth intended conservation outcomes.

Core policy areas which have been influenced by Green Movement

Green movement has inspired the development of laws and legislative frameworks for environmental conservation. Kemp, Parto and Gibson (2015) takes cognizance of the role which green movements have played in stirring international, regional and local partnerships in solving the global challenges. The United Nation Climate Change Conference for instance agreed to form an agreement amongst all nations of the world to confront the challenges with common approach beginning 2020. These agreements are narrowed down in every country as legislation enactments fully implemented by individual states (Strife, 2010).

Green movements accelerate the abolishment of perilous and highly hazardous substances which contribute to the basket of greenhouse gas emissions. The Kyoto Protocol of 1992 for instance which paved a way for the Rio Summit proposed all nations to reduce their carbon footprints by 5% between 2008 and 2012. As a result, many countries signed the treaty to curtail carbon emissions.

Green movements play a key role in sanitizing, mitigating and preventing the spread of environmental crises. The movements do this by advocating for policy formulation and implementation which favours the environment. Besides, green movements focus on environmental awareness and transfusion of necessary skills to combat the crises, attitudes and perceptions which are eco-friendly for the purpose of actualizing sustainable development; to pass down a healthy planet to future generations, while as we continue benefitting from it presently (Murphy and Bendell, 2017).

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In conclusion, green movements have paved a way for increased environmentalism through increased lobbying, activism, and science which have elevated the prospects of conservation and preservation of the earth for the betterment of the present and future generations. Green movements have evolved alongside major events in history which marked the realization of the need to protect the earth for the sake of sustainable development. Alongside the spinning wheel of these events as discussed above, the planet attained an elevated threshold to be considered and treated with respect, dignity and decorum. As a matter of fact, green movements and sustainability are inextricably interwoven. The movements provide an opportunity, with the help of media to spread awareness about contemporary challenges but also means and ways of resolving these challenges, Besides, green movement through pressure groups advocate for the enactment of policies and legislative framework which in the end ensures ecological matters find a place in law.

Dig deeper into Impact of Green Human Resource Management on Employee Behavior with our selection of articles.


Agyeman, J. and Evans, B., 2014. ‘Just sustainability’: the emerging discourse of environmental justice in Britain? Geographical Journal, 170(2), pp.155-164.

Carter, N. and Lowe, P., 2014. Britain: Coming to terms with sustainable development? In Governance and Environment in Western Europe (pp. 27-49). Routledge.

Dornfeld, D.A., 2014. Moving towards green and sustainable manufacturing. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 1(1), pp.63-66.

Jez, J.M., Lee, S.G. and Sherp, A.M., 2016. The next green movement: plant biology for the environment and sustainability. Science, 353(6305), pp.1241-1244.

Kemp, R., Parto, S. and Gibson, R.B., 2015. Governance for sustainable development: moving from theory to practice. International journal of sustainable development, 8(1-2), pp.12-30.

Manes, C., 2015. Green rage: Radical environmentalism and the unmaking of civilization (p. 291). Boston, MA: Little, Brown.

Martell, L., 2014. Ecology and Society: an introduction. Univ of Massachusetts Press.

Murphy, D.F. and Bendell, J., 2017. In the company of partners: business, environmental groups

Norgaard, R.B., 2018. Sustainable development: a co-evolutionary view. Futures, 20(6), pp.606-620.

Smith, Z.A., 2017. The environmental policy paradox. Routledge.

Strife, S., 2010. Reflecting on environmental education: Where is our place in the green movement? The Journal of Environmental Education, 41(3), pp.179-191.

Yearley, S., 2014. The Green Case (Routledge Revivals): A Sociology of Environmental Issues, Arguments and Politics. Routledge.

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