Sustainable Event Management at Imperial College


The research has an aim to observe the sustainable practices that are taking place within the hospitality industry of the Imperial College of London. "Environmental sustainability is defined as the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and wellbeing, both at present and reserved for the future". Long-term environmental quality perseverance is possible with cutting down the damage to the environment that the industries are performing. The hospitality industry hosts several events and from each event, a huge amount of waste is generated. These stages are in the form of paper cups, plastic decorations, pipes, plates, and containers. The goal is to create sustainability within the organization so that the environment can get relief to a certain percentage. The study aims to find out strategies that can have a positive impact on the sustainability of the Imperial College of London. Each organization in this digitized era is trying to focus on the development of CSR (corporate social responsibility) scores for themselves. Hence, it becomes a core duty of all the related attributes to the organization to understand how environmental pollution can be stopped by going green. This organization has already started the use of biodegradable cutleries, napkins, and reusable plates and glasses. Broad perspectives of the research indulge in the management of dry and wet waste from the hospitality department along with the biodegradable and non-biodegradable ones. "Local dump, municipal wastes are identified to be in a position of food waste management along with Imperial College of London with an increase of 50% by 2030". These statistics are expected to help the management of wastes in the organization as well as managing the landfill situation which is massive in the UK right now. The research is divided into different chapters where the literature review, methodology of the process is explained. Finally, the discussion is continued based on the results. Some strategies that will help the organization do more is incorporated.

1.1 Research Background

In 2018, England had a landfill capacity of 405 million m3, whereas in 2019 this fell to 365 million m3. In 1998/99, the landfill void was 724 million m3, nearly twice as much as it is now” (Legrand, Sloan, and Chen, 2013, p.126). Hence, the above statistics are threatening and give the inspiration to continue the research. Landfills are traditionally identified to be the most popular means of waste disposal. It is stated more than 23% of the UK-based wastage is not having any idea upon whatever actions are happening. “It is observed that 7.7 billion plastic bottles are used per year while only 45% of the plastics in the UK. It is identified that the landfills are going to be run out within 18 years which creates environmental disaster. All the above statistics give a trigger for continuing the research in the field.

1.1.1 Case study organization background

The organization is identified to be one of the most reputed institutes in the UK. This organization has an aim to contribute to the operations of waste disposal appropriately. The organization's hospitality department hosts several events and generates different types of waste. Now the college is committed to the reduction of waste and harnessing the benefits of waste resources. Saving energy and creating actions to protect the environment is identified to be an essential component (Janssen, and Van Santen, 1999). The organization is seen to be giving priority to work-related commitments on protecting the environment and encouraging other people towards following up the CSR values. It needs more support from different backgrounds to generate the minimum amount of waste and ensure complete recycling is done.

1.2 Statement of the Research problem

The research problem is explained in terms of managing the importance of environmental sustainability in the hospitality industry. The study specifically focuses on the imperial college of London that has events and catering departments and needs to check out the action are that will help in the management of environmental sustainability.

1.3 Research Aim

This research aims to analyze what environmental sustainability is essential while events and catering are taking place in the hospitality department of Imperial College London.

1.4 Research Objectives

1. Assess the concept of environmental sustainability

2. Examination of sustainability practices at imperial college London

3. Investigating the factors impacting practices environment sustainability at imperial college London

4. Evaluate the input of environmental sustainability at imperial college London

5. What appropriate environmental sustainability strategies can have a positive impact on Imperial College London?

1.5 Research Questions

1. What are the current factors impacting environmental suitability at Imperial College London?

2. How is the catering and events department leaving an impact on environmental sustainability?

3. What are the steps included in gaining environmental sustainability?

4. What are the appropriate sustainability strategies that can have a positive impact on imperial college London?

1.6 Research Rationale

Imperial College of London is identified to become the first university to commit to halving construction wastes that are sent to landfill. However, the research is focused upon the components of achieving positive goals and encouraging qualitative learning. Uses of wood-based decoration can be harmful to trees. Environmental sustainability comes in all aspects such as managing landfills and making the environment sustainable by causing less harm to the trees (Kopnina, and Shoreman-Ouimet, 2015). All layers of sustainability include the reduction of uses of plastic cups and plates. The non-biodegradable components such as paper cups with plastic layering are identified to be hazardous to health. Sustainable regulations are observed to showcase understanding, interpretation, analysis, and development of argument on the research topic and identify a gap that many other research products have not addressed. The research sheds light on developing sustainability within environmental regulations.

1.7 Research Significance

This research is significant since landfill is becoming a great threat to environmental sustainability. All wastages generated by the hospitality industry contributes to landfill that becomes a cause of environmental degradation (Bruns-Smith et al. 2015, p.126). The motto of this research is to find out how the environment is being affected by the landfill and needs a sustainability campaign to be encouraged among all related people. The students, staff of the hospitality department, organizers, and even the guests need to contribute their portion to manage sustainability issues by not spreading the litter here and there and sustainably organizing their required items.


Chapter Two-Literature Review

Literature Survey

Literature review Literature review Literature review Literature review

Chapter Three-Research Methodology

3.0 Introduction

In this case, systematic development of research methodology is observed. There are marine mammals that die from the pollution mixing up with water. Hence, all the people within environmental sustainability should focus on the development of the same and protect Mother Nature (Lee, 2018, p.123). To do this, an appropriate research paradigm, philosophy, approach, and design has to be initiated. The consideration of healthy living conditions is important since the society that a person is living in has a considerable amount of pollutants living upon the surface and it requires immediate action are to be taken.

3.1 Research Philosophy

The research paradigm is applicable within a common set of beliefs and assumptions done by the researchers. In this case, the positivist theory is applied. The significance of positivism theory is associated to formulate the abstract and universal laws of dynamics of the entire universe. Data collection is done systematically in this process (Ekins, 2010, p. 267). The philosophy is identified as an important method where understanding human behavior is done with activation of potential solutions and developing insights into the causes. The research is associated with finding out the potential aspects of managing large-scale sustainability at Imperial College of London. Imperial College of London is taking several steps in the management of sustainability which can be analyzed by identifying the exclusivity of the phenomenon.

3.2 Research Approach

A deductive research approach is generated on the components of developing hypotheses. In this research on sustainability, researchers have a motto of predicting human behavior under sustainability maintenance pressure. The collection of data is done in different formats so that the thirst for testing hypotheses is managed. There are deductive examples seen as the chosen organization is focused on the establishment of sustainable concepts such as green cutlery, renewable energy sources, and much more (Keirstead, and Leach, 2008, p.329). This also includes a hypothetical use of the sustainable statement that gives an idea of how Imperial College of London is managing sustainability right now and recommends the future prepositions of protecting the environment.

3.3 Research Design and Strategy

Research design is identified as quantitative. The maximum focus is gathered on statistical, numerical analysis of data through questionnaires. Manipulation is never supported in pre-existing statistical data with a lack of computational techniques (Kumar et al. 2020, p.125). The majority of data focused on making correct observations and identifying the research objectives through the questionnaire set. A primary qualitative approach is also followed in the format of an interview to generate the maximum impact of the research. Demonstrating each analysis is also done by using appropriate research methodology. The strategy is to search databases on qualitative data collection which are academically correct and updated. Moreover, selecting samples that have background knowledge of the hospitality industry can be seen.

3.5 Data Collection

The data will be collected by using online surveys to gather the responses of participants and justifying the choice of data collection will be done since interviews and surveys from people related to this field of sustainability are going to help in the management of the research properly.

3.5.1 Sampling Method

The sampling method is identified to be the random one since no probabilistic values are engaged. For the literature review that is secondary qualitative, at least 10 journals are taken which support environmental sustainability. Moreover, several people, precisely 3 people from the college authority and a student group are chosen for different questions to be asked (Pernici et al. 2012, p.123). There are 3 sets of questionnaires designed for the interview while 10 different questions were generated for the survey. The survey age group is defined to be limited between 18 to 35 years and participants are 41 in number. There are no gender restrictions observed since both males and females can take part in this session. There are no occupational restrictions kept while selecting the survey samples as well.

3.5.2 Primary Data Collection

Primary data collection will be done using a tool known as interview and it is identified as an important instrument of data collection. Any research will become alive with steps of requirement elicitation, design, implementation, verification, and steps of maintenance (Maxwell, and Van der Vorst, 2003, p.885). People from administrative departments and people from student departments need to participate in this learning process of sustainability within the Imperial College of London. There will be surveys conducted to gather responses in terms of agree, disagree, strongly agree, or strongly disagree options.

3.5.3 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data collection is associated with the extraction of information from journals, websites, and different books that provide information on environmental sustainability. A law of positivism is associated with a data collection system and encourages learning.

3.6 Analysis of Data

Both qualitative and quantitative components are applied within the justification of sustainability inside an organization. Quantitative data which is found in excel is managed according to ethical norms. Qualitative analysis such as literature review in secondary data is the instrument, which is applied within this research content (Sheate et al. 2008, p. 178). Interpretation of the ethical learning and cost analysis is meeting up with research data and access is given to participants for the management of essential records.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

Ethical consideration is associated with the research encouraging ethical understandings within a sustainable component. The data representation, the analysis should be done adequately so that all ethical components are encouraged in the reduction of plagiarism. Including the cost of carrying out the research is also important in ethical understanding (Morrison-Saunders, and Therivel, 2006, p. 281). Keeping the confidentiality of records and assessing records on time is important since no data on research participants can be revealed inside this materialistic world to simplify the process.

Chapter Four-Data presentation, Analysis, Findings, and Discussion

4.0 Introduction

Data presentation, analysis, and findings are appropriate within a characterization of engaging in environmental sustainability. The task ensures an overview of covering adequate data distribution and representation.

4.1 Quantitative Data presentation

Quantitative data can be represented in table format and excel graphs can be used to show the consistency of data. The method of quantitative analysis is a survey as identified by the researcher.

4.1.1 Survey analysis

Q1: Do you think environmental sustainability is preserved by the hospitality industry?



Hence, the result is quite clear on how the process is leaving an impact on environmental sustainability. 11 of the subjects found the hospitality industry to be effectively managing their sustainability factor while 30 people have said no to the question. These are the participants that do not find effective examples of environmental sustainability that is managed by the Imperial College of London.

Q2: Green cutleries and solar panels help in managing environmental sustainability?



All the people across the survey have agreed heavily on the environmental sustainability concepts. The concept aligns with disagreeing done by 11 people while the other 30 are keen on managing the sustainability of the environment in all possible formats.

Q3: Have you noticed that garbage segregation events by the Imperial College of London which is taking part in environmental sustainability?



As per the results, it is observed that the college is taking part in preserving sustainability and managing sustainability to its core. The efforts are seen by the members of this college where they are working on sustainable methodologies and promising some sustainable goals and outcomes.

Q4: Do you think the CHP and district heating plant waste management can help in reducing waste pollution by the hospitality department in Imperial college of London?



The answer to this question is divided into three parts. 20 of the people have disagreed with a question. This might be a result of poor advertisements and a lack of information spared across the sustainability concepts. 10 people have agreed to the concepts of sustainability since they came across the process that has been undertaken by the organization. 11 people have shown their neutral decisions in this matter.

Q5: Do you think the policies of green hotel rooms can reduce the carbon footprint for the hospitality department of the college?



Lack of awareness in sustainability laws has always been an issue to the sustainable concepts. It is often observed that people across the country have gathered almost no information on sustainable concepts (Nejati, Salamzadeh, and Sharafi Farzad2010, p. 175). Hence, the answer to the question of green hotel rooms and reducing the carbon footprint for the hospitality department of the college is not satisfactory. Here one can see that 14 agreed on options to the questions while 12 people have disagreed with the questions, while 5 of them were on the neutral side

Q6: Have you seen the organization working on green space, biodiversity, and eco-friendly transport to manage sustainability yet?



Some staff and authorized people are less interested in sustainability components, which is found out to be working immensely following the resistance towards sustainable components (Palmer et al. 1997. P.89). Committees are developed as a part of processing adequate support to the sustainability laws. Here, 39 of the people have submitted yes to the sustainability concept while the rest 2 have not in the process of applying biodiversity and green spaces towards sustainability.

4.2 Qualitative data presentation

4.2.1 Primary Qualitative data: Interview of esteemed people

Interview questionnaire Interview questionnaire

4.2.2: Secondary qualitative data: Thematic Analysis

Thematic Analysis Thematic Analysis

4.3 Discussion of findings

Qualitative data finding shows that the students are much worried about environmental sustainability. They are more focused on generating campaigns that can save the college's hospitality department to manage their wastages. Waste segregation is identified as one of the most important parts of the process since it focuses on internal process management and sustainability (Sheate et al. 2008, p.282). This part contributes to research objective number 2. Adequate actions have not been taken by the organization administration since the starting and their CSR scores are going low. Environmental sustainability is not achieved due to showing reluctance from upper authority and not communicating the same to all people across the organization. Teachers are also concerned about the process as they try to explain environmental stability and encourage all hospitality students to do their bit on saving the environment. The positive customer experience has been achieved through providing them pens made of bamboo, allowing them to travel with a purpose and contributing to local markets. This position supports the research objective 1. The organization has to focus on certain sustainability targets that are consistent with national leadership and cover greenhouse emissions (Yu, and Bell, 2007, p.20). Imperial's new campuses are going to be developed with a plan of applying the solar panels and contributing to climate change which supports the research objectives stated at point 3. As discussed in the interview with the administrator the plan is quite clear to contribute to the environment by focusing on six of the essential areas of suitability and wiring a three-year plan on the process of enhancing sustainable practices. Benchmarking other universities to achieve a similar level of sustainability can be taken into account. The organization is spreading its hands in collaboration with green and biodegradable cutlery uses. Imperial's top priorities for responding to the sustainability concepts support objective number four of the research. The strategies are associated with

food water and suitable sources

Sustainable procurement of goods and services

Biodiversity, and efficiency management

Carbon emission management and footprints reductions

Chapter Five-Conclusion

5.0 Conclusion

This research has aimed to present an overall concept of sustainability in the hospitality department of Imperial College. In this study, the benefits of such action along with an understanding of the importance of preserving natural resources have been initiated. The core sustainability component is associated with the Imperial College of London's hospitality departments. The issue is highlighted in terms of the amount of contribution the organization makes to the management of sustainability factors as well as the amount of pollution the college spreads. It is observed that by taking some small steps complete sustainability is achieved for the organization. The organization should focus on a sustainable method of serving the guests such as using green and sustainable cutlery, plates, and decorations. The organization can take measures like going green by using solar energy and focusing on water-saving campaigns to get the most of the sustainability components.

5.1 Recommendations

This part summarizes the different actions that are developed within these research components. Positivist and interpretive theories are engaged within this research domain. A conceptual framework is established through the process of social sustainability and allowing test processes to gain consistency of actions for further progress of research (McKeown, ed., 2015, p. 117). The recommended actions can be suggested in terms of using sustainable water-saving toilet ideas where the water coming from sinks are reusable and can be used for flushing toilets. It is also important that guests use less water while taking showers and reduce the consumption of paper towels. "Sustainable hotels are businesses that significantly reduce their environmental impact through green best-practices in maintenance, services, logistics, products, and supplies.” Engaging the Imperial community and network can also focus on the generation of sustainability campaigns throughout.

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5.2 Reflection on research method

I find the research method is quite effective since the research method that I have used is qualitative and quantitative both. To achieve relevance with this research I have used primary qualitative, primary quantitative, and secondary qualitative methods. Description of primary data is presented in the form of an interview which is conducted to understand how keen the chosen organization's employees are on sustainability. To represent the primary quantitative data I have used surveys. These surveys are applied to general people and people related to the hospitality industry to understand whether they have the perfect knowledge of sustainability across the hospitality industry. The qualitative research method has allowed me to represent data that is unique and one of its kind. Primary data research was time-consuming however it made me analyze how the actual fieldwork is done. I have tried to highlight some real-time data collected from real people in the survey. In the case of quantitative data research, I have focused on the components of understandability. Common advantages of primary data are its authenticity, specific nature. Fundamental questions were answered to the survey participants. Primary data is more accurate because it is directly collected from the population, and there are lesser chances of adulteration observed. The data is coming directly from human resources, which certifies the authenticity. As a part of the security of participants, I have used excel sheets to record their statements and kept them securely in the cloud storage. My motto was to research in the utmost ethical way and preserve research ethics to its core. It is quite important to manage the consistency of the qualitative research method, which I have done. The secondary qualitative process is focused on generating themes that relate to sustainability. Moreover, the secondary data, which is presented, is also effective and updated in the form of themes. After the survey data collection, I have understood that fewer amount of people know regarding the process of sustainability in the hospitality industry. The people need to understand the strategies that can be taken into action for hospitality management. For example using a solar panel, as a renewable energy source. Hence, it satisfies research objective number 4. I have also come across a situation where hospitality concepts are intriguing and advertisements have been made. It enables normal people to understand what steps are currently taken by the organization on sustainability management by reducing water consumption. This highlights objective number 3. My research objective 1 was satisfied by seeing that the hospitality department was moving towards sustainable development at a fast pace. It was done by applying the green toilets where the water consumption is lessened by using the same water for flush coming from the sink. Objective 2 was satisfied by seeing the catering department focusing on garbage segregation largely.

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