Exploring the Monash Microgrid

Interview transcript

Through the interview, it is possible for the interviewer to acknowledge the micro grid process successfully where the interviewee provide proper support and information as per the knowledge and understanding. The purpose of the interview is to obtain the Monash Micro grid and the vision of the interviewee about micro grid through which it is possible to visualise the micro grid in that way where it can help the people to understand the micro grid. Throughout the interview, the interviewee is cooperating and provide information about motivation where the interviewee stated that, it is necessary to deliver emission reductions where climate change and environmental activities further influence the interviewee to conduct such project of micro grid and engage the third party for completing such project. If you require environmental studies dissertation help, our team is there to provide the best expert support. The micro grid system is suitable for developing renewable energy resources through the grids and it helps to develop effective technology and business model to make the business ethical and establish crucial strategic planning for understanding the regulatory market changes. For creating interactive pricing a well as developing business models by ensuring technological up-gradation, it is necessary to conduct proper project on micro grid which demonstrates the external as well as internal market signal. Though the micro grid, it is also possible to predict the market demand and network quality related signals successfully. Hence, Monash micro grid project is beneficial to develop effective strategic planning to save energy and environment properly and it also provides a scope to the students to explore more opportunities to conduct in-depth research on micro grid and develop proper strategic planning to manage climate change.


The team members are cooperating to conduct the research on micro grid and there are cost related data and survey that provide a scope to explore more alternative to develop renewable resources for the people and business. Data collection from the mechanical engineers is necessary so that it is possible for the researcher to acknowledge the flexibility of the buildings. It is an interactive design process to response the market needs and reallocate the resources and capabilities as per the market rules and regulations. Data related to the flexibility of the building is important to have in order to understand the way of automation process in the building so that proper micro grid project can be developed. Scale o flexibility in this regard is effective to conduct the program and acknowledge how the building responds to the automation process. Customer’s and tenant perspective also matter in this regard where it is necessary to understand the customer’s performance in the market so that the program would be successful in the market. In this regard, hereby, the engineers need some proper valid data and information to run the program of micro grid and understand the financial case of running the program efficiently. Hereby, as per the opinion of the interviewee, the market data is necessary which is on monthly basis so that it is possible to monitor the performance over a time period and develop effective strategic planning in order to achieve success in the micro grid program.

Energy is the key metrics for analysing and developing the project on micro grid where the transaction from energy is effective to operate in the market and provide renewable energy sources successfully. The customer’s response matter sin this case and it has been seen that, the customers monitor their performance on an aggregate level and review the financial model to response the demand in the market. Network service signal and market signals are necessary in this regard in order to develop useful micro grid project. Additionally, data and information about the buildings and market are crucial to conduct the project efficiently. As per the findings, the purpose of the project is to identify the room as shop front for the micro grid which makes the people to break them and understand what is actually going on. Hereby, infrastructure and room are important for this project and in this regard customer’s engagement is necessary where it is helpful for monitoring the performance and progress throughout the project. In terms of Transformative Energy Market (TEM), the customer’s perception ad market environment needs to be visualised in order to acknowledge the progress in the energy resources. Hereby, as per the information, flexibility of the building, service network and market research are necessary in order to conduct the micro grid project and fulfil its aims. For example, in terms of wholesale market, it is necessary to have proper service networking in order to manage the peak demand in the market.

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The project managers need proper customer data as well as control the flexibility in the market to meet the demand forecast. The customers need to engage with the whole process which in turn provides a scope to acknowledge their feedback and understanding about the project and review flexibility in the market. Visualising the Monash Micro grid data is very helpful for the customers as well as for the stakeholders engaged with the project where they can acknowledge and understand the market demand. Putting the collected information forward, forecasting the capacity, flexibility of the building, availability of service networking and market network system are beneficial for completing the project successfully and contributing positively in the energy sector. The quality of the energy sources is also necessary to monitor so that the project on micro grid would be successful as per the market demand and customer’s preferences. The private entity, third party and distribution network also need to be strong to participate in the project where stakeholder’s engagement is necessary in developing the micro grid project and find the alternative solutions for the energy sector. It would be beneficial to identify the sales forecast and its flexibility in order to monitor the performance of TEM in the market where the customers and stakeholders are engaged for developing the energy resources sustainably and contributing in managing environmental footprint.

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