The research aims to analyse the impact of using hybrid car in protecting the natural environment.
In the modern world, cars are seen to be used at an increased rate by the individuals as mode of transportation. This is evident as in 2016 it was reported that out of 37.3 million vehicles registered for transportation out of them 30.9 million were only cars (, 2016). Moreover, 74% of all individuals who are aged over 17 in England own cars to be used for transportation (, 2017). In 2017, out of 2.54 million cars sold in the UK, only 47,250 of them were hybrid cars. Moreover, it is seen that the market share of hybrid cars in the UK is only 2% (, 2018;, 2017). It indicates that major number of people is using diesel or petrol vehicles for moving places compared to hybrid cars. The use of increased private cars that creates increased level of CO2 has and lower hybrid cars become an issue because they are seen to create extensive air pollution which negatively impacts the health of the individuals. This is evident as air pollution created by private cars is seen to increase the health bill to £6bn each year in the United Kingdom (, 2018). Thus, this indicates that increased use of diesel vehicles in the cities are creating worst situation for individuals in regard to pollution. However, it is seen that use of hybrid cars has ability to release lower amount of CO2 in the atmosphere compared to the normal vehicles because they are fuel-efficient which lower pollution but they are been used in lower amount in the UK. This has resulted the air pollution created by vehicles be increased at an immense level in the country (Alvarez and Weilenmann, 2012). The issue of lower use hybrid cars and increased use of fuel cars have presently become an issue because the air pollution created by increased emission from the cars are not only negatively affecting health of individuals but also acting to increase global warming and changes in climate. This is because the fuel cars releases increased amount of different greenhouse gases along with CO2 which is depleting the ozone layer that is allowing the earth temperature to be raised (Fontaras et al. 2017). Thus, the study is developed to inform about the way use of hybrid cars can control the global warming and release of greenhouse gases to reduce pollution as well as protect the natural environment of the earth from warming.
To identify the factors influencing sales of hybrid cars
To analyse the impact of hybrid car use on the natural environment
To evaluate the challenges experience in using hybrid car while protecting the natural environment
To recommend strategies for resolving hindrances to use hybrid cars in protecting the natural environment
What are the factors influencing sales of hybrid cars?
What is the impact of hybrid car use on the natural environment?
What are the challenges experienced in using hybrid car while protecting the natural environment?
What are the strategies for resolving hindrances to use hybrid cars in protecting the natural environment?
Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Effect Of Pollution On Human Health.
The significance of executing this study is that the research is going to inform about the way hybrid cars are able to control pollution in protecting the natural environment. Moreover, the study is also going to highlight the challenges faced in using hybrid cars to understand the reason behind lower use of hybrid cars in the UK. The identification of impact, as well as challenges involved with hybrid cars, is going to inform about the aspect to be improved in production of hybrid cars so that they are more preferred to be bought in protecting the environment. Thus, the study is essential as it is going to help individuals understand the way hybrid car use is to be boosted as reason behind the way it is affecting the natural environment.
The chapter is developed to inform about the theoretical concepts and framework related to hybrid cars and natural environment by assessing the existing literature. The review of articles are to be done in the chapter to also identify the impact of hybrid cars on natural environment and the challenges experiences by consumers in availing hybrid cars which are affecting its sales in the market even after the knowledge of its benefits.
Hybrid cars are referred to the vehicles or automobiles which are powered by two different sources out of which one the internal combustion engine containing gasoline and another is the electric motor. The mentioned cars can be plug-in or lack any plugs in those in which there is lack of any plugs they are seen to get charged through the amplification created by the movement of wheels, in turn, storing the kinetic energy which is initiated through the regenerative braking (, 2019).
The financial factor influences the buying of hybrid cars as they have higher purchase price compared to conventional vehicles. Moreover, the maintenance costs of hybrid cars are also found to be higher than conventional vehicles (Thananusak et al. 2017). Thus, the expenditure of increased amount of finances in buying and managing hybrid cars is influencing individuals to avoid availing hybrid cars. As asserted by Mi and Masrur (2017), performance factor of hybrid cars is influencing individual’s decision to avoid buying them. This is because hybrid cars in one charge are seen to travel lower distance compared to conventional vehicles. As argued by Sanfélix et al. (2015), the environmental benefit created by using hybrid cars is influencing people to buy them. This is because hybrid cars are found to create low emission of greenhouse gases and CO2 which are found to be key reason in polluting the environment and participate in global warming.
The parallel hybrid car uses together an engine that runs on gasoline and an electric motor to make the car move forward. However, in series hybrid cars the engine which runs on gasoline either powers the electric motor directly or charges the car batteries which are going to deliver the power to the motor. The hybrid cars use regenerative braking which is a method that results energy to be extracted from the brakes that are stored for later use in moving the car (, 2019).
The natural environment includes the ecological units and the natural resources present on the earth. The ecological units in nature are the natural systems such as atmosphere, microorganisms and others that do not much interfere with the humans. The natural resources in nature involve the climate, radiation, energy and others (De Stefano et al. 2016).
There are many factors which damage the natural environment leading to create pollution out of which use of conventional vehicles or cars is one such factor. The wide range of solid matter and gases that are released from the car exhausts are seen to participate in causing acid rain, global warming and hindering the environment as well as harm the health of the humans. The pollutants released by conventional cars include nitrous oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and others (Tokumura et al. 2016).
The key issue which is raising pollution in the environment is extensive emission of harmful gases by the cars. The use of hybrid cars is seen to release lower amount of pollutants and toxins in the environment as they are fuel-efficient. This is evident as they provide better gas mileage compared to conventional cars due to the fact they are provided extra power by the electric motor in moving the car (Henßler et al. 2016). Thus, the use of hybrid car impact to reduce fuel consumption, in turn, releasing less toxins in the environment acting to protect the natural environment of the earth. The conventional cars are seen to release carbon monoxide in the environment which the gas that creates suffocation and breathing problem for humans in the natural environment. However, in hybrid cars, it is seen that they do not produce carbon monoxide that results to reduce level of air pollution helping to protect the natural environment (Casals et al. 2017).
In most of the hybrid cars, it is seen that nickel-hybrid, as well as lithium-ion batteries, are used. However, the batteries though are considered to be pollution proof yet the Environmental Protection Agency informs that nickel acts as carcinogenic material for humans and improper disposal of these batteries is able to create hazard for the environment (, 2016). In addition, the mining required to gather nickel in developing these batteries is also seen to create environmental hazards (Gunsolus et al. 2017;, 2019). Thus, using nickel batteries in hybrid cars creates challenges for them to effectively protect the natural environment from pollution and hazards. In hybrid cars, increased amount of copper is seen to be used in the electric motors and wiring. The increased mining of copper for development of hybrid cars is seen to create particulate emission of sulphuric acid as well as different other metals (Yano et al. 2019). Thus, it indicates that manufacturing hybrid cars creates challenges of air pollution in the natural environment that have the ability to negatively affect the health of individuals.
The above discussion informs that financial and performance factors act negatively and environmental acts positively to consumers in buying hybrid cars. The benefits of using hybrid cars are less environmental damage, lower air pollution, saving of fossil fuels and others. The challenges experienced in using hybrid cars to protect environment is that it leads to mining of nickel and copper which has the ability to create pollution.
Positivism and interpretivism are the two types of research philosophy. As mentioned by Pasian (2016), positivism shows adherence to analyse and view knowledge developed through scientific research. This indicates that positivism philosophy gathers information for solving raised problem in the study through evaluation of factual details. As argued by Arapinis and Condello (2016), interpretivism involves interpretation of information in the study based on the experiences and thinking of an individual. This informs that the philosophy does not consider any logical evaluation rather focuses on the personal thoughts of the person in analysing and collecting data. Thus, in study positivism philosophy is to be implemented because it leads the research to execute analytical and logically analysis of data collected through scientific experimentation. However, interpretivism is not to be used because it leads to manipulate the data as a result of thoughts of researcher and do use true facts in explaining information.
The inductive and deductive are two types of research approach often used for research purpose. As asserted by Alase (2017), the inductive approach is used in studies where no objectives and specified and they lead to develop new theories in the study. This indicates the approach follows a bottom-top way to execute studies. As argued by Woiceshyn and Daellenbach (2018) deductive approach is used in studies which have pre-determined objectives. Thus, it follows a top-bottom way to execute the study. In this research, deductive research approach is to be used as it develops the study and leads to collection of data by investigating existing literature based on the identified objectives. However, inductive approach is not to be used because there is no scope for development of any new theories regarding the study.
The different types of research strategy are interview, survey, experimentation and others (Saleh et al. 2015). In this study, the survey research strategy is to be used. This is because it provides broader scope to collect data from wider population. Moreover, they are cost-effective and flexible in nature (Chatha et al. 2015). The interview or experimentation strategies are not used because while collecting data through the strategies the facts are influenced by the personal opinions of the researcher which creates error in data collection (Avella, 2016).
In this study, the quantitative research methodology is to be followed. This is because it allows including increased number of subjects as well as helps in generalisation of gathered information. Moreover, it allows for greater accuracy in data collection and objectivity of the results (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015). However, the qualitative research methodology is not to be followed because it leads to create personal bias as the researcher perception and attitude are involved in gathering data according to the method. Moreover, the qualitative research involves increased amount of time (Barnham, 2015). Since the researcher has limited time to complete the study, therefore, the method is not to be used.
The research tools to be used in this study are the Likert Five-point scale along with close-ended survey questionnaire. The Likert-Five Point scale is referred to the set of options which are numeric or verbal in nature used to gather information regarding a topic. The benefit of using Likert-five point scale is that it offers use of a universal method of gathering data which makes it easier for the readers to understand (Chung et al. 2016). Moreover, it is easier to conclude as well as graphs with the help of this scale and therefore it is being used. The close-ended survey questionnaire is to be used because it allows easier comparison of collected data and helps in developing clarified information. However, open-ended questionnaire is not to be used to offer limited control to collect responses as well as create hindrances in analysing wider responses (Flaxman et al. 2017). The survey questionnaires are to be provided to the participants through email and social media.
In this research, the probability sampling method is to be used. This is because probability sampling method allows the selection of participants in the way so that they can represent the population as whole (Etikan et al. 2016). However, the non-probability sampling method is not to be implemented in the research because it reduces the scope for generalisation of findings as well as creates difficulty is determining the variability of the sample which may lead to error (Etikan and Bala, 2017).
In this research, a total of 75 subjects who uses private cars which are either hybrid or conventional vehicles are to be chosen out of total population of 150 individuals. The research site is to be city centre areas in the UK.
In this research, the random sampling strategy is to be used. As mentioned by Emerson (2015), random sampling is the strategy in which the participants are selected through observation from a population. The benefit of using random sampling is that it helps to select the subjects who properly represent the population as a whole, in turn, eliminating any bias in sampling (Fischetti et al. 2016). Thus, in this study, this sampling strategy is to be used. However, stratified sampling strategy is not to be used because it involves complex computation methods that would require the research to spend extra time in the collection of sample (Shields et al. 2015).
The Data Protection Act 1998 informs that no personal information is to be shared without prior permission of the owner (, 1998). Thus, this Act is to be followed to ensure confidentiality of the participants and no personal information are asked to be shared by them. In order to ensure ethical consideration, the participants are to be informed before participation in the study about the way their responses are to be used in framing the research. Moreover, they are allowed to be offered free will to withdraw from the study at any time if they feel vulnerable or lack of confidentiality.
The collected data through survey of participants informs that most of them avoided to frequently using hybrid car for their personal use. This is evident as 12% of them informed that they used the hybrid cars very frequently and 16% frequently whereas 29% of individuals reported they did not use hybrid cars frequently and 36% they not at all used hybrid cars for transportation. The values indicate there is less use of hybrid cars in the UK in comparison to conventional cars. This information also support the facts published by Parliament of UK regarding use of Hybrid cars where they have also mentioned that very less number of individuals in the UK are actually using hybrid cars for transportation and majority of them are still depending on using conventional cars irrespective knowing the consequences to the environment (, 2016). The carelessness is going to result the natural environment of the country get disposed to harmful gases and particulate matter from car exhaust which in turn is going to result hindering the health of individual as well as harm the environment. The survey indicates that most of the UK individuals are aware of the fact that hybrid cars are able to reduce pollution and protect the natural environment yet many of them are avoiding to use it. This is evident as 38% of the participants strongly agree and 33% agreed that hybrid cars are able to reduce pollution and protect their natural environment. Only 13% remained neutral and 9% disagreed along with 4% strongly disagreed that hybrid cars may not be successful in reducing pollution and protecting the natural environment. In relation to this, the survey is executed to further explore if people in the UK have detailed understanding regarding the way hybrid cars are reducing pollution in the environment. The data collected informs that 32% agreed hybrid cars by emitting less harmful gases and particles lower pollution in the environment. This is also evident from the reviewed literature where it is mentioned that using electricity instead of fossil fuels are making hybrid cars create less pollution and protect the natural environment. The fact is seen to be also supported by participants in the survey where 29% reported use of electricity and no fossil fuels, 20% reported better gas mileage and 14% reported avoiding lead-acid batteries are making hybrid car protect environment. Thus, this informs that UK individuals do have understanding as well as well-informed reason behind the way hybrid car use protects the environment yet many of them are avoiding using it.
In order to identify the reason behind individuals avoiding using hybrid cars, the survey informs that 22% mentioned high price of such cars. This is evident from the study by McLeay et al. (2018) where it is informed due to complication and efficiency in developing fuel-efficient hybrid cars with improved technology they are priced at high level. Thus, it can be informed that due to financial liability many of the UK individuals are avoiding to use hybrid cars for their transportation as they cannot avail them for use. Further, the survey reveals that 26% of participants reported lower performance and 18% reported high cost of maintenance as a reason behind not using hybrid cars. Thus, this informs that many UK individuals are avoiding to use hybrid cars as they are slow yet makes them invest huge amount of money making them feel lack of value and satisfaction ins spending their finances for the purpose. In addition, 25% reported presence of high voltage batteries to avoid use of hybrid cars. This is a potential reason as they fear during accident the high voltage batteries may cause increased damage to their cars making them face fatal consequences. In order to understand, if the UK individuals understand the way using hybrid car use benefits the environment the survey is further executed. In relation to this, the survey informs 34% of the individuals mentioned they understand using hybrid cars is environment-friendly way for transportation. The burning of fossil fuels such as petroleum, diesel and others used in conventional cars are seen to create pollution in the environment by boosting formation of smoke and releasing harmful cases (Ahmed et al. 2016). In the survey, 30% of the individuals mentioned they know the fact and understand that hybrid cars are to be used because they are beneficial to lower their dependence on using fossil fuels. Thus, the UK individuals understand that natural resources of the environment can be protected by using hybrid cars making them use it. Moreover, 10% reported higher resale value and 14% reported light weight of the hybrid cars behind preference to use them. This information that value for money and better car models are intriguing people to use hybrid cars. Thus, it can be understood that people in the UK have proper knowledge of beneficial facts for environment as well as for them that can accomplished by using hybrid car in the country but still they are not using it at proper number.
The study informs that hybrid cars are referred to those vehicles which use two sources of power mainly gasoline for internal combustion engine and electric motor to move the car. The increased price of hybrid cars and lower performance negatively influences consumers to buy such cars whereas its environmental benefits are seen to attract people in buying them. In the UK, it is seen that there is increased presence of conventional vehicles compared to hybrid cars. This has led to increase air pollution as toxic gases and pollutants released from the car exhausts of conventional vehicles are seen at a massive rate. Moreover, it has led to increase health issues among people and thus the study is developed to understand the way hybrid car can impact in protecting the environment. The results and discussion inform that people are well aware about the way hybrid cars are beneficial to the environment and what facts in the hybrid car make them suitable in reducing pollution in the environment. However, high price, increased maintenance cost and others are creating challenges among individuals in buying hybrid cars to protect the environment.
Reduction of Vehicle Tax: The vehicle tax is to be reduced so that the people using hybrid cars are able to spend less money on maintenance of the car. This is going to encourage people to buy and use hybrid car as their fear of facing increased financial expenditure in maintenance of the car after buying is somewhat reduced.
Subsidy for Hybrid Car: The UK government requires increasing their subsidy provided for buying hybrid cars to the common individuals so that they can be boosted to buy hybrid car without thinking of facing financial constraint due to huge expenditure in purchasing such cars. The subsidies are also required to be provided to car companies manufacturing hybrid car as in this way the total production cost would be reduced. This would lead the companies to reduce the price hybrid cars making them able to be purchased by common individuals.
Developing cheaper and better Hybrid cars: The companies involved in manufacturing hybrid cars are required to be involved in developing new technologies and ways so that the process of developing hybrid car cost less. This is required so that the total prices of such cars are reduced during sale and common individuals are able to buy them which in turn would lead to protect the environment. In addition, the companies require including research and development department to determine ways in which the performance of the hybrid cars can be improved so that people prefer to avail them over conventional cars for use in everyday life.
The lack of effective amount of time, finances and space lead the study to be executed in a hindered manner. Thus, the study in future has the scope to be organised in a better systematic way to deliver product information about the impact of hybrid cars on environment. The present research is future can be organised through qualitative research methodology to understand detailed human perception and beliefs regarding the topic. Moreover, the study can be used in future as a reference by companies who are trying to increase use of hybrid cars in the market to understand facts they are to consider in improving their sales.
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