Overview of UK Water Supply


Water supply and sanitation in UK is operated by the number of sewage and water companies. UK government emphasizes on improvement of sewage and drainage service to offer the entire UK community with pure and highly sanitized water supply. Borehole water supply is one of the most effective water supply processes in UK, which assist the UK eater supply companies to supply the pure and safe water to the community. This report is going to discuss the water industry in UK and how it supplies the safe and pure water to the entire community in association with the water ands sewage companies. Moreover, this study would also discuss the sustainable development goals and chose two important goals which can be implemented in the water supply industry in order to provide the safe and pure borehole water to the UK community. This study is going to represent eth critical analysis of the CSR theory in order to evaluate the operation of Welldrilling UK ltd, the UK based borehole water suppliers, in terms of supplying the safe and pure drinking water to the majority if the UK community.


Aims and purpose:

Borehole water is pure and full of minerals that are important for the human body. UK Sustainable Development Agenda have two goals such as: Goal 3, Health and Welbeing of People, Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation. These two goals are based on maintaining the purity and safety of the drinking water, in terms of improving the lives of the community people. This assignment is going to highlight the corporate social responsibility of the selected organization, Welldrilling UK ltd, the UK based borehole water supplier. This company works with the house builders and property developers in the UK in terms of installing the private well water supplies to different houses in the community. Moreover, this assignment would also highlight the ways in which this company is going to implement the two selected sustainable development goals into the practices in terms of; providing the clean as well as safe borehole water to community. This assignment would also highlight the campaign of Welldrilling UK Ltd in term of awaking people to safe the borehole water which is more pure and hygienic than the tap water.

Company overview:

Welldriling UK Ltd is the UK based drilling water suppliers that work with the house builders and property developers in the UK to install the private water supply to the different community, houses, small property development and the commercial as well as residential purposes. This company also works on the UN sustainable development goals, in terms of implementing the goal into the practice in terms of maintaining the corporate social responsibility. Through drilling the borehole, this company ensures that all the houses in the community will have the safe water as per their needs. Moreover, it also ensures that the borehole water is collected through the scientific process which can not affect the soil layer of the drilling area.

This study would discuss water supply industry in UK in the next section of this report. Moreover, it will also discuss the importance of Borehole water in order to maintain heathy live and practices in the community. Then, this study would discuss that how the selected organization, Welldrilling UK can implement the two chosen sustainable development goals in order to supply safe and pure drinking water to the UK community. Moreover, this study would represent a critical analysis of operation of this company in order to analyses that whether the frequent drilling of borehole and consistent drainage of underground water is safe for the overall ecosystem.

Water supply industry in UK:

With development of housing societies and overpopulated places in UK, in becomes important to focus on maintaining the safe and adequate water supply to the entire community. In UK, the entire water supply, drainage and sewage process is associated with a number of sewages and water supplier companies. From the current report it is seen that there are more than twelve companies in UK that are associated with the drainage, drilling and sewage services, in order to supply the adequate water to entire community. Some companies are associated with inly water supply but bot with the drainage and drilling process. In this aspect, these companies need to get the license from the UK government to use the service of drainage and sewage companies to offer the timely water to different places. Some of the company in UK is associated with drill borehole and drain the underground water. As stated by Adekola et al. (2015), borehole water in full of minerals, which is safe and heathy for human as compared to the tap water. Some companies in UK are licensed to the sewage and water service to the community using network of other service providers.

Sustainable development goals:

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) is known as the global goals that are set to make the universal call to take proper action on end deprivation, poverty, thereby protecting planet and ensuring the physical, economic and psychological wellbeing of all the people across the world (Kamau and Owano, 2018). There are 17 sustainable development goals that are set by the United Nation General assembly during 2015. The goals are taken for transforming the world before 2030 with ensuring that all the people in the world ensuring prosperity and peace. All these goals are interdependent and needs proper strategies to implement into practices. The 169 targets have been measured through using 232 indicators. SDGs covers the different aspects such as economic, social and environmental aspects such as poverty, deprivation, health, education, hunger, inequality and urbanization.

Conceptual and theoretical approaches:

Business ethics and corporate social responsibility in borehole water aid: (B1)

Welldrilling UK Ltd focuses on installing the private borehole water and supplies it to the large community, houses and residences. The working process of this company is based on maintaining the business ethics and corporate social responsibilities. Through maintaining the corporate social responsibility, this company ensures the safe as well as scientific use of borehole water in the residential and commercial purposes. As stead by Munyangane et al.(2017), borehole water supply I not only associated with the commercial purpose rather it is associated with some corporate social responsibilities and business ethics which ensures that ever house in the community will have the equal facility for using the water. Welldrilling UK LTD maintains the following business ethics and corporate social responsibilities which assist them to provide the equal water facilities to the entire community.

Safe drinking water to community:

Welldrilling UK Ltd ensures that each community receives the pure and highly useful borehole water which is full of minerals. For installing the safe water it is important for the organization to maintain the scientific methods that will assist the community to get the pure bore hole water in effective manner without making any, economic, demographic and financial destruction (Palamuleni and Akoth, 2015). Before supplying the water to the community the water is tested through eth accredited laboratory, in terms of checking that whether this water is usable. On the other hand, Welldrilling UK Ltd also check whether there is any issue regarding the filtration of the water.

Critical analysis with using theories:

CSR theory:

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is referred as the self-regulated business process, in which companies becomes socially accountable in terms contributing to the social welfare. CSR is important approach taken by almost all the international organization in order to think beyond the profit. In case of UK based water supply industry, the CSR is one of eth major aspects that all the water suppliers, drainage and sewage companies need to follow. The selected origination, Welldrilling UK Ltd supplies borehole water to the largest community, locality and houses in UK. It has taken the important CSR strategies to offer the safe and adequate water to maximum houses without making any misuse of water. Moreover, Welldrilling UK Ltd also use the scientific method in order to drill the borehole in proper location and drain the underground water without making any demographic, ecological and financial loss. On the contrary Schlegel et al. (2017) argued that, although the borehole water system is associated with providing safe and pure drinking water to houses with draining the water in scientific process, it is associated with destruction of water balance under the soil. Moreover, the drainage of water in consistent manner from the underground hole leads to weak arrangement of the different soil layers that in turn leads to erosion. On supporting this viewpoint Munyangane et al. (2017) mentioned that, in spite of using the scientific method inn order to drain the borehole water it affects the overall ecosystem balance in the environment that has direct effect on the human health. In this aspect, UK government needs to take proper regulations and policies on drilling borehole and drainage process in such a manner that would any affect the ecological balance and ecosystem of the community. Moreover, the Welldrilling UK Ltd needs to take the proper permission from UK government in order to drill borehole in particular place. High skilled technician and scientific processes need to be used in order to drain the borehole water in safe manner that would not affect the environment or ecosystem.

Maintaining the satisfactory quality of the water:

As stated by Munyangane et al. (2017), more than 60% of the main water comes from the recycled waste water. Welldrilling UK Ltd works on long distance pipe work to ensure that borehole water comes out of the borehole and supplied to the tube well. It is possible that the borehole water contains different chemical such as chloride, fluoride which affect the body system. Therefore, Welldrilling UK Ltd first focuses on the proper purification as well as filtration of the water in terms of assuring that the final water supply will have the pure and filtrated water in term of enduring the high quality as well as satisfactory water supply to the community.

Community welfare through minimum water installation cost:

Welldrilling UK Ltd aims to supply the borehole water to majority of the community in terms of maintaining the minimum installation cost, which will assist the community to afford the quality water at minimum cost. By installing one borehole or water well, it is possible to supply the pure water to several houses and community (Necib, et al. 2016). Welldrilling UK Ltd works on the housing development scheme of the UK government in terms of providing the free borehole water access to most of the poor community. Under this initiative installing of one borehole can offers the pure water supply to 4-5 houses. On the contrary Schlegel et al. (2017) argued that, although sharing of the borehole water offers best quality water usage at the low cost, it leads to increase the maintenance cost that the community people can afford in most of the cases. Based on the aspect, Welldrilling UK Ltd focuses not only on supplying the pure as well as safe water to the community people, but also on improving the maintenance process of the borehole, which will ensure that majority of the houses in the community can access the borehole water for long time.

Maintaining the ethics in installing the borehole:

Under the Water Act 2003, there is no need to get any permission for extracting the water 20000 liter/day. If the water extraction is more than this estimate, then the local water committee has to take the approval from the government (Obi et al. 2016). In this aspect, Welldrilling UK Ltd abode by all the governmental guidelines in term of installing borehole as well as extracting the water and supplying it to the community houses. Moreover, this company also helps the local committee to get the proper license in order to extract more than 20000 liter water per day by the community households. In most of the times, Welldrilling UK Ltd assist the community houses in terms of getting assistance from this company to get the free approval and licenses in terms of extracting their required amount of water.

Implementing the sustainable development goals: (B2)

Welldrilling UK Ltd focuses on the two UK sustainable development goals in terms of providing the pure and hygienic water to the people who is important for the good health and wellbeing of the community people.

Health and Welbeing of People:

This sustainable development goal is based on the agenda that, government should focus on prompting healthy lives and wellbeing of the people in entire community. As stated by Samuel et al. (2018), water is one of the important aspects that is associated with the health and wellbeing of the community people. Through providing safe as well as pure drinking water to the community, it is possible to avoid the mortality, morbidity and different disease contamination. Most of the diseases are associated with unhygienic drinking water, which not only affect the mental health but also affect the physical health of the people.

Welldrilling UK Ltd aims to maintain the healthy lives and wellbeing of community people by providing the safe and pure water. Moreover, this company has strong association with the Crowdfunder,UK, the UK based community welfare agency. Welldrilling UK Ltd work on installing the borehole to extract the pure and safe water full of minerals, that is important for building proper immunity; power within the human body. Moreover, Welldrilling UK Ltd always maintain scientific approaches in terms of drilling the borehole and extracting the safe water which can maintain the proper water balance within the soil., through this approaches, Welldrilling UK Ltd I ably to implement the abovementioned sustainable development goal, in terms of allowing the community to free access to the safe borehole water.

On the contrary Adekola et al. (2015) argued that, safe and secure borehole water needs proper filtration process which ensures that the water is safe for human use. Moreover, the author also stated that, sometimes borehole water that does not passes through any filtration process, contains several contaminants which can develop several water-borne diseases. In terms of eliminating the risk of such diseases, Welldrilling UK LTD, always conduct proper filtration process and laboratory checking process. Through laboratory checking, it is clear that the water that is going to be finally supplied to the households is pure, hygienic and safe.

Clean water and sanitation.

As stated by Bortey-Sam et al. (2015), clean water is important sources of proper physical and mental health. Based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports, every 6 out of the 10 people suffers from huge water crisis, which affect on their physical as well as mental growth. Welldrilling UK LTD has implemented this sustainable development goal in its working process to ensure that, households in UK are provided with safe drinking water which will be free from any disease and contaminates.

According to Olugbade et al. (2017), more than 2.6 billion people across the world suffer from scarcity of clean and safe drinking water. From the WHO reports, it can be stated that, more than 45% of the poor community suffers from different water-borne disease which can leads to the high rates of mortality and morbidity.

Welldrilling UK LTD aims at install the borehole in the local community in safe and scientific manner, which assist the people in the local community to access safe and clear borehole water. Moreover through testing the borehole water to the accredited laboratory for testing its purity, Welldrilling UK LTD ensures that the water that is extracted through the borehole is pure and hygienic. Through maintaining the safe and hygienic water, this company leads to development of disease free community by allowing the community people to access the clean and safe drinking water.

On the contrary Brett (2015) argued that, sometimes the borehole water can be accessed by the majority of the households. In most of the cases the poor households cannot afford the maintenance cost of the borehole, which leads to damage of the tube well and poor access to water. On the other hand, sometimes local water authority does not provide proper assistance to the community in term of installing more boreholes, so that, the entire community can access the water. In term of dealing with this issues, Welldrilling UK LTD on conducing the campaigns which will assist the local community to get proper financial assistance in order to install the borehole.

Campaign conducted by Welldrilling UK Ltd and Crowdfunder, UK:

In association with Crowdfunder, UK, the selected company Welldrilling UK LTD focuses on making proper awareness of people about accessing eth clean and hygienic water. Through this campaign, Welldrilling UK LTD in association with Crowdfunder, UK, provides the financial support to the community in order to install borehole in different locality in UK. Moreover, in association with Crowdfunder, Welldrilling UK Ltd conducting the fund raising campaign for helping the community with clean and healthy water which is important for maintaining the healthy lives and wellbeing.

Through this campaign, Welldrilling UK LTD is going to improve the lives and living standard of the community people by creating awareness in the community about the pure and safe drinking water. Safe water supply to the houses will improve the health and mental wellbeing of the community people by protecting them from any disease that can be developed through water. Moreover, Welldrilling UK LTD focuses on checking the quality and hygiene of the water before supplying it to the households, which improve the quality of lives of the community people. Through testing the borehole water in the accredited laboratory, Welldrilling UK LTD assure that the water that is provided to the households are clean and hygienic. In addition to this, the campaign with the Crowdfunder, will assist this company to inspect the maintenance of the borehole, in term of assuring that the water is pure and hygienic which can improve the health and live of the community people.


Systematically application of the above-mentioned approaches:

In terms of implementing the abovementioned approaches Welldrilling UK LTD would works of the following ways:

Welldrilling UK LTD focuses on proper installation of the borehole in the appropriate locality which is relevant to drill the borehole. As stated by Chidya et al. (2016), for maintaining the borehole in proper active condition, it is important for the construction workers to choose the best place for drilling which can hold the borehole in proper manner. By selecting the proper drilling place, Welldrilling UK LTD ensure that the entire household will get the continuous water supply at minimum maintenance cost.

In terms of implementing the goal “clean water and sanitation”, Welldrilling UK LTD focuses on conducting several processes such as laboratory tasting of the water and filtration of the borehole water which is important for maintaining the safe and clean water.

On implementing the goals “good health and wellbeing” Welldrilling UK LTD focuses in supplying the clean and safe water o households which will improve their physical and mental health.

Planning for future practice:

For the future water supply process, the Well drilling UK Ltd needs to take more scientific and authentic process of drilling the borehole and draining the underground water. As stated by Necib et al. (2016), for providing the safe and pure water, the company needs to purify and filtrate the water to offer the pure water to the houses, community and organization. However, for the better future of water supply industry, it is important fire UK government to focus on improving the infrastructure of water supply and water drainage and sewage system. Moreover, the UK government needs to allocate sufficient fund to the water drainage and sewage organization in order to improve the overall filtration and purification process, which would assist the community to get pure and safe water in consistent manner. Moreover, it is also important for the UK government to look into the welfare of environment, soil structure and ecosystem, which is going to be damaged due to frequent drainage and drilling process. Therefore, government should take innovative strategies which would assist the borehole companies to drill the borehole in relevant places where the water is high and adequate. Moreover, Welldrilling UK Ltd needs to use the scientific process in order to check the soil structure and arrangement before drilling the borehole, through using these steps, it is possible to offer the safe and adequate water to the community people.


Based on the aforementioned discussion following points can be recommended for Welldrilling UK LTD in terms of maintaining proper installation of borehole

Welldrilling UK LTD is recommended to make regular inspection of the borehole area to ensure that the entire borehole is in proper working condition. Moreover, the company needs to appoint different construction workers to ensure that no other borehole is drilled near the area in which the bore hole is constructed.

In order to ensure continuous supply of safe water, Welldrilling UK LTD needs to conduct regular testing of the borehole water through the laboratory, which will assure that the water that is supplied to the households are safe from different contaminants.

It is important for the Welldrilling UK LTD to maintain proper connection with the UK government and local authority in term of providing proper information about the used water per day. Moreover, any type of water related issues in the community should be informed to the UK government in terms of assuring that the community will get governmental support for solving borehole issue.

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Welldrilling UK LTD is also recommended to emphasize on proper maintenance of the borehole, which will assure that the borehole in proper place in term of supplying the continuous clean and safe water to the community people.

It is recommended that, Welldrilling UK LTD will appoint high skilled construction water in terms id installing the borehole. The workers should understand the depth of the soil, in which eth borehole would be drilled.


From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that, borehole water is highly safe and hygienic which will maintain the healthy lives and wellbeing of community people. However, it is important for the water authority to check the purity and cleanness of the borehole water by laboratory testing and filtration. The study also concludes that, only testing and checking the purity of borehole water is not enough for assuring the quality live of people, rather it needs proper maintenance of the borehole which can assure the continuous extracting of safe and hygienic water which is free from ant contaminates.

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