Sleep Deprivation in Critical Care

Awareness of sleep deprivation in critical care environments

In order to achieve its pre-formulated aim to raise awareness of sleep deprivation in critical care environments, this study intends to acquire the necessary data required to answer the research question and solving study problem.
It focuses on reaching out to the public and bringing moral issue into their conscious awareness by highlighting the effect of sleep deprivation within the critical care environment. Based from the previous studies, lack of sleep has significant effect on one health condition both physical and mental. Using this hypothesis, this study into sleep deprivation within life-threatening conditions and requiring comprehensive care and constant monitoring will assess current management to determine the challenges faced within critical care environment. The obtained data will be examined for validity and relevance before using acquired information to develop new practices promoting best practice in the clinical environment. The study will be subdivided in section that include background, review of existing studies, methodology employed in data acquisition, findings and analysis, and discussion, conclusion, and recommendation each covering core aspects of the study and grounded on need of establishing best clinical practice less affected by sleeping deprivation. The study aims to present the findings to nursing staff of the critical care unit and the director of nursing. It aims to conduct a followed up research with an action research study to improve the psychological care being provided in critical care.

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