A Critical Evaluation for Social Development


in the recent era of globalisation, the social policies and practice to education is one of the major influential factors in promoting quality educational system in the society, where the social policy maker and government are cooperative to restructure the educational policies and implement the legislations for conducting fruitful investment in the education, so that it would be possible to maximise social development through educational activities in the economy (Whitty, 2016). The aim of the study is to critically evaluate the social policies and change in education in the recent years so that it is possible to analyse the latest practice of education in the society for social development. The study is effective to review the social policies and legislative structure which are effective to develop effective initiatives for enhancing the educational activities in the society and improve equality to participate in the schools irrespective of cultural diversity, race and ethnicity and poverty. The government and the social workers are playing crucial role to restructure the policies and practice and implement effective intervention planning to promote free School and education in the society, where all the individuals according to their preferences can participate positively. The social policies and practice will also be discussed on the basis of the examples of the educational activities in the UK where educational activities are effective for maximising social development.


Social policies and practices to education

The social policies direct the educational practice and restructure the norms and practice which helps to improve the educational system of the country. In this regard, the principles of social policy are such as equality, rights, social justice, needs and fairness which enhance the quality educational activities in the society. The Equality Act 2010 is effective to provide educational activities to all the individuals in the society where equality should be maintained so that every child can get equal treatment to participate in the school. The rights of education are the practice, where everyone should get compulsory education, with the integration of education dissertation help where the rights of the human being are maximised under the Human Rights Act 1998 (Lasswell, 2017). Equal opportunity will be provided to all the children, irrespective of the cultural differences, diversity in language, race and ethnicity as well as beliefs, so that cultural diversity can also be managed well in the society and there would be no issue related to discrimination. The rights to welfare are necessary in promoting education, but individual responsibilities are mandatory, where the people can understand the need for education in the recent era of globalisation. Recent social policies and practice further influence the people to inform the necessity of education so that they can fulfil their responsibilities. The practice of social justice is also increasing year by year where the school authority also maintains fairness to treat all the people fairly and provide the equal opportunities to all the individuals in the society. Social justice in this context is important where every individual has the right to access equal economic, social and political rights and opportunities in living in the social communities (Dean, 2019). The principle of equality under the social policies to education is also effective where the social workers try to reach door to door to influence the responsibilities of the individuals and convince them to participate in the educational activities in the society. Equality is being supported in this context as a goal of social policy implementation to education based on the idea of creating social welfare by encouraging cultural diversity and difference in gender, raced and disability so that the social workers and the government can pay equal attention to all the individuals irrespective of their differences. Hereby, new educational system is related to egalitarianism where there is formal equality, as well as equality towards opportunities and outcomes so that every individual can get equal chances to access education in the social communities.

Butker Education Act 1944 is also effective for the educational system to promote equality in the society so that every individual can get equal opportunities to participate in the educational activities and on the other hand, The Education Act 1988 is also effective to promote the right of the individuals in the society to access educational system. There is increase in the state owned educational system and charitable organisations which provide educational activities to the individuals and in this context the Academies Act 2010 accelerates the changed policy and practice in the society which enhance the equal educational opportunities for the individuals in the social communities (Le Grand, 2018). There is more control in staffing, budget allocation and developing proper strategic planning top provide educational activities after the educational reform, where the educational institutions are cooperative and the government is also conducting fruitful investment to provide free school opportunities to all the individuals. There is introduction of free school which is effective to provide educational activities to the children and in this regard the central government allocates budget to free school, so that the children can access free education for their future (Alcock et al., 2016).

Social policies foster individual’s and families’ wellbeing by educating the children and youth in the society. Education is identified as schooling which is being concerned with intellectual and social development. Education is considered as lifelong learning for the children, where it is necessary to promote education through social policies and norms, so that every child in the society can access education and fulfil the rights to education (McLaughlin and Tan, 2017). The aim of education is to maximise socialisation and social change through improving intellectual skill by lifelong learning process in which the children can get the opportunity to learn more and improve their welfare in long run. The 1944 Education Act is effective to introduce free educational system, where the children can participate and learn irrespective of their cultural diversity. It is one of the dominant principles to promote education and develop suitable practice in the society (Tompkins-Stange, 2016). After the reform in education, the primary educational system is also upgraded where the health, care, nutrition and wellbeing of the children are also considered so that the children can get suitable environment for being healthy, both mentally and physically. In addition to this, the educational standard also been upgraded to promote education and maximise its quality so that the children can develop their intellectual skill and understanding. In this regard, there are proper budget allocation for the schooling, presence of study materials, efficient teaching staff and peers and great infrastructure which are effective for the schools to deliver high quality education to all the children in the society.

After the educational reform, there are various school programs which enhance the role of education in the social communities, where the children get fair opportunity to participate in the educational activities. The teaching professionals are also cooperative to handle the children and mitigate the issues such as bullying at the school, discrimination and classroom issues. The teaching professional in the recent years are also efficient to manage the kids at the classroom by creating more good schools in the society, where continuous help and support innovation are effective for the teaching professional to cooperate with the children and lead them towards achieving success (McLaughlin and Tan, 2017). Hereby, the social policies of innovation in the education and creating good school infrastructure further influence the activities in education and motivate the children to tackle active part in learning activities. There are also other schools across the international borders that provide special support to the children who are in need of education at free of cost. There is increasing numbers of free school opening in the society which enhance the role of education in social development. Opening new schools and building more free school in the society are effective for the government to fulfil their commitment and ensure educational success in near future (Taylor-Gooby et al., 2020).

The numbers of secondary schools is also increasing at a rapid rate, where government allocated around £110 million for each of the three years from 2021. Additionally, there is appropriate investment in the primary school also, to provide proper facilities for promoting physical literature and competitive sport. Active learning activities and sport related games are also there in the primary and secondary schools, where it further influences the children to enhance their participation in the school and improve their capabilities. As per the report, The costing document allocates £12 million to this next year, then around £30 million for each of the following three years to enhance the chances of education and learning of the people living in the social communities across the country (Tompkins-Stange, 2016). The teaching professionals are also engaged in improving childcare where the nutrition value of the children is taken care off. Hence, there is also strong where a total of £1 billion has been committed to boost childcare. The ambition of the government in the UK is to open more than 250000 primary schools for the children so that they can get the opportunity to participate for learning and development of their intellectual capabilities. There is also £250 million investment for one year of capital funding in order to help the schools to overcome the existing barriers such as hiring more quality teaching professionals, investment in equipment, introducing new technology or improving the school infrastructure. These are necessary requirements to develop quality school environment, where the children’s care is maximised well. The party has also promised additional investment around £14 billion for extra school funding and this includes the £780 million for special needs funding. In addition to this, the party also promised to boost per-pupil funding to £5,000 in secondary from 2020 and £4,000 in primaries from 2021, which also another great initiative for the children to get the opportunity for learning and development. On the other hand, the party is also efficient to manage the teaching professionals where the teacher’s salary has been raised to £30,000 from 2022 where the government of the London is efficient to collaborate for improving quality education in the society to provide fair opportunity to all the pupil for getting the chance for having efficient learning activities for their intellectual development (Taylor-Gooby et al., 2020).

It is necessary to change the educational system and the as per the above analysis and evaluation, it has been seen that, the government of the UK allocated subsequent amount of investment in the educational activities for opening more primary and secondary schools as well as there is appropriate investment for the free schools in the country which provides fair chances to all the pupils to take active part in the learning and developmental activities further. There is increasing opportunities in the country where the government is collaborative and take active initiative to enhance the educational activities for sustainable social development (McLaughlin and Tan, 2017). The educational reform is also there which enhance social policy to education enhance the activities such as opening more primary and secondary schools in the society, enhancing fair and equal opportunities to all the pupil living in the social communities, managing social mobility, improving the quality of education, developing appropriate school infrastructure, presence of quality teaching professionals and study materials which encourage the children to participate actively in the learning and developmental activities (Smith, 2018). The schools are leading through teacher-run nurseries to formal schooling, where the children get the scope to improve their values, attitude, ideas and intellectual skill which are mandatory for child development. The programs in the schools are also developed properly with proper school infrastructure and presence of study materials and this further helps the children to learn more and improve their mental capacity to think differently (Lewis and West, 2017). The performance of the teaching professionals is also improving where the school authorities are efficient to manage the children and lead them properly through efficient learning and developmental opportunities.

As per the social policies, there are also public fund colleges and schools, where the fees of the school is lower than the private oriented schools and college and the presence of public educational institutions further influence the people in the society to get admitted in renowned school and college for learning and development of their mental capacity. There are lifelong learning opportunities which are beneficial for the students to improve their knowledge and understanding for performing better in near future. The local communities have religion connection and network of identifying the funded schools and college where the social communities can get the opportunity for learning and development (Alcock et al., 2016). In addition to this, the children can get the chance to get admitted in the nearest school in the locality so that it is convenient for them to participate in the school on daily basis. There are other social policies and practice which are also effective for improving the learning and developmental opportunities in the society. Firstly, there is proper establishment of national educational advisory council who can manage the stakeholders involved in the schools who are the parents, employees, teaching professionals, faith grouse and inspectors, local government and universities. All the members are trying to collaborate with each other for delivering quality education (Taylor-Gooby et al., 2020).

On the other hand, existing unitary council in the Welsh assembly and the Scottish parliament are responsible to approve the plans for provision, school improvement and teacher supply and meeting the educational needs (Dodds, 2018). Thirdly, the local government tax raising power control the activities and fourthly, every school must have governing bodies on its own that is important to manage the staff and parents respectively by building strong relationship and enhancing communication. In this regard, Forster’s Education Act is also effective to be executed in the society which enhances the trust and partnership in educational institutions, where the parents and the teaching professionals are collaborating with each other for proving proper education to the children. Hence, systematic reform in education and the social policies are effective for the development of learning activities. Margaret Thatcher’s neoliberalism underpinned Baker’s 1988 reform bill has been passed which represents natural curriculum for managing transparency and accountability in the educational system and apart from that there is innovation in the school and college which are helpful to maximise the quality of education so that the child development is possible further (McCarry and Donaldson, 2017). There was a crisis in managing teaching professionals, as the teachers stay in the schools for less and securing the strong base of the teachers for improving educational system. In this regard, retaining the quality teaching professionals as well as securing them is necessary in this regard and educational reform is fruitful to secure the teacher’s job and retain them by motivating them in long run.

In the recent of globalisation, there is centralised government and accountability in the while educational system which are effective to conduct the educational reform and provide fair and equal opportunity to all the children in the society. The civilisation and education reform further helps to mitigate the issue of teacher shortage by retaining the quality teaching professionals and securing their jobs in long run (Whitty, 2016). The social policies and practice are hereby beneficial for managing their whole educational system where the government intervention and the strategic planning of the school authorities are effective to provide quality education. There are many charitable organisations and government funded educational institutions which are also expanding their services to encourage the parents in the society so that children enrolment can be done properly and their pupils can get equal opportunities for learning and development. In this regard the Education Act of 2020 should be passed after a cross-party parliamentary conference, so that there would be proper fruitful investment in the educational activities and government intervention to restructure the educational system (Machin and Vignoles, 2018). In the recent years, the educational system becomes egalitarian and holistic, where the students can get equal opportunities and quality education for their successful, development of the intellectual skill and mental capacity.

The Education Reform Act, 1988 has changed the relationship between the Department of Education and Science and the local education authorities in England and Wales, where the central government has more legal powers to restructure the educational system with proper policies and practice. After educational reform, there is presence of quality teaching staff who are taking care of the students in the classroom and give them continuous support to improve their mental capability and intellectual skill and in addition to this, the school authorities offer free breakfast and lunch for all the students and the government is efficient to allocate proper investment for providing food so that nutrient value of the children can be taken care off (Taylor-Gooby et al., 2020). There is collaboration in managing the technical training and world place experience where the students also get proper opportunity to gather more experience. Creating healthy and safety environment in the school is also another great reform, where the children must be safe under the supervision of the school authority and it is supported by Health and Safety Act 1974 and apart from that, there is other possible funding for developing school infrastructure and introduction of new technology for providing quality education (Matsuyama, Jürges, and Listl, 2019). The teaching professionals also become cooperative and they try to build string relationship with the parents and also the children so that educational activities can be enhanced well.

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The social policies and practice in education is playing crucial role in restructuring the educational infrastructure and practice to provide the opportunities to all the pupils in the social communities. The government intervention and policies and proper investment are also effective for the children to get suitable environment to improve their mental capacity and intellectual skill. In addition to this, there is educational reform, where the government school authorities and the parents are working collaboratively to guide the children and take care of the child’s nutrient values, health condition and educational level.

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Reference List

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